Let's get started



  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you Bracken, I am so grateful to be back and posting again with you all xx

    Day 3 for me (hoping to get to day 7 and then will relax a bit with the counting!) xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning all, day 4 for me. Hope you are all well xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi BM. Doing ok (if not focus send on weight loss).
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks PB xx

    Nearly there now, day 5......
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    I was lying in bed this morning when I heard the bread man, tooting his horn as he drove his bread van around the village - a bit like an ice-cream van! Farmers are early risers but I'm a night owl so I was still tucked up safely in my bed! However it reminded me of my late mother-in-law who always had a bread order without fail every week. She had a special huge wicker basket and she would trot up with her list and return with it heaving with bread, donuts, brezels (at 100g 380 calories), sweet pastries, lardy cake in fact you name it, it was in the basket - her larder would end up looking like a bread shop! Needless to say she was an obese lady in her final years...

    So with bread on the brain I did my weekly shop today and lo and behold, there waiting for me was 1/2 an olive loaf with my name written all over it!! I've maintained my target weight this week so I feel I can treat myself and I'm craving olive bread! My thinking is I'm saving calories this weekend as the husband is back at his Sunday hotel job so will not be cooking for me. So I can afford it and I have to confess I enjoyed every mouthful safe in the knowledge it was accounted for!

    Well I must return to work - lots of potatoes to squash. Very good for the upper arms I keep telling myself whenever I get tired and cross! And for burning calories after eating bread!!

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Have to admit to not being a massive fan of bread, but olive bread.......... I too love it MITM. Unfortunately I like mine dipped in a really good extra Virgin olive oil or a tasty balsamic. Not the healthiest I know but as a treat, totally worth it!

    Day 6 and I have plans to start Swimming again this week. Fingers crossed I don't chicken out! Apologies for all the capitals dotted about, it's this ipad with a mind of its own!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Day 7........ Now I can relax a bit and hopefully get into a new routine. Off to uk for annual endurance test in about 6 weeks so I hope to be well both mentally and physically. Hope you are all enjoying a good weekend xxxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning all, halfway through the week already and thankfully I am still on track. Little Maisie was six weeks old on Monday, I feel so sad I haven't held her yet but I see her lots on Skype which is both difficult and lovely at the same time.

    I hope you are all well and happy,
    Take care, BM x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - well a quick look in - and lovely to hear from you BM. You'll soon be seeing Maisie for real I hope?

    My situation has not changed at the moment and there appear to be very few jobs around that are suitable, but I have a few irons in the fire and I guess it is still quite early days - I'm just impatient. I suspect a lot of the problem is people are holding back because of the referendum (don't get me started!). I am of course spending time with the horses and, of course, the weather has turned rather nicer so its not so bad being at home as I can get out and do other things.

    I too love bread and have been making a lot of it recently - in fact, I'm just sitting here thinking I should have some breakfast as I need to be going out soon so will drop back in later.

    take care Crackers

    PB xxxx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good afternoon Crackers!

    Well if you've seen the pictures of the floods in Germany and France - you'll know we've had lots of rain in this neck of the woods... after the warmest winter on record we're now heading for the wettest spring. However this week so far, it has been dry in the day and then heavy storms in the evening so I've been working hard in the garden and it's looking very green! In fact it looks stunning as across the hillsides it's just a mass of wild flowers as the farmer's have been unable to cut the fields.

    Plus I'm still occupied with my window shutters... In my 'Challenge Group' I often feel in awe of the other members as they do so many work outs but then I realised lifting shutters down, carrying them 2 flights of stairs, lifting them onto brackets and then turning them continuously to prevent any drip drying and then carrying them back up again... is quite a useful work out in itself and then what with all my potato squashing - I'm working out in my general daily life! So olive bread or no olive bread, I'm still maintaining my target weight.

    I too am off to the UK 4 weeks today but only for 10 days. Once the daughter has broken up from college we are flying back for her summer holidays. I'm going to London with my mother to see 'Jersey Boys' at the theatre, plus take afternoon tea. We do like our tea and cakes and the trip is a treat from my brother for my 50th and we will stay overnight so we can shop until we drop. At the moment I have the outfits planned (from the minimal smart navy/grey wardrobe!) the silver birch top is getting an outing. I just need to stay at target or within 3 pounds or else I will have nothing suitable to wear! Apparently I read today 'women spend 6 months of their lives deciding what to wear' for me, it's more a case of what can I or can't I fit into and then spending 6 months of the year attempting to diet into it!

    However this July I'm setting a new personal best of having stayed within 4 pounds of my target weight for a whole year - I use to set it at 7 pounds but would go over at certain times of the year but I've maintained this past year at far lower and for the past 4 months it's been 3 pounds. Yay!

    BM - how time flies if Maisie is already 6 weeks old! Well I hope as I'm assuming your OH is accompanying you on your endurance test, that he will help to keep any 'triggering' situations short and sweet and that you have penciled in lots of cuddling time with Maisie. Have you made it into the swimming pool this week?

    PB - Have you kept the 5 pounds you recently lost off?

    Bracken - looking forward to an update.

    LMV - thinking of you.

    Well my window shutters won't paint themselves alas! Be good Crackers!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    MITM. WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Good to see recent posts. BM, I'm very happy you are back posting and commend your regularity. I'm glad you have something to look forward to, seeing your new grandchild. PB, you are right to make good use of your time while not working. I am very impressed with your veg garden. In my vegetable garden box bed, I have three different kinds of tomatoes, spinach, red chard, romaine lettuce, beans, and zucchini. I am also attempting to grow in a separate container water cress which I have read has the highest amount of vitamins and micronutrients of all the green leafy veg, including kale which is the veg of the moment here. MITM, your account of your maintenance regimen is very interesting and a real testament to your goal setting strategies and vigilance- well done. I hope you enjoyed your well-deserved bread treat.
    After over a week of exceptionally hot weather, we finally got some much needed rain and the temperatures have moderated. I'm very pleased with the plants in my garden. The hostas have
    shot up beautifully. At the moment I have two weigelia bushes in bloom and two rose bushed just beginning to bloom (because so much of my garden is shade I don't have many roses or flowering perennials but really enjoy those I have. I did have a lovely display of dwarf irises at the front of the house but the large iris in the rear have not done well this year, just a few bloomed in their little area of sunlight. I also had some lovely English bluebells and some Virginia blue bells that an old friend had given me. I have three clumps of pink cranesbill in flower (they look like geraniums); they were quite beaten down by the rains but are slowly recovering. I like them as they flower for quite a long time. I really do love plants and think my garden is a bit of a botanical zoo with this and that plant often plunked in because I like it; however, I think a garden designer would probably not be impressed! Also on my garden, I have been really pleased to have finally got a bench for behind my pond. The old one was literally disintegrating and I could not find a nice one anywhere until I chanced on a lovely old teak bench in the classic English garden bench style in a local consignment store. It is perfect for the setting. I have had several fledgling birds, robins and bluejays in my yard. Of course, they don't just stay in my yard so it is hard to tell if they have survived. I have become familiar with the sounds the parent robins make when minding their young (much different from their morning and evening song too) so keep an eye for them. I have had a very sad incident last week when I came home to discover the little chipmunk who lived under my front steps had died. I saw him on one of the steps and realized he was not moving. The saddest thing was, it was clear he was trying to get to the hole where he goes under the steps. I examined him and am quite certain he had been mauled, probably by a cat (my neighbour told me of a nearby cat that had killed a chipmunk the previous day) and I suppose died from internal injuries. I buried him by the hydrangea bush near the steps. I shed more than a few tears, remembering all the times I watched him at the feeders, and saw him waiting for me to put out birdseed. I had been so pleased to see him emerge from hibernation under my steps. I can feed these creatures but I can't keep them safe.
    Well Crackers, I must get to some jobs- no more delays. Regards.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - well that was annoying. I had written part of a blog and then added a couple of photos (Before photos of my living room) and then managed to lose both. So here goes again.
    Bracken I love your description of your garden and like you I would blub copiously over a dead animal and bury it with gentleness (if only partly because my cats would otherwise bring it in to play!).

    This morning is damp and cool (after a very muggy weekend) so I will only need to water the greenhouse plants. Today, my decorator is coming - hence the pictures which I hope I will have uploaded correctly. I probably should not be spending the money until I am back in employment, but I don't think its right to put him off as it would impact his income as well. Hopefully, something will come up soon although I have had no success so far and there hasn't been much in the way opportunities yet. Still, something will happen soon I'm sure.

    I have a lot to look forward to this week (although its going to be very busy - who has time for work?). If only I could afford to retire I would really enjoy myself! Once the decorator has finished, I have a lot of baking today as its the Village Gardens Open Day on Sunday and will need to do the baking to Friday because on Saturday I'm doing a music workshop with a group of friends (another expense I have justified to myself). It will be church on Sunday morning then I will have about an hour to do any finishing touches for the cakes I have made. I'm helping with the teas in the village hall which is always fun.

    Well Crackers that's all from me today. Welcome back BM and let us know how you are feeling when you are up to it! Its OK to lurk (I do!)

    PB xx



  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Bracken, I love hearing about your garden, your new bench sounds lovely. So sorry for your poor chipmunk. I must admit that would have upset me dreadfully too.
    MITM, I read in wonder at all the painting you are doing. You must be so fit with all the lifting you are doing etc. You thoroughly deserve to be at the weight you are.
    PB can't wait to se pics of your room whe it is finished. I love the eggplant Colour on your wall now, are you changing that ? Hope you have success with the job hunting soon. Fab you are enjoying yourself with your music and keeping busy,
    I have had a few dodgy days but hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better, my bleeding is out of control at the moment so I am certain when it settles my outlook will lift.
    LMV thinking of you xx

    Love BM xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Afternoon Crackers!

    How lovely to hear from you BM. Well I had to giggle at your comment 'well you must be so fit' as I was at the doctor's yesterday for my annual medical.... I was sat, dressed and the Dr asked me to breath in deeply - don't ask me why but I couldn't relax and do as he requested and all I could do was give a feeble gasp! It was pathetic! He muttered disapprovingly 'you obviously don't do any sports.' Well really!!! I agreed as I don't play tennis or ski but I replied 'I walk.' 'Where?' he asked in disbelief! 'Troga' I snapped (which is my mini Everest) 'With who?' 'With my husband!' I thought what is this?! Next he started flinging my bones around the room and amazingly my limbs actually responded and did as wanted and he stated surprised 'Oh, but you do, do yoga.' 'NO I DON'T!' But I do salsacise!!

    Oh I detest going to the doctors especially to this little runt. My iron having been told last month it was too high when I queried this with him he looked and said 'it's fine.' But my thyroid which I was informed was fine last time, he insists is a chronic thyroid (although I have no symptoms whatsoever) but according to his ultra sound of my throat there is a problem. So more blood tests and I'm returning on Friday to discuss this further, I don't know if I'm coming or going! But as it's my immune system it could explain my mouth problems or so he thinks...

    For Father's day here last Sunday, I made Brownies for my husband but I bought a carton of cream knowing full well only I would be eating it tut tut! And surprise, surprise (not!) I'm now 2 pounds heavier, so perhaps I do have a thyroid problem after all!! I've now got to be good as it's only 3 weeks until I fly to the UK when I know the chances are very slim that I will be being good!

    PB - how is the decorating going I'm looking forward to the after photos.

    Bracken - very sad little story but your garden sounds like a haven for wild life. Everyone in the UK keeps telling me how 'green' my garden looks, well since it feels like it hasn't stopped raining since Easter hardly surprising!

    Right I have window shutters awaiting my attention.

    Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Delighted to say that I have a temp contract starting Monday
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good for you PB! And has the decorator left?!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good news PB, hope you enjoy it there xx

    MITM, I laughed out loud at what your GP put you through, I agree he is a little runt! (Loved that expression). A GP whilst wanting the best for you is not supposed to be judgmental, it sounds as though he was both disbelieving and dismissive as well. Not a good combination. Hopefully you will see the one you like next time. It was obviously anxiety which made you fail to inhale adequately, he should have realised that and not jumped to so many wrong conclusions regarding your fitness. I am cross on your behalf, lol xx hopefully your blood tests will give you good news xxxx

    Bracken, hope you and Nellie are both doing well xx

    Enjoy the weekend all xx

    Ps, had to mention. My stepdaughter who hasn't been in contact with me since last August emailed me and asked me to buy her Dad a card and gift on her behalf as she has been on holidays and didn't get around to it! She then sent a snotty letter the next day saying she hadn't heard back off me and it was too late now for her to send one anyway! The build up to the Annual Endurance Test begins...........

    PPs thought I should also mention she is 43, not a teenager!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Afternoon Crackers!

    In my 'Challenge Group' one of the ladies has lost over 100 pounds and her husband when asked how she did it innocently replied 'No faddy diets or anything, just eating right and exercising.' And she saw red!!!

    I thought to myself well that is what I would say. However another lady pointed out "it is the 'just' that is all wrong as there is no 'just' about it. It's more like change every single thing we used to do with regard to eating and exercise and do the polar opposite every single day."

    Now that comment suddenly got my attention, I'm slowly letting bad habits creep back into my everyday life yet again.... I'm tired - I eat, I'm cross - I eat, I'm bored - I eat but it's mindless eating which is the worse - calories that are not even enjoyable but just keep the jaws moving that all add up.

    I made a delicious from the garden rhubarb with an almond based crumble, a recipe from Annie Bell - absolutely yummy and worth every single calorie - as a Sunday afternoon treat. Now that kind of indulging I can justify to myself but wasteful calories....

    I didn't lose the 2 pounds I gained from last week but after my mid week wake up call, I did manage 1.2 pounds and I am only a pound over my target weight.... I almost sprinted up to Troga yesterday with my husband! Whenever I felt a groan or a moan coming, I visualized my doctor's face and not a sound came from my lips! Instead I strode out in grass in some places almost as tall as me!

    My blood results came back fine. But to save face as it's been over 3 years since I've had my thyroid checked my doctor is sending me for a test at the hospital - just in case! I know I should be grateful he's being thorough. My iron complete u-turn, in my blood it is fine but I have no stores - certainly no longer high!! But the sugar is still slightly high could that be the Brownies?! I will return for a sugar test but after the summer and in the meantime I'm tempted to buy Michael Mosley's book 'The 8 Weeks Blood Sugar Diet' and see what happens if I follow the low carbs Mediterranean diet in it as I have my strong suspicions carbs are my sugar problem!

    Well BM - now that is endurance within a very, very challenging situation all round - you deserve a medal! My first thought would I want a step daughter 8 years younger than me? Honestly - no! And she sounds absolutely delightful (not!) but then again, would I want a step mother 8 years older than me?! You must spend your life walking on egg shells whilst in the UK.

    Right for a complete change as it is not raining, I'm now heading for the garden before my trot around the village.

    Be good Crackers!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    edited June 2016
    Good Morning Crackers, quick mail but wanted to say hi! X

    MITM I had to smile when the thought of your Doctor kept you going without complaint on your walk, it sounds just like something I would do lol. A Mediterranean way of eating sounds lovely to me, I will be very interested in how it goes if you do.

    I just wrote a longish mail and it cut off most of my post! Grrrrr, hate that.

    MITM I also agree with you re the age thing, however she just didn't want her Father (step Father, he married her Mother) to spend any of her perceived inheritance on another woman, regardless of her age or who she was. I did write this a bit more eloquently in the first mail! Lol however I am rushing now. I should maybe also say OH was also divorced when we met (for 12 yrs before we met) so I was in no way the other woman.

    Love to all PB, Bracken and Nellie, and LMV also, hope you are all well

    BMxxx. ( sorry this mail is all over the place! )