Weekly Post 03.07. - 09.07.16

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
Well Peops, my weight is up a little after last weekends / weeks meals out. On the upside it has been stable over this weekend and I'm ready for my fast tomorrow.

I also had a nice little NSV today. I made it up my running hill with just two short walking spells, when my HR was too high. Haven't been able to get up there in a while (180m change in altitude). Thus my running and biking the last few weeks have made my legs, heart and lungs stronger again. Yay! I will keep this up next week and will be ready for my hiking trip the week after B)

Wish you all a good week and to all of our American friends - enjoy tomorrow! Happy 4th of July!


  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    Congratulations @flumi_f ! Great job!
    I got on the scale this morning, and in the last 3 months have completely undone my weight loss. I am going to reset my # of days logged in to 0 and start over. Lesson learned and back on the wagon!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    First fast day of the week just about complete. Recently got back from vacation so I am not checking in with the scale until I've had a couple fasts to normalize. In addition to not fasting during my vacation, I didn't do my normal exercise routine for about two weeks. Just jumped back in today. Of course during vacation I was active so hopefully not too much progress lost and I hope I don't have to re-experience muscle soreness from starting up again. My kids are at camp this week so I lost my interval partner. Anyway, let's keep at it for our health everyone! :)
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Well summer break has simply been that...a break. We've had 2 vacations back-to-back and I am glad to be home!!! Back to a routine for sure. Fasting has been spotty. Lots of eating out and not at any particular time, so while the spontaneity of vacationing has been fun, I'm definitely happy to be back to a regular way of life! I had a fantastic fast yesterday and will have another either tomorrow or Saturday. Summer ballet started Tuesday, so all is right with the world :) . I had to do a makeup class last night and boy, am I sore. Hard to believe just a week off (I've been doing dance stuff at home) can really make me this sore, but that's showbiz (ha). Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer! We finally got out of the 108 degree temps and are now down to a downright comfortable high 90 range. I must say weight loss has made me able to tolerate the heat a lot better!!!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Like you Flossy, I ended up a bit sore when I got back into my exercise routine. I finished my 3rd fast for the week today but it was high at 878 calories. I was experimenting with a potluck dish I am bringing to a party tomorrow and overdid it!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Welcome back Flossy!

    I'm off to the bus station in a few. One week of hiking in Austria near Innsbruck. Never been there and don't know the people in the group, so it'll be fun. Hoping the weather will be better than the forecast, but the hotel has a wellness area and Innsbruck isn't far from it either, so alternative activities to hiking in the rain are possible :D

    I had two pretty good fasts last week and ate enough on the others.... But I was pretty active and will be next week too. Won't be fasting during vacation thoug:dizzy:

    Have a great week and keep posting. I will be back :p
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    My cell phone died and the MFP website is terrible! I have done really well this week. Two really good fasts and I even went out to eat on one of those fast days! I am really excited to step on the scale tomorrow!
    I hope you all are doing well! Everyone must be busy, it is so quiet in here! :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    Four pounds lost! Woo Hoo! Although, I am sure that most of that was water weight, I am still excited to have started over and be back on a downward trend!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Who cares, Kate! A loss is a loss and I say congrats!!! A loss like that will keep you motivated so that it will all balance out in the end. Way to go!!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Saying hello, I joined the group yesterday! I'm new to 5:2 fasting. I watched the Michael Mosley documentary last week and have been reading up some studies on IF since then. I tried a fast day off the cuff last friday to see if I could do it - and I could so ... going to give this a proper try now. I already have an eating pattern where I skip breakfast and concentrate most of my calories in the evenings. I do have a problem with overeating on occasional days and evening snacking beyond my calorie goal but the discipline of fasting twice a week and then eating freely (but not excessively) on the other days may suit me.

    Feeling positive! I'll also be reducing my typical protein intake from meat sources as the documentary highlighted too much protein as a problem of the western diet too. Not a big reduction, but aiming for 150grams of chicken rather than my more usual 200-220 grams of chicken when I have my evening meal.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    Welcome to the group, @oolou ! I have found, when I have my head on straight, that 5:2 is the easiest thing in the world! And I feel so much better when I do it! I hope you have great success!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Kate. I'm feeling quite excited about this different approach. Great to hear that it works for you!
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    I randomly stumbled across the Michael Mosley documentary a few weeks ago and just randomly decieded to try it too. Have done a bunch of reading and stuff into it since then. Just finished my second week and have lost just over 5 pounds. The same 5 pounds I have been losing over months of regular dieting then gaining back in a weekend for like a year (I've become beyond frustrated with that). Here's hoping it stays off this time. I think this is something I could definitely stick with easily. Here's hoping I can finally hit my goal and get off this darned baby weight that's been hanging on for years now...
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Wow, five pounds lost in a fortnight! Way to go, auzziecawth!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all and welcome to some new 5:2rs!

    Just got back from a nice break from reality! A couple days here & there vacation wise didn't allow for too much time on my data so I only logged in for my meals. I pretty much stayed the same for food intake since I was mostly making meals :( but I did allow for several days not caring what I ate and found I eat pretty much the same anyway.... It's just all my candy.... Not sure I'll ever get over it! I measured my waist this morning and I've gained a solid 1/2 inch -not bad! I'm fasting today which is going great so far with a little almond milk to get me through till my salad for dinner! Glad to hear everyone's doing well! I'll be back checking now so let's keep busy so Flumi will have lots to read when she gets back from her trip :p
    Welcome to the group, @oolou ! I have found, when I have my head on straight, that 5:2 is the easiest thing in the world! And I feel so much better when I do it! I hope you have great success!

    ^^^^ words of wisdom right there folks!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Fast day yesterday well super well and I'm thinking of also logging when I break the fasting time. There is a menu item 'Intermittent fasting' adjustment for each hour. So if my dinner was at 6pm and I don't eat next day until say 11am I would log with my breakfast time '17hours fasting'..... Does anyone else do this?

    Happy hump day everyone! B)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    That's kinda cool - so the purpose of it is to act as a record of your fasting that you can check back on (if you so wished?) I think I would probably use the food notes at the bottom of each day rather than an menu item, but I can see the appeal of using the IF menu item instead.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Second fast for this week complete. I haven't recorded the time when I break my fast. Usually it is around 11am to 1pm the next day.
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    edited July 2016
    oolou wrote: »
    Wow, five pounds lost in a fortnight! Way to go, auzziecawth!

  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    So, halfway through my second fast day for the week and ... I'm finding that because I'm aware that it's a fast day and therefore food is on my mind more than usual, I'm looking to be busier than I normally am to keep my mind off food. This morning I did some garden and pool work that I would usually avoid until it needed doing. This is an unexpected but good personal side effect!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Fast day yesterday well super well and I'm thinking of also logging when I break the fasting time. There is a menu item 'Intermittent fasting' adjustment for each hour. So if my dinner was at 6pm and I don't eat next day until say 11am I would log with my breakfast time '17hours fasting'..... Does anyone else do this?

    Happy hump day everyone! B)

    How do you do this? I looked, but can't figure it out!! Thanks, Mama!