Me Vs. The Binge -- April Challenge



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 17
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 17
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Me: 17
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 28
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    I have not counted the number of binges I've had this month -- but it has been out of control frequently.

    I am coming here to start logging my days (starting today, the 17th, because I don't have the count for the start of this month).

    Me: 0

    The Binge: 1

    I am hoping that logging on daily to record my status here will help me be more mindful.

    It sure helps me. I hope it works for you as well. We're here for you <3
  • ngelulukos99
    ngelulukos99 Posts: 14 Member
    Me: 10
    Binge: 2
    DBF: 6
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member

    Me: 1

    The Binge: 1

    Thanks, Cynsonya :)
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Me: 18
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 29
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Me: 18
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 0
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    April 18

    Me: 18*
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 231

    I apologize profusely for not being here the past couple of days. I had a wedding to go to and had to help out my dad with yard work and then was tired last night and crashed early.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Me: 19
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 30
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Me: 18
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 1
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    April 20

    Me: 17
    Binge : 3
    DBF: 4

    I wish I could sustain a longer BF streak, but I am nonetheless grateful that "Me" is ahead of The B this month.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 20
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 20
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Me: 19
    Binge: 1
    DBF: 2
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    April 20

    Me: 20*
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 233
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Me: 19
    Binge: 2
    DBF: 0
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Me: 21
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 32

    I had some pretty strong cravings yesterday for junk so I gave in. It could have easily became a full blown binge but I fed the cravings while denying the binge somehow.

    That was a close call though...
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    April 21
    me: 18
    binge: 3
    DBF: 5
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Me: 20
    Binge: 2
    DBF: 1
  • jen_b860813
    jen_b860813 Posts: 303 Member
    Me: 22
    Binge: 0
    DBF: 29