Low carb lifestyle long term

Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
Hi all! Ive used low carb eating habits in the past many years ago to get where I wanted to be weight wise and had positive results. Since then I've always eaten very healthy foods yet no matter my physical efforts, can never lose the weight. So I've joined back in (day 3 ketosis) and knowing I'm carb sensitive this seems like something I can endure long term after I have a strict segment and get near my goal weight. I AM educated about how the body works and how low carb works within. I've been all over the internet reading science studies etc about the health and long term effects of being low carb because I want the facts. No matter what positive numbers I see or about testimony I hear people give from their doctors, I just keep internally feeling like eating high fat even from good sources will bring some ill health down the road long term. Or maybe it's my fear that they don't really know long term effects yet. Thinking aloud here...


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I hear you. Embracing fats is quite the 180. I don't remember seeing any good studies that say fat is dangerous in the long term.

    On the other hand, there is a LOT of anecodoal evidence that the low fat diet of the last few decades isn't very good for us. ;)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Does anyone know of anyone who has maintained a LCHF lifestyle for many years, like 10 or more?
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    Great Q Christine.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @Buildingit3157 while I know over the last hundred years use of nutritional ketosis is safe without question I still have times of doubt.

    Last night I learned there never was any medical evidence that saturated fats were bad for our health but there is research that proves they are good for man's health. I have been at it for only 1.5 years and learn more on MFP every week.


    3 minutes in Dr. Fung (Canada) tells the only reason we can not lose weight then goes on to put to bed for good the false Fats myths with science.

    Best of success.
  • prenes
    prenes Posts: 7 Member
    I have been strict Keto for 9 months. I have bloodwork done and my dr is very interested. All my #s came back great. my triglycerides, lipids, and cholesterol were great. Even my T3 and T4 were in the good range.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Does anyone know of anyone who has maintained a LCHF lifestyle for many years, like 10 or more?

    I am the only person I know IRL who is low carb... I know OF a few who have been LCHF for a long time. Dr Richard Bernstein has been LCHF for about 40 years to treat his T1D. Phinney or Volek must be close to 10 years LCHF now.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Does anyone know of anyone who has maintained a LCHF lifestyle for many years, like 10 or more?

    Jimmy Moore
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    The "fat is bad" study that started it all had unscientific method, ie he fudged the results to match his hypothesis.

    Took me months to add more n more fat. 5 mths later n my blood work looks great.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited April 2016
    The "fat is bad" study that started it all had unscientific method, ie he fudged the results to match his hypothesis.

    Took me months to add more n more fat. 5 mths later n my blood work looks great.


    This is Dr. Fung (Canada) presenting the data about 'fat is bad' era. Just 3 minutes in he hits the reason humans get fat and backs it up with science and research. He helped a lot of things click for me 18 months into the Way Of Eating..
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    2 1/2 years in and about 130 fat pounds gone. Lower to moderate carb diet works easily. I get my carbs thru fibrous veggies and do the no added sugar or bread/pasta.

    It is quite sustainable. I'm just eating naturally occurring food. Like if it used to walk swim or grow. If it had to be butcher shop floor sweepings I don't eat encased meat products. The salt and fillers bit is bad for me.

    It is a great way of feeding the machine that the US seems to be embracing, (since that is where I am) and I like it!

  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    @Buildingit3157 while I know over the last hundred years use of nutritional ketosis is safe without question I still have times of doubt.

    Last night I learned there never was any medical evidence that saturated fats were bad for our health but there is research that proves they are good for man's health. I have been at it for only 1.5 years and learn more on MFP every week.


    3 minutes in Dr. Fung (Canada) tells the only reason we can not lose weight then goes on to put to bed for good the false Fats myths with science.

    Best of success.

    Wow, this is 100% what I needed to watch. I feel more assured. Factual information. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me. So the last doubt of mine might be high protein. Hopefully eating 70-100 g daily is ok long term on organs etc. I'm a happy camper with the fat intake studies though!
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    prenes wrote: »
    I have been strict Keto for 9 months. I have bloodwork done and my dr is very interested. All my #s came back great. my triglycerides, lipids, and cholesterol were great. Even my T3 and T4 were in the good range.

    That is SO wonderful. How many g of carbs intake? And how do you feel most days? Weight etc?
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    2 1/2 years in and about 130 fat pounds gone. Lower to moderate carb diet works easily. I get my carbs thru fibrous veggies and do the no added sugar or bread/pasta.

    It is quite sustainable. I'm just eating naturally occurring food. Like if it used to walk swim or grow. If it had to be butcher shop floor sweepings I don't eat encased meat products. The salt and fillers bit is bad for me.

    It is a great way of feeding the machine that the US seems to be embracing, (since that is where I am) and I like it!

    So many Congrats! Keep up the good fight.
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    The "fat is bad" study that started it all had unscientific method, ie he fudged the results to match his hypothesis.

    Took me months to add more n more fat. 5 mths later n my blood work looks great.

    I watched that video and yes,I agree with you. I'm in healthcare and it feels like I should be limiting this fat intake, but conversely. Who would have thought..
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    2 1/2 years in and about 130 fat pounds gone. Lower to moderate carb diet works easily. I get my carbs thru fibrous veggies and do the no added sugar or bread/pasta.

    It is quite sustainable. I'm just eating naturally occurring food. Like if it used to walk swim or grow. If it had to be butcher shop floor sweepings I don't eat encased meat products. The salt and fillers bit is bad for me.

    It is a great way of feeding the machine that the US seems to be embracing, (since that is where I am) and I like it!

    Excellent, great job!!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wow, this is 100% what I needed to watch. I feel more assured. Factual information. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me. So the last doubt of mine might be high protein. Hopefully eating 70-100 g daily is ok long term on organs etc. I'm a happy camper with the fat intake studies though!

    70-100g isn't exactly high protein. For most bodyweights, that's right around what's recommended if you're not doing bodybuilding. The only time I remember hearing of a lower recommendation (I don't read the starchavore or vegan books, some of them may recommend lower) is for certain diabetics who get kicked out of keto at amounts higher than 20g per meal (Maria Emmerich's Quick & Easy Ketogenic Cooking mentions it).
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Wow, this is 100% what I needed to watch. I feel more assured. Factual information. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me. So the last doubt of mine might be high protein. Hopefully eating 70-100 g daily is ok long term on organs etc. I'm a happy camper with the fat intake studies though!

    70-100g isn't exactly high protein. For most bodyweights, that's right around what's recommended if you're not doing bodybuilding. The only time I remember hearing of a lower recommendation (I don't read the starchavore or vegan books, some of them may recommend lower) is for certain diabetics who get kicked out of keto at amounts higher than 20g per meal (Maria Emmerich's Quick & Easy Ketogenic Cooking mentions it).

    Interesting, it sure is hard for me to achieve 100 ish grams a day and stay at a good calorie range. Mostly Im full yay!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @Buildingit3157 while I know over the last hundred years use of nutritional ketosis is safe without question I still have times of doubt.

    Last night I learned there never was any medical evidence that saturated fats were bad for our health but there is research that proves they are good for man's health. I have been at it for only 1.5 years and learn more on MFP every week.


    3 minutes in Dr. Fung (Canada) tells the only reason we can not lose weight then goes on to put to bed for good the false Fats myths with science.

    Best of success.

    Wow, this is 100% what I needed to watch. I feel more assured. Factual information. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me. So the last doubt of mine might be high protein. Hopefully eating 70-100 g daily is ok long term on organs etc. I'm a happy camper with the fat intake studies though!

    @Buildingit3157 I find I need to keep daily protein in the 70-90 gram range daily to stay in a state of ketosis. Dr. Fung stated the research found no kidney damage in healthy people from the high protein Atkins diet. For most I expect anything under 200 would be fine. It is just about half of protein gets converted to glucose that can be a concern especially of diabetes and people wanting to lose weight.

    Since saturated fats do not increase any health issues in my case but carbs do and protein to some extent my 5% carbs, 15% protein and 80% fats macro has fixed me for the past 1.5 years.

    The video I think finally got be past 'fat fear' once and for all. I am going to watch parts 1-5 too. I want his book an a in hand reference for the future. Keep up the reading and learning. New facts are coming out all of the time that supports why my WOE is fixing my body. :)
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    @Buildingit3157 while I know over the last hundred years use of nutritional ketosis is safe without question I still have times of doubt.

    Last night I learned there never was any medical evidence that saturated fats were bad for our health but there is research that proves they are good for man's health. I have been at it for only 1.5 years and learn more on MFP every week.


    3 minutes in Dr. Fung (Canada) tells the only reason we can not lose weight then goes on to put to bed for good the false Fats myths with science.

    Best of success.

    Wow, this is 100% what I needed to watch. I feel more assured. Factual information. Thank you SO much for sharing this with me. So the last doubt of mine might be high protein. Hopefully eating 70-100 g daily is ok long term on organs etc. I'm a happy camper with the fat intake studies though!

    @Buildingit3157 I find I need to keep daily protein in the 70-90 gram range daily to stay in a state of ketosis. Dr. Fung stated the research found no kidney damage in healthy people from the high protein Atkins diet. For most I expect anything under 200 would be fine. It is just about half of protein gets converted to glucose that can be a concern especially of diabetes and people wanting to lose weight.

    Since saturated fats do not increase any health issues in my case but carbs do and protein to some extent my 5% carbs, 15% protein and 80% fats macro has fixed me for the past 1.5 years.

    The video I think finally got be past 'fat fear' once and for all. I am going to watch parts 1-5 too. I want his book an a in hand reference for the future. Keep up the reading and learning. New facts are coming out all of the time that supports why my WOE is fixing my body. :)

    It's amazing to think this way. It's just so not in traditional thought is why it seems alien to me. I'm glad there's supporting evidence. . Have you been losing the whole time?? I'm still in the foggy portion of ketosis. Day 4 but can recall in the past it getting better.
  • prenes
    prenes Posts: 7 Member
    prenes wrote: »
    I have been strict Keto for 9 months. I have bloodwork done and my dr is very interested. All my #s came back great. my triglycerides, lipids, and cholesterol were great. Even my T3 and T4 were in the good range.

    That is SO wonderful. How many g of carbs intake? And how do you feel most days? Weight etc?

    I feel great. I am "fat adapted" I love to test so I test my ketone levels throughout the day. My ketones are low in the morning (naturally) however within a couple hours they are up and I have no energy problems. I still have weight to lose so I play with how much fat intake I consume. I workout 5 days a week so I get hungry ;).