Fearless October 2016: Week 1 (10/1-10/7)

baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
edited September 2016 in Social Groups
Ahhh...it's that time again. Fall. Temps turns cooler. Leaves change color. At least in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. But, regardless, all those holiday foods start creeping in on us. Pumpkin this and that. Parades of Halloween candy-crack...And shortly after that Thanksgiving (for some). More and more holiday parties smack us in the face with all those goodies. Before you know it, it's the New Year, and you're wondering "What the heck happened!!!" You're sporting extra weight. You feel guilty and unhealthy. And disappointed in yourself.

And now you're justifiably afraid. In honor of this being the scary month, you can tackle fear or a scary pattern that often derails you or inhibits your progress.

It doesn't have to be scary! This month's theme is Fearless October. This will be month 1 of a "prepping for the holidays" basics crash course: This is my 3rd holiday season as a low-carber. And I have lost weight during this period in the past. It CAN be done.

The keys to success in this WOE, or any eating plan for that matter, is three-fold:
  • Consistency
  • Persistence
  • Time

Well, isn't that trite and overly simplistic? I'll admit it is simple, but not easy.

Don't freak though. To let those 3 keys work for you, you need to be prepared. PLAN PLAN PLAN. I can't stress this enough. Plan ahead; log ahead. When you have a firm plan and procedure in place, you create good habits. And good habits work for you by keeping up momentum even when things get busy, chaotic, or just plain scary. You've already paved the road for yourself! All you have to do is stay on the smooth way and enjoy the scenery.

So in this challenge, and in the months ahead, we'll be working to set up and reinforce those good habits before you get in the thick of it. We'll be setting up those easy paths and building up that momentum by practicing a habit pattern to predispose us to sail through the holidays. There will be a weekly thread where you can keep track of the goals you reach. We can encourage one another, get advice about any trouble spots, share low-carb-legal recipes of our holiday favorites. Identify scenarios or patterns that absolutely scare you to death, and tackle the hades out of them.

We're going to compete with ourselves, trying to get the max daily score and collect the max daily pumpkins, or work toward collecting more than you did previously. We'll set up good habits in the following areas: water, electrolytes, staying under carb goal, logging daily, staying close to cal goal, hitting our exercise goal, and for resisting a temptation or working on our "fear."

This is what your daily entry would look like:
  1. Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
  2. Calorie goal within 100: check.jpg
  3. At or under carbs: 28g/30g net check.jpg
  4. Exercise as planned: 20min HIIT check.jpg
  5. Hit electrolytes: check.jpg
  6. Logged food (carbs):check.jpg
  7. Resisted the office candy bowl. Again. check.jpg

Earned 7 pumpkins.

Daily Pumpkins collected: 7

Weekly Pumpkin Count: 13

The above is certainly just a template. You all may want to add a goal like: "Pre-logged Day" or "Planned Ahead" or "Resisted Off-Plan Halloween Treat" or "Packed On-Plan Lunch". I do not recommend nixing the logging calories or carbs, however, if you are one who becomes stressed by calorie counting, that's ok. But I recommend at least keeping track of your daily carb intake. Portion and carb creep are real. And it helps to occasionally reset our ability to "eye" our carb-count. Now would be a good time to recalibrate your carb-sense. I want every single one of you guys to coast through the holidays, enjoying them to the fullest. Preparation and consistency are key.

On the First of the month, or now if you just can't wait, sign in to let us know your personal goals.

Goals might look something like:
SW: 160
GW: 155
Get in the habit of pre-logging before things get nuts so I don't accidentally go over carbs and calories.
Stay on top of electrolytes so I don't get low.
Find low-carb-legal treats for the Halloween party.
Not shy away from events and interactions because I'm afraid I might fall off-plan.

To keep it orderly, on Oct. 1, a thread will be pinned in the stickies at the top of the group page and all you will have to do is go to it if the Weekly thread is buried and click on the weekly link at the bottom. (So if you've already read the challenge parameters, try not to get too upset with me when I repeat them at the start of each Weekly Challenge thread. :smile:) We'll accept challengers at any time of the month. Remember, you are competing against yourself, and starting on getting the basics down (or refreshing them like I am), before the hectic holiday season is fully upon us, is our goal.

So go get them punkins! Or you could do ghosts or vampires...whatevs. :wink:



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Goal - 5 pumpkins/day
    1. complete all workouts
    2. carbs within goal
    3. no chocolate
    4. no alcohol
    5. sleep 8 hours
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Daily Goals
    1. Complete planned workout
    2. Carbs within goal
    3. Drink 100 oz water
    4. Log all food

    Monthly Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. No Alcohol
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited September 2016
    It is true that weight can be lost during this season. Last year from Oct to Jan I see that I lost about 15 pounds.

    Over the course of this year, especially this summer I regained that loss. So my goal is to repeat the past success.
    That said, I am starting now from my first goal weight, and planning to get back to my favorite weight - 15 pounds down from today - and not to go below that.

    So 5 pounds for each of the next three months seems doable.
    My fear to face up to is binging via emotional eating straight through the holiday season.
    My second fear is that I notice that I lose steam on these challenges after 2 weeks...so beginning of week three I will revamp the challenge as needed, so that it is like new!

    First two weeks goals:
    1. Total Carbs goal: 20 on weekdays/ 45 on weekends
    2. Log of emotions that are currently surfacing/ alternate coping strategy to try.
    3. 5 lbs - lbs= lbs to goal
    4. Optional: log if physical activity occurs.

    1st weigh in tomorrow.
    Good luck to my fearless pals.

  • CarrieDarling108
    CarrieDarling108 Posts: 14 Member
    edited September 2016
    My goals...
    Stay on top of electrolytes, stay hydrated, exercise, learn how to say no to off plan foods, keep track of calories/carbs, eat the preplanned meals of the day or take them with me incl. Hwc, exercise..

    7 daily o:)
  • rhonda6375
    rhonda6375 Posts: 32 Member
    1. Complete workout
    2. Log all food
    3. Stay within carb goal
    4. Stay within calorie goal
    5. Only 1 Diet Coke per day
    6. Stay hydrated
    7. Meal prep on weekends
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    This is so cool! Thank you!

    1. 64 oz. water/day.
    2. Net carbs 20gms. or less.
    3. Calories <1700.
    4. Wine no more than once a week, no more than 6 oz. No other alcohol.
    5. 30 min. day of walking.
    6. Logging every day.
    7. strength training 2x/week


  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 165
    GW: 140
    Goal 1 : At least 5 workouts a week (3 x wt training/2x some form of cardio)
    Goa1 2: Stay at 35 carbs or less a day
    Goal 3: Log EVERYTHING
    Goal 4: Measure and take pics so i wont be discouraged by the scale
    Goal 5: Stay on plan regardless of birthday or holiday. Absolutely NO CANDY!

    5 pumpkins daily B)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member

    1. hydrate, hydrate, hydrate - 120+ oz per day
    2. net carbs < 30gm daily
    3. calories < 1700 daily
    4. 5 workouts per week (minimum - 3 strength, 2 HIIT/strength)
    5. SW -> 223 GW -> 203 (FGW -> 185)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    Perfect timing! I have been so scared of gaining weight this fall/winter. It's so easy to get into the hibernation mode due to the cold and darkness. I would like to be just like you; one of those people that can lose or maintain during this time period. So here's my goals:

    1. Log every BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) each and every day
    2. Keep my total calories under 1,600
    3. Keep my net carbs under 40 grams
    4. Exercise consistently: walking: 10,000 steps per day, yoga: 2 -3 times a week, weights: 2 times a week
    5. Keep up hydration each and every day.

    This plan will have me in good shape for November and December when the Holiday's start. :)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    yesterday's stats:

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    This is awesome! Thank you!!

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 132.8 (doing the happy dance b/c I just got back into goal maintenance range)
    GW range: 130-133

    Daily goals:
    1. Keep cals under 1350 (plus exercise calories).
    2. Keep carbs in the 20-35 net range.
    3. Exercise and/or hit step goal. (Strength 2-3x/wk and run/swim 2-3x/wk.)
    4. Log at least 5 days/week.
    5. Go to bed at least 8 hrs before I need to get up the next morning!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    And yes, it is possible to lose weight over the holidays! Last year I started keto on Nov. 2 and lost 14 lbs in the first 2 months!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy October!!!! :)
    SW: 196.6

    Drink 2 quarts of water daily
    Once more: start an exercise regime, seriously though!
    Keep carbs to 20 total
    Stay away from peanuts and winter squash!!!!

    I'm kicking *kitten* this month, I'm going to make it count.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    OK, so I'd wandered off again for a bit. I'm not going exceedingly low carb, mainly because we're temporarily broke and using rice and beans to bulk out food.

    1. 100 oz of water per day
    2. <100g gross carbs per day
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts.
    4. Kettlebell at least twice a week.
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper.
  • StrongGirlFitGirl
    StrongGirlFitGirl Posts: 183 Member
    edited October 2016
    This is so perfect! I was looking for a challenge, but all the ones I saw weren't quite right for me. I'm so glad this group is here and there are people who understand low carb!

    I want bats!!!

    SW 205
    CW 173.5
    1st Goal Weight - 160

    1. Log every day, even if it hasn't been a great day
    2. Read my list of why I want to lose weight every day
    3. Stay below 30 carbs a day
    4. Yoga once a week
    5. Walk 45 minutes at least 3 times a week
    6. Eat fish 3 times a week

  • cottagegirl71
    cottagegirl71 Posts: 167 Member
    Totally in!

    Daily Goals:
    1 - minimum 5K steps (recovering from a back injury - yuck)
    2 - carbs within goal
    3 - drink 100oz water
    4 - log all food
    5 - sleep 8 hours

    ~there is no end to this journey~
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    Consistency, patience, and knowing I'm in it for the long haul (life) are what's key for me.

    SW 190.5 (6/1/16)
    CW 175
    GW 141

    Daily Goals:
    1 - Log all food consumed
    2 - Stay under calorie allotment
    3 - Keep carbs under 30g
    4 - Exercise daily
    5 - Drink 64 oz water

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    doggerland wrote: »

    I want bats!!!
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    SW- 189
    CW- 185
    1- get 15, 000 steps a day
    2- circuits 3x a week
    3- yoga 3x a week
    4- keep carbs under 50 get daily ( haven't quite mastered that, although most come from veggies)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited October 2016
    1. Carbs under 45: no pumpkin for me.

    2. Quiet, peaceful, restful, at home day. Spent time reflecting about my current body/mind status. Feelings are in line, acknowkedged. Coping skills utilized are: talking with a friend, watching a movie, basic household upkeep, painting, moderate retail therapy.
    Good enough.

    3. Will weigh in on Wednesday.
  • rhonda6375
    rhonda6375 Posts: 32 Member
    1. Complete workout - done
    2. Log all food - done
    3. Stay within carb goal - 51/50 went over
    4. Stay within calorie goal - 1430 met
    5. Only 1 Diet Coke per day - 3/1 went over
    6. Stay hydrated - 68/64 met
    7. Meal prep on weekends - working on tomorrow

    Sw - 196
    First gw - 175
    Final gw - 140

  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Joining in again because September challenge really helped me

    1. Log all food
    2. Start official exercise challenge (ideal shape 12 week challenge)
    3. Drink 100 oz/ day
    4. Net carbs under 30. I'm a huge veggie/salad lover, most are veggie carbs
    5. Average 12K steps/day
  • ttd71
    ttd71 Posts: 5 Member
    Just starting again! Have been gone awhile and gotten waaaay off track!
    My Goals:
    1. Log all food
    2. Stay within calories, fat & carb goals
    3. Exercise daily
    4. Drink atleast 64 oz. H20

  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Every darned month I try to stick with these challenges!
    So, here I am again!

    SW: 213
    CW: 212.8

    1: record food daily!
    2: Journal Daily!
    3: Steps weekdays 10k weekends 5k
    4: No cheats!
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day!
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. (Trying to keep myself happy and positive with this one!)

    Weekend Bonus!
    6: Measurements!
    7: Extra movement! (I'd call it exercise, but anything extra out of my norm I'm going to count!)

    That's it! Going to try to stick with it this month! If you all don't see me posting here CALL ME OUT!!

  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    First challenge I'm joining...well, first of @baconslave 's challenges I'm joining... Lol

    Daily Goals:

    1. Drink 10 glasses of water a day
    2. Keep up that salt intake!
    3. Eat at maintenance (and for goodness sake stop restricting!)
    4. Keep carbs 20g< total
    5. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min MINIMUM -No skipping workouts! (I may add some extra classes, but I need some information on them first)
    6. Log honestly
    7. Sleep 8 hours

    Notes - my goals are building a little muscle at the moment, not losing weight. I've been in a carb-craving rut lately, which is the reason for the super low carbs.

    And then the workouts - well, I like working out. Lol, I may decide to work out for 2 hours a day
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    10/1 checkin
    Daily Goals
    1. Complete planned workout - check
    2. Carbs within goal - nope
    3. Drink 100 oz water - nope
    4. Log all food - check

    Monthly Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. No Alcohol

  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    I'm late to the party :(


    1. Log everything accurately
    2. Stay Hydrated (I don't set a hard and fast rule on this. I use pee color! (Sorry TMI))
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me)
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year)

    10/1 = Yesterday's Check in -

    1. Log everything accurately - FAIL ... we went out with friends to a restaurant we are not familiar with and I had no idea where to start to log that.
    2. Stay Hydrated - Check
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - *sighs* FAIL - I know I can't be certain but since I usually do I probably did here too.
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - Check!! - I ate 28 grams of full fat cheese yesterday AND already this morning have had cheese and full fat yogurt!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    edited October 2016
    Oct. 1
    Out of my pumpkin shell: >:)
    Deskcycle: 60mins :D
    Carbs: 23g :D