Team 5



  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 304 Member
    I just looked at the sheet. Great job everyone. I can't wait to next week and try to do better. That is my goal, to progress and do more every week.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Happy Monday Team!!!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Headed to Ireland this week! 2883 miles, we're back down to 17 team members so about 170 minutes each - less than last week and we passed our goal by 400 minutes last week so we got this! Roadblocks consists of Irish dancing videos - I'll def be doing. And also cooking an Irish meal - which I will not be doing because I've got my meals planned and grocery shopping done already. Extra credit is everyday for 5 days you must eat one fruit or veggie in these 5 colors: Red, green, blue or purple, yellow or orange and white. Also for accountability extra credit - all you have to do is log your food all week! Which you should already be doing anyways :D
    Cheers to kicking butt again this week! Also, just because we need less minutes doesn't mean we should just hit that mark and stop! Let's go above and beyond team <3
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Just checking in to see what I need to do this week. Looks like a trip to the salad bar is in order.

    I am totally wiped out this morning. After the race on Saturday, where I ignored the doc's advice and ran part of the way, I am definitely paying for it. My knees hurt so bad I barely slept Saturday night, even with more advil than one should take. Then yesterday we were up early to get to my in-laws and collect the antique dining room suite that is coming to live in our house. Dozens of stairs, lifting, carrying, and then rearranging said furniture in our house several times until it looked right left me done by dinner time.

    I did sleep a little better last night, but it will probably be a couple of more days before the knee is better. I'm going to the gym tonight, but I think it will be a stationary bike workout just to keep things loose and burn some calories off.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • aston2045
    aston2045 Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday! I'll get both road blocks this week since I already have my corned beef and cabbage :). I really need to work on getting healthier foods in my diet this week. @celtikgirl I hope you start feeling better!
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    Headed to Ireland this week! 2883 miles, we're back down to 17 team members so about 170 minutes each - less than last week and we passed our goal by 400 minutes last week so we got this! Roadblocks consists of Irish dancing videos - I'll def be doing. And also cooking an Irish meal - which I will not be doing because I've got my meals planned and grocery shopping done already. Extra credit is everyday for 5 days you must eat one fruit or veggie in these 5 colors: Red, green, blue or purple, yellow or orange and white. Also for accountability extra credit - all you have to do is log your food all week! Which you should already be doing anyways :D
    Cheers to kicking butt again this week! Also, just because we need less minutes doesn't mean we should just hit that mark and stop! Let's go above and beyond team <3

    So for today, I have cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots in my lunch and a banana as a snack. Can I only count one of these for the nutritional challenge for today?
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 304 Member
    Headed to Ireland this week! 2883 miles, we're back down to 17 team members so about 170 minutes each - less than last week and we passed our goal by 400 minutes last week so we got this! Roadblocks consists of Irish dancing videos - I'll def be doing. And also cooking an Irish meal - which I will not be doing because I've got my meals planned and grocery shopping done already. Extra credit is everyday for 5 days you must eat one fruit or veggie in these 5 colors: Red, green, blue or purple, yellow or orange and white. Also for accountability extra credit - all you have to do is log your food all week! Which you should already be doing anyways :D
    Cheers to kicking butt again this week! Also, just because we need less minutes doesn't mean we should just hit that mark and stop! Let's go above and beyond team <3

    So for today, I have cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots in my lunch and a banana as a snack. Can I only count one of these for the nutritional challenge for today?

    I think so. So it'd be one point for today. Unless it's all or nothing - not sure if we get partial points.
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks, @TaraDanielle40 . I think I was just confused about her post when she said "You must eat each at least once out of the five days." I'll just be sure to get some colorful fruit/veggies in 5 days this week.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Evening Team, Week 2 challenge well on its way all the best during the process of this week!!
    With regards to our logging sheet I think we need to start writing our names again under week 1.
    @celtikgirl hope you feel better soon X
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, team. I fixed a formula for total miles in column q. For the roadblocks and nutritional challenges, do we erase the info from last week or will there be new columns for that as well?
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    I've fixed the spreadsheet ladies, I will do it each week. I'm just waiting to hear back from Melodie to figure out if the nutritional challenge and accountability challenges are all or nothing, and if she wants us to write the points we get or just yes if we did it. I will have the information on the spreadsheet as soon as she lets me know.
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    thanks @SmashleyM914 !
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    You're welcome! I also just found out that we get 1 extra credit point as a team for each 10% we go over the total exercise minutes needed to get to our destination - so that's cool!!
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited March 2016
    Awesome job SmashleyM914 with the spreadsheet!!
    Hope you all had a fab day X
  • aston2045
    aston2045 Posts: 32 Member
    Good evening team! Losing weight slower than I want but trying really hard to stay under 1200 calories each day... Wish it was as easy to lose weight as it is to gain it :D Hope you all have a great week!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Mscalfee just dropped out.

    @aston2045 that's pretty low on calories girl, you don't want to get burned out!
  • kateallison412
    kateallison412 Posts: 25 Member
    @aston2045 - do you net your calories if you burn? I aim for 1,200 a day as well, but I eat more when I work out. I feel like it's good to net when you have a lower calorie intake like us. We need calories to help fuel our workouts! :)
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Just checking in. Great job on the spreadsheets, Ashley - everything is much clearer to me now!

    I have not been as vigilant about food choices as I should. I stay within my calories, but the quality is not there, and I feel the difference. I'm also finding excuses for just a little piece of this, or a little bite of that - that has got to stop or I'm going to right off the rails in grand fashion.

    The knee feels good enough to walk and work out, but still hurts like heck whenever I lay down. I'm getting better at sleeping sitting up but the dogs are all kinds of confused when I set up camp on the sofa at 3am. I'm also bummed that the knee and leg are still holding some fluid - which means very little weight lost this week.

    Hoping to get home tonight in time to walk at the little park near my house. If not, I'll be at the gym!
  • Utah89
    Utah89 Posts: 15 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have the corned beef in the crockpot. I am struggling to be motivated because despite 5 killer workouts last week I gained a pound- urg!:( Since my surgical menopause my metabolism is all over the place. Trying not to let it get me down.

    I told my Mom yesterday that all this working out isn't taking off my extra weight but I am strong as an Ox. So at least there is that?

    Since we are off to Ireland here is an Irish proverb:

    There’s nothing so bad that it couldn’t be worse.

    So I guess from that I can take that I could have gained 2 pounds or could not be healthy enough to even participate in this challenge.
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    Really enjoying the rainbow plate challenge. Ate cantaloupe, honeydew & pinapple not only pretty but delious as well