Team 5



  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    Lots to do this week! I am still fighting this miserable nasty cold,but wanting to get back on track,my body is craving the exercise which is a good sign! We are on Spring Break here in Manitoba so my kids are home this week,so our routine will be off but gotta make time for me! Have a great week everyone!! We got this!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Well I told you guys I'd share my yummy recipes - very encouraging that the first one was as delish as it was!! Made them over the weekend and it just takes a couple minutes and it makes 4. Little side note - I did replace the 1/2 cup of coconut meat with an additional 1/2 cup of strawberries because I didn't have a coconut!

    1 cup strawberries or raspberries (fresh or frozen)
    1/2 cup coconut meat
    1/5 cups coconut water
    1/3 cup agave or honey
    1/4 tsp. sea salt
    3/4 cup white chia seeds

    STEP 1: Place the berries, coconut meat, water, agave, and salt in a high speed blender and mix until smooth. Transfer mixture to a large serving bowl.
    STEP 2: Slowly pour the chia into the berry mixture, stirring constantly until thoroughly mixed together.
    STEP 3: Place in fridge to chill and set up for at least 30 minutes. I divided it up into 4 8oz mason jars so it's simple to just grab from the fridge and eat. Pudding will thicken. If too thick for your liking, just add more water. Too thin? Add more chia seeds 1 Tbs. at a time.

    I ate this after my awesome workout this morning and it was so filling and delicious!
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Lettuce is OK, garlic, I like garlic, and peas... I like garlic and peas together, so maybe I can manage the nutritional challenge this week. I hate fish or seafood, so last week wasn't happening. Me belly dancing is going to be interesting and probably not suitable for public consumption, but probably more successful than trying to do those Easter egg crunch things with two dogs trying to help.

    I live in a single story house, so I'll have to get my stairs in where I can. I can do them at work, but that only accounts for about 8 flights a day. Will have to get creative for this one. Don't think the lawyers downstairs would really appreciate me running up and down the steps during the work day, but I'm usually here after they leave on Wednesdays so I could just run up the numbers then.

    Good luck everyone! Let's get lots of minutes this week!
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 302 Member
    edited March 2016
    Whew! I got worn out just reading this week's challenges. Logging is my issue. Can I log a week on Monday, and then adjust as needed? I think it's the only way I will do it everyday.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Haha 26 flights of stairs today - knew I'd hit 82 in no time! I'm motivated to hit it just so I don't have to keep track anymore haha.
    @TaraDanielle40 I suppose that would be okay, you don't usually log your food?
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 302 Member
    edited March 2016
    Haha 26 flights of stairs today - knew I'd hit 82 in no time! I'm motivated to hit it just so I don't have to keep track anymore haha.
    @TaraDanielle40 I suppose that would be okay, you don't usually log your food?

    No I don't - I'm bad. I know it would help. I just try to watch what I eat, and try to eat mostly fruit/ veggie. I'm not a fan of counting/measuring. I just really like the support here. It's tedious. Maybe I should try the food prep for a week thing, so I'd only have to do it once.
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    I had family in town over Easter break and had a great time eating and playing! I'm ready to get serious again this week and see a decrease on the scale rather than the Easter candy increase I saw today :wink:
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Results in Team!!

    Week three
    Team one is leading with team 6 close behind. It is still anyone's game!
    Team 1 632 Total 1937
    Team 2 413 Total 1288
    Team 3 413 Total 1191
    Team 4 170 Total 761
    Team 5 388. Total 1102
    Team 6 660 Total 1634
    Team 7 296 Total 1068
    Team 8 320 Total 1144
    Team 9 295 Total 853
    Team 10 335 Total 1168

    We definitely need to up our game!! This week's miles is going to be very challenging BUT we can do this.
    Hope you all have a fab day X
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited March 2016
    shauna30 wrote: »
    I had family in town over Easter break and had a great time eating and playing! I'm ready to get serious again this week and see a decrease on the scale rather than the Easter candy increase I saw today :wink:

    I'm with you on this!! :D

    Recipe sounds yummy @SmashleyM914
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Yummy snack idea for you all - banana, dip it in natural peanut butter [1 tablespoon], then into chia seeds [1 tablespoon]. Yum yum yummy!
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Every time I see chia seeds in a recipe I start singing the chia pet song in my head. I've never tried them as food that I am aware of.

    My current favorite snack is rice cake and peanut butter, or the 60 calorie fudgesicles when I need a little chocolate like frozen something.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Hump day check in - It's been a busy work week for me, I feel like it should be Friday by now. I'm tired and think I may be coming down with something - hopefully just a head cold. I'm at 60 flights of stairs for the week, only 22 more to go!
    Hope you're all having a good week! Don't forget, lots of miles needed this week so get those bootys moving! The whole point of these challenges is to push yourself more than you do on your own and give you some accountability, let's all hit our goals and move up on that leaderboard!
  • jk286607
    jk286607 Posts: 16 Member
    Yummy snack idea for you all - banana, dip it in natural peanut butter [1 tablespoon], then into chia seeds [1 tablespoon]. Yum yum yummy!

    I always struggle with healthy and filling snacks that aren't carbs because I'm allergic to nuts! Anyone else have this issue or have any alternatives to peanut butter, almonds, etc?
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    edited March 2016
    @jk286607 ah allergic to nuts?? I'd go crazy! I'm not sure about alternatives unfortunately.
    Side note - I just did 44 floors on the stair climber. Which means I've surpassed 82 flights for the week and it's only Thursday! I may have died in the process, but hey I got it done! I'm also going to fit in the belly dancing videos today, points points points! How's everyone else's progress going??
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    @jk286607 I don't eat a lot of nuts just because they are calorie dense. My husband and I like hard boiled eggs, low-fat string cheese, and dannon light n fit greek yogurt. High protein and low carbs :)
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    @jforshizzle I'm really trying to like hard boiled eggs. Took another stab at them this weekend and just couldn't do it, I was gagging! I love eggs though, so I think maybe it's a texture issue
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    We're only at 32% of our miles for the week and it's Friday... Let's get those exercise minutes in ladies!!
  • jforshizzle
    jforshizzle Posts: 35 Member
    @SmashleyM914 I hear ya on texture issues! I have the same problem with certain foods. I had to take a rest day yesterday, but I have a free weekend and am planning on getting lots of minutes in!! I was hoping the weather would be nice so I could go golfing (that would be a good amount of exercise minutes), but it is going to be cold and rainy here in Western PA :/
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    It's been a rain week here too. They're even saying a possibility of snow tomorrow!! ☹️ booooooo this is supposed to be spring time!
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    I've had a hard week as well. Finally got antibiotics for this bug I've been fighting! Basically my whole head was infected,sinus,ears and throat! But I am felling better and hope to get some good minutes in this weekend. Half way through the stair challenge and gonna attempt the belly dancing!! Happy friday!! And it is a whole new month to look forward too!!