2016 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - Vuelta Now Up and Rolling...



  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    Twinkies- I think we did it, the distance and 4 team members put in rides...awesome!
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Sunday here already. The weather is pretty *kitten* looks like will be a DNS for me, sorry my beautiful Twinkies!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    :lol: @ :kitten:
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    cloggsy71 wrote: »
    :lol: @ :kitten:

    Oh no... I did not notice this at. all. Lol!

  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Twinkies: @canbbot (Rider 326) hasn't mentioned it here, but as of a few days ago she's wearing a boot to help out with four fractures in her left foot (courtesy of Mason, our over-eager, doesn't-know-how-big-he-is Great Dane). She'll hopefully be able to fit her riding shoe on her foot in the next few days.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    ntnunk wrote: »
    Twinkies: @canbbot (Rider 326) hasn't mentioned it here, but as of a few days ago she's wearing a boot to help out with four fractures in her left foot (courtesy of Mason, our over-eager, doesn't-know-how-big-he-is Great Dane). She'll hopefully be able to fit her riding shoe on her foot in the next few days.

    Ouch.... that doesn't sound good. Hope she heals up quick!
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    Oh no/ I hope she gets the boot off soon-
    Sorry TwinkieScoff I was not a contributor on Sunday, but today I at least am getting a few miles in by riding to work -
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    3:35am, just back from a less than pleasant evening in A&E.

    Started with a slight funny-heartbeat around 4:30, almost as if it was "skipping" the odd beat - normal for past 6 months has been HR around 43-44. It's risen to nearer 52-3 since I was put on half the beta-blockers dosage. Very Strange - ran NHS direct, who within 4 questions of the diagnostic had ordered the paramedic ambulance.

    Yep, back into hospital.

    Tests, ECGs, X-Rays, Ultrasounds, 2 blood tests (troponins - see if i'd had another episode) and sitting around wired to the portable ECG in the waiting room inbetween. After second blood test came out clear, and after calling in the consultant I'd seen on thursday, the general consensus is that the Beta-Blockers dosage was WAYYY too high before, and i'm taking a while to clear the effects from my system... So, for a while, if I exert myself, I'm likely to get a bit of an irregular heartbeat a couple of hours afterwards as the body struggles to "close down" the HR to what it'd been used to as a resting rate - the "missed beats" weren't missed, or AF's, or mis-fires on the chambers synchronisation - they were simply the odd beat at the "old" very calm (sleeping HR) of nearer 30bpm.

    Nett result, I think i'm benched for a few days minimum for the Vuelta guys... Sorry Pastana, I've not been much good in this event recently...

    Nearly 4:00am, and I can't sleep... nothing gives you a jolt to the system like thinking you're going to die. again...
  • canbbot
    canbbot Posts: 37 Member
    ntnunk wrote: »
    Twinkies: @canbbot (Rider 326) hasn't mentioned it here, but as of a few days ago she's wearing a boot to help out with four fractures in her left foot (courtesy of Mason, our over-eager, doesn't-know-how-big-he-is Great Dane). She'll hopefully be able to fit her riding shoe on her foot in the next few days.

    Ouch.... that doesn't sound good. Hope she heals up quick!

    Tried to ride a bit yesterday but until someone can get a cleat into my boot or my foot can fit into a shoe, I am going to be pretty slack. Sorry Team Twinkie!
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    edited August 2016
    canbbot wrote: »
    Tried to ride a bit yesterday but until someone can get a cleat into my boot or my foot can fit into a shoe, I am going to be pretty slack. Sorry Team Twinkie!

    Take care! No worries at all we just ride when we can - no pressure :D

    Wish you a super speedy full recovery!

  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    TheBigYin wrote: »
    Yep, back into hospital.
    tion - they were simply the odd beat at the "old" very calm (sleeping HR) of nearer 30bpm.

    Nett result, I think i'm benched for a few days minimum for the Vuelta guys... Sorry Pastana, I've not been much good in this event recently...

    Hope you get better soon and they get the medicine correct. And, I had decided to try and keep pace with you in this challenge, since you were way ahead of me in the last one. Hope you can ride soon.
  • canbbot
    canbbot Posts: 37 Member
    Okay girls. Foot boot kept slipping off the peddle. Might not be any good til it can fit in a shoe.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    canbbot wrote: »
    Okay girls. Foot boot kept slipping off the peddle. Might not be any good til it can fit in a shoe.

    Can you not fit your cleat to your boot?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,229 Member
    Time to take it to the trails. Getting off the road today and taking the dog on a trail ride. She is giving me those sad eyes every time I take the road bike out. :smile:
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member

    We have 31 out of the 52 members on the CycLeagues Facebook information group now:


    This is the central information point for all things CycLeagues and MFP Cycling challenges .... well that's the idea.

    If your not a member of the above group please consider joining, if your not sure of how to do this then PM me and I'll help you through the process.

  • canbbot
    canbbot Posts: 37 Member
    cloggsy71 wrote: »
    canbbot wrote: »
    Okay girls. Foot boot kept slipping off the peddle. Might not be any good til it can fit in a shoe.

    Can you not fit your cleat to your boot?

    Hey if you know a way. I'm game. The one foot approach is pretty lame.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,229 Member
    I saw a deer on the side of the road today that reminded me of when they dug up Beethoven's grave. The found him sitting there with sheet music and a big eraser. They asked what he was doing and he said, "I'm decomposing!" :smile:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    I saw a deer on the side of the road today that reminded me of when they dug up Beethoven's grave. The found him sitting there with sheet music and a big eraser. They asked what he was doing and he said, "I'm decomposing!" :smile:


    He's here all week, try the Veal...

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    Think I'll be riding a little more intermittently over the rest of the Vuelta challenge guys... Had another little "session" with the irregular heartbeat yesterday whilst enjoying a very gentle stroll around the village after my bike ride...
    The Vivoactive HR wristband captured some of the data - which was really handy to explain what'd happened to the guys at the hospital yesterday.

    Currently, they're still pretty much decided that it's the reduction in the Beta-Blockers that's behind it, but we've also come up with a couple of possible "triggers" for the episodes. And, I'm not entirely happy about it. Caffeine & Dehydration. So, I've basically got to keep myself flooded with water from toes to scalp - and mothball the espresso machine for a month or so, and drink decaf...

    Every time I've had the "fluttering" problem with the heartbeat, it's been after I've either had a few too many coffees, OR i've been out on the bike and not drunk enough... And, apparently, those are two classic things to set off mild AF episodes when aclimatising to Beta-Blockers (Atrial Fibrilation - basically when one chamber of the heart trys to beat faster/slower than the one it's paired with... This is why the HR monitor was reading 170-180bpm while when I was taking my own pulse at the carotid artery (side of neck) it was showing 85...)

    If you look at the attached picture though, you'll probably see why I hit 999 and got a blues-and-two's ride into Wakefield...


    I'm okay now BTW - all the checks showed up as "clear" or "no damage" - and aside from the "fluttering" yesterday giving the bits of my ribs where the costochondritis is sited a bit of a kicking (so my chest is sore again - but it's "joint sore" not anything more sinister, and it goes off with a couple of paracetamol...

    Just need to stay off the coffee, and take the exercise easy - I wasn't told to stop exercising or riding the bike even BTW - I specifically asked - they said "if you feel up to it, go ride, just keep it at a pace where you can hold a conversation / sing along with your headphones if you're on the exercise bike - oh - and avoid any of those "cafienated gels" or energy drinks..."

    So - no espresso's for Markie... Expect me to be even more grumpy and irritable than normal for the duration of this...
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    I apologize to my team twinkies- I had every intention of riding today- but other stuff came up before work so I didn't get my ride in