how much weight have you gained



  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    20 weeks today! Halfway there. Had a scare with some spotting this week, baby is fine, it definitely put my worry about gaining weight in perspective! Took the week of off exercising just to be safe, excited to get back to it on Monday.

    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147

    Total gain: 12.5lb
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Glad baby is OK, Lisa! Definitely the right decision to rest for a while! Congrats on being halfway! I am 30 weeks, feels like the home straight now!

    Chocolate egg gain here this week :)

    20 w: 0.0 Total: -4.5
    21 w: 0.7 Total: -3.8
    22 w: 1.1 Total: -2.7
    23 w: 1.1 Total: -1.6
    24 w: -2.0 Total: -3.6
    25 w: 1.3 Total: -2.3
    26 w: 0.2 Total: -2.1
    27 w: 1.8 Total: -0.3
    28 w: 1.8 Total: 1.5
    29 w: 0.7 Total: 2.1
    30 w: 0.7 Total: 2.8

    Will be on holiday and away from my scales next week, so no weigh-in. I hope I can manage to stay on track despite eating different (unknown calorie content) food. I will try to log the best I can though.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @EmmaDetermined Thank you!! I indulged this Easter as well. Hope you have a lovely holiday.
  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 143lbs
    Goal to Gain: 20-25lbs
    Due: 11th August
    Total Gain So Far: 0lbs
    Week 4: 143
    Week 5: 144
    Week 6: 142
    Week 7: 141
    Week 8: 140
    Week 9: 140
    Week 10: 140
    Week 11: 139
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 138
    Week 14: 138
    Week 15: 138
    Week 16: 138
    Week 17: 140
    Week 18: 140
    Week 19: 141
    Week 20: 142
    Week 21: 143

    I'm gaining weight a lot faster now, time to concentrate on my diet a bit it's been awful lately!
  • ingehooper15
    ingehooper15 Posts: 16 Member
    my midwife suggested 11-20lbs as my bmi is over 30. It was 33 at booking (uk)
    Im now 5lb up at 28wks 4days. Hoping to only gain around 14lbs but we will see
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5!!!
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147
    Week 21: 149.5!!!

    Total gain: 15lb

    Had a massive gain this week, but my boobs also seemed to double in size and my belly got way bigger so I'm thinking maybe it was a growth spurt. This happened in week 16 as well and it evened out so I'm trying to not freak out. I also had an ultrasound this week and baby is healthy and measuring a week ahead.
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    Start: 166 lbs (8 weeks pregnant)

    20 weeks: 164.8 lbs
    21 weeks: 164.4 lbs
    22 weeks: *out of town; missed weigh-in*
    23 weeks: 165.8 lbs

    I have a feeling next week will put me into the gaining weight category. It's been nice not to while it lasted! lol
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs
    8 weeks: 130
    12 weeks: 132
    16 weeks: 138
    20 weeks: 147
    25 weeks: 150
    28 weeks: 153
    30 weeks: 153
    32 weeks: 156
    34 weeks: 158
    36 weeks: 158
    37 weeks: 160
    38 weeks: 161

    So far: 31 lbs

    Oh well on the 30 lbs or less. My home scale says I'm up 33 lbs. I would really like to have a baby now. Send labor vibes please! Then I can start losing! Well here's hoping I stay 35 lbs or less!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Almost there @spunkychelsea Sending you baby vibes :)
  • frannyshai
    frannyshai Posts: 15 Member
    26 weeks today and I'm up 11.5 pounds. Already overweight and really hoping not to gain much more and in my last two pregnancies I really stacked it on in the last 10 weeks
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs
    8 weeks: 130
    12 weeks: 132
    16 weeks: 138
    20 weeks: 147
    25 weeks: 150
    28 weeks: 153
    30 weeks: 153
    32 weeks: 156
    34 weeks: 158
    36 weeks: 158
    37 weeks: 160
    38 weeks: 161

    So far: 31 lbs

    Oh well on the 30 lbs or less. My home scale says I'm up 33 lbs. I would really like to have a baby now. Send labor vibes please! Then I can start losing! Well here's hoping I stay 35 lbs or less!

    You're in the home stretch! Good luck to you :)
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    5'3" starting weight on doctor's scale: 130 lbs
    8 weeks: 130
    12 weeks: 132
    16 weeks: 138
    20 weeks: 147
    25 weeks: 150
    28 weeks: 153
    30 weeks: 153
    32 weeks: 156
    34 weeks: 158
    36 weeks: 158
    37 weeks: 160
    38 weeks: 161

    So far: 31 lbs

    Oh well on the 30 lbs or less. My home scale says I'm up 33 lbs. I would really like to have a baby now. Send labor vibes please! Then I can start losing! Well here's hoping I stay 35 lbs or less!

    Almost there!!! I'm sending you labor vibes!! Hopefully this baby shows up soon :)
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'm ready anytime! Family comes in to help tomorrow. Good luck not binging or eating dessert every night whether you were good that day or not like I did!
  • kimberlyhurt
    kimberlyhurt Posts: 128 Member
    SW: 249
    week 4:247
    week 8: 245
    week 16: 239
    week 24: 255

    total gain: 6lbs
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    By that point I hadn't gained anything. But by 14 weeks, I'd gained 10 lbs. I really want to switch clinics, because my team has been trying to make me feel bad about the ten lb gain, while ignoring thay I'm doing everything as I always have, and it slowed down. Point is, everyone gains differently during pregnancy. Some eat as they always did, exercise, and gain 50 lbs. Some eat nothing but fast food, are on bed rest, and gain only 20. I'm 5 months now, and have gained about 17 lbs total. I've slowed to a pound a week. If you gain more than you're told, don't feel bad. It CAN be lost despite what many will tell you.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Oops. I didn't notice how old this thread was. My apologies
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Oops. I didn't notice how old this thread was. My apologies

    Don't worry! It's still being used :)
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5!!!
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147
    Week 21: 149.5!!!
    Week 22: 151
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Post-holiday weigh in - very happy with that especially given the broken ribs which means proper exercise is out of the picture. Only 8 weeks to go :open_mouth:

    Week - weekly chance - total change
    12 w: 0.0 Total: -5.6
    13 w: 0.2 Total: -5.4
    14 w: 0.0 Total: -5.4
    15 w: 0.2 Total: -5.2
    16 w: 0.2 Total: -4.9
    17 w: 0.2 Total: -4.7
    18 w: 0.2 Total: -4.5
    19 w: 0.0 Total: -4.5
    20 w: 0.0 Total: -4.5
    21 w: 0.7 Total: -3.8
    22 w: 1.1 Total: -2.7
    23 w: 1.1 Total: -1.6
    24 w: -2.0 Total: -3.6
    25 w: 1.3 Total: -2.3
    26 w: 0.2 Total: -2.1
    27 w: 1.8 Total: -0.3
    28 w: 1.8 Total: 1.5
    29 w: 0.7 Total: 2.1
    30 w: 0.7 Total: 2.8
    31 w: -0.2 Total: 2.6
    32 w: -0.2 Total: 2.3
  • melnikn
    melnikn Posts: 41 Member
    I've been gaining 1.5-2 lbs a week. :((((( 24 weeks and 3 days and am up 23 lbs. This is getting depressing.