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What is your weakness and how do you fight it



  • Craft beer for me. I live in a suburb of Portland, OR. So it's everywhere. Trying to switch to moderate light beer instead of complete abstinence.
  • kikislubos
    kikislubos Posts: 2 Member
    My weakness/ addiction is roasted almonds. I buy them bulk at our co-op but I might as well be addicted to drugs cuz almonds are like $15 a pound and I can eat a pound in 3 days. I just love the crunch. I have to keep them out of my house. I mostly make all my meals at home so if it's not in the house I won't eat it. Unless I let the almond demon take over my brain and go to the co-op to get some. If I do that I make myself walk there. Self control is hard.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    If I stopped drinking I bet I could drop like 10lbs in a week hahahaha. I love craft beer and wine. Quitting drinking isn't an option though- I work in the craft beer industry and my boyfriend works in the wine industry. But I've been working on cutting back on my drinking and knowing that if I'm going to have a beer, it means I'm sacrificing something else, like say ice cream or another snack.
  • Lndarden50
    Lndarden50 Posts: 30 Member
    Not all of us! I avoid alcohol, thank goodness! My biggest weakness is overeating after going to the gym. I just get so hungry... :(
  • Nancy12302
    Nancy12302 Posts: 5 Member
    Carbs and sweets and this idea that I should have something for dessert every night after dinner! Nope
  • jleeporter
    jleeporter Posts: 6 Member
    After dinner snacking and weekend moderation are my two intermittent struggles. :T

    For what it's worth my carb and sugar cravings went WAY down when I started changing up my typical 'calorie deficit' centered diet, which didn't have much variety (grilled chicken, broccoli, sweet potato, repeat). I've been using this site called eatthismuch.com, it asks you a slew of questions based on your age, weight, dietary restrictions, how much time you have to cook, goals, etc. and spits out recipe ideas for your macronutrient and weight loss goals, and even makes you a grocery list and uses the leftover ingredients. I think the best part for me is that you set the parameters of what you want so you really can't go wrong with what it gives you. It's helped take some of the time out of my routine and the variety is refreshing. Some of you may find it helpful.
  • Deftness
    Deftness Posts: 12 Member
    Starbucks Frapps and I dont. Hence the fatness. :D
  • Deftness
    Deftness Posts: 12 Member
    In all seriousness, I think my attachment to the frapps is a little more mental. I was going through some stuff years ago and when I was feeling down I would treat myself to one. Now, I felt down A LOT. Then I got to a happier time in my life but I couldn't kick the habit. In fact, if I couldn't have one, it would embarrassingly change my mood.

    Now, I'm trying to kick them for good but its a struggle.
  • berbobio
    berbobio Posts: 3 Member
    Like several people have already said, craft beer is my weakness. I've done a dry two weeks and lost 10 pounds, so that's good motivation. I don't really fight it, I've just decided that if I'm going to imbibe, it'll be a small amount or a very good craft beer. Doing this, I'm losing weight, saving money, and drinking better beer. ;)
  • dawiese
    dawiese Posts: 3 Member
    Pizza, without a doubt. The lunch cafe at work is set up so you have to walk past the subs and sandwiches, then the BBQ bar, and then the pizza parlor before arriving at the salad bar. Mondays is flatbread and Wednesdays is traditional. I rarely make it past pizza. Last year when I was really serious I had to continuously repeat in my mind NO, NO, NO when walking in. I lost 10 lbs in 8 months. Now it's not so easy. Pizza is my favorite food.
  • AngryBecky
    AngryBecky Posts: 24 Member
    For me, I think it's a vicious cycle of snacking and perfectionism. Logging calories helps, but sometimes I get stuck on things not being accurate.... Like having food cooked for you and not knowing what's in it precisely. Then I give up and return to snacking / not caring. I also don't like being a calorie-counting maniac.

    I guess it's about making a good estimate and logging it.. And that will help with the not snacking.
  • flaviana82
    flaviana82 Posts: 5 Member
    Procrastination. I don't actually go to the gym later when I tell myself I will. I eat chips and drink wine instead, and then I'm all like, I'll just go in the morning. And I never do. I. Never. Do.
  • PudgyFellow123
    PudgyFellow123 Posts: 40 Member
    Weakness, everything. Once I start, I can't stop. How I fight it. I'll have my regular meal if it's close to meal time. Have a protein shake if meal time is a while away, have a glass of water. If I feel like a late snack, I have a tablespoon of peanut butter. I would include the spoonful of peanut butter into my macros.
  • s_mustang
    s_mustang Posts: 1 Member
    Mine is night snacking. I get bored and stuff my face. To combat this, I brush my teeth just after supper and that keeps me honest.
  • jdelaney585
    jdelaney585 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2016
    For me it is finding the time to cook and to eat enough. I spend more time making sure my son has healthy meals that by the time I realize I need to eat I just end up throwing together something quick or easy without regard for nutrition. I do my best but I'd like to get my Ish together and meal prep properly.
  • kristin0007
    kristin0007 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    My biggest weaknesses are diet soda, bread, pizza, CHEESE, Taco Bell and chocolate. To overcome this, I started drinking more water and riding my bike more. Using this app to track my food really helps me make better decisions.
  • hylanderk
    hylanderk Posts: 3 Member
    Late nighr snacks in bed right before sleep. I try to be cognizant of the time I'm eating and avoid it but man I like going to bed feeling full lol
  • JRShields2012
    JRShields2012 Posts: 2 Member
    Honestly, my weakness is boredom. If I'm idle for more than a half hour I get bored and I'll binge out on chips or cookies or whatever is around. I've been learning to do web development on my off time so that has helped!