Heavy runners?

Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
edited September 2016 in Social Groups
Hi everyone! I am new here, and I just started c25k, I have done w1d1 and I really enjoyed it. I walk but I have never been a runner. At 235 lbs I am heavy though and I run slower than your grandma. Just curious if anyone who is or was a heavy runner as any advice about things to watch out for? Last thing I want is an injury.
Also feel free to add me, no friends on here yet :)


  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    follow the program. Get good running shoes. it doesn't matter how slow you are, what matters is to complete each day.If you feel like you can't finish a day, try again until you succeed.The important thing is to slowly build your stamina.Speed will come much later.
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    I was a similar weight when I started running. I'd echo the advise to get good shoes (a specialist shop should be able to advise you on that) and to keep the pace down. I'd also add that taking rest days is important - especially to avoid injury. It'd also be worth investing in a foam roller.
  • Mamzelc606
    Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
    Great! What does a foam roller do exactly?
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    Stick to the program, as mentioned already. And it is super important that you understand and believe that you CAN do this. The biggest thing for me was that mental part of it - I started off thinking that I'd never actually be able to finish the program, but I'd see how far I could get. After doing the 20 minute run successfully in week 5, I really knew that I'd get it done. Once you know you can do it, and master your breathing, the running part is fairly easy. I was around your weight when I started, and it was fine. I had a few days where I had to cut my run short due to super hot days outside, but I just redid them the next time and moved on. I finished the program about 10 days ago, and am regularly running 5k in about 31 minutes. That said, don't worry about speed. Jiat keep running at the pace you can do.
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    Mamzelc606 wrote: »
    Great! What does a foam roller do exactly?

    It helps stretch out muscles to prevent injury and pain when running. It can hurt a bit while using it but is worthwhile!
  • Mamzelc606
    Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
    Going to look into it for sure niblue!
  • jd5761
    jd5761 Posts: 7 Member
    I have completed the program (not lost thanks to it but I get out 3 times a week now). I weigh 99kg (220lbs) and I would say - get good shoes and the rest will follow :)
  • singinteacher
    singinteacher Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I just started yesterday too! I've tried this program a few times before, but struggled with the impact on my joints (I'm 5'10" and have varied between 250-290 lbs when I start). I really want it to work this time! I've heard great success stories and hope to be one of them soon!
  • Mamzelc606
    Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
    You can do this! I have only done 2 days yet but I feel this thing right!
  • singinteacher
    singinteacher Posts: 5 Member
    I'm getting ready to head out for my second now. Just wanted to check the group for motivation. Way to go on run #2!!
  • I started c25k at 345lbs - you'll do just fine! Jenny had excellent advice, I second all of it. Good luck to you!
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    I was about 230lbs when I started C25K and about 217lbs when I finished. I wasn't using MFP and tracking calories back then otherwise I might have done better than that.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm a little heavier than you and just finished week 5 day 3 today. I did it a few years ago too (actually I do c210k, but the beginning is the same as c25k). I'm also a really slow runner. Most people walk as fast as I run, but I just ignore that and worry about actually running correctly. I'll probably work on speed after I finish c210k.
  • reginakarl
    reginakarl Posts: 68 Member
    I use a running program that is kind of a game: Zombies! Run! By, anything that keeps your interest and dies bore you helps. When I was at my heaviest and running, stretching helps keeping injuries away. Maybe yoga would help too.

    I would also recommend knowing the difference between your mind and your body saying stop. The first 10 are for me the worst. My mind is saying stopstopstopstop. I don't stop though. But when I've gotten stomach stitches, or leg cramps, I do walk. I breathe to my footsteps. Inhale 1 2 3 4, exhale 1 2 3, 4.

    My recommendation for you is to sign up for a 5k with a friend or so you have a goal.

    Starting: 215lbs January 2016
    Cw: 183
  • Mamzelc606
    Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input! I am beginning week 4 on thursday, so far so good :)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited October 2016
    Mamzelc606 wrote: »
    Great! What does a foam roller do exactly?

    @Mamzelc606 Here is a MFP Blog about Foam Rolling and a YouTube Video on Foam Rolling
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    I started at 217 lbs and I'm 5'2, so I would consider myself a heavier runner. I repeated a couple of the weeks. The idea of running 3 mins was terrifying to me. I just finished week 4 day 1. We can do this!
    Everyone can definately do this! Running is as much mental as physical, if not more so. Once I believed I could run, I was good to go :)
  • Stepheng1973
    Stepheng1973 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm on w3d3 and was 260lbs (118kg) when started. So if I can then anyone can
  • emerrywe
    emerrywe Posts: 32 Member
    Has anyone else has issues with heel pain? I started the program at 247lbs and am taking 2 rest days between each run to make sure I don't aggravate it into something that doesn't go away after a couple days of rest. I imagine it will get better as I lose weight. I hope so because I hate swimming at the pool or using the machines at the gym. I love that I can just put my shoes on and go out the door.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    emerrywe wrote: »
    Has anyone else has issues with heel pain? I started the program at 247lbs and am taking 2 rest days between each run to make sure I don't aggravate it into something that doesn't go away after a couple days of rest. I imagine it will get better as I lose weight. I hope so because I hate swimming at the pool or using the machines at the gym. I love that I can just put my shoes on and go out the door.

    Have you been fitted for good running shoes?
  • emerrywe
    emerrywe Posts: 32 Member
    I havent gotten fitted, no. I have a pair of new balance...was waiting to go to the fancy running shop until I knew this is something I was going to stick with...but I suppose it is time to invest for my feet's sake.

    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    emerrywe wrote: »
    Has anyone else has issues with heel pain? I started the program at 247lbs and am taking 2 rest days between each run to make sure I don't aggravate it into something that doesn't go away after a couple days of rest. I imagine it will get better as I lose weight. I hope so because I hate swimming at the pool or using the machines at the gym. I love that I can just put my shoes on and go out the door.

    Have you been fitted for good running shoes?

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    New to this group, but started the C25K Jan 1 @ 275 lbs. Missed last week (hurt my toe snow shoeing) but am doing week 5 now. Did day 2 and have day 3 to look forward to.

    I've not got any real pain. Have a bit of a knee issue, but a tensor thing keeps it from coming back. And I'm bad in that I repeat day 1 and day 2 on Tuesday and Thursday, but I need the routine of doing something every day and have been doing 5 days a week on the treadmill since mid Sept.
  • sunryzer
    sunryzer Posts: 31 Member
    I started C25k at 210 lbs, I'm now on week 6 and weigh 188 lbs. (5ft 7")

    The best advice I can give:
    1. Especially in the early weeks, listen to your body and adjust your speed accordingly: you don't want to hurt yourself before your body has adapted to the program. Even if that meals dropping to brisk walking on the "run" intervals - that will still help train your heart which is the most important muscle of them all.
    2. Stretch after runs. I use the following stretching plan after every run and I now have no soreness at all the day after: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/how-to-stretch-after-a-run.aspx (I do each stretch for 30 seconds rather than the 15 it suggests).
    3. Get either an app or a podcast to guide you through. Personally, I use the RunDouble C25k app - the first couple of weeks are available in the free version of the app but I found it worked really well for me so I paid for the full version and it's been brilliant. Very customisable with announcements to help push you on (having a voice tell me "4 minutes left", "3 minutes left", "2 minutes left", "1 minute left" really works for me!).
    4. Get your playlists in place - anything with a strong beat or even a bit of "overcoming adversity" lyrical theme can really help push you on. But most importantly, something that you love :smile:

    Hope that helps!
  • ChrissyChickie
    ChrissyChickie Posts: 182 Member
    I have trouble running because my legs feel like logs.
  • fionamaryan
    fionamaryan Posts: 6 Member
    I have restarted the C25k program...this is about my third attempt. I am going so slowly that it’s more like fast walking. I was on week 3, but accidentally played week 2 again! Doh!