Just the Basics June: Week 1 (6/1-6/7)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited June 2016
    Very very happy to see all these positive results so far, scale or NSV!!! :mrgreen:

    If I have one more TOM Carbmare!!!:rage:

    Mon 6/6:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: Nope. Thank you, TOM. But yesterday was much lower so that's good.
    Carb Goal: :+1:
    Exercise: Arms too sore. Vacuumed and mopped 4 rooms instead :+1:
    Prelogged Next Day: :+1:

    SW: 159.6
    CW: 161.2- hate you, TOM.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Late to join the party, but we'll just call it fashionably late ;)

    I started June on vacation in Aruba, so you can imagine my derailment lol. I gained 3.6 in Aruba and about 2 before I left (over a month or so). I haven't been consistent enough, so I think this is the challenge for me! Yesterday I pulled myself back up on the wagon and I'm feeling good about it so far. My goals this month: Lots of water, Calorie goal, Carb goal, exercise goal and sleep 7 hours minimum (I do best with 8, but it's hard to manage). Soooo....

    Monday 6/6:
    Water: not enough
    Calories: 22 to spare
    Carbs: I was hoping to stay at or below 50, hit 53 (total)
    Exercise: in the bag
    Sleep: right at 7 hours

    Today I'll focus on water and carbs being right at 50 - I was just under 7 hours of sleep, and hit the road on my bike this morning. So far, so good.

    SW: 176.8
    CW: I am not sure how often I'll weigh in, so for now this is an unknown
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    Hubby and I have been working on renovating our home....working pretty much entire day, so no "official" exercise, but I'm getting plenty of activity! It's difficult to stay on track with eating if I don't plan well!
    I haven't weighed myself yet, cuz I tend to get disappointed and then talk negative to myself, and want to give up and quit. This is something I am working on changing. So weight will be after at least 2 weeks.

    Meal planning for the week and shopping done
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    7th June - Daily Goals

    Meds/supplements - yes
    Under Cals - yes
    under 50g net carbs - way under carbs
    not feeling as good today but has been very stressful due to my son and going to the Doctors today but still feeling totally in Control
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Just stating that I have a social thingy tonite and I plan to not self sabotage. I can bring my own drinks and I can bring an item to eat that is keto. I can plan to only have some of that item. self contained. And I can choose to place my focus an connecting with friends there and participating. It's really not about hiding in the food, its about having fun with friends.
    It's only a few hours and even if I don't eat or drink anything at all, it's not like I would even be hungry.
    The goal is to stay on my own eating plan and have fun.
    And report back tomorrow for accountability. Have a great day, pals!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    SW: ?? Didn't weigh this morning (intentionally)
    GW 140

    Enough water: yes
    Meet 6k+ steps: no BUT that was also intentional; after yesterday I needed an easy day my back was SCREAMING today.
    Log meals to the best of my ability: yes
    Carbs under 75g total: yes
    oh! And take all my meds: yes
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW: 153.6
    CW: 132.4
    Goal maintenance range: 129-132
    * Logged: Yep
    * Stay under 100 gm carbs: Yep, keto levels.
    * Stay under maintenance calories: Yep.
    * Get back to maintenance goal range (weight trend is 135 right now; want to stay at 129-132): Just 0.4 lbs over!
    * Exercise (if not a workout, get 10k steps in): Yes! Had a treadmill test at the heart center today, plus got over 11,000 steps total and did some swimming with the kids.
    * Get enough sleep: Just shy of 8 hrs.
    * Keep sodium/electrolytes up: Yes
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    June 7
    Feeling okay today. Yesterday I get getting dizzy and nauseated working outside in the heat on the house, but today I felt better. I have a weird taste in my mouth. Having a small glass of wine....I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow

    Not enough sleep last night....only about 6 hrs....I do so much better with 8
    Calories: slightly under
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    CW 122.1, 121.7, 120.8 lb today whoosh (Wed am)
    GW 115 lb (target this month is 120)

    Tues June 7

    Logged: yes
    Water: ok
    Coffee: 2
    Electrolytes: good
    Calorie Goal: under
    Carb Goal: under
    Exercise:  30 min walk, yoga n rest
    Stress: inflamation n exhausted after lunch
    Sleep: Adequate hours. Restful.
    No booze!: yes none

    Getting better at recognising full food impacts on body and being patient if I chose poorly (caeser salad led to fatigue n bloating)
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm all ready for week 2. What is the protocol for the group? Can anyone start a week 2 thread or do we wait for the OP?
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    For 6/7
    Logged - yes
    Water - yes
    Sodium - yes
    Calories - over
    Carbs - over
    Vitamins - yes
    Activity - none

    My son and his girlfriend came over for dinner, I made GF peanut butter cookies.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Boy this is easier when hubs decides to lose a few. :smile:
    We're having salads every night for dinner.
    We haven't been eating out much.
    I'm eating nutrient dense carbs
    I'm getting my exercise in!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Hi! I haven't checked in in a few days. I'm still on "lock-down" Macros have been spot-on and calories have been under. Feeling really good (except for seasonal allergies- yuck). I'm actually fasting today. I don't know if I'll eat dinner tonite or just keep it going through tomorrow.
    My new hobby/obsession is cold brew coffee. Anyone else make or enjoy this? My latest brew is with dark roast south american coffee, whole beans, which I ground at home. It is STRONG! Next brew with be with more of a medium roast Columbian.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Wednesday 6/7

    @elize7 - How was your social thing? Inquiring minds need to know. HAHA. That is one thing I still struggle with.

    I remembered my lunch today. That's progress.

    Logged: great
    Water: : great
    Carb Goal: :great
    Exercise: none
    No booze: Here's hoping for a better tonight.
    Still looking forward to getting back on track and moving forward.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Tues 6/7:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: Nope. Thank you, TOM. Super hungry and the DH brought up a snack.
    Carb Goal: :+1:
    Exercise: Arms too sore. Walked :+1:
    Prelogged Next Day: :+1:

    SW: 159.6
    CW: 159.2

    I'm going to have to deal with the bedtime snack issue somehow. I get so hungry though...urgh.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    June 7:
    Water: better than Monday...will be even better today
    Calories: 4 to spare (yay!)
    Carbs: Under 75 - I think I'm ok with this - I've been wishy-washy about how many carbs I really want to stay under
    Exercise: in the bag - rode 8.5 miles on my bike before work! Loved it!
    Sleep: 6.5 (roughly) - I need more, I want to get closer to 8 a night, but I'll settle for 7

    SW: 176.8
    CW: 171.6

    How I lost 5.2lbs in 3 days is beyond me. I can only guess that the shock to my body from eating/drinking on vacation at will and then returning to my lower carb (and monitored calories) made it happen. I'll take it, though, I'm really hoping to see another 2 pounds come off quickly so that I'm under 170 again. It's been MONTHS and I'm really tired of the 170's. I'm feeling good and motivated, and this quick drop has really made me feel positive about my choices. Cheers :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Week 1 check in:

    June Goals:

    SW: 154
    CW: 127.6
    GW: 120-125ish?

    No weight loss this week. Losing is very, very slow now and I only lost .2 for the entire month of May. I'm super close to my goal so I'm not too concerned.

    Stay in carb goal under 30 most days and no higher than 50. Done
    Exercise at least three days a week. Done
    Keep calories under maintenance. Done

    So far so good for kicking off June!
  • azkittygal
    azkittygal Posts: 6 Member
    ok 1 week down..... and loving it!

    SW 205
    CW 201.2
    June ending goal weight 199
    Exercise (3X wk)..did 5
    Daily Net Carbs (under 50) all ok except one day @ 51
    Track food, exercise, water - yes
    Prelog food menu - yes

    Looks like everyone is doing well. WE ARE AWESOME
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Starting week 2 and looking forward to more success.

    SW: 249
    CW: 231.5
    GW: 150

    GW for week 2 is 228.

    Dedicating anew to stick to my plan and get out of the 230's this week.
  • Adelia979
    Adelia979 Posts: 31 Member
    SW:246, but that number is from a month ago
    CW: 238

    I've stuck to my goal of meal planning and batch cooking so far, so I'm going to keep that up for week 2!