Dairy! :(



  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    I'd say about a month. I've been very lax lately with dairy and now I'm suffering really bad. Back to dairy free again :)

    Hmm. I could see giving up cheese and yogurt, I guess, but coffee without cream? I suppose being able to breathe at night would make it worthwhile.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,415 Member
    LauraCoth wrote: »
    carlsoda wrote: »
    I'd say about a month. I've been very lax lately with dairy and now I'm suffering really bad. Back to dairy free again :)

    Hmm. I could see giving up cheese and yogurt, I guess, but coffee without cream? I suppose being able to breathe at night would make it worthwhile.

    That's why I do the organic vanilla soy milk. It tastes decent and I only put in 2 tbsp to try and keep the carbs down. I've tried everything else and it's all icky :) I honestly don't miss the HWC in my coffee anymore.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    Not the answer I was hoping for, guess I got to stay diary free for a while longer. It is a real pain in the butt as I love milk, cheese, kefir, yoghurt, quark, sour cream.... "drools"

    I don't mind not being able to eat mussels but staying clear of dairy is a real drag, as last time I had almondmilk it disagreed with me, and soya milk is just yuk.

    Food intolerances really is not much fun, being gluten free is bad enough.

    Try coconut milk, both the real stuff and in a carton.
    Some of the vegan cheeses, made from nuts etc. might work? I haven't had any lately so not sure of the carbs in those, but some are a good replacement for cheese when you are cooking with it, not so wonderful just eating a slice of it.
  • missippibelle
    missippibelle Posts: 153 Member
    I have sinus issues with dairy too, but I haven't been able to give it up totally yet. I do really like cashew milk, and before low carb, cashew milk ice cream. It is much creamer than almond milk to me.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I tried almond milk and coconut coffee creamer and hated them both in coffee. I'm also pretty suspicious of soy. However, I'm okay with the almond milk in tea, so that might be the way to go. I suppose I could try having my coffee black with sweetener and see how that goes.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    LauraCoth wrote: »
    I tried almond milk and coconut coffee creamer and hated them both in coffee. I'm also pretty suspicious of soy. However, I'm okay with the almond milk in tea, so that might be the way to go. I suppose I could try having my coffee black with sweetener and see how that goes.

    Coconut milk. Not the watered down stuff in the milk section. The full fat, unsweetened canned stuff with Thai food items.
    Very creamy.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Not quite the same, but since my wasted youth I have been totally unable to drink tequila.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I am back to using half and half and heavy whipping cream in my coffee and getting along okay this time so far.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I was going to ask about celiac disease but I see others did. Over half of all celiacs are lactose intolerant when they are diagnosed. The reason behind it is the destruction of the intestinal microvilli. It's the villi which make lactase, the enzyme that digests milks sugar - a.k.a. lactose. A good potion of celiacs regain the ability to digest dairy after they have healed. It usually takes a minimum of 6 months, often up to a couple of years.

    I went dairy free for a couple of years after going GF. It took over 2 years before I could tolerate some dairy. Mainly the full fat stuff that has minimal lactose in it like hard cheese and whipped cream. I can do some soft cheese and 14% sour cream now. Sometimes I would splurge with icecream but my stomach was never happy with that, even if my taste buds were. ;)

    Give it time. You may get dairy back. :)
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Thanks, at the moment I can tolerate a little bit, if I overdo it I might as well bring my sleeping bag and sleep in the bathroom. It went from bad to worse after my food poisoning. Interesting though, my mother mentioned I was not allowed dairy for years as a child as it kept giving me an upset tummy. I cannot even recall that.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    LauraCoth wrote: »

    I was going to ask about this.

    I've had a chronic sinus congestion for about 25 years. Doctors just shrug and offer me a cortisone nasal spray.

    How soon did your sinuses clear after stoping dairy intake?

    I had the same problem, and it cleared right up after I gave up wheat. But I have noticed that certain foods (like salads with ranch dressing) will trigger it.

    I gave up dairy a few days ago (on Whole30), but I have a cold right now so it's hard to tell what those results will be.

  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    For what it's worth: Reading about dietary restrictions for those of us with various chronic inflammatory digestive conditions, I came across a recommendation to eat home-made, extra long-fermented yogurt. Yogurt that is heated for 24 hours instead of the usual eight is highly beneficial to our digestive tracts. Straining out the whey to make Greek yogurt is even better. My Euro-Cuisine yogurt maker now has a permanent place on the kitchen counter since I wind up making it every other day. Even my DH has become a believer and claims his daily Greek yogurt and fruit has vastly improved his own digestive health.

    Bonus: If you have cats who are always begging for the cows milk dairy products that are so bad for them, home-made long-fermented yogurt is actually beneficial to them as well. My two five month old kittens get a tablespoon a day and slurp it right down. The 20 minutes they spend washing their faces afterwards is 20 minutes they don't get into mischief, so it's all good.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    @mandycat223 oh interesting. I might just try that. Could I have the recipe please?
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I'm not having any dairy right now because of sensitivities to just about everything but in the past I had success with small portions of raw sheep cheese. It was very delicious! They say goat is okay too but I do not care for it. I would have about 4oz per week of the sheep's cheese without any digestive issues. They sell it in many grocery stores now. Good luck. I love cheese too and hope to be able to eat it again...
  • Christinaluvly
    Christinaluvly Posts: 116 Member
    I love dairy but sadly it doesn't love me back!:( When I do have dairy I take a lactaid with my first bite and that helps greatly, but I do understand the struggles you are going thru! Hope you find a solution that works for you and your body! ! :smiley: