Which of your ailments was cured by low carb?

wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
I started LC mostly for the blood lipid effects. I wanted to fix my low HDL and high TG. But those are asymptomatic, so I was pleasantly surprised by the skin changes, the sleep changes, and the bathroom changes.

Data is coming out supporting the idea of high insulin and high blood sugar causing all sorts of problems. Hearing loss. Enlarged prostate glands. Bone and tendon problems.

For me:
  • Reduced acne
  • Cured my delayed phase sleep
  • No more IBS symptoms (used to think mine were normal!)


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I had done it in a desperate attempt to lose weight. But ended up with the following improvements:
    • Reduced acne (that I've nearly eliminated when moving to carnivore)
    • No more headaches (800mg Ibuprofen/day to 0)
    • Less weight variability (daily weight fluctuations are pretty much nil when I'm compliant)
    • Less gas/GI grumbly
    • Reduced heartburn
    • Monthly cycle stability (took carnivory to start it, but it has only faltered over the holidays, even when I'm not perfectly on plan)
    • No more constant hunger/no more sugar crash "eat ALL the food!" type hunger
    • The ability to turn down sugary food and not feel like I'm missing out or feel tempted by it
    • Lower fasting blood sugar and insulin numbers (from upwards of 110mg/dL glucose and 33 units insulin to 86 and 13, respectively)
    • Improved blood pressure (it wasn't bad to begin with, and usually sat around 120/80, but improved to 110/70 or so)
    • Normal iron levels (I credit more the elimination of wheat/grains for this one, but it was a noticeable improvement that came with the dietary changes I did that reduced my carbs; I went from about two points above "we need to give you a mega dose right now"/"how are you not trying to eat your car right now" levels of iron deficiency, to smack dab in the middle of ideal range)
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I went from having severe headaches and migraines on a daily basis. I also have more restful sleep. In the past I would wake up numerous times a night. When I am not complaint that will be reflected in the way I feel and how well I sleep.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    • Gums and teeth are better
    • Mild acne disappeared
    • Ocular Migraines disappeared
    • Cholesterol, Trigs, Blood sugar well within normal
    • Lower resting hear rate
    • Elevated mood
    • Sleep better
    • Sinus/Congestion problems reduced greatly
    • Fewer BM's/No diarrhea
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    • Improved mood
    • Improved energy
    • Improved A1C (cured pre-diabetes)
    • Improved migrains (3-5x week to 1x per month!!!)
    • Reduced acne and breakouts
    • Reduced candida
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited March 2016
    Nothing seems to be 100% cured but things are definitely better... by a lot.
    • Improved blood glucose after meals
    • Better fasting blood glucose (has been going up a bit)
    • Reactive hypoglycemia is gone. I was literally shaking, every day, after an hour or two of eating. I would get tired and sluggish, light headed and the shaking made me look like a 90 year old frail woman. It was rather pathetic.
    • Acne is better - Over the last 10 years I had progressed to always having pimples around my mouth, on my scalp and back, and over my nose. Now I just get one or two pimples each month - hormonally related.
    • Improved autoimmune arthritis. I have no idea what caused it. It got much better after going gluten free a few years back (celiac) but I also have hashi's and ITP, and possibly something else. Anyways, the frequency of flare-ups, and their duration and intensity, has improved a LOT. I am having a flare-up now, but it is the first since last June.
    • Cognitive function improved - my husband even noticed. Scary. I can follow along on things better and I am less scatter brained. I used to be pretty sharp, and I knew my mental capacity had declined a bit, but I was shocked by how much better I got - I didn't realize how bad it was.
    • Fewer headaches, as long as I supplement sodium.
    • Better regularity.
    • Don't get sick as much, or as long. I developed shingles last summer. I still went camping and only felt mildl ill and fatigued for a couple of days. That rash stayed small and was completely gone in just over a month.
    • BP went up a bit. This is good as it was a bit on the low end.
    • Cured my carb binges... Not really an ailment but it caused serious health issues for me.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Keep 'em coming! I'd like to tabulate and summarize later. A couple docs speculated that seborrheic keratosis and other signs of "old age" may just be signs of chronic insulin resistance. Fascinating idea, but I'm not aware of any evidence.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I also began this woe for weight loss, and have gotten sooooo much more!

    1. Migraines that were at least once a week are now almost nonexistent.
    2. Chronic nasal allergies that I have treated with meds and nose sprays, my whole life, are now gone and require no medications!
    3. Cystic acne, that I was on a daily antibiotic to just control it (never went away), is gone and off of antibiotic too!
    4. Cervical Dystonia (twisting/turning of neck muscles) almost requires no more treatment (I've gotten Botox injections into these muscles every three months for almost 16 years)!
    5. Fibromyalgia has greatly improved! Off of the medicine for this too!! Will flare up if I overdo too much, but flares don't last like they did!
    6. Mental clarity!
    7. Fatigue has been replaced with energy!
    8. Endometriosis pain has disappeared!

    I had been unable to work for 10 years because of the pain medications I had to take, and the pain itself! I'm an RN and they frown on us working after taking Morphine, and Dilaudid, lol! Yes, I took these every day for those 16 years, and can now use Tramadol maybe twice a week! I have been back at work since November, which was eight months after beginning this woe, and it's wonderful!!

    I'm sure there are more that I can't recall right now, but the weight loss became a secondary goal once I realized the health benefits for me! It still is!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 984 Member
    I do eat some fruits and beans but try to avoid sugar and flour. For me the heart burn, bad bad reflux and stomach pain are managed. I don't want to say cured but asymptomatic. The reflux was really bad without nexuim. I have been off nexium for 5 months and just need an occasional pepcid.

    My moods seem better to but that might be the walking & hiking too.

    The carb craving is definitely under control with protein and fats diet.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I haven't gotten my bloodwork done but my Dentist commented on how good my blood pressure was. I think it was101/60 when I went in late January.

    Other things I've noticed:

    Walking is easier
    Less asthma attacks
    Down to maybe 1 or 2 headaches a month if that. Now I can pinpoint something I ate just before the headache and avoid that thing rather than just chalking it up to "stress". Costco hotdogs are a big one that always give me headaches. Ground hamburger or turkey is fine.
    Sleeping is somewhat better but I still have a lot of back pain. This could be me just needing to get into the gym and work those muscles, who knows.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    I went from low carb low fat to very low carb and high fat to reduce my insulin use so that I could lose weight.

    I'd say mission accomplished, but it's really mission successfully underway. I now use just a small fraction of the insulin I used to use and my HBA1C is down even lower (it's never been high because I managed it effectively with insulin, which wasn't good for my weight).

    I've also experienced reduced LDL and triglyceride levels, though my HDL is also down a bit, but still at an acceptable level.

    I am no longer tired all the time, which I attribute to a lack of glucose and insulin spikes now, however my insomnia has crept back a bit.

    I no longer need my diuretic pill for my bp due to the diuretic effect of this woe, so I'm down one pill and my bp went from 120/70 to 100/60 most of the time. Hoping to get off another pill, but it's a bit complicated.

    I know a lot of people say they experience improvements with their rosacea and general pain, my rosacea has been worse than ever before, though is ok right now. My nerve and arthritis pain has not improved, though it certainly hasn't become worse. I'm confident additional weight loss will lead to more pain improvements. I really need to get my c reactive protein checked, very curious to see how my inflammation markers are faring.
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    What a terrific, affirming list!
    Major benefit for me is weight loss and my A1C went down to 5.5.
    Still working at being more LCHF diligent...I can definitely feel the difference when I goof off!
  • cedarsidefarm
    cedarsidefarm Posts: 163 Member
    Mood enhancement? I have to say that LCHF should be listed as a mind altering drug.

    When I went LCHF I was euphoric for 2 weeks. Now on 40+ days I'm still so happy I have to pinch myself. I have denied myself from eating fats for so long that I think my body and moods desperately needed them. I have had other benefits but the extremely good moods are just so powerful. So, does anyone know when the happiness wears off?
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited March 2016
    • Lost over 100 lbs (and all the benefits that go with the loss).
    • No longer take these meds: statins, BP meds, or any diabetic pills and two different insulins.
    • My BG levels are normal (highest A1c was 15).
    • My edema is gone from my ankles.
    • My neuropathy is markedly improved (I can feel temperature in my feet).
    • A toe nail fungus went away.
    • My digestion is way better (especially since I started eating fermented foods).
    • My asthma is gone completely
    • My complexion is 100% better now.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    1. Successfully eliminated 150 pounds so far (half my starting body weight);
    2. Have had NO new cavities since going Keto;
    3. I was on a natural high (euphoric) for the first 6-8 months on this WOE;
    4. No more severe depression (off all meds for that - Effexor XR) - much more stable and elevated moods/emotions;
    5. Elimination of daily headaches related to low/high blood sugar - I still get one now and then but it's more like once a month as opposed to every day so I no longer have to take multiple courses of pills of acetaminophen several times a day like they were going out of style;
    6. Reversal of pre-diabetes diagnosis;
    7. Lowered A1C;
    8. Raised HDL;
    9. Lowered Triglicerides;
    10. Greatly reduced knee pain largely due to being morbidly obese - do still have twinges now and then though;
    11. Huge reduction in Carpal Tunnel pain (went from roughly 7-8 on a daily basis to now anywhere from 0.5-2);
    12. My skin wasn't bad before, but now it's even better and I get even fewer pimples than before;
    13. Clearer / sharper mental facilities;
    14. Huge increase in energy;
    15. Off all Diabetic related medications (Metformin);
    16. Am able to successfully control my blood sugar every day with no medication eating this way;
    17. Get sick much less often and tend to recover more quickly;
    18. Sorry TMI here - for the past 2 years during wintertime, the drying out of my nasal membranes which usually led to multiple bloody noses during the Fall and Winter seasons has completely disappeared;
    19. Reversal / reduction / total control of neuropathy pain in my feet (no longer have to take or use Neuroveen);
    20. Reversal of eczema on front and back of hands and on top eyelid of left eye (Keto isn't 100% responsible for this, but it did partially contribute to this...30%?...50%?)
    21. Much more comfortable in my own skin;
    22. Enjoy moving around and being physically active;
    23. Much less gassy now;
    24. More regular periods;
    25. Not hungry all the time anymore and no longer thinking about food 24/7;
    26. No more carb/sugar cravings and the ability to completely ignore non-LCHF foods;
    27. More regular BM's and very little diarrhea;
    28. Look and feel a hell of a lot better;
    29. Cooking skills have improved dramatically - have gone from being a "good" cook to a "great" cook (also enjoy cooking much more now than I ever did before); and
    30. Have learned a hell of a lot about myself, my body and nutrition in general.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    I can not say much to be honest with you other than (& just because bullets are popular in this topic):
    • Improved body composition proportion-wise, bodyfat%-wise
    • Stable energy as opposed to the crash & burn from carbohydrates (would eat hundreds of carbohydrates post marathon training)
    • Improved mental health...in hoping this will be preventative for say Parkinson's Dx & Alzheimer's Dx
    • Acting as a buffer for preventing seizures if I take waaay too many stimulants (somewhat jokingly)
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus

    A couple questions..

    Any idea why the IBS clears up on low-carb (assuming no reduction in fiber)?

    I've never heard of LCHF bringing about a reduction in ADHD meds. That's great! Could you elaborate?

  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus

    A couple questions..

    Any idea why the IBS clears up on low-carb (assuming no reduction in fiber)?

    I've never heard of LCHF bringing about a reduction in ADHD meds. That's great! Could you elaborate?


    as for the IBS, probably it is because a low carb diet is naturally low in FODMAPs.

    Read Perlmutter's Grain Brain for the ADHD.

  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Mood enhancement? I have to say that LCHF should be listed as a mind altering drug.

    When I went LCHF I was euphoric for 2 weeks. Now on 40+ days I'm still so happy I have to pinch myself. I have denied myself from eating fats for so long that I think my body and moods desperately needed them. I have had other benefits but the extremely good moods are just so powerful. So, does anyone know when the happiness wears off?

    LOL, only when you start eating that dastardly carbage again. I have a pet theory that all the violence in the world could easily be ended if we could only get everyone on this way of eating!

    As to what ailments I had that are now gone:
    --improved Hba1c, bg, HDL, LDL etc markers across the board (total cholesterol is higher, though)
    --lost 11 kg, down 2 sizes in jeans
    --constant gas and bowel upsets
    --feeling sleepy midafternoon after a carby lunch
    --bloated, puffy face, fingers, "cankles" and all that stuff that makes you look 20 years older
    --achy hip joints, osteoarthritic pain mostly gone
    --acne is gone
    --fewer colds
    --cravings disappeared, I can walk past a bakery with nary a glance. Even the Cinnabon-like shop that wafts its evil through the station mall no longer appeals!
    --and I am so happy happy happy...
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited March 2016
    as for the IBS, probably it is because a low carb diet is naturally low in FODMAPs.

    Read Perlmutter's Grain Brain for the ADHD.

    We end up eliminating a lot of foods on LC, but I didn't eliminate FODMAPs (plenty of bell peppers and onions, for example). For me, it was probably the lack of grains, but who knows.