When is enough enough?



  • E_Brault
    E_Brault Posts: 362 Member
    @cryptobrit you stated that you are losing inches on your stomach. That alone is fantastic and a sign of progress. Even a nutritionist would need to see how your body responds to any given food regimen over time and continuously tweek your plan. Seek out the professionals, but don't quit.
  • cryptobrit
    cryptobrit Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks all of you. It is nice you are being so positive. Sadly there have been some folk on MFP who just haven't read what I have put; either that or they are so full of their own importance and inflexibility to listen and believe it is really sad. I appreciate your 'niceness.' There is nothing that maddens me more when some say "You MUST be eating more than you say you are,' when I know for a fact I haven't.

    In the few days since I have stopped logging and trying as hard there hasn't been any weight gain. I haven't measured anything, just kept up the shuffling/exercise, and sensible eating with the odd treat. Psychologically I feel far better. I am also giving Fatsecret a try as the interface looks very good visually for my eyes - not cluttered. I am sticking around for a while if only to update and chat with you guys, you have been great and very supportive.

    I have an online friend who also has congenital back problems. When I told her of only losing 2lbs in as many months (before it going up) she told me she had been the same. She persevered and it took her a year to lose 12lbs. I think it is quite difficult though to determine when there has been a genuine weight loss due to the fluctuations through the day. I've also noticed the amount of wind has gone down since I have not worried to much about things. MFP says I should be consuming 1200 calories a day. I was actually consuming 1300 as like many others I felt it was too restrictive, and have been trying to make up on exercise. It is interesting that both Sparkpeople (which I tried briefly) and Fatsecret both say I should be consuming 1600 calories a day.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member

    You might try a trending app for the weight fluctuations. I use 'True Weight', a free app for iphone. There are others out there that are web based.
  • cryptobrit
    cryptobrit Posts: 200 Member
    Will have a look. At the moment I am enjoying the interface of FatSecret. While it doesn't have such an extensive database, the items in it so far have all been correct; matching up if the odd duplicate. I was finding so many variations in MFP that we're miles apart in calories and nutrients. But I am open to all suggestions at the moment.
  • cryptobrit
    cryptobrit Posts: 200 Member
    d_thomas02: I have downloaded True Weight and I can see it is a nice simple app that will give a better perspective of things.