how much weight have you gained



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm currently 7w+3 and super concerned about weight gain this pregnancy. I lost 60lbs and really would like to not gain it all back.

    I'm currently doing sedentary maintenance + fitbit calories. I'm really struggling with nausea and exhaustion right now. If I'm not eating every hour, I'm nauseous. And I'm so tired that I'm struggling to hit my fitbit steps every day. So I just simply don't have the calories right now to support the amount of snacking that I need to do to stop myself from being sick. It's so hard.

    Anyway, going to post my weight in hopes that some accountability will help me stay on track.

    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Congrats on your baby @Eliz_99
  • rmcloughlin22
    rmcloughlin22 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow you all rock for keeping the weight gain in check!

    I'm 20 weeks and have gained 23 lbs. I think about how I'm only halfway through and if I multiply that weight number by 2....yikes! So back to tracking I go.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs

    Ugh, I feel like I'm gaining a lot for first trimester. I just can't stop eating. If I don't eat every hour, I'm nauseous. I'm trying to force feed fruits and vegetables, but its not very effective.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    You are good. Don't worry about it. If you gain .5 week you'll be around 20lbs total. That isn't bad at all. Relax, stressing over it will make you more nauseous.

    Both my kids turned out fine and now that I'm much healthier and pregnant with the 3rd I feel like I got away with something since I ate like total crap with both of my previous pregnancies and never exercised once. Prenatals and do what you can. It's so early. Hopefully you will feel better around weeks 12-16.

    I'm 20 weeks and enjoying the 1st pregnancy in which I'm able to actually eat meat. I had an extreme meat aversion with the 1st two kids.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs
    9 weeks: 5.5 lbs

    Starting to feel better this week, so I'm going to be tracking my food more closely. Hoping to level this out a little bit as I get closer to second tri.
  • Veeedot
    Veeedot Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 36weeks+2days and gained 16lbs so far :smile:
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs
    9 weeks: 5.5 lbs
    10 weeks: 6.0 lbs
    11 weeks: 8.2 lbs
    12 weeks: 7.9 lbs

    Just hit second trimester today! Definitely feeling like I'm more in control and yay for maintaining last week. Hoping to maintain for a few weeks in 2nd tri before I start gaining again.
  • mjoffen
    mjoffen Posts: 3 Member
    this thread is very inspiring. I am flipping out because it took me the last two years to lose 35 lbs and now I am pregnant and halfway back up in 9 weeks. I am so sick all the time I can't work out at all and was gluten free but now can only eat bread, every hour or I am sick. I am super freaked out. I am glad to have found this thread. please feel free to write me!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello! I would love to start tracking my weight gain here. I am going to be 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow. So far. I don't have any symptoms relating to food. No nausea or aversions or anything. I do have other weird symptoms but won't go into detail here haha. I think I will be due on June 14, 2017. But the doctor hasn't confirmed my pregnancy yet. I expect a call from her today or tomorrow though. My HPTs are positive.

    So here it goes:

    Starting weight 9/07: Assumed 140.4 - I didn't actually take this weight so I just used the one I had closest to this date. Close enough hopefully. So I guess all my weights might be a bit off.

    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)

    Week 1: 9/15: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0)
    Week 2: 9/22: ? I was on a work trip, didn't weigh in.
    Week 3: 9/29: ? I was on a work trip, didn't weigh in.
    Week 4: 10/02: 141.2 (+0.8, +0.8)
    Week 5: 10/09: ? Didn't think to weigh myself haha.
    Week 6: 10/18: 140.4 (-0.8, +0.0)
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I'm 39+3, started overweight at 190 and had a goal of 15lbs. Around 36 weeks I was up 22, but with a surge of energy in the last month and decreased appetite, was +17 this morning. Being induced next Wednesday if she doesn't come on her own!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    alot. I've gained alot. and I don't care. That's why I stopped posting. and I'm eating a pumpkin cake parfait right now.

    I've gone to the darkside. I'll hit you back in 9-10 weeks when I have this baby!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Starting Weight: 9/07: 140.4 (assumed)
    Week 1: 9/15: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0)
    Week 2: 9/22: ?
    Week 3: 9/29: ?
    Week 4: 10/02: 141.2 (+0.8, +0.8)
    Week 5: 10/09: ?
    Week 6: 10/18: 140.4 (-0.8, +0.0)
    Week 7: 10/26: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0) - It seems almost odd to me that this is not changing even in the slightest. My weight has NEVER been this stable. I wonder if something is up with my scale...
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited November 2016
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb (I'm hoping for 25)

    Starting Weight: 9/07: 140.4 (assumed)
    Week 1: 9/15: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0)
    Week 2: 9/22: ?
    Week 3: 9/29: ?
    Week 4: 10/02: 141.2 (+0.8, +0.8)
    Week 5: 10/09: ?
    Week 6: 10/18: 140.4 (-0.8, +0.0)
    Week 7: 10/26: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0)
    Week 8: 11/02: 140.2 (-0.2, -0.2) - This really makes no sense. I tracked my calories all week and I ate over maintenance by like 250 - 500 calories everyday. I'm going to put new batteries in my scale. I first got on it and it was 140.4, then, after my husband used it, I tried again and it gave me a different answer (within a minute).
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    It's been a few weeks, but here we go!

    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs
    9 weeks: 5.5 lbs
    10 weeks: 6.0 lbs
    11 weeks: 8.2 lbs
    12 weeks: 7.9 lbs
    13 weeks: 8.9 lbs
    14 weeks: 10.1 lbs
    15 weeks: 9.0 lbs
    16 weeks: 9.8 lbs
    17 weeks: 12.4 lbs (don't really know why...)
    18 weeks: 14.9 lbs (went on vacation, so this one I know why)

    So I've gained more than I wanted to at this point, but I feel more in control lately. Unfortunately, I'm on exercise restrictions, so I can only walk and do yoga. I also broke my fitbit a few weeks back which through me for a bit of a loop until my replacement arrived.

    I spent 4 weeks around the same weight and then jumped up. Then I went on vacation and just ate. This week (19 weeks), even with Halloween, looks like it will be a little less than my post vacation weight. Almost half way there and I'm ~halfway to the weight gain my midwife wants. Not too shabby, but I know a lot of people gain more the second half, so I'm keeping my eye on it. Midwife said that my gain is normal during my appt today, so she's not worried.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I'm blind weighing, so only my husband and the Dr know. Since I'm not spending any calories on alcohol, my average calories are lower than normal, and I'm also working out a lot more. I seem to be losing everywhere except the stomach and breasts.
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I am 11 weeks 6 days and I have gained 8 lbs. I have not been eating good or exercising enough. Would be nice to have some pregnant friends for motivation! I am due May 20th. Send me a friend request if you feel like it :)
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I'm 25 weeks and I'm guessing I've packed on 8kg to 9kg since the start of my pregnancy.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited November 2016
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb (I'm hoping for 25... I'm a little hoping for just 20...)

    Starting Weight: 9/07: 140.4 (assumed)
    Week 1: 9/15: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0)
    Week 2: 9/22: ?
    Week 3: 9/29: ?
    Week 4: 10/02: 141.2 (+0.8, +0.8)
    Week 5: 10/09: ?
    Week 6: 10/18: 140.4 (-0.8, +0.0)
    Week 7: 10/26: 140.4 (+0.0, +0.0)
    Week 8: 11/02: 140.2 (-0.2, -0.2)
    Bought a new scale... so doing a reset a bit of calculations. The old, unreliable scale said 140.0 this morning. The new scale said 139.2 lb. Therefore the rest of my calculations shall be as though my starting weight was "139.6". 0.8 lb adjustment factor haha.

    Adjusted starting weight: 139.6 lb
    Week 9: 11/09: 139.2 (-0.2, -0.4)
  • rebeccavh
    rebeccavh Posts: 29 Member
    At 15 weeks I was up 2 lbs. I'm trying not to weigh at home, so I'm going to see on Thursday what I am now at my drs appointment. My guess is I'm up 7lbs total. I'll be 20 weeks on Tuesday
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited November 2016
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb

    Starting Weight: 9/07: 140.4 (assumed)

    Adjusted starting weight: 139.6 lb (new scale)
    Week 9: 11/09: 139.2 (-0.2, -0.4)
    Week 10: 11/16: 140.2 (+1.0, +0.6) Here we go. Good stuff.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    So I've got 53 more days and I just want to say I had Korean BBQ for lunch 3 times this week. I'd post a picture but I seem to not have that ability any more in the mobile app.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited November 2016
    @enterdanger wow 53 days. That's going to blow by so quickly! :)
    Also Korean bbq sounds really good right now.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    @enterdanger wow 53 days. That's going to blow by so quickly! :)
    Also Korean bbq sounds really good right now.

    Like you wouldn't believe good.... It's my big craving
  • rebeccavh
    rebeccavh Posts: 29 Member
    I went to the dr this week
    I was up 2 lbs by my 15 week appointment.
    I'm up 13lbs total at week 20.
    I was definitely eating sweets a ton. Wake up call to cut that out.
    I'm ok with healthy weight gain but not excessive gains from poor eating choices.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb

    Starting Weight: 9/07: 140.4 (assumed)

    Adjusted starting weight: 139.6 lb (new scale)
    Week 9: 11/09: 139.2 (-0.2, -0.4)
    Week 10: 11/16: 140.2 (+1.0, +0.6)
    Week 11: 11/23: 139.0 (-1.2, -0.6) :neutral:
  • Doin_it_4me920
    Doin_it_4me920 Posts: 25 Member
    today I am 19weeks pregnant. I've actually lost 5lbs. been eating healthy and staying active.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited November 2016
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb

    Starting Weight: 9/07: 140.4 (assumed)

    Adjusted starting weight: 139.6 lb (new scale)
    Week 9: 11/09: 139.2 (-0.2, -0.4)
    Week 10: 11/16: 140.2 (+1.0, +0.6)
    Week 11: 11/23: 139.0 (-1.2, -0.6)
    Week 12: 11/30: 141.2 (+2.2, +1.6) - I ate A LOT yesterday though. We'll see how it goes! Day before I was 138.6.

    ALSO WEEEE week 12! I have no idea if the first trimester is done at the beginning of week 12, 13 or 14. But... Still. I'm excited lol.
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2016
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 37
    4th pregnancy, hopefully 3rd baby
    Goal to Gain: 15-20 lbs.
    All weight gain is cumulative.
    Really hoping to keep weight in check this time. Gained 42.5 with my last baby, 15 lbs in first trimester alone! (eek!)

    Starting Weight: 10/14 (conception): 154

    Week 7: 11/23: 151.6 (-2.4)
    Week 8: 11/30: 153.2 (-0.8)