How many times do you work out?

Rockchick09 Posts: 200 Member
What's your ideal work out and how many times a week do you work out?

I've been pole dancing 3 times a week and now I'm adding weight lifting + cardio to my schedule.
Got a personal instructor and he want's me to do cardio 3 times a week and weight lift 3 times a week in addition to the pole dancing.

I'm wondering if it's to much for the body to handle? Anyone been training hard like that? (or is this not hard training? I've never done any sports until 6 months ago)


  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    Three days of weightlifting a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. No max time.

    I do cardio relatively minimally, and can range anywhere from not doing any at all for weeks on end to daily on days that I don't weight train. I generally use cardio as a means to control calories - if I eat too many I do cardio. If I don't, I don't do cardio.

    I should note that I am not trying to loose weight. I'm in maintenance now and just trying to burn fat and build muscle.
  • Rockchick09
    Rockchick09 Posts: 200 Member
    Cheers :)

    I just absolutely loathe cardio and I'm trying to find a way out of it hehe. Pole dancing is the only cardio I've ever liked so I'm hoping that's enough but we'll see.

    Thanks for your answer
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I do weight training 3 days a week and 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the in between days with one rest day. I used to do aerial silks and I was thinking it would be too much to add that on top of the weights. My muscles would not have enough recovery time. I am thinking about taking it up again, but I think I will substitute one of my upper body days since it is such a major upper body workout. I would think pole dancing would be the same.
  • ressapowell
    ressapowell Posts: 35 Member
    I work out 5 days a week for at least an hour a day. I do stretching, calesthenics, workouts, weight lifting and some cardio like the stair climber. Depends on what muscle group I am working that day. I don't like cardio either byt I love the pump I get from the eaist down after doing 20 minutes on the stair climber.
  • Rockchick09
    Rockchick09 Posts: 200 Member
    I do weight training 3 days a week and 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the in between days with one rest day. I used to do aerial silks and I was thinking it would be too much to add that on top of the weights. My muscles would not have enough recovery time. I am thinking about taking it up again, but I think I will substitute one of my upper body days since it is such a major upper body workout. I would think pole dancing would be the same.

    The Aerial silks are very similar to the pole so substituting that for the upper body days could also be a great idea for me.

    How are you leg wise? I feel like I'm much more muscular on my upper body then the lower. Usually women are stronger in the legs but I squat like a noob yet I can do 10 pull ups on the pole with out trouble.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I have super strong lower body compared to my upper. I can squat and DL more than my body weight, but only bench about 65%. The reason I had to quit silks was because I kept injuring myself because my upper body wasn't strong enough. I kept pulling the bottom of my rotator cuff. I think I'm strong enough to go back now, at least to ease back in. I have a yoga hammock at home and did an aerial workout yesterday on it since I couldn't get to the gym and I was surprised at how easily I could do balls and V-ups.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    I work out 6 days a week - 4 lifting days and 2 running days. Lifting that much is a little taxing, but it's effective. I'm starting to tack on shorter runs at the end of my lifting workouts to improve my speed.

    Unless you're looking for a bigger calorie expenditure, you don't need to do cardio. Your pole workouts are keeping your heart in shape. The trickier part is figuring out how to lift enough to accomplish the strength gains you want while still fitting pole in. You don't want to compromise your recovery. An upper/lower split lifting program might be better than full body; if you did lower body, upper body, pole, you'd give your lower body (the part you mentioned you need more work on) time to recover and get stronger.

    IMO, you need to talk to your trainer again about your goals and what you enjoy. There are a lot of trainers out there who don't listen to their clients at all - they have a handful of routines that they're comfortable with, and they prescribe them to everyone whether it's the best fit or not. Your trainer's plan seems to ignore your workout preferences.
  • leaj1984
    leaj1984 Posts: 23 Member
    i work out twice a week with a trainer for an hour. on top of that, i try and do a 30-40 min run once or twice a week. sometimes i'll do a spin class instead of running.

    i used to work out more than that, but it felt a little 'forced'. i am tired of forcing myself every time. i find this pace sustainable, whereas 4-6x a week was not sustainable for me in the long run.
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    I do circuit training 3 times per week and HIIT 3 times per week and yoga when I can.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I walk 10-15kms 7 days a week. That's about it! :lol:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I weight lift 4x per week. Sessions are 1.5-2 hours. No cardio. And I don't move very much besides that. About 10k steps per day, sometimes less/sometimes more.
  • tinywonder25
    tinywonder25 Posts: 148 Member
    I work out in some way everyday. Usually gym 6 days a week. Right now just cardio to lose the fat. Stair, bike, treadmill on intervals . when I'm bored at home I do planks and mountain climbers to strength my core or 10 min interval video on YouTube . I think that helps keep muscle tone while I'm burning through fat. When I start to build muscle I'll probably start out at 3x a week and allow ample recovery time. Will probably lay off the cardio or do a fun class or something to break it up. I fought the cardio for so long.. But I have to admit it makes the scale the right way!
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    if you like pole dancing, then try other exersize with props? I lack motivation but having some kind of prop helps me. Ive got a collection of fitness balls , hula hoops , frizbees. someone mentioned ariel silks, is this like a yoga sling? trampolines area lot of fun if you have the space. I love swimming myself, but not everyone has access to pool
  • jmm1977
    jmm1977 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been doing 22 Minute Hard Corps (beachbody program) for the last 5 weeks, 6 days a week. Cardio & Core one day, resistance the next and so on. Cardio & Core days are more like 33 minutes a day, Resistance is 22. Before this, I did 8 weeks of Hammer & Chisel which is a good mix of some cardio and lifting. I have also started running 2-3 days a week, so far only about 1.26 miles each time. I will also be throwing in some Les Mills Combat starting Monday.
  • Working2BBetter
    Working2BBetter Posts: 219 Member
    I work our 6x per week (sometimes skip my off day...) 3 days 75 - 85 min cardio, 3 days 45 min cardio and 40 min full body weights. (alternate upper and lower with minimal rest between...)

    I do not feel this is too much... Most days I feel I'm not doing enough!
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    I work out everyday, but it realy depends on my health. I try to do something every days , sometime it is jsut my physical therapy exersizes, other days I can do soem wieghts and cardio. days I have a lot of chorse burn me out and dont leave much energy for anything else.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I pole dance 2-3 times a week, and do cardio & weight lifting 2 times a week (I do 30 minutes of light treadmill or biking prior to weights as a warm up). I just added the cardio/weights combo about 3-4 weeks ago b/c I figured weight training would help me improve at pole quicker. This can change depending on my schedule, but my weekly goal is to workout at least 4 times a week.

    I make sure I have 1 rest day a week, sometimes I'll take 2 rest days. Pole and weights are hardcore and my body needs the break. My body has never been as beat up as it is now that I pole and lift. Between DOMS & pole bruises, I live in a constant state of soreness.
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    I play roller derby two to three times a week, an average of 2 hours per session- it's amazing cardio and resistance training, plus intervals too. The DOMS and bruises after a competitive game are unreal, much worse than when training with my teamies! I'll usually squeeze in a weekly gym session of up to an hour that includes HIIT on the treadmill and/or crosstrainer (good pace, hills, sprints) and some weights. Occasionally I might throw in a bikram yoga class or a 30 minute YouTube kettlebell workout at home. I used to walk at least 5km daily but that stopped when I took a break from work last year- I'm back to work next week though so the walks will be back!
  • foxygirl14
    foxygirl14 Posts: 158 Member
    6 days a week. My ideal workout that I shoot for is a 4-5 mile run and half an hour of strength training. I usually end up doing four days of longer runs and a couple days of just strength training as rest days. If I get bored then I'll do a yoga or dance tutorial video or start training for a race.
  • ClareForester
    ClareForester Posts: 6 Member
    I do cardio 7 days a week because it helps me with my anxiety. As far as strength training stuff I try to keep that 3-4 times a week to prevent burnout.
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    I change every four weeks. But at a minimum, a half hour of kundalini yoga every day.

    Four times a week, about 50 minutes of cardio (MMA-style stuff or step aerobics or urban rebounding mostly) and 25 minutes of weight training (different exercises each day and never the same muscle group two days in a row; I have a home gym) with jump rope intervals between sets.

    Two days a week, 40-45 minutes of kettlebells (one more cardio style with a lighter kettlebell, usually 15/20 pounds and one with more rests so I use a 25 pound kettlebell for most exercises). I follow the kettlebell workouts with enough cardio to hit 75-80 minutes of exercise (not counting the aforementioned yoga).

    One day a week with a little over 90 minutes of cardio but that is the day I go out to eat at a restaurant so I need the calories.

    Was doing Pilates for awhile but I have come to the conclusion that I'm not that big of a Pilates fan. Sometimes I add 15-20 minutes of treadmill intervals if I need a few more calories burned before dinner. Also I was taking the stairs to my office twice a day (I work on the 8th floor) but had to stop that for the summer because the stairwell is not climate controlled and I don't want to be drenched in sweat when I reach my floor.

    Wish I could walk my dog but she has torn ligaments in both knees and a chronic illness, the medication for which means she is not recovering as quickly as she otherwise would and which makes her a poor candidate for surgery. But I average around 14,000 steps a day just from the rest of that.

    It might seem like a lot but I simply am not satisfied with ~1200 calories per day. ~1700 is the minimum I need to get by without being crabby and I'd prefer ~1900 or ~2000. But that means exercise. I have the time and a workout room with tons of equipment in my basement so it's a compromise I'm willing to make.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm currently 6 months pregnant so my routine has changed but generally I do 60 - 90 minutes of road cycling 4 days a week and strength training 3x a week, I do Strong Lifts 5X5, followed by 20 minutes of cardio.

    Since I've been pregnant I've been doing lighter free weights, spinning, and 10-15K steps a day. I'm excited to go back to my old routine after baby!
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    I do heavy lifting, compound exercises, 1 hour, 2 days a week. I'm in my 50's so it takes me longer to recover. I'd love to do 3 days, but then wouldn't be able to do anything else :# Then I do two nights of Argentine Tango (90-120 minutes), and once a week cross country hiking (90 minutes) with my dog, and then shorter daily dog walks.
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    I run five miles of trail every day. Boring, I know, but I LOVE it!
  • DiIDE
    DiIDE Posts: 120 Member
    I lift heavy weights three times a week for an hour plus 15min cardio. I used to also do two one hour cardio sessions a week but have cut it down to one as I was getting too tired by the end of the week. I also don,t like cardio, but I am pretty active most days and at 71 years of age I think I work out enough to keep myself fit and healthy.
  • MissFit_Megan
    MissFit_Megan Posts: 11 Member
    Currently I am on 6 days of heavy lifting with 30 mins of HIIT cardio before/after. My workout sessions are typically 1.5-2 hours in length. I take Sundays completely off :)
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    5 days of heavy lifting and about 1.5-2 hours of cardio a week
  • chalaivy
    chalaivy Posts: 101 Member
    I know I'm in the minority here, but I like cardio. I aim for 5 days a week, 45-60 min.
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    edited May 2016
    I usually workout 5-6 days per week and about 30-90 min per day depends on what I do. 3 days for lifting program (currently ICF5x5 plus NROL4W as warmup. Just added TRX as alternative warmup). Another 2-3 days are my all-what-I-like-to-do cardio workout time, mainly Les Mills programs (Body Combat & GRIT) and once a while some Just Dance videos on YouTube.
    Most workout programs I like are cardio-based (don't like running or cycling though) but I recently found my love in weight training/ lifting (& the great result that 10+ years of cardio couldn't give me).
  • fabulousmo
    fabulousmo Posts: 41 Member
    in the gym at least three times a week. 10 minutes cardio (eliptical, fast walking on treadmill, or rowing machine) then about 20 minutes of weight lifting. i also walk the dog about 1.5 miles and I try to aim for daily, but that doesn't always happen. i went to a step class at the gym in an attempt to shake things up and thinking it would be a piece of cake: STEP CLASS IS NOT THE SAME STEP CLASS FROM THE 90S. god lord, i thought i was going to die! i'm going again tonight and my goal is to not fall off!

    in almost 4 months, i've lost 20 pounds - i attribute it to diet alone. i don't go to the gym everyday, so in my particular case, working out is just for fitness.

    oh wait! sometimes i walk to work and back! that's a total of 4 miles!