Weekly Post 31.07. - 06.08.16



  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    @RoxianneM Great to hear your first FD went well ^^ When it comes to TDEE and online calculators, while they are a good initial guide, you'll soon know from your own experience whether or not your calorie goal is right for you. The calculators can be spot on for some people but in the end they are an estimate. Also you may find that at the weekend you eat more than during the week, so if you do end up eating under your calorie goal during the week on non fast days, it will probably balance out overall.
  • RoxianneM
    RoxianneM Posts: 17 Member
    @oolou and @flumi_f Thanks for the suggestions. We decided we would count on non-fast days for a couple of weeks (basically until school starts, or maybe through the first week of school) just so we have a baseline. Generally, I pack the same lunch for both of us, but I think I will increase my husband's by at least half. We're thinking maybe he's stopped losing weight because he's not eating enough. My adult son (underweight) will be back from vacation/ house sitting next week, which will add a twist.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Having a lot of trouble getting potassium.....what are your favorite ways of getting it in. Or do prefer to supplement it somehow? Fast day tomorrow.....
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    While trying to lose I always counted calories... I'm still counting! I am slacking off a tad now but when really needing to lose weight I counted everything and the husband bought me a food scale which is awesome!!

    Bananas for potassium I think... I've never noticed I'm low, I'm usually trying to get enough protein!
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Fast day today. Hopefully this week goes as smoothly as last week. Trying to figure out what day I want to do later in the week. My hubby and one son go back to school this week. Rest of the gang starts back to school next week. Think I might try and finish up the back to school shopping today to stay busy. I might even aim for 40000 steps today just for kicks. Does anyone get through their fast Days by thinking of what they can eat the next day?
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member

    I tend to eat potato, beans, bananas, yoghurt and so on as part of my daily meals so on the whole, I probably get enough naturally. BUT I also decided to start taking a multivitamin/mineral tablet to supplement daily when I started this too, just to make sure I was getting what I need.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    ^^good potassium sources. Many veggies have lots of potassium too. I don't take any supplements. But keeping my potassium high and sodium low helps avoid water retention. I do this by eating lots of veggies, and sometimes potatoes and bananas , while avoiding highly processed foods, which are often very high in sodium.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    mabearof6 wrote: »
    Does anyone get through their fast Days by thinking of what they can eat the next day?

    Yes, by the end of a FD, as I'm heading for bed, I'm thinking of breakfast! LOL

  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Got through my fast day yesterday ok. In fact still haven't broken my fast.....weird because I just realized I hadn't eaten. Lol. Definitely met my step goal 67,000. My feet are feeling it today. Think I'll keep it simple today and stay at 20,000 or so. Now to figure out what to eat.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Good to hear the fasts are going well @mabearof6 ^^ I know what you mean about not breaking your fast the following day until a lot later than you thought you would. It is weird, yes. You go to bed on the fast day thinking about the food you can have the next day, but then when you wake up there's no urgency about eating straight away. It will often be lunchtime or later when I'll have food. Although cuppa tea is still essential within half an hour of being awake :p
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Had pasta for the first time in a while.......and I feel so BLOATED! Also PMS time too. Think tomorrow will be my second fast day this week because hubby wants to do pizza on Friday. It's the first day of school tomorrow for one of the kids and hubby so I think I will take the rest of the kids to a movie since it is supposed to be raining.....interested to see how being up earlier will effect my fast day.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    11.30pm on my second FD this week and it's turning into a toughie. I'm in that mood where you're drumming your fingers on the arm of the chair, but too unfocused to do anything useful or sustained. Too wide awake to go to sleep as I'll just lie in bed staring at the ceiling. Bleh.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    oolou wrote: »
    11.30pm on my second FD this week and it's turning into a toughie. I'm in that mood where you're drumming your fingers on the arm of the chair, but too unfocused to do anything useful or sustained. Too wide awake to go to sleep as I'll just lie in bed staring at the ceiling. Bleh.

    Hope you can get some sleep

    ......my 2nd fast day of the week too. It was going fine till about an hour ago. It's not even that I actually feel hungry, just can't seem to stop thinking of food. I complete fast on my fast Days but today I thought doing 500 cal. But I know myself....feeling the way I do 500 would definitely turn into more. Bedtime needs to hurry up and get here so I can just crawl into bed.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    mabearof6 wrote: »
    oolou wrote: »
    11.30pm on my second FD this week and it's turning into a toughie. I'm in that mood where you're drumming your fingers on the arm of the chair, but too unfocused to do anything useful or sustained. Too wide awake to go to sleep as I'll just lie in bed staring at the ceiling. Bleh.

    Hope you can get some sleep

    ......my 2nd fast day of the week too. It was going fine till about an hour ago. It's not even that I actually feel hungry, just can't seem to stop thinking of food. I complete fast on my fast Days but today I thought doing 500 cal. But I know myself....feeling the way I do 500 would definitely turn into more. Bedtime needs to hurry up and get here so I can just crawl into bed.

    Right there with you. I was salivating as I planned tomorrow's meals >.<

  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Made it through yesterday. Was expecting to wake up really hungry, but right food just doesn't sound good at all......it's crazy how different you feel when you know you can eat. It's a family pizza night tonight. Looking forward to that. Kids have all joked that since hubby and I are on a "diet" that they are too......so they will be surprised. We have a huge potluck on Sunday for JROTC so I am debating another fast day tomorrow. I will see if can eat enough today to get through one, and go from there.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I started out having a fd yesterday, got my exercise in and ate a yogurt around 2pm then the husband said lets go see a movie! So, after devouring about 5 cups worth of popcorn during a so/so movie we decided to stop for hot dogs & a beer at this little beach place on the way home! So figuring I did 5:2 in the way of 5 cups of popcorn and 2 bottles of beer... Does this count? Sigh..... :#B)
    It's Friday!!! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Came out of my summer vacation and work trip at 65kg....way too high for little old me and 8kg over my low of 57kg, which I was quite happy with.

    That scared and motivated me and I had a easy and perfect fast yesterday and was around maintenance today. Weighed in at 64 today. Thus the water is gone. Now I need to chip on the fat :p I have decided to log again on most days as I want to get back to my low and into my clothes....some of my pants are just too tight. Not an option!

    Life should be a little more normal now and make it easier to fast more regularly.

    Oh and I vow to open a new thread on Sunday. Life's been a bit crazy as of late....
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    So I guess I'm fasting again today. This will actually be my 3rd fast day this week but since we are having a huge potluck for Booster Boot Camp for JROTC tomorrow I feel it's necessary. Otherwise I won't feel like I can enjoy it. I have to do a lot of cooking today for it so that could be interesting.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Well turns out no fast day today. Hubby decided we were doing steaks on the grill......oh well. I wasn't really feeling a 3rd fast day anyway
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    I actually pulled off a decent fast day yesterday - 520 cals! I felt a little toxic after all the salted & buttered popcorn the day before! Today I will be smart and so far so good. Looking forward to cooler temps soon! Pretty sure I have more willpower in cooler weather! Next week I'd like to have 2 fasts instead of one! Hope everyone is doing well B)