Just the Basics: July: Week 2 (7/8-7/14)



  • tnevin225
    tnevin225 Posts: 21 Member
    SW-295,CW-274,GW-180. I have lost 22lbs the in 6 weeks, I only weigh every other friday at my local clinic. I was a little disappointed at my last weigh in, only lost 4lbs but i been home alot and work has been slow. I should probly get off my butt and spend less time on here.
  • reneebeardshaw
    reneebeardshaw Posts: 5 Member
    For 7/9

    SW 261
    CW 254 ( Lost a pound :) )
    GW 140
    Logged Food- yes
    Pre logged for tomorrow-Yes
    8+cups of water- no
    Walked 12000 steps- NO
    Carbs<30 - yes
    Cals<1000- Yes
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    It's still too hot and too humid to do my morning walk. The only place for me to walk is to go down the mountain and then back up; the climb is a killer on a good day and almost impossible in the heat and humidity.

    My food consumption is under control. I cooked and baked all day yesterday and wasn't even tempted to have a little of everything I made. Fridge and freezer are full of roasted chicken, bacon/cheddar quiche, tuna melt salad, strawberry fat bombs, and peanut butter fudge fat bombs. Then there is steak and ranch baked Tillapia. I'll be feasting like a queen for two or three weeks without having to cook a thing. Hello, microwave!

    I've been drinking massive quantities of ice water and keeping up my electrolytes. All is good.

  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    OK its Day 10

    Carbs o:)
    Cals o:)
    Water o:)
    Exercise >:)
    Logging o:)

    I must admit I am feeling a little tired today so taking things easy, now I am doing zero carb, have decided to simplify my logging, I know if I eat what I am allowed to my carb level won't rise so as long as I stick to meat and water I will be fine. At the end of July I am going to start adding in cheese and eggs but decided to keep it very simple for July
  • LCChris2016
    LCChris2016 Posts: 22 Member
    Heck I have no clue what day it is for me but I know it's week 2 so let's start there :) Seems like the past month has been a blur!Moved and still unpacking and cleaning and gardening. My arthritis is KILLING me! I need to take a day off!I'm staying on track food wise.Thinking about eating more and upping my cals just a bit.Need to seriously get my butt back in gear exercise wise. And Thank you Saltwater! Been having headaches lately but been sucking down bottles of saltwater....works great! Happy Sunday :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm back to thinking of myself as a keto-er rather than higher low carb and I have to say, so far I'm doing much better. Far less hungry, far fewer cravings, happier. Stomach seems to be getting better, too. Hopefully the scale or at least my measurements will catch on soon. ;)

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 136.8
    Goal range for maintenance that I'm trying to get back to: 129-133
    Cals: under
    Carbs: 17 net
    Exercise: Rest day but decent amount of steps (Fitbit had to charge so I'm guesstimating)
    Sleep: Met goal last night!
    Hydration: Good
    Sodium: Good
  • Bubbas_girl
    Bubbas_girl Posts: 15 Member
    Newbie Alert lol ;)

    I have been @ MFP for a week now and love how it helps me to stay more accountable to myself; for months, I have been modifying my way of eating/living gradually each week to incorporate more protein/fat and fewer carbs, as well as cut out refined starches & sugars completely and potatoes (my greatest weakness!)

    Last week on MFP, I stayed under my goal every day for Carbs, but I also did not meet my goal for protein or fats. I don't usually weigh myself, but may start (perhaps weekly? will have to buy a scale I guess).

    So my aim this week is to continue to reduce carbs while working harder to hit the protein & fat goals as well as step up my game in "intentional exercise" and not just log my daily activities around the farm.
  • jlm021
    jlm021 Posts: 5 Member
    SW: 190
    CW: 178

    Logged every day: :smile:
    Daily Water >80 ounces: :smile: Easy peasy!
    Calorie Goal: :/I was on holidays this week so boredom got the better of me at times. Also, we had our wedding anniversary and the kids took us out for supper. Cheesecake leftovers...need I say more???
    Carb Goal: B)No Sweat!
    Exercise: :/Could have done better but will be biking to work every day starting tomorrow!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Welcome, @Bubbas_girl! Sounds like you're off to a good start!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I am not off to a great start. I think my higher blood glucose readings have scared me straight though. The last few days have bee very good, so I'm again moving in the right direction with you all. :)

    Glad you're moving in the right direction! How was your day today?
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @NonnaTurtle welcome to you too! I do 10% C/65%F/25%P. 5% C is pretty popular too. 3% is fine if it works for you! If you want to experiment with going a little higher and seeing if you do better/worse, go for it, but I know some people find it helpful to go really low on carbs to start with to kind of break the addiction.
  • grandmaJMB
    grandmaJMB Posts: 74 Member
    SW 213
    CW 206.6
    been on Keto for about a month. I like it and trying to settle in on what is working for me. Sunday I started IF 16/8 with Keto, which started things moving and I feel will work for me.

  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have forgotten to check in for several days... partly on purpose but honestly partly not. I have done only OK - I always get the water and electrolytes, and most days OK on carbs but I've still been way overeating calories so I haven't lost (I'm back where July started)

    I weighed today and I'm changing my goal for the month to weigh my body only once a week at most the rest of the month. So we'll see how that goes!
  • whitneyr137
    whitneyr137 Posts: 31 Member
    This month is flying by! I did good last week, but this weekend (yesterday mainly) I had a few too many calories and carbs. My fiance's 30th birthday was yesterday, and he wanted french toast for breakfast which I made and consumed. We also had a surprise birthday party for him last night, and I made a chocolate pound cake that I also had a slice of. Between those two things, I had about 150g carbs yesterday which is double my goal.
    I was also sick a couple days last week and felt like poo so I didn't work out Thursday or Friday. I also didn't workout yesterday. :#
    Shockingly I weighed the same this morning as I did Saturday and Sunday morning so I guess we can mark it down as an official loss!
    Here's to a new week!

    SW: 260 on 3/24/16
    CW: 223.8 on 7/11/16 (-2.2 pounds this month)
    GW: 180ish

    Goals for the month
    -Nutrition: Carbs <75g total daily, Fat >80g
    -Exercise: 5 days of 30-45 minutes cardio plus 2 days of strength training
    -Weight: goal for the month=get out of the 220's!!!

  • Chelebelle1701
    Chelebelle1701 Posts: 2 Member
    I had a great week exercise wise. I did more last week than I did the entire year last year. I ate within my ranges, figured out the hard way I need to up my sodium levels when exercising this much and gained a little. I usually do when I start exercising this much. No worries! On to a great week!
  • LCChris2016
    LCChris2016 Posts: 22 Member
    Stayed on track yesterday in spite of wanting to eat the world for no good reason!Started a Fat Fast for the next 3 days. Here's a link if you're curious. http://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2014/08/14/Complete-Guide-to-Fat-Fast
    Just have to work on moving my butt a bit more :)
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    I forget to checkin on the weekends too. Went out with girlfriends last night and there's always a lot of alcohol involved. Made sure to keep the eating under control though.

    Calories - under
    Carbs - under for the most part
    water - under - don't do as well at home as I do at work
    exercise - not on the weekends
    logging - yes
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Stayed on track yesterday in spite of wanting to eat the world for no good reason!Started a Fat Fast for the next 3 days. Here's a link if you're curious. http://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2014/08/14/Complete-Guide-to-Fat-Fast
    Just have to work on moving my butt a bit more :)

    thanks for the link on this - I have been CRAVING fat. Like I have to stop myself literally scooping globs of butter straight out of the dish. I have no idea what that's about but I'm going to go read about a "fat fast" now and see what it entails because it sure sounds up my alley of late haha