Short term/Long term goals...



  • katemnscot
    katemnscot Posts: 2 Member
    I think it would be a mistake to set the bar too high in the short term as I have a 4 month old to look after and, to be honest, just getting us both to the end of the day in one piece can be a challenge at times! However, them babies love walking. So my short-term goal is to walk 10,000 steps per day and JUST SAY NO to sweet treats and mid-week wine.

    Long-term, it's to lose 28 pounds, which would take me back to a reasonable weight of 140 of my height.

    I am finding it quite frustrating how the weight seems to cling on after pregnancy. I have been MUCH more active since starting maternity leave and taking time out from my desk job but the bod's hanging on to those fat cells for dear life.
  • bforejt135
    bforejt135 Posts: 1 Member
    Short term: 8 pounds (normal BMI)
    Long term: 20 pounds- felt good at that weight a few years ago. Ultimately want to find a "healthy weight " that can be maintained in the long term. As an adult I have been as high as 220 and as low as 148. Stop the yo-yo.
  • the_traveller_us
    the_traveller_us Posts: 1 Member
    Many of these goals look very bold and ambitious. I feel humbled by them and almost don't want to post my little goal. At the beginning of the year I set out to lose 10 lbs. In the first month, I lost 5. Since then, I've been fluctuating between 1 and 4 lbs of my goal. Needless to say, this is a bit frustrating. I love exercise so I do plenty of that, but I also love sugar and carbs (preferable in the form of chocolate and beer). Any suggestions on how I can combat, reduce, reign in my cravings of these oh so delicious unhealthy foods are welcome!
  • gfelsher
    gfelsher Posts: 11 Member
    My long term goal, for now, is 200 pounds. Last time I was down to 220, I had a slight gut. I'm hoping this means I was 20 pounds away from being in Zach Efron shape. Short term, my goals are broken in 5% increments. I passed 270 already, working towards 257. Already down a couple belt notches.
  • pcvchristine
    pcvchristine Posts: 8 Member
    My next short-term goal is to hit 202, which will put me out of the "obese" category and into "overweight".

    My long-term goal is to hit 165lb, at which point I'll reassess my weight.
  • sreintje
    sreintje Posts: 1 Member
    My short term goals are to:
    - eat at least 5 servings of fruit/vegetables per day
    - exercise at least 20 minutes per day (including some form of resistance training)
    - lose 7 lbs (by mid July)

    My long term goals are to:
    - eat at least 7 servings of fruit/vegetables per day
    - feel physically stronger
    - maintain my weight
  • raymondrowell
    raymondrowell Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    Well there's certainly some great goals here, mine pails in comparison

    Short: Get below 90kg (currently 96kg)
    Long: Get to 80kg and hold it.

    * write more regularly on my blog

    Thanks all.
  • HEHurt
    HEHurt Posts: 2 Member
    Short term: get out of the 200s (8 pounds to go!) & win the weight loss competition a friend & I are doing from May 27 - July 1 (loser picks up winner's check at a healthy celebratory meal)

    Long term: reach a healthy body fat percentage & run a half marathon in every state
  • jamaiscredule
    jamaiscredule Posts: 4 Member
    Short term goals:
    - At least 10,000 steps a day
    - Cut the carbs

    Long term goals:
    - Run 5k by end of June
    - Lose 10 lbs by end of July
    - Keep it off!
    - Run 10k by September
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I just need to get myself back into a routine! A few years ago when I was at my low weight, was running about 20 miles a week and lifting weights 2-3 x a week as well. Work and life caused me to get lazy in the last year and starting a routine has been hard thus far. I'm trying to get back to running 3 times a week, working up to my third half marathon in October. I also take aerial classes twice a week, and I need to incorporate some stretching to help aid me in that. I also need to get better at meal planning. Thus far it's been plan really well one week, crash and burn the next, rinse repeat.

    So that's basically it. Short term goals are establishing a routine of running 3 times a week, 2 aerial classes a week (for strength and flexibility). Stretching hopefully every day! I need to get my splits locked in. Also, logging here daily. Long term goals are shedding about 20lbs and increasing my performances as both a runner and aerialist.
  • chercher82
    chercher82 Posts: 6 Member
    Long term goal is to get back to around 160/size 12. I was very comfortable there. I can't believe my "ideal" weight is supposed to be 125. I would look ridiculous.

    Short term goal is to keep my current path of healthy eating/exercise so I can just plow through the 170s. But I'm very happy with how things are looking in the mid-section!
  • tgabycan
    tgabycan Posts: 7 Member
    Short term goals
    - minimize sugary snacks (especially at work)
    - eat more nutrient rich foods
    - eat takeout less often
    - Exercise at least 3x a week
    - Meal prep for work on the weekends

    Long term goals
    - lose about 30lbs
    - Maintain a healthy lifestyle with fewer processed/sugar filled foods
    - Go up stairs without being winded after
    - Develop a better relationship with food (eliminating emotional eating)
  • mahowanski
    mahowanski Posts: 1 Member
    No long term goes for me right now. I'm sticking with trying to get 5 minutes of activity a day, with the hopes that I will hit and pass that goal on most days. Even if I only get 5 minutes, that is still counts as a win. I often get bogged down and disheartened by the magnitude of huge long term goals, so I'm going to give this new method a shot.

    P.S. Thanks for the great podcast and for starting this group! :)
  • SkylerM28
    SkylerM28 Posts: 13 Member
    Everyone has some great goals!

    Long term: To get to 110 lbs. I started at 190 last August and am at 150 right now, but have hit a plateau which is the absolute worst. At least I haven't gained any back in the last few months...right?

    Short-term: I've joined a DietBet which is to lose 4% in one month. For me, that is 6 lbs by June 20th. :) Ideally, I'd like to lose 12-15 lbs by the time I move to Denver at the end of the summer.
  • meagmorg
    meagmorg Posts: 1 Member
    Short term goal: fit into all of my clothes that are fitting just a bit too tight since last year and not look like I'm bursting at the seams in my bathing suit this summer. (I estimate this is only a 5-10 lb loss needed)

    Long term goal: lose about 30-40 pounds (CW: 175 GW: 145) and run a 10k. Doing C25K right now, but I want to be able to go for a run and not have to think about intervals. I just want to listen to a full podcast while running.
  • kcmackendrick
    kcmackendrick Posts: 2 Member
    I think a little different then everyone here. I am a pretty active person, but have been realizing my body isnt as responsive to the cruel things I do to it. But I was a heavier weight before, and a lot less active, so I know that I can maybe provide some knowledge to some people here. My short term goal is to stick with a new diet plan, even though its out of my comfort zone. My long term goal is to gain 5lbs of muscle!
  • jdelaney585
    jdelaney585 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all! My short term goal is to try new things in the weight room and Be less self conscious about people who actually know what theyre doing in there judging me because no.1 they aren't and it's all in my head and no.2 even if they are they can pound sand.

    Long term goal is to get to.a place I feel healthy and attractive and vibrant and to set an example of healthy eating and exersice or my son so that he enjoys living a healthy lifestyle.
  • shoffman78
    shoffman78 Posts: 1 Member
    Short term: I need to get my eating under control. I give into cravings way too easily.

    Long term: Become a healthier me with good food choices and a regular exercise routing. I want to finish T25 and run a 5K
  • Deftness
    Deftness Posts: 12 Member
    Short term is getting into the 100s. I weigh 210 so I only have 11 pounds to go!
    My Next goal would be to be 180 by my birthday in Ausgust (4th).
    Then I think my ultimate goal would be to be about 150. I hope to reach that by the end of the year.

  • SingingPilgrim
    SingingPilgrim Posts: 45 Member
    Long term: aiming for 175 pounds and 28 inch waist. I think these are both realistic for my body.

    Short term: lose the weight recently gained on vacation! After that get to weight I was when I conceived my baby. After that get to my lowest ever adult weight. After that get to "one-derland" (which I have never seen as an adult.)