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  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You seem to be more settled in your post Lise. That's good. Klonopin works well for me for anxiety/agitation.. I just upped my dosage of it today. Giving it about 1 week to calm things down for me. Not that I "feel" bad. My bff of 28 years and I ended our friendship, mom just started being able to drive on Friday but is feeling worse now than before. I know things need to get done, but I do believe that she forgets I work all day and although I sit all day at work and talk on the phone in a call center, it's draining work.

    Mania does tend to wreck havoc on everything.

    Your daughter is a hoot.

    I truly hope you are on the mend and on an upswing mood wise.

    Love and hugs.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thanks Cari. Well i knock the diazepam on the head totally yesterday and feel way more functional. Today movements totally back to normal, only minimal racing head, did spend a bit of Money but probably more because i gave myself leave to than in a manic way. And only a couple of bugs. And i could think and function without the diazepam. Was able to play with the girls and do their homework with them. I think im fit to work but i cant see my nurse til monday and by then id be on leave anyway so if i just stay on the sick note i get the holiday time back and can use it again. Would that be selfish? Sorry about your friend. Sometimes things come to an end naturally because they have run their course but it doesnt make things any easier.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @maoribadger - I know you feel more level, but I think you need to be that level of balance for more than a single day or two before returning to work. I would DEFINITELY use the time, because any ridiculous stress trigger or anything can send you right back into a manic episode. I know you're wanting to get back to things, but you MUST give your body time to heal!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lise, use the time you get to help you get settled in. PLEASE. It wouldn't be selfish.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    In fact, I think it would be selfish to go back to work. Trying to force normal on yourself - expecting too much of yourself - and putting work at risk if you are even an iota under 100%. "I think I'm fit to work..." is nowhere near, "goodness, I'm finally feeling like my solid self again. Work is missing out. I so need to get back in there and remind them why I'm awesome." or whatever jazz you'd tell yourself.

    This time is crucial to your mental health and lifelong survival. That is why the sick note was written to cover that time. That's the minimum amount of time your medical team thought you needed before being seen again. And while it hurts, we aren't perfect, we can't be superwoman all the time, and sometimes, we just need someone to remind us that we can't give our best to others if we don't stop and take a breath and care for ourselves sometimes.

    And for folks like us, with the issues we face, the simple task of stopping and having any time to think or be alone is utterly terrifying, but it is so necessary...

    Love and hugs, Lise. Take this time you need, your doctors tell you that you need, and get yourself on solid footing before you step fully back into all the aspects of your juggling life so you can be the best you can be in all aspects, including FOR you. (HUGS)
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Having a total freak about going back to work as it is tbh thanks to the gossip mill
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Sorry hon. I hope you can be protected and safe going back. Hugs.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lise, as Carly said, you need to take this time to get back on solid ground. Trust me. Been there, went back too soon and am paying for it dearly now. Take the time to get you right... then the family, then the job.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Make sure you discuss the "gossip mill" with your nurse, too!!! (HUGS)
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Sorry not answered been trying to work things through. So i am due back the third october for a night. I am no longer manic bit still having the odd auditory or tactile hallucinations but nothing i cant cope with. I have to go have a blood test fri or sat.

    Last few days i have gutted my daughters room, a job ive been avoiding so now planning some housework free days as the inevitable ME flare is here. I have also started making a list of topics to discuss with my counsellor and been idly planning some tattoos.

    After some discussion with my husband who took some persuading we have decided to tell the girls i am bipolar. We are gonna do it at the weekend so i have writtten a story i need to ilkustrate and print. Id like to message you both a copy for feedback.

    Lastly ive self harmed a cpl of times. Im looking at coping strategies going forward possibly if i can bring myself to engage with the local service again or not and involving my friends with something called the butterfly project. Some of the stuff i admitted to my best friend last night scared me and i need to find a way to stop
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Lise, you do not owe us any apology. It is your life, you're the one who has to live with it! (HUGS)

    Congrats on the daughter's room (only one, or both?) But wow, huge success...

    I think that it is a good idea to share age appropriately with the girls, that way they grow up knowing it isn't their fault (you know kids can assume and often do absorb blame). Clinical. It is medical. I do take medicines. It can change. It is no one's fault, not yours, not dad's, not mine. No you can't catch it. Yes, you might be at risk to develop it as an adult. No, you can never use it as an excuse for bad behavior or had temper. No, Mum can't die from this. Yes, Mum will have good days, bad days, normal days, weird days, and all kinds of things. No, it isn't scary - it's just hard to figure out the best medicines for it because doctors haven't been studying it long - and different medicines work better for different people, etc.

    If you approach it well, now and through the years, you might help the next generation to see mental illness in a new light - as something that isn't a personal failing of some sort, but rather just a medical issue, no different than diabetes or thyroid issues or something else they can easily understand.

    I'm sure the thought of talking to them is utterly terrifying. If your children inherited any of your anxiety issues, this might be a stress point for a bit... Or they might shrug it off like, "okay, whatever, Mum's weird, we already knew that, thanks for telling us, *insert eye rolls*." Who knows? I'm glad your husband is on board. I really think long term that this idea is the best - because sincerely, I've been on both sides of kids feeling at fault for adult things they've no part in... Removing that to become a non-issue will help...

    Absolutely, I'd be happy to read through anything... The girls are what, 7 and 5? Or close to, right? Gotta get back into that age's mindset.

    I'm glad that you're looking into coping strategies. I don't remember the issues with the local service. Getting your friends to engage - ON YOUR TERMS - could be helpful, but not if they overmanage things or you stress about sharing you. And honestly, the fact that it scares you to tell your Best Friend is a good thing...it means it matters, you're taking it seriously, all of that...

    I discovered something this past weekend while hitting a mild hypomanic bout. I self harm, too, though in different form. Either I binge to a point of nearly getting sick - and then I restrict to the point of coming up on hurting my body from the inside. It is a technique I've used to control my stress for ages, and it wasn't until I hit afterburn on it last weekend that it hit me exactly what I was doing. I was using food as the equivalent of a knife to my insides. Like I'm unhappy with myself, so I keep self-harming by eating everything I know I shouldn't so I'll stay morbidly obese and in a state of high insulin making me even more unhealthy than before... I know it isn't the same thing, or anywhere near it, but when I realized I was punishing myself after a small binge, pushing myself to the point of pain internally, it finally broke through to me that I was using it to "escape" my stress, not to the "good point" of feeling good with that food high, but by forcing restriction on myself as punishment. I was so angry at myself, but it's still a cycle I'm locked into, too. Before I moved, I had started getting a handle on some better coping strategies and managing things better, but with the move, so many things have been out of control, and it just keeps ramping up until I'm ready to lose what little bit of sanity and mind I have left, so I do something stupid... It's like I'm try make myself sick or hurt... And it is a full compulsion - it feels out of my control. I'm working on that, too.

    (HUGS) to you, Lise. Just the fact that you are fighting back means that you are stronger than you realize!
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Have sent it
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Looks good. Be prepared for any question you can't even fathom yet, since children's minds work so differently than ours. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if your older daughter makes the connection and asks about her sister's ... behavior, although different, still...related? I hope this goes very well and makes it easier for you to bear the fluctuations, knowing that your kiddos will understand it a bit better.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey Lise, big hugs my friend. I'm glad you told your best friend and I'm glad it scared you. Means it's hitting home, it's real and it means something to you.

    I'm going to have to wait till I get home from work to read what you sent.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I just resurfaced after bipolar wrecked my summer. Getting help is so difficult. I am also on a lithium quetiapine combo. I was put on lithium in May 800mg. It made me feel sick and I drastically reduced my food intake and lost 20lb really fast but then the sick feeling stopped and I lost the ability to feel anything other than moderately depressed and angry for months during which I also was quite numb and comfort ate a lot gaining back everything I lost. I got very tired again, my periods had stopped for longer than usual even taking my pcos in to account. My thyroid finally tested conclusively underactive so on medication for that too which got periods to come back. They warned me my thyroid was borderline prior to Lithium and that Lithium might push it over the edge so was no surprize when it happened.

    I reduced lithium to 600mg because it was making me constipated to the extent I needed daily laxatives. Also I wanted to feel something other than depressed and angry. My mood crashed into a deeper depression soon after reducing to 600mg but I regained my full range of emotions and mood lifted again two weeks later resuming my usual rapid cycling bipolar pattern. My constipation resolved when reduced to 600mg. Lithium was the last option for me so I guess I am officially treatment resistant now in that nothing works for me. I do find quetiapine useful. It does not stop the mood swings at all but it does help with psychotic symptoms. It stops me seeing and hearing stuff that is not there, it also effectively knocks me out in the evening when I want to sleep. With my doctors permission I take anything between 25mg and 400mg quetiapine daily depending how bad I am. I am very sensitive to medications so 25mg is enough to help me get to sleep on an average day. Sometimes that changes to 50mg or 100mg but I increase by 25mg daily if just sleep issues. 400mg would only be if having a major freak out where I am a danger to myself and others. I had one of those in March I think it was. That is why I was put on Lithium. I have noticed I sweat loads recently. My top was wet with sweat earlier while just sitting doing knitting. I had not realised the Lithium might be doing that. For now i am staying on 600mg Lithium and the quetiapine. It is in no way stopping my mood swings but maybe it will stop me going crazy level manic or dangerouse to others at least.

    Self harm is a really hard spiral to get out of. It took me a long time to admit to anyone other than my partner how bad it was. I took pictures in the end and showed them to my psychiatric nurse who I have known 4 years now and trust. I think admitting it to a few people helped me to face up to it and turn things around. I did not instantly stop but I gradually reduced it until was no longer a problem. I thought there were things in my skin that I needed to get out and my body was smothered in bleeding painful sores for years. I gradually made myself stop examining my skin and over a period of many months I eventually stopped tearing holes in myself. I am lucky that my skin heals well and scars have faded a lot. They only really show up when I come out of shower or it is cold out. I am hoping eventually they will fade away completely. I started doing that to my skin when I was around 7 I think. It was at it's worst 2013,2014,2015 and I stopped early this year.

    Anyway Lise you are not alone and I really hope things improve for you.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    @ObesityWarrior thanks for sharing your story. I think the more of us to tell our story will help Lise eventually get on a good path for herself. Knowing that she is not alone in this madness.

    I'm sorry to hear about your summer. I know the feeling. I've found since losing my dad in July and returning to work that I get irritated and upset very easily and quickly. My mouth goes quicker than my brain can determine if what I'm saying is "OK" to say. I really have to concentrate on what I am saying and doing. It's hard. I actually talked to my Psychiatrist 3 weeks ago who keep my Effexor at 375mg (75 above a normal dosage, but called for since I was so depressed). Last week I called and talked about upping the klonopin to 1.5mg a day. So I take klonopin .5 3x a day. I have seroquel dosages from 100-300 mg available for sleep. Luckily I've not needed them. My doc talked about a SSRI or prozack. I asked how addictive, he said nevermind.

    I'm already on oxycodone for pain since having back surgery. HIGHLY addictive. I take maybe 2 per week. But the idea of adding something else highly addictive to my madness....... NO.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sorry its been a while. Thankyou both for sharing your stories. It honestly does help. We made some small progress on getting the puppy crate trained which has made life easier there and means im enjoying my furry baby rather than yelling and being angry with him all the time. But at same time things are rough. Im feeling the drop in my venlafaxine and feeling really low. Have not self harmed due to using the butterfly project but its on my mind a lot. So i went to my counsellor for a session and she told me she has no space to see me regularly only ad hoc as ive been doing. And since ive a lot going on as well as work stuff ive never dealt with that gives me bad dreams im now starting to search for a new counsellor which means finding someone i trust. Im fighting with my daughters school as they are trying to force her to go on a school trip that is freaking her out. We obviously still dont know if she is autistic yet bit its enough for me that shes frightened not to force her but they are making out im being obstructive and almost accused me of making it all up. Im so angry i dont trust my mouth. And thursday i admitted to my husband i was in debt and it had become unmanageable now i was off sick. Have had to go to my creditors and declare im insolvent and explain the effect the bipolar has had on me this year since diagnosis. Im getting plenty of help but it hurts my pride having my husband referred to as my carer and being put as a third party safeguard on my account or being told im being transferred to a priority team who deal with the 'vulnerable' customers. And we are now discussion applying for disability allowance to keep by to help prevent this happening when i am off sick but i feel like a scrounger and again my pride is deeply unhappy. But went to work for a blood test this am and panicked about going back monday feeling this *kitten*. So i told them i wasnt coming in and going back to my doctor to have my sick note extended. So im in a mess

    So yeah diet. Not happening
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    That's a lot to handle for a well person, much less someone struggling with your burdens. I'm glad you extended your sick note. I'm sorry your counselor can't see you regularly, but I'm glad you're looking for another. They money thing... hugs. And screw the diet girl. You have to heal and get healthy before worrying about that mess. And I'm sorry, I can't fathom the school being such jerks about your daughter's field trip. I wouldn't be able to trust my meds either. Congrats on the crate training successes so far. Hugs!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Big hugs my friend. I'm sorry the school is being idiots. Your counselor is a jerk, glad you're looking for another.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Thats a lot to deal with. I got my council flat because I am "vulnerable" it is embarrassing but does have some advantages. Bipolar does make me vulnerable. I was signed off from working in 2012 after being manic whole of 2011 and having been asked to move on by every past employer because they did not like me in my depressive states and could not deal with my inconsistent abilities etc. I have been on benefits ever since. I felt really bad about it but honestly I am unemployable most of the time, I never asked for bipolar. Doctors etc keep telling me i have to fight the depressions and that I must keep living. If they insist on me staying alive then honestly I am ok with government paying for me to stay alive. I requested being euthanized which would save lots of money but they insist I live. I get PIP payment of £200 a month which is lowest rate care. I also get ESA unemployment benefit. The PIP money though I was told I could still get even if I was working if I still had care needs.

    I have aspergers/high functioning autism also. I was assessed age 7 because teachers at school could see I was very different to the other kids. They did not understand about aspergers back then so I was diagnosed with specific learning difficulties. I got extra help with reading and writing for 2 years and that was it. Age 12 I was assessed again because I was severely depressed and teachers were concerned. I had in school counselling sessions once a week for 6 months but i did not like the councillor so never opened up. No one really knew what to do with me so mostly I was left to struggle. It was not until I was 28 and saw a documentary about a boy with aspergers that all became clear to me. I recognised myself in him. I asked my doctor for an assessment and was denied because "it's a boys illness" they were so ignorant. I then went for a private assessment and was told I was a clear cut case and yes I have aspergers. I then took that report to GP and psychiatrist and they still would not assess me on NHS to officially diagnose me. It took 4 years of nagging them before there finally agreed to give me an NHS assessment just to shut me up. The NHS assessor agreed with the private one and officially diagnosed me with high functioning autism. My GP and psychiatrist were surprised by this. There is so much ignorance around high functioning autism and the very real problems it presents. I do think the medical profession is gradually becoming better educated but it is a fight to get taken seriously especially for a girl as high functioning autism often presents differently in girls than boys.

    I really hope your daughter gets the support she deserves. I learnt it is worth persisting as they will give in and assess eventually.

    I wish there was some sort of detector on my bank account where it would somehow know when i was manic or unhinged and automatically lock my account until I could think more rationally again.

    Accept all the help that you can get. You deserve it.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thanks. Might be rambly am waiting for diazepam to kick in as i have insomnia and am nowhere near sleepy and cant get comfy in my own skin tonight. I hate these nights. Im going to gp monday and asking for another week. I hate it but im reallylow and anxious at the mo. Gonna ring my nurse and ask him to ask my shrink for a non drowsy anxiety med too. Then am going to my kids school then probably up to work. Rest of day will be sorting out debt stuff and my kids assessment paperwork plus my safety plan paperwork. Its a start at least
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    A very good start. Safety plan is the MOST important part of the day.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Made a bit of a start last night as was feeling very down but unable to get to sleep so took some diazepam and while waiting for it to kick in filled in all the kids school paperwork i keep avoiding as well as filing anything i was done with, compiling a to do list and organised the paperwork i still have to finish
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Weighed in this am. Am 17-6. At least its not 17-12 again when i stopped weighing last time (or my max of 19-4) but im angry at myself. Im waiting for my dr to call me to decide about work. First time ive ever admitted this ever but i cant do it at the moment. I just want to hide and disappear. So i cant log and weigh and measure. Im switched to drinking water and trying to not go to bed. Thats about all i can do today
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @maoribadger - Is it just me, or is it those of us struggling the most who are the hardest on ourselves???

    Please, sincerely, sit and think of what you would say to a patient struggling with these same issues? Would you tell them they have to go back to work right now? Or would you tell them to get level first? Would you tell them that the scale matters more than anything else, or would you tell them to focus on healing your head first, and then worrying about the scale?

    I think that perhaps that is our coping technique? So much of our lives is out of control that trying to be strict on the things we can control is how we keep somewhat sane. Does that make any sense? I know I'm not wording this right. We're hardest on ourselves because keeping anything under control is so elusive, and so in order not to fall full over into non-functioning, we expect more of ourselves than we would of anyone else? So, it fuels our depression, because we set impossible goals, at which we are nearly always guaranteed failure, but at least by setting goals like this, we fool ourselves to believe we can FORCE NORMAL to return???

    Okay, I'm obviously just dancing word circles here, but hopefully, all you folks know what I mean....

  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    No it makes sense. Ive been told by my counsellor and my best friends i am both a control freak and harder on myself than i would ever allow one human being to be to themselves or another if i saw it happening. So i dont cope well with the lack of control mental illness afford me.

    Well today i went to art and am learning to paint in indian ink. Going back tomorrow and am seeing the counsellor there to see about regular sessions. I also have staff support for an access assessment thursday i think at ten. My nurse also rang. My shrink isnt keen on an anti anxiety med unless its diazepam and since i refused to have that forced upon me its another review with him to make a plan. So waiting for an appointment. My daughters school trip is sorted i went to the headteacher ready to fight but she was really helpful. So awens not going which has made both of us happy. Then went for a walk with my mum who said she wanted to help but because id refused Money she had gotten me a gift voucher for the supermarket for food shopping. It meant more than i can put into words at the moment. Though i feel bad my sister got her a loveseat for her birthday tomorrow and i can only give her a framed print of one of my art prints of some koi carp.

    Just about to try and make some more phonecalls. This debt business is amazing draining

    Oh and dr signed me off two weeks. He wanted me off til november originally
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Do you trust your doctor?? Sincerely? Then work hard not to be upset with yourself if you're off until November, or past it. Your doctor is prioritizing your health. Trust in him to do that. You would do the same for any of your patients, would you not?

    And I can guarantee you that if your Mum got you a gift voucher for food shopping because you refused any other monetary help, she would NOT, in any way, want you to spend a single penny on her. She gave you money for food, and you turn around and spend the money you would have spent on food from your own budget to get something foolishly outrageous that she may or may not have really needed? Is that not essentially making light of her very touching and understanding gift to you? I can tell you that if your Mum is like mine, a framed print of some of my own personal artwork would mean more to her than any nondescript, impersonal gift of a THING. Not to make light of your sister's likely thoughtful gift. But don't you think it would hurt your Mum on some level, to know what you're going through, and to give her something costly that she'd probably feel more like selling and finding a way to give that money back to you? Yes, you have a generous spirit, but don't forget that you likely inherited that from you MUM....

    I'm glad that you are getting back to your art, and looking to find another counsellor better suited to your needs. I'm glad that your nurse is pushing for another assessment - and working with you, despite not wanting to put you on something else.

    I'm beyond thrilled that your daughter isn't being forced into a school trip. That's incredible. So glad the head teacher was helpful.

    I think becoming a control freak and self harm in any form are coping techniques for how we handle the chaos that mental illness and incorrect/adjusting treatments and the social stigma cause... Kind of like becoming obese is the body's way of handling excess calories and glucose taken in - rather than letting us develop diabetes (many recent studies seem to show this is the case - hence why many MO folks can get very VERY heavy before developing T2D, whereas a slender person may develop it more quickly - not the case for all folks, but the more you study it, it makes sense, so I'm working at becoming thankful for my fat for protecting me thus far - and giving me the motivation to fight back against it all...)...

    Anyway, just try to do what you can on the debt calls. Having declared bankruptcy last year myself, and still struggling financially now, but at least without a bevy of creditors taking me to court, I can fully appreciate the draining levels of exhaustion that compound every single other thing else...

    Many hugs, my friend...
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lise, do what you can..... forget all the rest.

    You won at your daughter's school! It's a start
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Oh i spent it all on food id never do that to her. Just feel bad its just a picture. At the moment i Cant even afford to frame it. Gonna see what i have in the loft instead.

    People are definitely talking at work. I was stupid to go in manic because i jitter so bad. Three ppl have been hitting my mates up for gossip in the last cpl weeks. Neither of them are passing anything out but its making my anxiety worse.

    My shrink Cant see me again til first nov and isnt willing to do anything with meds til i see him. Seeing my cpn monday who wanted to run through therapy options with me. In meantime have linedup a new counsellor. So dont really know how to go forward as mood has spiralled.

    Went to get neil last night and asked him to get into bed with me because i was lying in bed and all i can think about is how overwhelmed i fell and how it wouldnt get anything better and taking some tablets to shut everything off. He come and lay down with me so i was safe but had a go at me about i should nt be having those thoughts.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    If it was within your power NOT to have the thoughts, doesn't he know you would???

    The thing to remind him, in a clearer moment, is that the chemical imbalance in your brain is like the most vindictive, lying, cuntbag in existence who is trying to steal your man, your job, and your family, convincing you you're worthless and that it's hopeless, putting dark suggestions in your subconscious, and convincing you that everyone is talking about you - whether some truth or not, etc. It is like the worst insecurities ever magnified by paranoia, and wrapped up in a lovely bag of delusions.

    And it's CONVINCING as all hades.

    Tell him that you fight back all the time, but sometimes, just like late at night after a hard day of work you want takeaway or to eat junk instead of cooking a healthy meal, sometimes you are just more vulnerable. Make sure he understands that it's not your normal. It's only when it overwhelms you completely that you reach for and depend on him. So by the time you talk to him, you've already been battling all day... Let him know it's like a bad day when the kids are just ON IT all day hardly even seeming to breathe for all the chatter... Let him know it's like that a lot, etc.

    Most men feel better to know they are needed and a pinch hitter and all that...

    Let him know that you aren't giving up, but that sometimes you just need to be held or whatever. He's your reinforcements.

    If you don't think he will take this well, let us know more about him, and we can make more suggestions...

    We know you need him on your side, but if he's no point of reference aside from what little fragments you share with him, it's no surprise to know he doesn't "get it." Also, maybe ask him not to tell you what to do or not do, or tell you would you should or shouldn't be thinking, because you know you shouldn't, etc. When you need him like that, you just need, "yes, hon, yes dear, I love you," and *pet pet* the hair, or whathaveyou...

    Trust me, your Mum knows you're struggling, and so I'd bet the picture, framed or not, means more to her than you'd expect.

    And yeah, going in to work manic wasn't the best choice, but you can't rewind. So just decide how to react, because people are jerks and will keep being so... Try not to let it get you upset, or maybe ask your mates to not tell you how bad it is if it will make you more anxious...

    And that stuff is crazy about the shrink not seeing you for a month. The manic spiralling out is a crisis situation, not like day to day crap... (hugs) Good luck with the new counsellor.
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