Let's get started



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well hello Crackers. What a week its been! But first - hi BM - good to see you. Love to you too!

    First I'd better tell you about my new job (temp). I am PA support in a plant hire company so the first thing that happened was that I was issued with a bright orange vest - to prevent me being run over by diggers and JCBs etc... They seem like a friendly bunch and there is plenty for me to do so the days do go quite quickly. There are a few dinosaurs around (naturally - its a male dominated sector) and a man who burps loudly around the office for no obvious reason so I'm being charitable and saying its a medical problem so he can't help it. The company has a lot of European employees who are somewhat frantic with worry now - and who can blame them. I have to say I'm devastated at what a small minded, bigoted bunch of racists this country has become - and how easily people are led by liars and cheats. The promise on NHS was always a lie - it was never going to happen - how could people be so simple minded to think that somehow there would be more money for the NHS? It was such an obvious lie - I'm speechless!

    I spent the day on Thursday as a Poll Clerk. There was a steady stream of voters all day which meant it didn't drag too much - but its a long time to be confined like that (6.30am - 10.15pm) without being able to leave the place. It was interesting though to see how the process works and to hear the same old comments over and over again (why do we have to do it in pencil? you could rub it out.... (I said I was appalled at the simple mindedness didn't I?) I took plenty of snacking foods and was reasonably well behaved (although a voter brought us some home made choc chip cookies (!) so I had one of those but we gave most of them to children coming in with parents and 'first time voters'. We had to chase two people who wandered out of the door with their voting papers in their hands (absent minded and gossiping with friends) and bring them back to put the paper in the ballot box. It was raining so hard when we started that our paper polling station signs started to disintegrate but we still had a queue out of the door when we opened. All in all it was a very long day - my back ached and my ankles were like footballs but it was otherwise great.

    Having been expecting to judge at a horse show today - which has been cancelled due to waterlogged ground I now find myself with an unexpected day at home (and a very welcome one if I'm honest, I was busy both days last weekend too) so I'm planning a high level attack on the dreaded housework - think I'll use up some calories today.

    take care Crackers

    PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I can't believe what I am seeing as last night I posted a very long post and I was sure it was in fact posted and now as I checked in while waiting for a phone call to go through, I find it has disappeared. Ultra frustrating. I should resolve never to post a single really long piece but break it up and post in sections as I will do forthwith. I can't really redo at the moment but will get back as soon as possible. I'll try to rewrite as much as I remember but it never seems the same.
    I'll begin by commiserating with you, BM, as I too have recently had a "not a teenager" incident. A niece invited me to a celebration of her husband's fortieth birthday. Sadly, this is not a niece I am really close to as she and her parents always gravitated to her mother's side of the family and did not much involve themselves with my mother and our family. Nevertheless, I went to some effort and expense to take a nice present to the celebration. My brother and his family and I were virtually ignored at the gathering (totally ignored by the husband) and then I was told some days later that he had made a blanket thanks for the gifts on Facebook. What has happened to manners? One never expects a thank-you card anymore but surely a one minute phone call. My niece's daughter is graduating to high school and I have tried to let my better nature prevail and have bought her a gift card to a clothing store
    teenagers like. She did at least say hello and introduced her friend who was with her. Whether I hear anything about the gift card is debatable. I do not blame her as I think children need to be taught these niceties.
    MITM, good for you using your frustration with that Doc to fuel your determination to get up that mountain. Thanks for posting that thought provoking quotation about losing weight "just"
    by dieting and exercise. It immediately brought to mind the book I am reading and even taking some notes from-"Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin. It is a book about habit formation and makes a nice complement with Beck's book. I had quite a lot to say about it but must leave off now and hope to pick up the thread soon.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. It's Canada Day here and raining at the moment. No one will complain much though since we have had a very period for May and June. The rain should [*kitten* by noon so people will be able to get out to celebrate the day. I decided to continue my previous lost post and update too as I am rather confined to the indoors for the next couple of days because I must avoid the sun after having the first round of treatment for my skin carcinoma yesterday. This will be brief as I want to watch the CBC Canada programming starting at 11 a.m. It will begin with a sombre ceremony marking a very important event that occurred on this day in 1916 on the first day of the battle of the Somme. As the Globe told me today, at 9:15 a.m. 758 soldiers and 23 officers from the Newfoundland Regiment began their advance, at 9:45 a.m. 85 % of the force was dead, dying or wounded. On July2, only 68 men reported for roll call. At this time Newfoundland was not part of Canada and the whole island had a population under 300,000 so this loss was huge. There were far reaching consequences to the toll, economically and socially, one of which was that Newfoundland ended up joining Canada. So as well as celebrating Canada Day, in Newfoundland today there will be sombre ceremonies. There crackers is my history note for the day and I off to telly now. Back later.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken I was moved yesterday too as my granddad Storey went over the top at the Somme. He was just 17 and he was wounded and taken prisoner so I guess he was one of the lucky ones. I don't know much about his brother Albert but he was the one who set off for Saskatchewan after the war. At this point I wish I could follow him!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Another short note before I head off to the celebrations for a great-nephew (is that the term for my nephew's son?) first birthday. Just a bit more about the ceremonies I wrote about yesterday. I must confess that I as a Canadian was not aware of how important that battle was to Newfoundland/Labrador. July 1 there is called Memorial day as well as Canada Day. Yesterday being the 100 Anniversary of the battle of Beaumont-Hamel on the first day of the battle of the Somme, Princess Anne was in attendance as she is honorary commander of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. (I must say I have always liked her and felt rather sorry for the
    press she often gets. My admiration, of course, is partly tied into her connection as a well-regarded equestrian but she also seems to take her duties seriously. She certainly looked suitably serious at yesterday's services) I also saw that Charles and Camilla were at the memorial at Beaumont-Hamel which has a very distinctive monument with a sculpture of a caribou on it as caribou are a feature of Newfoundland. PB, you certainly have a close connection with you grandfather going over the top. It is really hard to fathom, isn't it, how someone of just 17 have to do that. My Globe article said that on that day also nearly 19,000 British soldiers died. Just one more note, the ceremonies in Newfoundland featured a large choir called Shalloway and a well-known opera singer, David Pomeroy singing Pie Jesu- I thought of you, PB. with all your singing and thought you might be familiar with the song.
    And a final note, I have seen a number of sports headlines in the paper attesting to the success of Wales in the Euro Cup matches and of course, thought of LMV and wondered if she was attending any of them.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - Pie Jesu is usually sung by a high soprano (if its the one I know!) so I'm quite impressed if a adult male could do it - unless he is a counter tenor? Not a name I know though. Beautiful piece of music.

    I am in preparation for a bbq later today as its my birthday tomorrow as I will be at work. However, my friends who are staying will be taking me out to supper at a nice fish restaurant in Aldeburgh so I shall have a lovely evening (although as its a working day on Tuesday might feel a bit shattered after it as its been a very busy full on week).
    Just picked up my laptop and found that I never posted this......

    Well the bbq is over now and its been lovely! weather was fine if a little blowy. Food went down well and I'm now feeling quite tired (!)

    Tomorrow will be a tiring day too. Its not going to be easy to keep going this week, but I'm sure I'll get through.

    Talk soon

    PB Xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    PB, there was a young boy, about 12 or so I'd say you sang a solo who was the soprano I would guess. Since I am not very musical, I could not say if he sang the whole piece and then the rest of the choir, including the opera singer, segued into another piece I am not sure. Whatever, it was their voices were all very beautiful.
    I was at a bbq last night for the nephew's one year old. It was a very nice gathering. It is very heartening to see how much child care both my nephews do with their children. The other nephew has a 4 year old and an 18 month old and he is a very hands-on Dad. The one with the year old child was on diaper duty. I think it is a great credit to my sister for the way she raised her boys (she only had the two boys). It is often said that mothers and daughters are especially close but my sister is very close to her sons and although they are very manly in many traditional interests, they both talk to their mother the same as daughters often do.
    I still feel as if I have not caught up with my musings from the previously lost post. That was written just after the British referendum. It was and has continued to be huge in the news here. I have read quite a lot about it and listened to some talk shows on tv and radio. I also spoke to one of my friends in England before the vote (a Leaver) and another after the vote (a Remainer). I was somewhat surprised that with the friend who voted Leave because her son has greatly benefitted from being in the EU. He had not done well as a young man working in England but somehow got a job with a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland and through some very good fortune advanced a lot and now also owns significant property and business in Spain. My friend is definitely not of the far right inclination and I know has supported Mr. Cameron. I have never heard her be racist but I do know she was swayed by the idea of the possibility of huge immigration to England. Whether her concerns are rational or not, I do think that politicians have to figure how to deal with the wave of concerns that are affecting people who feel fearful of the changes in their countries. I think there are connections with the kind of feelings of the many Americans who are supporting Donald Trump. Though there are many zenaphobes and outright racists (especially in the US), this is not the case with large numbers of the disaffected but as the British referendum has shown and as could happen in the US, there can be unexpected consequences when large numbers of people think they are not being heard. Well this is certainly enough from my soap box! Regards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    PB, there was a young boy, about 12 or so I'd say you sang a solo who was the soprano I would guess. Since I am not very musical, I could not say if he sang the whole piece and then the rest of the choir, including the opera singer, segued into another piece I am not sure. Whatever, it was their voices were all very beautiful.
    I was at a bbq last night for the nephew's one year old. It was a very nice gathering. It is very heartening to see how much child care both my nephews do with their children. The other nephew has a 4 year old and an 18 month old and he is a very hands-on Dad. The one with the year old child was on diaper duty. I think it is a great credit to my sister for the way she raised her boys (she only had the two boys). It is often said that mothers and daughters are especially close but my sister is very close to her sons and although they are very manly in many traditional interests, they both talk to their mother the same as daughters often do.
    I still feel as if I have not caught up with my musings from the previously lost post. That was written just after the British referendum. It was and has continued to be huge in the news here. I have read quite a lot about it and listened to some talk shows on tv and radio. I also spoke to one of my friends in England before the vote (a Leaver) and another after the vote (a Remainer). I was somewhat surprised that with the friend who voted Leave because her son has greatly benefitted from being in the EU. He had not done well as a young man working in England but somehow got a job with a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland and through some very good fortune advanced a lot and now also owns significant property and business in Spain. My friend is definitely not of the far right inclination and I know has supported Mr. Cameron. I have never heard her be racist but I do know she was swayed by the idea of the possibility of huge immigration to England. Whether her concerns are rational or not, I do think that politicians have to figure how to deal with the wave of concerns that are affecting people who feel fearful of the changes in their countries. I think there are connections with the kind of feelings of the many Americans who are supporting Donald Trump. Though there are many zenaphobes and outright racists (especially in the US), this is not the case with large numbers of the disaffected but as the British referendum has shown and as could happen in the US, there can be unexpected consequences when large numbers of people think they are not being heard. Well this is certainly enough from my soap box! Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Afternoon Crackers!

    It's only been 2 weeks since I last posted but it feels more like 2 months....

    BM - I'm glad you filled in the missing gaps as my vivid imagination was working over-time! However please confirm is this the 'daughter' who got married when you had your successful 'operation wedding outfit' or is there another daughter?!!

    Bracken - so pleased to hear you've had your first round of treatment. I cannot believe that your nephew's son is already one, it seems only yesterday you were announcing his birth. In the Guardian online they had an interesting article on life in Canada and what it's really like, to mark Canada Day. I thought of you PB after your comment about following your relative! I'll join you as here in Austria our Presidential elections have been overturned and must be held again, as the country's constitutional court annulled the May result due to irregularities in the count in several constituencies. Perhaps you could come and keep an eye on this vote?! However I fear the far right candidate Mr Hofer will now get in. Although my parents voted to remain in the EU my brother and his wife and friends all voted to leave. I feel as if the world is going mad at the moment but then when you consider all those that lost their lives in the battle of the Somme, this is mankind for you, it just goes on in never ending circles of good times and bad - I despair and I can see Donald Trump winning.

    Wednesday I'm off to the UK again (if I'm allowed in!) for 10 days so I've been super busy with work - so many schlip orders, 2 new customers and and so little time! I'm doing my last shift tonight. Summer also finally made an appearance so have had lots of work to do in the garden as with the heat comes huge evening storms, causing havoc. The revolting Ermine moth paid us another visit same tree so I'm guessing the eggs are laid already for next year. The whole tree was devoured and covered in cobwebs again but so strong I dared to touch it, the rain and wind couldn't shift it. However there are signs of regrowth starting already and fortunately those maggots hatched after the leaves were all gone don't appear to like any of the shrubs surrounding it although their webs stretch that far they don't eat those thank goodness. Having completed the window shutters on 3 sides of the house and as the last side is currently hidden from view by the apple trees, last week I took it upon myself to paint the top balcony on our guest bedroom in the loft. It is only 4 metres long. As my father painted the main balcony on his last summer visit, that runs 2 sides of the house and having now finished all the many window shutters, this little balcony was now screaming out 'paint me, next, me, me!' It looked terrible compared to the rest of the house but it was hard work, sanding it down etc. However now it's done I'm very pleased with myself and have decided the last 12 window shutters may have to wait until Spring now as I want to enjoy the summer holidays with my daughter.

    You may recall this time last year when the daughter visited, I set up my experiment to walk more and attempt to get back to my target weight, after spending 6 months only ever getting as near as 4 pounds away before regaining again. Well I can't quite believe that having finally hit my target weight in August I have since never been heavier than 4 pounds from that weight
    a complete turn around. Still I'm off to the land of temptation and hot cross buns so I mustn't get carried away!

    Well there are potatoes awaiting my attention and chives to cut all 100 bunches before I leave although the husband will be chopping them for freezing, a major ingredient in our schlip. PB wishing you a very happy birthday - I hope there is cake!

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    edited July 2016
    Happy Birthday PB!!!! Hope it's a great one xxxx

    Off to bed now, will pop in tomorrow, take care all. BM xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Happy birthday, PB. Enjoy your day.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Another quick note as I have lots to do upstairs here and it is getting increasingly hot. I do not have central air-conditioning in this older house. However, do want to wish you well while away on your ten day trip, MITM. I'm sure you are now well prepared to manage the eating challenges after a year of strong maintenance behaviour. Whilst you are away I'll try to get back to posting about the book I posted about at some length on the wretched post that disappeared. It is called "Better Than Before" and is about habit change. Must also say I felt exhausted just reading about your painting projects. Leaving the final 12 shutters for next year sounds like a good plan to me.
    Regards all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had a lovely time and yes I made chocolate cake which I filled with fresh cream and strawberries from my garden. It looked a mess but tasted very good and there wasn't much left! My guests have all gone home now so I'm eating left overs and clearing up slowly. Off to work shortly and will try and look in later. PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A pop-in as my den is already sweltering and it is very humid as a result of a heavy thunderstorm in the night. However, there was quite a lot of much needed rain so I should not complain. I am confined to quarters again after my second treatment on my face yesterday. It was somewhat more painful than the first because the skin was still tender from the first treatment. However, today it feels much better. Tomorrow I am to be the announcer at a horseshow (this was arranged back in February) so will bandage up, wear my UV rays protective hat, and have an umbrella.
    PB, your birthday cake sounds utterly delicious, especially with strawberries straight from your garden. Raspberries are coming into season here now and I hope to pick some next week.
    Hope this finds all Crackers well. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    Well I really don't know how I managed it but somehow instead of returning to Austria heavier than when I left I have lost 0.4lbs!! All the more surprising when I tell you everyday I indulged in something I would avoid in my normal everyday life!! When I'm on holiday I go intending to enjoy myself and hope not to gain more than 3 pounds - no one knows 'I'm watching my weight' I don't make a song and dance amongst my over weight female relatives.

    However this trip I had hot cross buns (which you know I adore!) stopped at 2 packets, I had a petite pain with my Mother but it was instead of lunch, I bought a bag of donuts but they were shared between my family, I had a full afternoon tea spread in London and whilst at the theatre I had a lovely chocolate ice-cream. We also had burger and chips and bought a packet of M&S biscuits to have with a cup of tea in our hotel room but where once upon a time I'd have scoffed the packet in one go, we ate the remainder the following day. We also had a full English breakfast in the morning. I also allowed myself 3 packets of crisps and I had a portion of trifle at a family dinner. I had an enormous double scoop of ice-cream (I still like ice-cream I have discovered!!) with the daughter after having walked around Southampton University campus viewing the facilities... in fact every day there was a treat of some sort but fortunately I didn't have to deal with any evening meals out in restaurants and I did walk lots every day.

    Looking back what I can say is I never over indulged, in that I didn't pig out and feel ill, I was able to eat a normal size portion and stop - just like the books always say which I've always struggled to get my head around before. But should you be thinking I'm just too good to be true I did not go anywhere near the confectionery aisle, no chocolate bars passed my lips as I'm only too aware that, that is my danger zone and I can't stop at one bar or even two. I walked away from sweets too having looked at the calories and realising that a small packet contained 1/2 my daily allowance of calories in just a few handfuls.

    My goal for the summer is to hover around 133 - I like the sound of being 0.2 pounds under! I'll be happy if I lose anything extra from exercising more with the daughter but as we have endless guests to entertain and bake for, maintaining could be a struggle but we will see.

    PB - Gosh your birthday cake sounded absolutely delicious. How is working going?

    Bracken - Pleased to hear you've had your second treatment how many have you got to have?

    BM - I'm guessing you are now in the UK again?

    Tomorrow I have a busy day ahead. First shift back at work and it's going to be boiling whoopee! I'm also intending to pick the gooseberries as I realised this evening they are ripe and ready. I'm also going to venture into the jungle with the lawn mower... My tree/bush (don't ask me its name!) has completely recovered from the Ermine moth in the 10 days I've been away. I did look at the base and I can see what I'm guessing are the eggs hundreds for next year - the husband will be having the pleasure of removing those! They are hanging in web like bags yuk!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I am grabbing a bit of opportunity to catch up here as today the den is not quite so hot. However, so much of this summer has been very hot and humid. Last week I spent a lot of time picking and freezing berries as suddenly they all seemed to be ripe or almost too ripe. I now have a nice supply of raspberries and blackcurrants in the freezer. As well, I bought from the local farmer's market Ontario sour cherries already pitted but not frozen which I put into small jars and froze. It is virtually impossible to buy Ontario sour cherries after the season is over so I was pleased to get them. I really like mixing them with Greek yoghurt and blueberries for breakfast and they are excellent to use in muffins, loaf cakes, crumbles and pies (although I don't make pies) Bluberries are in the market so I'll have to pick some of them next.
    I do not have a further treatment scheduled at the moment for my skin but have a follow-up appointment in October. However, it takes some time for the skin to heal properly and I cannot put sunscreen on it at the moment. I wear a hat but basically keep out of the sun for the better part of the day and confine my outdoor activities to early morning and evening.
    The horse show went well and I was well thanked for my announcing. As for my own dear horse, between my face issue and the heat/humidity, I am virtually not riding at the moment. I have been walking Nellie when possible and yesterday finally got out a Jillian DVD and did some of that. How quickly one loses fitness! I struggled through the warmup and two circuits. However, my plan is to try again today.
    I seem to have been struggling for the past several months losing and gaining the same five or so pounds. This would be all right if I were near a weight which I was comfortable with but I am not. MITM, you are doing so remarkably well at maintaining your loses. I think you can comfortably claim to have changed your lifestyle with food. I am very aware that if I am to lose what I want before the niece's wedding, it can not be done at the last minute, not even in the last month or more. I am not sure why losing weight has become recently so much harder both physically and mentally. The past couple of weeks have been quite good though far from perfect. Certainly the difficulty with exercising has been an issue though not the only one. I
    wish I did not stress so easily as that certainly can impact my eating. I am even stressed about my brother's trip! Tomorrow he leaves with his wife and daughter to meet his other daughter who has been teaching in England. They will spend a few days in England, fly to Greece for a few day, take a boat to the island where Momma Mia was filmed for a few days, then fly back to England and then home. It did not help when this morning the news reported that both the captain and co-pilot of an Air Transat plane (their company) were arrested in Scotland at the airport for being intoxicated! I know I worry more about him than he himself does.
    Since this is getting rather long, I am going to post now, mindful of recent losses. I want to write about the book I finished on habits but I think I really need to do those exercises now or they won't get done! Back soon.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    So lovely to have these Long posts to read. I skimmed through them because, like a child, I was too impatient to hear the news! I then made a cup of tea and read and enjoyed them slowly.

    I am still in Singapore, we are not away till mid August this year, the latest we have been home, OH has a relative from the US he hasn't seen in forever who is visiting the UK so we delayed our trip.

    Unfortunately I haven't been too well, I now seem to be having a 3 week period with a week off (sorry for TMI) with the result I am exhausted from it all. Usually as you all know I have a history of frantic diet and exercise prior to my UK trips but this time I just don't care. Well, I do care but I don't have the energy to worry about it! I will have a small wardrobe of clothes to choose from as less than half of it fits me but I am spending most of the time with my family this year and they don't criticise or watch everything I wear say or do. It has caused an atmosphere between OH and I as we usually spend more time with his as I see mine in the Winter too. However I haven't even seen Maisie yet, she is now 12 weeks old, my parents have both been unwell and are not as young as they were and my eldest has damaged discs in his back and is having all sorts of treatments before he is well enough for surgery. As I tried to explain to OH these are reasons not excuses to be with my family. It's causing stress now and we have another 3 weeks before we even leave! I so wish I was one of these people who can't eat when they are stressed/upset!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oops! I thought I might write in two posts in case I lost what I was writing and pressed the wrong thing (On my ipad ugh) too soon!

    MITM I take my hat off to you for not gaining weight whilst away. Not easy to achieve....... It sounds like you had a wonderful time. You seem to have cracked this weight loss/maintain "thing" which I think is amazing. To know your triggers and avoid them is incredible. I am so fortunate not to have a sweet tooth on top of everything else. I would be the size of a house if I did. Well done you for resisting that chocolate!

    Bracken, your skin treatment has gone well if they do need to see you until October, I am so pleased for you it must have been a dreadful worry. Also like yourself I worry about other people a lot. My youngest Son was in Germany last week for work, so apart from the usual worries there was also terrorism and now as you say drunk Pilots are something I hoped never to have to worry about!
    It is so lovely to hear the crackers gardening exploits and what is in season etc. I never thought I would miss a garden so much but I miss it dreadfully.

    PB hope you are OK and not too hot in the UK heat I am reading about. Are you still in your temp job? Hope your parents are keeping well too.

    I am going to have yet another cup of tea, I am sure I drink too much tea but it is so hot and humid here I seem to have the kettle on continuous boil. We have had bad storms everyday for 3 weeks so the humidity is ridiculous. OH said my hair was quite bouffant like yesterday! Still not too sure if that's good or not because my hair really was standing on end! Lol X

    Take care all, and enjoy the day wherever you are

    BM xxx

    Ps LMV, thinking of you xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Well I've had my little cry so time to get on with something productive; hence here. It suddenly struck me how much I wished I were going to England where my brother and family are headed today. We had briefly talked early on about me going and certainly my brother would have had no problem had I wanted to go along. But I did not know when I would get the skin treatments and I had other medical appointments upcoming as well. I'm afraid I was quite maudlin and feeling sorry for myself and thinking I'll never go anywhere again, especially overseas. Fortunately, no one was around to see self.
    In my last post I mentioned the book I just finished reading, "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin. It is highly readable as she writes in a very familiar, anecdotal style using a lot of personal reference but at the same time incorporates a lot of research into the issue of habit formation. The book is not specifically focused on dieting but she does spent a lot of time on that issue. She begins by talking about 4 personality tendencies and how they affect the way habits are formed. She talks about Upholders who hold themselves accountable to themselves and others, Questioners who as one would expect question any expectation, Rebels who resist the notion of having expectations placed on them and Obligers who find it easier to be accountable to others' expectations but have difficulty holding themselves to account. She does suggest there can be overlap in any person depending on the issue. I was struck by this because I immediately recognized myself as an Obliger. I have always leaned towards doing what has to be done out of responsibility and a sense of duty to others. This is not always altruistic and has often created difficulties for myself. I think it often creates resentment, stress and stress eating. I have often wondered why I could, for example, spend hours and hours on a weekend marking papers and never let myself cut corners but would not think I must have time for exercise regardless or why I could make myself sit and mark for all those hours but could not focus the same on my diet. I'm sure this is not the only explanation for my difficulties but it certainly is part of it. A small example the writer gives is how an Obliger would have trouble turning down an offer of food in a social setting whereas an Upholder couldn't imagine why a person could possibly be offended if, for example, you didn't have a piece of Aunt Whoever's cake. The author identifies herself as an Upholder ( clearly the most balanced position) and at times I could see how someone could find her annoying as she might seem smug although I think she tries hard to counteract that perception. For someone like myself, she sometimes seems very self-regarding but on the other hand, it is what she is willing to do to achieve her goals. (She claims to have been unhappy with her weight for many years until she read a book on low carb diets which changed her life; she lost all the weight she wanted and is adamant about what she will or will not eat) Anyway, as this is rather long I'll post as is. I will probably say a bit more about the book and hope I've not been too boring.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh Bracken, I am so sorry you were upset. Once your treatments are over and when you feel ready yourself I am certain there will be travel in your future. It's totally understandable to have a cry every now and again, I do when the homesickness becomes too much. Then after it even though I am usually exhausted it feels a bit like a "cleansing" and I am good to go until the next time. I sincerely hope you felt a bit better after your tears. I don't think they are a sign of weakness but more a sign of caring.

    Also, just like yourself I am an Obliger for sure. I also find the older I am getting the less certain I am of people. I Long for the day I can say with honesty "I am too old to care what other people think of me" . I am sure it was here one of us had written. "A yes reply is like a cheque but a no reply is like cash". I'm not too sure I have quoted that correctly but hope you get my meaning. I always say yes to others regardless of how much trouble it puts me through, I am sure purely because I can't say no and also I don't want others to dislike me. I am certain if I had a "thicker skin" and was less of an Obliger I wouldn't have all these problems with OH's family!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Nellie, I know if we were able us Crackers would be accompanying you en masse to your appointments, however we are with you every step of the way. The support of the Crackers is not be underestimated:) it has helped me so many times xx

    Take care, love BM xx