Unwelcome Comments

lauraaleshire Posts: 15 Member
I think that I may be someone who is too susceptible to being effected by what others say to me about my appearance. A friend touched my belly a week or two ago without asking (after babysitting for us so we could go out for our anniversary) and told me it was "still squishy." I think she was comparing me to a friend who is due next month, but this made me feel awful and I didn't say anything and I wish I had. Extra awkward that she had just done a favor for me.
Then I told another mama at the daycare where my daughter goes that I'm due in November and she said, "really? You look great!" That made me feel much better and happier about things... until...
Another friend came over who I haven't seen in maybe a month or more and said, "You look so pregnant!" Me: "Yeah I'm at the point in my pregnancy where I'm having a growth spurt." Her: "I mean I've heard this can happen in second pregnancies..." implying in much huger than expected at this point.
This all on top of increasing rate of weight gain lately that I can't seem to get control of. I was doing so well in the first trimester and now I'm gaining 1.5-2 pounds per week despite regular exercise and eating about 2,000 calories per day. Last pregnancy I didn't count calories at all and I'm ending up gaining just as much this time. Having a hard time feeling good about myself right now.


  • lauraaleshire
    lauraaleshire Posts: 15 Member
    I just had an OB appointment and she checked my weight but wasn't concerned. I just checked my own charts and it looks like it's been a little more up and down then I originally thought. Maybe all this heat is a contributor. But I still feel worried about how I look and sensitive.
  • lesleykc
    lesleykc Posts: 25 Member
    I know what you mean! The last few weeks my belly has really grown and everyone feels the need to mention it to me. (I'm nearly 33 weeks now). I know I shouldn't take it to heart, I'm pregnant after all and my belly will grow. I dislike that people talk about your body like you haven't witnessed it every minute since you became pregnant. It's tough when people tell you to brush it off or they didn't mean it that way. I would never comment on anyone else's body at any other time, so pregnancy should be no different. Certainly never say such ridiculous things like "whoa, you're huge" or "are you sure it isn't twins?!" or even "wow, you look so uncomfortable". Comments hurt and I wish we could just make it illegal to say anything about pregnancy weight gain
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    Hang in there, OP! It can be hard to hear people comment about our bodies (even more than usual during pregnancy).
    Maybe think about how we raise our daughters (especially, but kids of all genders, too!) - I know my mom was always so fixated on her weight, others', and mine, and really created a sense of worth around someone's size. I have worked hard to get over this but still struggle with being negative about myself or internally judging someone until I check the negative thought. I know I don't want to raise my kids to have this same attitude and I have been reading and discussing techniques to instill a value of health and wellness and activity without fat shaming.
    I know your post is about pregnancy weight in general, but for me, the concerns about weight gain in pregnancy are not new to pregnancy.

    As for the weight up and down, I think that's normal. Just make sure you're drinking plenty of water especially if you're spending a lot of time outdoors in the heat. And maybe you don't need to be on the scale except once a month or biweekly at the most...
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Girl, I feel you! We had a patient at work a few weeks ago who came in with a friend. Her friend commented that I must be ready to pop any day. I turned and looked at her with shut up eyes and said "Nope, just over half way through, actually" as nicely as I could muster. Not taking the hint she says "REALLY? You sure it's not triplets?!?". More shut up eyes, and more intense tone "Nope, just one perfect sized baby girl". Not taking the hint - "Wow, you need a better doctor. There is no way there is only one in there!" This is when I snapped. I turned to her and said "You must have missed the memo. As a society, we have agreed not to say ignorant *kitten* to pregnant women regarding their size or lack there of. Especially when we out weigh said pregnant woman by at least 70 lbs!" She shut up.

    This incident was followed THE NEXT DAY by my exhusband asking if I was sure there was a baby in there because I'm still so tiny!

    Don't take it to heart. People love babies. And sometimes, they make stupid comments. Sounds like you're doing great, and yes, the heat can mess with weight. Make sure you're staying plenty hydrated. We hiked 10 miles this weekend (4.5 on Sat, 5.5 on Sun), I still stayed with in 2000 cals, and I'm up 6 pounds this morning.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I feel you! I am almost 36 weeks and have gained 35lbs already. I started off quite small (5'6'', 130lbs, size 4) and I am carrying all in my belly and apparently I look huge. About five times a day for the past three months people have said "Oh my god you are huge", "Are you due any day now?", or "Are you sure there is only one in there?". I had an eating disorder in my teens and still struggle with body image issues so it has been a struggle but after months of people's rude behavior i'm learning to let it slide off my back. My response now is "Well my doctor says I'm measuring right on track" and walk away.
  • lauraaleshire
    lauraaleshire Posts: 15 Member
    Got a doozy today, ladies.
    Coworker: how is your daughter doing?
    Me: she's great! She's two now and we have another on the way.
    Him: really? you know I was looking at you the other day and thought, "Wow. She's really having trouble getting the baby weight off."
    Me: That doesn't make me feel good at all.
    Him: Why? Now I know it's all new baby weight!
    Me: You should never comment on a woman's size. And I'm six months pregnant!
    Him: I had no idea...(proceeds to tell me about other times he's put his foot in his mouth around pregnant and recently post post partum women)
    Me: These area all examples of terrible things you've said. If you are sure someone is pregnant all you are allowed to say is how healthy and beautiful she looks.
    Him: well you always look healthy and beautiful.
    Me: now you're just back tracking. As you should. You just told me I look like crap.
  • lauraaleshire
    lauraaleshire Posts: 15 Member
    I'm at least proud of myself for standing up for myself, but I'm honestly hurt and pissed.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @lauraaleshire what a jerk!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Well, some people are socially retarded. Sometimes you just have to consider the source.
  • bettymags83
    bettymags83 Posts: 23 Member
    Just thought I'd share my recent comments at 35 weeks

    Wow have you not popped yet?
    You've only put weight on your belly and your *kitten*,
    You don't have massive pregnant mummy boobs,
    Other than looking really tired, you look great,
    I'm hoping when I get pregnant my feet don't look like that - making reference to varicose veins, didn't want to let you know what else gets swollen when your pregnant.

    Only a few more weeks of pregnancy comments then I can move onto the post pregnancy comments.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I had a patient tell me that I looked like I was ready to deliver any minute - even in my face.
    On the other hand, I have been a part of her care team since my flirting with 300lb days, and she made a point to tell me that I hardly looked like I gained anything but baby (which is still inappropriate to comment at all) and when I told her that I've gained 20lbs she told me it was inspiring to watch me have a health pregnancy.
    But still... what does "ready to deliver" look like in the face?
  • darkmiko2014
    darkmiko2014 Posts: 35 Member
    When I announced my pregnancy at work a girl said she could tell I was pregnant because of how round I was getting. I was only six weeks along at the time.
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    I hate how pregnant bodies become a OK thing to chat about. Being impregnanted shouldn't give the world license to comment about your body one way or the other. I have one co-worker who likes to tell me how many weeks pregnant I look depending on my outfit.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,957 Member
    edited March 2017
    Ah I got the "well I knew you were pregnant because you started eating breakfast".. I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time. I ate the breakfast because it was free for the month. Who the heck doesn't eat free breakfast!?
    People LOVE to claim they "knew" you were pregnant but they're full of poop lol.

    I have had people say things like "oh you're smaller than this other woman I know at the same point in the pregnancy" and things like that (how rude is it to compare women like that!? That's a "Well her boobs are bigger than yours" kind of statement). And people putting their hands NEAR my belly but luckily thinking better of it and stopping. People just really don't know lol. They're so awkward.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I have been pretty lucky, but it is still early, I imagine it gets worse and worse as you get bigger and it is obvious to strangers. My boss is Chinese though, so he is a little interesting. Apparently in China pregnant women are treated very delicately, so he is always worried about me. I swear any time he sees me standing he is like "do you need to sit down". Maybe when I am further along I will appreciate it more, but right now I have only gained 2 lbs, so its not like I am carrying a heavy load or anything.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,957 Member
    edited March 2017
    @4legsRbetterthan2 Ah my boss is similar! He's from India. He keeps bringing me food that his wife made me and using pretty old terms like "In the family way". Once in a while he's inappropriate because of culture differences... but... well... free amazing food, you know? lol

    5 different people asked if I wanted their chairs yesterday in a big meeting lol.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I'm 27 weeks and have been getting the same comments, @verykatie. I don't look pregnant in clothes unless they're super tight, which I don't wear anyway at work/around.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I'm 25w5d and I popped early - around 14 weeks. This is baby #2, so its to be expected. I had difficulty gaining weight in the beginning, so its not like I was really packing on the pounds and people still made comments about how big I was already. I've done side by side picture comparisons between pregnancy #1 and this one and my bump is quite a bit bigger. MY BUMP. I started out 20 pounds less - and have only gained 8 pounds so far. There's less fat to hide my bump, people!! My mom (who only had 1 pregnancy) made the comment about how big I was this time and how its not going to be another 6 pounds baby ... umm... I tried to explain how subsequent pregnancies tend to show earlier and larger due to muscles being stretched and blah blah blah... she still makes the occasional comment. And I'm constantly getting "wow you're really popping" comments. Yes, thank you, make me feel even more like a beached whale when I still have 15 weeks to go. Thank you, so much. People are just so inconsiderate. -_-
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2017
    @Hurricane_C im sorry people are making you feel that way. You are absolutely right that people show earlier and larger after the first. The good news is you will get to have the " I told you so" moment after :wink: