how much weight have you gained



  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 143lbs
    Goal to Gain: 20-25lbs
    Due: 11th August
    Total Gain So Far: 15lbs
    Week 4: 143
    Week 5: 144
    Week 6: 142
    Week 7: 141
    Week 8: 140
    Week 11: 139
    Week 12: 138
    Week 17: 140
    Week 19: 141
    Week 20: 142
    Week 21: 143
    Week 22: 142
    Week 23: 143
    Week 25: 144
    Week 26: 145
    Week 27: 147
    Week 29: 149
    Week 31: 150
    Week 32: 151
    Week 34: 153
    Week 35: 155
    Week 36: 156
    Week 38: 158
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    At 26 weeks, I have gained 15 lbs.
  • nienie5104
    nienie5104 Posts: 8 Member
    almost 37 weeks and I am up 18lbs. half of what i gained when i was pregnant with my first so I'm pretty happy about that. Finally getting into the true home stretch!!!!
  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    I'm at 23 weeks and up 15 lbs, which my doctor has told me is right where she wants me to be for now :) this is my first baby so I'm glad that I've been able to keep up with what I need to
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    31.5 weeks and up 43 lbs. I think I'm more upset about crossing back into the 200's (204 now) after working so hard to get out of and away from the 200's prior to getting pregnant than I am about my rate of weight gain.

    Can't wait until I deliver. Eating 2200 calories on avg and it's been a real struggle for me to try to eat below that.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm 18 weeks and up 9lbs. I've got my food set at maintenance but I'm gaining a half pound a week like clockwork since I'm not logging, weighing, or any of that. If I get out of this with a 20lb gain I'll be totally satisfied. I don't want to gain much more than that since I was already overweight, but if I do I'm not stressing. It comes off.
  • coccolino30
    coccolino30 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 29 weeks and I have put on 25 pounds :( I would've liked not to put on more than 30 pounds all together but that's not going to happen now
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5!!!
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147
    Week 21: 149.5!!!
    Week 22: 151
    Week 27: 155
    Week 30: 161.5!!!
    Week 33: 166.5
    Week 35: 169.5
    Week 39: 174.5

    Total gain - 40lbs

    I had my final prenatal appointment today and I'm being induced this week due to cholestasis. I went over my goal by 10lbs but my doctors are fine with my weight gain and think a lot of it is fluid and baby. I've done my best to eat healthy and stay active so there isn't much I can do! Good luck with your pregnancies everyone and hope to see you in the postpartum group!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Good Luck @LisaTcan. I hope it goes smoothly and you get to meet your little peanut shortly!
  • coccolino30
    coccolino30 Posts: 44 Member
    Good luck Lisa! Hope all goes well and you'll have a quick recovery.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm currently 7w+3 and super concerned about weight gain this pregnancy. I lost 60lbs and really would like to not gain it all back.

    I'm currently doing sedentary maintenance + fitbit calories. I'm really struggling with nausea and exhaustion right now. If I'm not eating every hour, I'm nauseous. And I'm so tired that I'm struggling to hit my fitbit steps every day. So I just simply don't have the calories right now to support the amount of snacking that I need to do to stop myself from being sick. It's so hard.

    Anyway, going to post my weight in hopes that some accountability will help me stay on track.

    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Congrats on your baby @Eliz_99
  • rmcloughlin22
    rmcloughlin22 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow you all rock for keeping the weight gain in check!

    I'm 20 weeks and have gained 23 lbs. I think about how I'm only halfway through and if I multiply that weight number by 2....yikes! So back to tracking I go.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs

    Ugh, I feel like I'm gaining a lot for first trimester. I just can't stop eating. If I don't eat every hour, I'm nauseous. I'm trying to force feed fruits and vegetables, but its not very effective.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    You are good. Don't worry about it. If you gain .5 week you'll be around 20lbs total. That isn't bad at all. Relax, stressing over it will make you more nauseous.

    Both my kids turned out fine and now that I'm much healthier and pregnant with the 3rd I feel like I got away with something since I ate like total crap with both of my previous pregnancies and never exercised once. Prenatals and do what you can. It's so early. Hopefully you will feel better around weeks 12-16.

    I'm 20 weeks and enjoying the 1st pregnancy in which I'm able to actually eat meat. I had an extreme meat aversion with the 1st two kids.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs
    9 weeks: 5.5 lbs

    Starting to feel better this week, so I'm going to be tracking my food more closely. Hoping to level this out a little bit as I get closer to second tri.
  • Veeedot
    Veeedot Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 36weeks+2days and gained 16lbs so far :smile:
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Starting weight: 150.5 lbs (3 weeks, BFP)
    All weight gain is cumulative, not gain that particular week.

    4 weeks: -0.1 lbs
    5 weeks: 0.1 lbs
    6 weeks: 0.5 lbs
    7 weeks: 2.1 lbs
    8 weeks: 3.7 lbs
    9 weeks: 5.5 lbs
    10 weeks: 6.0 lbs
    11 weeks: 8.2 lbs
    12 weeks: 7.9 lbs

    Just hit second trimester today! Definitely feeling like I'm more in control and yay for maintaining last week. Hoping to maintain for a few weeks in 2nd tri before I start gaining again.
  • mjoffen
    mjoffen Posts: 3 Member
    this thread is very inspiring. I am flipping out because it took me the last two years to lose 35 lbs and now I am pregnant and halfway back up in 9 weeks. I am so sick all the time I can't work out at all and was gluten free but now can only eat bread, every hour or I am sick. I am super freaked out. I am glad to have found this thread. please feel free to write me!