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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. A brief pop-in as I am waiting for my niece to call so we can discuss Macbeth in preparation for an essay she has to write in class tomorrow. I had a lot of running around today along with an appointment at my family Doc's. I wanted to get to as many places on route as I could. I got to the water garden place and bought some water lettuce and water hyacinths for the pond. I also got to a kitchen shop I had been wanting to get to. I was able to find a spiralizer (I believe that is what they call it) so I can prepare some veg like zucchini in the shape of pasta (3 shapes including spaghetti). I have seen these devices used on tv shows several times to recommend using veg prepared like pasta, along with some real pasta as a way of cutting down starches and thus calories. I'll let you all know how well It works! I also got to a so-called 'beauty supply store' to buy a new hair straightener which I have needed for some time. All week it has been threatening rain but none has really materialized so I had to do a major watering of all plants tonight. Take care all.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Afternoon Crackers!

    I can confirm your rain Bracken is very much with me! It has rained now almost non stop for the past week so it's very green here but cold. My many beautiful tulips are struggling to hold their heads up high which is a great shame. However whilst the rain has kept me out of the garden I've been happily painting in the dry under the terrace.

    I have almost completed one side of the house - my profile photo side! I forgot to include the balcony door in my original count which has 2 large shutters, so in total I've painted 8, in 4 weeks so there are now 2 very battered shutters and half of the wood shed left.... And I must do those 2 shutters next week because otherwise I won't be able to put the flowers up - if the weather ever improves. As we have a full house of guests arriving today, I've now packed everything away until after the bank holiday. Our terrace is clear, I've planted up my balcony flowers ready for the window boxes and because it might (yet) snow they are protected I hope in the garage.

    The family are all here because my husband is cooking for 180 tomorrow - a bbq (in this delightful weather!) at his Uncle's farm in our village, as they are having their new cattle stall blessed by the Priest (as you do in these parts) and thanking all the many builders etc and the locals are all invited to come and view and admire it....

    Fortunately I started this long weekend just under my target weight which should allow for all the cake etc. I'm just going to attempt to go with the flow and not get stressed out!! Famous last words!

    Be good Crackers!

    Bracken my hair straighteners are fighting a losing battle in this damp, miserable weather!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    P.S. Whilst the field is as green as my profile photo sadly the sky is very grey!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. MITM, we are still running parallel weather. As I am writing this, it is very cold (6C) made worse by high winds, and wet SNOW showers. I was about to say at least it isn't accumulating but have just noticed small bits on the garage roof. This is after very heavy rain Friday which was much needed and has led the hostas in particular to mushroom almost before my eyes. But like you, the tulips are struggling to hold their heads up. I have a lot of very lovely miniature irises just out and also lilacs. I hope they can cope with this nasty weather. I was thinking the other day, how many plants I have that are associated with someone. There is a dark purple lilac that originally came from my Grandma's farm. A shoot was planted at my parent's place and I took a shoot from that bush and brought it to my home. I have a groundcover called pachysandria which my Mother gave me from a trip she took to the botanical gardens in Hamilton, Ontario. I have bleeding heart also from my Mother's. I have several woodland flowers from my brother's woods and some iris and Virginia bluebells from a dear riding friend who died of breast cancer. I love plants but they seem even more lovely with their associated memories. MITM, I have tender plants secured in the garage too. You are doing very well with that daunting paint job it seems. I can hardly imagine cooking for 180. I'd be interested to know what was on the menu your husband is serving. The blessing of the cattle sounds like a fine tradition to me. I'm sure it must create a sense of respect and appreciation for the cattle. I have always admired the Anglican churches here where a Blessing of the Animals service is held. I hope you enjoy the celebrations and good food. You clearly deserve some indulgence with keeping your weight below target.
    Here is hoping all other Crackers are doing well. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Morning Crackers!

    Thankfully it finally stopped raining and on Sunday we were blessed with sunshine for the BBQ. On the menu Bracken there was a whole suckling pig, pork chops, rack of pork, sausages and grilled turkey with ginger and lemon and the grilled vegetables were courgettes, peppers, mushrooms and there was potato salad. There are 2 live in Serbian helpers at the farm caring for the old folk (who are very frail) who were trained as pattistiere chefs so they made the cakes for the afternoon. It was a success, my husband's cousin who was hosting was very pleased. I wasn't so pleased with all the revolting clearing up I had to do after my husband had finished prepping at our place; 180 people that's a lot of work trays and with my dislike of meat I was almost throwing up whilst washing up!

    Not that, that stopped me from scoffing cake all weekend long and regaining 2 pounds of sugar! However I drew the line again Monday and yesterday I started logging again and I threw myself around the garden with the lawn mower and I managed 11,202 steps.

    Today my daughter has her first AS exam in History. She is very nervous as am I, but only because anything less than an A she will be disappointed with because of the amount of hard work and effort she has put in! Could be another long summer ahead awaiting the results!!

    Well as the lovely weather is not going to last - tomorrow promises to be exceedingly cold which is hard to believe looking out of the window today, I shall now head for the garden.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. It is gradually warming up here and the past two days have really suited me- sunny, about 16C, a very light breeze, no humidity. The temps are still low for this time of year but by Monday (a holiday here, Victoria Day)it will be 29C- and I'll complain about the heat! Today and yesterday were perfect for walking Nellie and today I also had a nice bike ride.
    I've got a lot of gardening to do over the next few days as I have not done up any planting of annuals nor have I planted my vegetable box. There is also lawn cutting to be done. The lawns are quite overgrown as my old lawnmower finally gave up the ghost this week and is beyond repair. I was unsure of exactly what type of mower to get as a replacement. However, in talking to my sister last night about it she told me, her husband had just decided to get a different type of mower because their new house has a pool and he wants a mulching mower because the old one throws cuttings at the pool. She told me I was welcome to their old mower which works perfectly well so I picked it up this evening. My window boxes need fresh soil as do other planters. Of course, the weeds have not taken a rest either.
    MITM, I can just imagine the cleanup you must have done after that preparation for 180 people with that menu you described. Well done on your 11,000 plus steps which should have taken care of some of that cake. I hope your daughter's exam goes well. She is doubtlessly well prepared but I certainly know that doesn't mean an exam isn't anxiety producing.
    I had some lovely news yesterday when my sister who lives in Western Canada phoned to say her daughter is engaged. We have know her fiancée for some time and my family all agree is a very fine person. I was very impressed at how at ease is was around my Mother, even in the time of her last illness. We have joked that if my niece had finished with him, we would still take him on as a member of the family. The wedding will be West, possibly in Calgary or British Columbia. My sister says it won't be immediately, not before next summer at the earliest. My niece has just opened her optometry practice and her fiancée is graduating this spring from dentistry school and starting to practice.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Bracken perhaps you and I should take over this blog and rename it 'The Weather'!! It is not so much cold here today as grey, damp and drizzling - absolutely miserable! My husband assures me we too have sunny weather coming tomorrow oh yeah...

    However I finished all my mowing yesterday (10,294 steps), my second circuit of the garden this year and my first up in the jungle where amongst the weeds, as high as your knees are 3 gooseberry bushes which are coming along nicely (LMV how are yours doing?) and far too many blackcurrant and redcurrant bushes for my liking or use. My front garden flower beds look so lovely and then you glance up and on the top level of my rockery, above my ground cover rose bushes is this overgrown fruit garden! But no more!

    This year I have 2 lawn mowers - I have flymos living on a slope (sent over from England) but mine which was old, wasn't gliding as it should so I invested and treated myself to a new model which is like a little spaceship flying around with me on the end! I'm using that one on the lawns I tend to and attempt to nurture and the old one at the back of my house which is wild with shrubs and in the jungle!

    So true what you said about exams Bracken. The daughter was well prepared but she said she felt sick whilst waiting to go into the hall with her friends who were getting themselves into a state. At first glance at the questions she feared the worst. But planned and got started and then 1/2 an hour in she had from no where what she thinks was a panic attack, she thought she was going to be sick then and there, her hands started shaking and she didn't know what she was writing but told herself to just keep going. Somehow pulled herself together for the 2nd question. Of course afterwards she realised it wasn't a hard paper at all for her, so was upset and cross with herself... Silly girl did not have breakfast that day, she never misses breakfast so I'm sure that played a part too. Fortunately this year they are only AS exams not A-levels. Her teacher reassured her and said to think of this as a mock as her reference for universities will reflect her excellence and predicted grade (A) - if you could lose weight with stress I'd be a rake!!

    What lovely news Bracken and plenty of notice to give you time to find the perfect outfit and to get to the desired size, no excuses - Operation Wedding Outfit it is for you!

    Right it's under the terrace for me now to complete my final 2 shutters of one side of the house. I had an exciting moment whilst walking across the field of buttercups with my sister-in-law at the weekend, normally I approach from a different direction and the 2 willow trees block my view - but there stood in the distance our house and I could spot the 2 shutters I hadn't yet painted because the others looked so good!!! Even if I do say so myself!

    Be good Crackers - or if you're being naughty do tell us!! Bracken and I we're missing our Cracker friends!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - well I've been a bit quiet for the last few days for good reason. My job at UCS has been terminated as of today. I've had an awful week as I was rather expecting it, but I'm now feeling quite relieved as it is all over. Don't know what else to say at the moment - probably need to sleep on the situation. Good news is I lost 5lbs because I couldn't eat!

    PB Xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Oh PB I'm so sorry to read your dreadful news - I do feel for you. Stay strong you are better than that job and those horrible work colleagues.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - after sleeping on the situation hope you are still feeling relieved and preparing to move on. And keep those 5lbs lost off!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers = well I must say that I have been supported and comforted by the actions of friends over the past few days and have been out the last two evenings and, although I was still feeling quite sick yesterday morning I do feel now that the shock is beginning to wear off and I feel a bit more ready to face the next challenge. I have a couple of jobs to apply for and my CV is just about ready. I went to a lovely concert last night at a church about 10 miles away and then ended up in the pub before returning home. I'm off to church shortly and the sun is shining. We have a choral even song benefice service next Sunday so I'm singing the Cantique de Jean Racine and a Cantate Domino both of which I know. I have to go to the hospital with Mum on Wed to receive the results of a CT Scan so that is a small worry but I'm trying to be positive as her endoscopy was clear and I suspect a lot of her trouble is stress related.

    I shot a letter from my solicitor across her bows before the meeting on Thursday so I was at least able to make them back off a little. The outcome was the same but they gave me a pay off which they could potentially have just given me a months notice. So I need to be very careful about the next job and try to choose more carefully what I do next and with whom. I'm not prepared to put up with bullying any more.

    Well need to get ready for church so more later.

    Take care Crackers

    PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. PB, I was very sorry to read about your job when I popped in just for a read. However, it's good to read today that you are already looking forward and considering your next move. As always, it is good to keep involved in other enriching activities and your choral
    singing seems to be uplifting. I wish I knew more about the kind of music you sing but even the titles sound very grand. Also I hope the appointment with your Mother goes well.
    MITM, we do seem to be the Weather Women, don't we! I often comment here about how much more attention is paid to the weather on the daily news programs. I think in part at least it is because the weather is so much more extreme now. Last week I was running plants into the garage every night because of frost warnings; today it was near 30C and suddenly everything was drying out quickly and I had to do a large watering. I spent a lot of time on the weekend planting and ended up with more pots than I had intended. I always do quite a few pots anyway because my soil is quite sandy and in the really hot weather annuals do not do well in beds because they dry out so much. I have had more success potting them up and placing them in the beds for more colour after the spring flowers re over.
    I've had a further call from my sister regarding the wedding. My niece is already finding that many venues for next summer are already booked. However, apparently her Dad is going to look at one today. My niece and her fiancée want to be married in the mountains. There is a small lodge that sounds promising. It is called Beaverfoot Lodge about 40k from Golden, B.C.
    I've looked at it in the internet and it seems very beautiful and rustic. (it is easy to find if anyone is interested in looking it up). MITM, it will indeed be Operation Wedding Dress and more. But more on that later. I have just had another niece on the phone and she wants to come and have me guide her writing an essay on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tomorrow afternoon. I need to do some prep!
    Regards all.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Afternoon Crackers!

    It's a beautiful sunny day here in the mountains. The local outdoor swimming pool officially opens for the season today so I could just pop on the bikini and lie out! On Sunday I was out walking with the husband and realised this time last year, was when my husband took the unflattering photo of me clambering up, which I didn't recognise as me and it was my wake up call as I looked such a blob. So first sign of warm weather I was in my new fitted 3/4 length trousers and breton t'shirt, showing off my 'at target' figure - no flab this year!!

    The Presidential elections have really shown the 2 faces of Austria which my daughter and I have always had our strong suspicions about, in our lengthy dealings with the locals in school/church matters which my husband never believed. He is still in shock that he and his family, my daughter's inner circle and my close friend we are in the small minority here. These little villages would rather have a far right President. Thanks to Facebook my daughter can read the most dreadful post election comments from pupils in her former school class. The propaganda they come out with, they are so ignorant and small minded. As my daughter said "Well what do you expect, that comment is from the girl who turned around whilst watching 'Schindler's List' and said 'Who cares about these people - I don't." I recently read 'Born Survivors' a true account of how three mothers and their newborns fought to survive the Holocaust. They ended up in Mauthausen death camp in Austria. It is packed with harrowing detail and their treatment at the hands of the Austrians.... This election was decided by less than 1% so unless the parties get their acts together I dread the next elections in 2 years time.

    On a more positive note - Beaverfoot Lodge looks enchanting Bracken I do hope they have availability. My daughter has her second exam today in history Russia this time. I've checked she has had breakfast and I hope she can remain calm! My geraniums are also finally out of the garage and up in their window boxes. Later today I will plant up the petunias into the old wooden beer barrels we use as pots! We have also finished planting up the vegetable garden hurrah! Right I've window shutters awaiting a second coat of paint.

    Hope the job hunting is going well PB.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. This will be brief pop-in but I had to check an e-mail, so here I am. I'm quite exhausted after another day of lots of gardening but also many steps. In fact, I may have set a record for my steps- over 13,000 and I am feeling them at the moment. I started with a good walk with Nellie. I don't wear my Fitbit all day because I don't think I get an accurate count when what I'm doing involves upper body movement but will put it on for any activity that is mainly walking so I wore it when I cut the front and backyard lawns which added considerable steps. Then I had to go to several stores, at all of which I was parked a good distance from the entrance and then walked a lot in the stores, all big box type stores. I also did over 10,000 steps another day within the past week so I am making some progress.
    MITM, you have done so well in reaching your goal and maintaining target or very near target. I'm glad you can enjoy your success.
    There was quite a lot of press here regarding your recent election and I was aware of the far
    right candidate. (Mr. Hoffler I believe is name is). What a strange and disturbing place the world is at the moment with so many countries having such extreme candidates and so many scary people in charge in many countries.
    AS I said, this is really a pop-in so must go and have a nice soak with some Epsom salts!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Sadly, MITM, the political situation in the UK is hardly better. We are polarising around racism and fear as we head towards the referendum. There is basically no reliable information about the truth because the politicians (and the media) are spinning everything so much they couldn't begin to tell you what was truthful and of course we have a wide range of ignorance that is encouraged and magnified by the media - both sides seem to want to use fear rather than hope as their basis for decision making - this is clever since it is actually fear that makes people vote in a particular way - either stay in (fear of the consequences of leaving) or leave (fear of the cost of staying). They are ALL MAD! As far as I can see this is about as stupid as the Scottish referendum. On what planet does it make sense for a small part of a small island to declare independence in a global world???? Similarly - we are a global community - the problems that face us are global and cutting off a small island won't make any difference to those problems. What with the resurrection of myths and Daily Braille lies about 'unelected officials', lies about 'spending the money we save (!) on the NHS I fear that the vote will go for leave - for completely the wrong reasons.

    OK rant over!

    I'm OK. Its been an up and down week with some job applications but nothing (as yet) coming to anything. Mums results were positive with no cancer being detected. However, she has to have another endoscopy as they now want to look at her bile ducts where they think she has stones. Her pancreas is still not working correctly but this may be because she is on metformin for type 2 diabetes which is a known side effect. Not sure what they will do about that, but she was going to see the GP yesterday so I will find out today what she says.

    I am on duty at the stables over the weekend - my friend is off to Munich to be a patient voice at a medical conference this morning until tomorrow evening so I'm going to give her Mum my help this afternoon and tomorrow evening. On Sunday evening I also have a benefice Choral Evensong which I'm looking forward to with the Cantique de Jean Racine (Faure) being the main event. Its such a beautiful, melodic piece of music.

    My garden is doing well and I have carrots, potatoes, onions, peas, beans, tomatoes, courgettes and cucumbers in. My strawberries have lots of flowers on so fingers crossed and my rhubarb has bolted. I'm looking forward to a harvest of cherry plums too. May even do some weeding this morning!

    I did a 4 mile walk yesterday from home to a village on the coast - through the woods and along footpaths. The highlight was the sound of a cuckoo calling! Haven't heard one for about two years. Enjoyed the walk and the ankle was OK but when I took my boots and socks off I realised that my toenails needed cutting - my feet were a bloody mess. whoops. Luckily, its the time of year for sandals so my toes can have a few days to recover! the pace was around 3 miles an hour - I really can't move all that fast at the moment and it felt quite fast but we were short of time so had to keep going. perfect weather though with a nice cool breeze but warm enough.

    That's it for now Crackers. take care all

    PB xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning Crackers,

    A short post but I am hoping it will become a daily post. I apologise for not keeping up with things, unfortunately it feels like the past few months have been happening to someone else. Not too sure if that makes sense? I am back to a horrendous weight (again) but thank goodness I am starting to care about how awful I look and feel. I honestly haven't cared about anything in an age so to feel awful about myself is, to me, feeling well on the road to normality.

    I am going to start logging my diet intake again and have put my Fitbit on for the first time since about February. I need some routine and I just know I will find it here with my friends. Thank you all for being there xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Morning Crackers!

    Very strange 'dieting' week for me.... Thursday evening I succumbed and ate the last of my birthday chocolate, 2 bars of white chocolate and I don't even like white chocolate! Thankfully there is now no more chocolate lurking in the house.

    The following day did my weekly food shop only to find myself stood in front of the bakery counter looking longingly at the olive bread. I love olives and I love bread and I also know all too well from past experience I'd polish off the lot and feel very ill afterwards! So as they had no half loaves I dragged myself away only to find myself staring into the ice cream cabinet! 25% off and I cannot resist a bargain! I haven't bought ice cream from a supermarket in over a year which is probably why and how I got back to my target weight... However there was a small tub because again I'd scoff the lot, no sharing but I know it could trigger me off again and then I caught sight of the sugar content - 2 days worth in one serving and that wasn't even the whole little tub!! Aside from my white chocolate attack I've got my sugar back under control at 20g a day, so I tossed the tub back into the freezer in utter disgust!

    Returned home and headed for the garden and planted up my lavenders and busy lizzies. Next day decided to face the scales having avoided them on Friday, time to draw the line and was gobsmacked to realise I'd not gained but lost. Only 0.4lbs but I was expecting a gain! The rest of the day I was so busy I just didn't have time to sit. My husband was doing a wedding so I completed another 4 shutters, cut the front lawn and potted in the garden happily. Got on the scales again yesterday (as I always do!) and could not believe it I've lost another 0.6lbs so I've lost a pound in total after all this week, which is great news as with my 'Challenge Group' just after Easter, I pledged to hit 133 pounds by Memorial Day and I'm actually just under my target weight at 132.6 so I'm feeling very, very fortunate!!!

    PB - your walk sounded so lovely. Walking in our pine woods is my number one form of exercise as I find it clears my head! Sadly no walk for us yesterday as it poured with rain however I'm dragging my friend out today rain or no rain!!

    Bracken - well done on your many steps! Have you had your doctor's appointment yet?

    BM - Good to see you back with us again. Baby steps, one day at a time - they will soon mount up.

    LMV has broken her wrist and says everything is difficult but will be back online eventually.

    Right Crackers be good!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you MITM, baby steps sums it up nicely at the moment. My Fitbit goal is just 5000 steps and I hit that yesterday which felt good. Absolutely well done on your weight, an inspiration xx

    Bracken, I assume that the Drs appt MITM mentions is re your skin biopsies? I apologise but I can't yet read back over the posts, hope all is well with you and Nellie Xx

    PB, how are you and your parents? are you keeping up with your singing? Xx

    LMV, hope you are not in too much pain with your wrist? Look after yourself xx

    Day two for me, my goal this week is to take each day as it comes.......
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    HI BM - great to see you. Welcome. thank you for your kind thoughts - Mum is doing well after her cancer scare - thankfully, no cancer has been detected although she needs treatment for stones in her bile ducts and a pancreas that isn't working as it should. As far as singing is concerned I had a lovely Choral Evensong to do on Sunday evening - as it was a 5 sunday month we had a benefice service and they chose Choral Evensong - a service that is rare outside of cathedrals these days. There were 17 of us in the Choir and nearly 40 in the congregation (in a church that has a capacity of about 60). A beautiful evening, in contrast to the last couple of days where we have had wind, rain, thunder and lightening and it has been cold enough for a fire yesterday afternoon.

    Your goal for the week is absolutely spot on - and one that I need to follow myself at the moment so we can go for it together. Well done on the steps yesterday. Its probably more than I did - but my walk on Friday morning certainly helped me to exceed my step count - as it was around 15000 steps! And I heard the cuckoo!

    My job hunt has been on hold over the weekend but I hope it will pick up again today - found one to apply for this morning in Ipswich so quite a good opportunity. Lets hope that I will be back at work soon (although the situation regarding the EU referendum isn't helping).

    take care Crackers and keep in touch!

    PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. A late pop-in here and I just had to read all the newsy posts so now I am out of time. Wonderful to have you able to post again, BM. I'll try to get back tomorrow. Regards.