Quzzdragon's Weight-Loss



  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks Kell - I was bad this weekend, but it was a nice rest and I do feel MUCH better :)

    We joined the local Planet Fitness (gym)! I figure the only way I'll go is if I have someone to go with and keep me accountable, and hubby feels the same. So we joined and worked out, then were bad during the weekend. Oh well. Planning on going at least 3 times per week. Hubby's goal is to build more muscle and slim down a bit (though that's mostly happening through eating habits) and I'm still working on my goals. Obviously I want to lose weight, but mostly that happens through calorie intake management. I don't want to get "buff" per say, but toning would be good. Probably means some weight machine work, though I'm hoping I can meet with a trainer to set realistic goals.

    Just when we thought the job front was quiet - Hubby got a new job offer. His current job is so poorly administrated and understaffed, he's miserable, so he took the new job. Helps that it's also offering an extra $8k per year. So that's happy news :) he starts in 2 weeks! Luckily it's in the building next door to his current job so we won't have to change locations or schedules. Woo!

    Otherwise quiet on our front. I've been looking longingly at houses, so maybe I can poke hubby into starting our hunt early. :tongue:
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Yay for joining the gym. Don't be scared about going near the weight machines, they wont make you into a hulk and a little extra muscle will help you increase your metabolism for losing weight.
    Nice news about the new job for hubby. The extra 8k a year will certainly help the house hunting coffers as well.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Well, I'm back down 7 pounds - I think it's just the snap-back from the cruise weight. SUPER excited about that. MFP projects if I can stick to my nutrition goals I can lose another 7 before the 4th of July - let's see if I can!

    Speaking of the 4th, I'm going to be in charge of organizing it. My mother-in-law hosts it (she's got a pool - woo!), but hates organizing events, and I love it. So I'll start that soon. Yay! My Aunt used to host it, but she got diagnosed with ALS 2 years ago and is going downhill pretty quickly. She's in a wheelchair and needs a feeding tube, can't really talk, and her hands are almost 100% useless (so typing on her tablet to communicate is hard now too). Anyway, getting away from downer-land, I'm excited for the 4th. I've got all sorts of cute patriotic ideas for foods. :)

    Anyway - hope those in the states are enjoying their long weekend!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I love how you guys go all out for 4th July. It's so big that even in some parts of Aus people celebrate it. I remember going to a 4th July part one year and it was the best party i've been too. Hope you have an awesome time.
    Sorry to hear about your Aunt. ALS is is the pits
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    4th of July celebrations in Aus? Really? I'd have never thought that. I'll be sure to tell my family - they'll get a kick out of it.

    So... I chopped off most of my hair last week and I LOVE IT! I used a bit of gel in it today and I've been getting compliments left right and center from work folks. It's super short. Bring on the summer heat! (but seriously, if it could be a cooler summer that'd be awesome). :wink:

    Another crazy weekend planned with a Baby Shower for a friend and my sister's birthday and hubby starting a new job Monday. At some point I need to go shopping for new dress pants. Even Hubby said "take those pants off, they look terrible on you! They're hanging off your butt!" Which is awesome... and a pain. So those pants are in the "hopefully donate" pile. Not sure how long I should wait after weight loss to donate, so I'm holding off for a little while. Still need some new pants that do fit haha. Everyone keeps saying "Oh, it's time to bring out the summer wardrobe" but... I don't have that many clothes that I have two sets of clothing. Just one, and now half of those don't fit. Hoping Goodwill can help a girl out.

    Anyway - have a fantastic weekend everyone!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I've heard good things about good will and just thrift stores in general for replacement wardrobe to save money! I hope you luck out there! It does sound like you're going to be a busy girl this weekend, I hope you enjoy it and have fun! =)
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    always a good dilemma to have to go and buy new clothes cause the other ones are too big. Hope the goodwill comes through
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    So happy that you need new clothes it means you've been successful!!!!!!!!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks everyone! My "shopping fairy" (aka my sister) is coming down this weekend and we're going to get me dress pants and new bras. Mine fit, but they're all at least 5 years old and they're starting to not hold the ladies right, so it's time for new. I'm glad my size hasn't change (so is hubby ;) ) but need some fresh ones. Figured out that NONE of my dress pants fit now. So I'm wearing lots of dresses and skirts. Even those are eh looking now. Yay! weigh-in on Saturday before shopping. My goal/hope is I'll be within 10 pounds of my goal so I can buy a bunch of clothes without worrying. If it's more than 10 pounds I really should wait for a large shopping spree. Possibly in the outlets in PA where there's no sales tax on clothes.

    Tried spaghetti squash the other night and loved it! I was wary at first, but I found a recipe with ricotta cheese, basil, and garlic and it was fantastic! Hubby hates zucchini, but even he loved it too! He said, "this is squash? but... it tastes good!" haha! Going to try to find some more ripe ones and use it more. Between that and the kelp noodles, I've got some lower calorie options for my noodle dishes.

    Pool opens today!!!! SO excited. I thought our apartment pool would be closed this year because they're building a new one, but nope - they're open! Got a 10-pack of visitor passes since my sister visits often. Hopefully that will also entice other friends and family to visit too! We love hosting people, so pool is a nice cherry on top. Between pool and gym, I'm hoping to get more regular exercise.

    My phone is on the fritz and the back keeps popping off, so I'm shopping around for a new one. Preferably one from this decade. I'm trying to find one that will sync with my Garmin, too. I'm thinking about Metro PCS because their music streaming doesn't count against data usage which is perfect for me since I stream music every day all day at work.

    I've been having a lot of fun finding recipes and playing with them. I actually brought my recipe binder in to work today to organize it in my free time. Yay play time :tongue: I want to make a section of "go-to meals" for the days when I haven't planned anything and probably have the ingredients at home.

    Enough random thoughts for now. Sorry for the ramble. Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited June 2016
    Definitely sounds like you're in need of new clothes! I'm pretty sure my boobs are going to change a little bit as I continue to lose weight but I'm okay with it because well what can you do? haha good luck on your weigh in, Saturday will be here before you know it!! =)

    I am not a fan of spaghetti squash but maybe we just didn't use the right recipe. I've never tried kelp noodles. I'm glad you found something you both enjoy!

    That's awesome that the pool is still open!!

    Good luck on finding a new phone!

    haha that's an awesome use of free time!! Sounds like a good plan! It's nice to always feel prepared! =)

    I like random thoughts and rambles so I'm a fan. haha Hope you're having a great week as well! I look forward to your next update/ramble =P

  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I love the idea of a meal/recipe binder. Organization is key on our weight release journey!!!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Today's our 2-year anniversary! :smiley::heart: :blush: Celebrating with tasty Thai food - yumm! I gave hubby a Game of Thrones polo (he so he can wear it to work) and some Star Wars boxers and he loves them. He gave me Civilization: Beyond Earth which is the next in a video game series that we're both obsessed with - but this one has cute aliens! Really good anniversary so far, and it isn't even half way over!

    On the health/weight-loss front, I've been pretty bad. I definitely won't reach my goal for 4th of July, but at least I haven't gained any either. How can you tell what a good maintenance level for you is? Maybe this is it? Or maybe I've just been bad. After tonight's celebration food I'm going to try to kick it up and really stick to my goals for food. Maybe if I can get past this plateau I'll get back in the routine. I guess if I gain the weight back I'll know that this is where I should be for maintenance.

    Made some more breakfast quiches last night - tomato and artichoke - yum! They turned out really well and will hopefully help me get back to healthy breakfasts for a healthy start to the day.

    Sisters came over this weekend (both of them) and we spent 8 hours shopping. It was SO much fun and VERY productive. I wasn't within 10 pounds of my goal (11 - so close!), so I only got 2 pairs of pants, but they fit GREAT and were desperately needed. I also got some skirts (they're stretchy so I'm not worried about additional weight loss with them) and new bras. First time in a long time I've been excited about how the ladies look in their holster - it's a HUGE confidence booster.

    Along with their visit I made a TON of food. Most of it was pretty healthy, it's just the quantity that's astonishing. We have so many leftovers in the fridge that I won't have to cook for a week. Happy and sad - I enjoy cooking. But this way I can be lazy and play more Civ ;)

    Not sleeping well probably hasn't helped with weight-loss. The government job that Hubby is hopeful about posted over the weekend and he applied. Now it's just a waiting game to see if he gets it. Makes him anxious and therefore me anxious and neither of us sleep. Fun times. Posting closes this Friday, so I really hope we hear something soon. Otherwise I'll have to learn to be an insomniac. This is just one of three postings they were promising too, so if he doesn't get this one we'll go through this whole song-and-dance again in another week or two. It really is a great opportunity (minimum $8k/yr raise plus government benefits/stability/etc.) and we both really hope he gets it. I'm just also looking forward to it being over, hehe.

    So a couple of years ago my sister got us recipe making software called "Living Cookbook." You input the ingredients, the directions, any pictures, servings, etc. It makes a nutrition label similar to MFP but it also contains directions. It also has a nice, uniform, print-out version for each recipe. I started inputting my healthier recipes when I first started with MFP, but I really haven't had a lot of time recently. Ideally, I'd like to get my recipe binder updated with all of the same recipes, but all in the same format through living cookbook. I could also share them then with my sisters and mom, who also have the same software. I just found out that I might be able to install the software onto a flash drive and work on it in my spare time at work - WIN! Going to ask hubby to set that up tonight or tomorrow. I'll post a picture of a recipe example once I have it up and running.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely week. Lots of little exciting things and big exciting things. :smile:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Happy Anniversary!! =) So glad it's turning out to be such a good day for you!!

    I hope your husband gets the job, I'll keep my fingers crossed!

    I've never heard of that software but it sounds awesome! Can't wait to see an example of it!

    Hope you continue to have a good week and I look forward to your next update!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    edited June 2016
    Been a little while, but not a whole lot going on. Still in the midst of my plateau and trying to push through. Setting new mini-goals that I hope will help. For example: no munching on the snacks and candies provided by work. If I snack, it will only be the ones that I bring in so I can more easily control how much I eat. I bought some low calorie high fiber brownies and some fruit snacks to help on that front. Hopefully this weekend when I weigh in I'll see some movement.

    Living Cookbook won't play off of a flash drive, so I've just brought my laptop in and I work on typing in the recipes in my free time. I'm REALLY excited to have my recipes in a uniform format and in a way that I can very easily share them. Hopefully you all can see this picture below of how they look. This is also one of my favorite recipes of all time - I really recommend you guys try it:


    (I use Turkey Kielbasa for the "chicken sausage." Super tasty!

    Yesterday was both an up and a down for me. I snacked a TON. I couldn't stop myself from grabbing every snack I saw and eating it. It was horrible. At the same time, according to my Garmin I took over 15,000 steps AND we went to the gym where I used the bike, level 10, hills, and (according to the bike) burned over 300 calories. I was so tired from all the walking that we didn't do any weights yesterday, but that's my first time biking at level 10 the whole time, so I was really proud of myself. Hoping I can keep the snacking to a minimum for the next few days and really hit my goal this weekend. Also going to try to hit the gym Tomorrow and get the cardio and weights in this time.

    My sister, mom, and 4 (that I know of) friends are on MFP now! Super excited.

    Hubby and I went through our wardrobes and donated a box full of clothes, and put another box full of "almost fit" clothes away (both on the large and skinny end). Really felt nice cleaning up our closet and fitting into some older clothes that we grew out of.

    Anyway. Hope everyone is having a lovely week and has exciting things planned for the weekend!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    That recipe looks great and I love the format!

    Way to go on staying at level 10 on the bike!

    That's awesome that some of your family and friends have come on here!

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and blast through that plateau!
    (If it's been 4-6 weeks, I know you've mentioned this plateau before but I can't remember how long it has been, but depending on how close to goal you are, you may need to be more accurate in your logging. Less you, smaller deficit means less room for error, Good luck!)
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I looked again at my tracking, and I think my problem isn't so much a plateau as it is I'm gaining and losing the same 4 pounds ever other week. I really need to hunker down and stick to my calorie goals EVERY day instead of goofing off every other week. Mostly it's the weekends that kick my butt. I visit family or friends or even having them over - I always eat or drink too much and go over. I've always been a social eater, so I guess I just have to be more strict about when people are over or when I'm out visiting.

    Got a new phone - LOVE IT! I can actually use the MFP app on it AND it connects to my Garmin automatically. I'm hoping the ease of access helps me log when I'm away from home. I also have the cutest piglet (traditional A. A. Milne piglet) and Pooh background. So cute.

    I've gotten over 60 recipes entered into my program. Whew! Can't wait to share them with my sisters and mom and get their recipes in return. And then MAKE ALL THE FOOD! Hehehe. So, my only problem with cooking is - I love it! I know it's more time and money smart to make larger batches of food and reheat blah blah blah, and I do some of that and take it for lunches. But I like cooking and trying new things so much that most nights I'd rather make something new than eat leftovers. Not all nights, but most. Weird problem, I know. But with my journey to lose weight I've discovered a passion for cooking that I never really knew I had before. I dream about new dishes to try, weird combinations, and a beautiful kitchen that I hope to one day own. I'm sure as I cook for a while the thrill will die down.

    Fourth of July this weekend should be fun, but probably another struggle with food. Planning on bringing healthier desserts to tempt me away from the rich foods I expect will be there. Gotta run to the grocery store and find someplace to buy fireworks before Friday too. Busy busy busy.

    Hope everyone is doing well and has fun plans for the weekend!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited June 2016
    @Quzzdragon12 You can do it! Let's kick July's *kitten*! =D (You already know I have the same problem with visiting family so I understand how that goes.)

    I love Winnie the Pooh & Piglet too! When I was younger my entire room was Winnie the Pooh. I still have most the stuff but it's in storage.

    Well finding that you enjoy cooking and have a passion for it is awesome! I wish that were happening to me. haha If it dies down, then you can start batch cooking for leftovers! At least you'll never get bored of having the same things over and over! I'm glad you're getting your recipes in! I'm still in awe of that program!

    I'll be struggling with food this weekend as well (which I think I mentioned in my reply to you in my journal.) My mom already has the fireworks and I imagine we will be doing food on the grill so it shouldn't be too too bad as long as I don't overindulge but we will see. They are supposed to have a party as well so who knows what the others will bring if they decide to do so. I'll be practicing restraint and willpower that day. haha

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and have a great weekend as well!

    EDIT: I never realized how often I used the exclamation point. haha
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I also have a tendency to go over at family gatherings...the one thing I started doing was counting everything by number and then logging it accurately even if I go over plan...for me it's amazing how much less tempting chips are when you know you have already eaten 12 and are going to have to log 13+ if you keep munching! Totally a mental thing, I'm not usually eating them because I'm truly hungry, but just because they are there!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit You're just excited - I love you see it! I usually overuse emoticons hehehe.

    @tcunbeliever I know what you mean about eating because it's there. My mom loves to feed people (good 'ol German blood) and almost always has snacks out. Last time I visited I had to put the food on the opposite end of the table just to convince myself that I have to get up to get it adding another opportunity for me to rethink my poor decision.

    We'll see how it goes this weekend. I've started eating all of my burgers in lettuce wraps instead of buns, and I'm providing the lettuce for this weekend, so that should help. Maybe others will join me in my lighter option. :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Quzzdragon12 haha yes, very excited!!! <--See? =P