Team 5



  • kateallison412
    kateallison412 Posts: 25 Member
    Here we go week 3! This should be a good week for me - I am doing a "juice til dinner" cleanse which I started on Saturday and runs until Wednesday. I drink a lot of tea and water during the cleanse to help keep me full, so I should be quite hydrated, which is an area I usually lack. Omega 3's and 6's are my best friend. B)

    I am trying to think of a good egg recipe. I have a bunch, but they are all super unhealthy, haha. Time to do some research!
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    This water challenge is going to be super hard for me! I definitely don't drink nearly 1/2 of my body weight (as ounces).Yesterday I made a conscious effort to drink more water and I think at 6 cups I feel like I was going to float away! I guess this is going to teach me that I've probably been nearly dehydrated for awhile now haha

    Hope everyone has a fab day X
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    I love the water challenge! I drink between 10 and 15 cups per day :D
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    I'll be starting a new nutrition plan next week! I'll try to stick with it as much as possible, but dinner time is hard with a family and I know they're not going to be okay with throwing all of our current dinner recipes out the window for these healthy ones. I'll just have to remember portion control with that part - but everything else I'm going to try to stick with fairly tightly! It's called Tone It Up if you guys care to check it out - I'll share any yummy recipes I come across. It's based off eating 5 meals/day and helps in avoid binging/overeating.

    How's everyone else doing??
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    Was home sick today but managed to squeeze in a 45 minute walking workout in between fever and sinus headache! Yay me!!!
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 336 Member
    Is the water challenge 5/7 or 7/7
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Hey all, I'm still away at convention, but I'm keeping track so that I can update when I get home tomorrow. Takes too darn long to load that spreadsheet on my iPad.

    So, I spent eight hours at Disney world today, probably three quarters of the time walking, some of that pushing a stroller loaded with two four year olds and their gear. How exactly does one translate that into exercise time? If ever I wished I had a Fitbit, this would have been the day to have one!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Is the water challenge 5/7 or 7/7

    @TaraDanielle40 she wasn't specific, but most of them have been 5/7 so let's just go with that!
    celtikgirl wrote: »
    Hey all, I'm still away at convention, but I'm keeping track so that I can update when I get home tomorrow. Takes too darn long to load that spreadsheet on my iPad.

    So, I spent eight hours at Disney world today, probably three quarters of the time walking, some of that pushing a stroller loaded with two four year olds and their gear. How exactly does one translate that into exercise time? If ever I wished I had a Fitbit, this would have been the day to have one!

    @celtikgirl the entire time I was reading that I was thinking dang I hope she has a Fitbit! I love Disney, went last year with our son. Want to go again next spring! Just wasn't in the budget this year with a $40K wedding in September
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited March 2016
    Spring cannot come fast enough! It's been raining none stop today! :(

    I've been hitting my water goal but I also have to pee all the time!! I hope our bodies will get used to the extra water in a couple more days. I can't really tell if I can feel a difference yet (besides in my bladder!) but I'm curious to see what the scale says next week. The omega chellenge is going well so far ;)

    Whats everyone's plans for the easter weekend? I have lots of walking planned over the weekend and a roast dinner on Sunday and I will be having a small amount of chocolate - hopefully the walking will counteract the chocolate! The next couple of days I'm going to relax and enjoy with family and close friends but at the same time eating in moderation.

    You all are doing fantastic!! <3
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 336 Member
    Raining here all day too. I am doing well with everything but the water challenge. I am drinking more though, so that's something. It's something that I need to keep working on.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited March 2016
    Here are the scores with the totals. Team one is doing amazing . Plenty time to catch up . Remember to post your scores for your team and though the roadblocks seem like a pain it's a way to step out of your comfort zone and just enjoy fitness.

    Team 1 :743 total :1305
    Team 2:423 total :875
    Team 3: 365 Total :778
    Team 4: 337 Total: 591
    Team 5: 358 Total :714
    Team 6: 541. Total:974
    Team 7: 412 Total: 779
    Team 8: 380 Total :824
    Team 9: 310 Total :558
    Team 10: 571. Total:833

    Well done Team 5!! Let's see if we can push ourselves harder in the next couple of chellenges we need to up our miles if possible.
    Have a blessed day X
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Yes toward the end there will be eliminations, so we need to step our game up!
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Got my exercise caught up, and I've eaten plenty of eggs and am drinking a ton of water this week. Will try to do the Challenge tonight!
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    So I haven't weighed myself in 2weeks because I do not own a scale lol but I have noticed changes in the way my clothes are fitting and I'm liking that!! A wicked cold has got me this week so it has been hard to get my exercise in but I have been drinking lots of water and kept my eating under control! I will try to get a walk in today and tomorrow! Happy Easter to all!
  • jk286607
    jk286607 Posts: 16 Member
    Here we go week 3! This should be a good week for me - I am doing a "juice til dinner" cleanse which I started on Saturday and runs until Wednesday. I drink a lot of tea and water during the cleanse to help keep me full, so I should be quite hydrated, which is an area I usually lack. Omega 3's and 6's are my best friend. B)

    What kind of juice cleanse is it? I've always wanted to do one but can't imagine not eating all day. I like the idea of still being able to eat something (even some kind "clean eating") for dinner.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    So I haven't weighed myself in 2weeks because I do not own a scale lol but I have noticed changes in the way my clothes are fitting and I'm liking that!! A wicked cold has got me this week so it has been hard to get my exercise in but I have been drinking lots of water and kept my eating under control! I will try to get a walk in today and tomorrow! Happy Easter to all!

    Great feeling, isn't it?? Congratulations!!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Happy Easter! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoys their day!
    I'm starting my nutrition plan this week - was in the kitchen all day yesterday meal peeping :smiley: hopefully the recipes are yummy!
  • kateallison412
    kateallison412 Posts: 25 Member
    @jk286607 - I bought a cleanse online called Jus by Julie based in New York. I have done traditional juice cleanses before, where its 3 days of nothing but juice and you get one small vegetable a day, which sounds brutal, but it honestly isn't bad at all. You have 6 large juices to drink each the day, and you're never hungry - you just start to miss eating things, haha. It's around 1,100 calories so it's definitely under our recommended limits, but not too far off. I usually do yoga and talk walks during it and try not to do anything too intense for exercise.

    I wanted to try something different so I could look forward to dinner at night and tried a bundle that Jus by Julie had which was 5 days and contained 4 juices a day, then at night you'd get a small lean dinner. I loved it! I find they are pretty easy to do, rather than packing breakfast and lunch you just throw your juices in your bag and go. They can get pricey, so I always scour sites like Groupon to try to get 60% coupons off. Let me know if you have any questions or would want to try one together! It's always makes it easier and is more fun to have a buddy go through it with you. :smile:
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Headed to Egypt this week! Pretty long distance - 475 minutes per person! I've seen a lot of total miles less than half of that so let's get lots of minutes in this week! That's more than an hour workout even if you workout 7 days a week! It may even be more because we've got 2 0s on last week so those team mates may be gone...I'll let you know if that's the case hopefully by the end of the day today. We also have the potential to earn an extra 95 points each with roadblocks - awesome!

    Roadblock 1 is worth 40 points! You have to do each of the belly dancing videos and there is no partial credit. They're about 5 minutes each so there's 20 workout minutes right there :)

    Roadblock 2 for 25 points - 82 flights of stairs!! Sounds like a lot, but I'm doing stairs all the time in my house so I'm sure I'll be surprised how many times I actually do it through the week haha. This can be hard to keep track of - my recommendation would be if you have a notes app on your phone to just keep your number in there and change it each time you do one. Yes, sounds tedious but remember 25 extra points that we really need!

    Nutritional challenge for 10 points is to eat Egyptian food, I'm assuming 5/7 days this week. Celery, garlic, beans, peas, nuts, lentils or lettuce. There is also evidence of olive oil. Fruits including figs, grapes and perhaps melons were also present. Also, bush okra came from there which is found a lot in our southern gardens today.

    10 points for an easy peasy accountability challenge - just log in everyday this week! No excuses for not getting this one guys.

    Let's kick butt this week! Half way through!
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    Wow this is going to be a tough week! I probably need it though after all the junk I ate this weekend :s . I take the stairs at work everyday, but not nearly 82 flights so I will probably do the stairmaster at the gym. We can do this!