Leslie Sansone October 2016 Walk Challenge

texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
edited September 2016 in Social Groups
WELCOME to all walkers!

The October Walk Challenge starts tomorrow, so now is the time to be thinking about our new individual monthly challenge goals!

Having Leslie's, or other walking DVDs, to pop in the player can be a great addition to walking outdoors in the crisp cool days of Autumn. For those who are enjoying the onset of cooler weather, walking or hiking outdoors might well continue to be a pleasant alternative to the DVDs. For those of us who live where 90+ degrees could easily remain for another month or so, the DVDs are awesome when it is impossible to get up with the sun to squeeze in a quick, cooler walk early in the morning.

This group is open to any and all walkers. The majority of us use Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD workouts, as well as those great walks or hikes outside on the trails or pathways that are available to us, or a walk in our neighborhood, and on the treadmill, as well as other Walking DVDs. All of these many options count toward our miles and minutes. However you get your walk in, come on in and join us! Post your miles or minutes that you have walked, however you did it... it is all good!

We are a happy, supportive group, and I promise that joining this walk challenge will motivate, challenge, as well as inspire you!

Set your personal goal for how many miles or minutes that you want to walk, indoors or out, this month. This is your own personal goal :star:. Post your results daily, weekly, or whenever you like. It is such an encouragement to read each others' posts.

If you find this challenge in the middle of the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you want to walk for the remaining days in the month. You are always welcome :) !
So if you are new to the group please feel free to start today so that by the end of the month you will be that much closer to your health goals. It is never too late to join in

Tie up those walking shoes and get some water, and let's start walking :smile: !

It is always fun to read which DVD, whether Leslie or another instructor, that you used. Or whatever form your walk took, whether outdoors or on the treadmill or anything in between. We all could use some new inspiration sometimes, or inquiring minds sometimes just want to know . So please share if you would care to :p . (pretty please ;) )

Come on in, and let us start walking the Monthly Walk Challenge together. I know that I say this each month but I am truly grateful for each one of our precious walkers who continue to inspire and motivate mile by mile, and step by step, each month.
I know that we are all excited to see our long time faithful walking friends o:) join us for yet another amazing month together, and we are awaiting the opportunity to welcome newcomers to this month's Walk Challenge!

And now... let us lace up those walking shoes and get some water... as we begin to walk into October 2016!

mmmm .... this is also the month when we can enjoy all things 'pumpkin' ..... as well as all of the other wonderful sights, scents, and yummy tastes of autumn ;)

Walk happy :)

texasgardnr :flowersforyou:


  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am in! I did well with my outside walks, my knee is still an issue but I seriously need to get back to my routine now that it is getting cooler. I miss my workouts but every time I do them I am in pain. There has to be an easier way! Oh well, oh we go! Happy walking!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    Since I averaged 3.9 miles last month, I am changing my goal to 3.5 miles/day or 105.5 for the month. I have a couple of conferences this month, which might kill my miles, but I am going for 3.5!!!

    MsValerieAnne You can track your miles any way you want. :smile: Some people track only Leslie miles, some do not use Leslie and track another program's miles, some use their activity trackers, some only enter their aerobic walks, some enter in steps etc. Since everyone may have different goals (i.e. weight loss, increasing strength, maintaining cardio vascular health etc.) we set and track our miles to meet whatever our goals might be. I know this is kind of a non-answer type answer :laugh:, but it is how everyone seems to do it.

    October Goal- 3.5 miles/day or 105.5 miles/month

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    I'm in. Been AWOL for a bit. Going for 2 miles a day.

    New to the group (joined a few weeks ago) first monthly challenge. Am I supposed to separate the mileages per day by DVD or added all together and just per day total?

    Monthly Goals:
    - 100 miles
    - Five days 10,000 steps
    - 100oz water (usually get daily, this reminder will help)
    - Find a job (hopefully)

    Welcome MsValerieAnne. Zichab outlined the non-rules very well. :D
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Hello zichab and bandit. Good to see you two holding down the fort.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    October Goal- 3.5 miles/day or 105.5 miles/month

    10/1 -WAH-Walk Slim- 4 Fast Miles= 4 miles total :smile:

    I decided to exceed my goal today as an incentive to keep it up! These summer pounds are going-PERIOD! :laugh:

    Hi AnnofB- We have missed you!!! Pinky is also holding down the fort with us as well as many new walkers! texasgardnr gets us started every month and off we go! It is wonderful to have you back.

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    zichab wrote: »
    October Goal- 3.5 miles/day or 105.5 miles/month

    10/1 -WAH-Walk Slim- 4 Fast Miles= 4 miles total :smile:

    I decided to exceed my goal today as an incentive to keep it up! These summer pounds are going-PERIOD! :laugh:

    Hi AnnofB- We have missed you!!! Pinky is also holding down the fort with us as well as many new walkers! texasgardnr gets us started every month and off we go! It is wonderful to have you back.

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile:

    Great start to October, zichab! Good on you. Summer pounds BE GONE!

    Thanks for the welcome, it's good to be back. I've gained a few pounds, :( but marching with Leslie and you all will help be get back to my goal.

    10/1 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk 3 miles total :)
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I am in for 100 but hope to do more. This is my last month of our golf membership so I hope to rack up as many miles as the weather permits.


    5.23 miles today golfing
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you so much for the replies everybody! I'm so happy to be here. I wish we could continuously edit our original posts, but alas, I can no longer do so...

    Monthly Goals: 100 miles / 10,000 steps (5 days) / 100oz water

    10/1/2016: 5.22/100 : 10,724 steps : 104oz water
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    5.77 miles golfing this morning,
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    October Goal- 3.5 miles/day or 105.5 miles/month

    10/1 -WAH-Walk Slim- 4 Fast Miles= 4 miles total :smile:
    10/1-Vivofit tracked-1.1 miles=5.1 total miles
    10/2-WAH-WAlk Slim-4 Fast Miles=9.1 total miles

    Enjoy the last month of your golf membership and put us all to shame Pinky! :laugh:

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    10/1 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk 3 miles total
    10/2 4 Mile Super challenge-- 2 miles
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm backing off my miles just a tiny bit, down to 90 miles.
    Goal of 2 days at the gym and 1-2 workouts at home. Logging the food that I eat as well.
    I've had a few meetings with a nutritionalist which has helped me be more mindful of what I'm grabbing.
    I'm think about dusting off my step and getting in some miles with step aerobics again.
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    Monthly Goals: 100 miles / 10,000 steps (5 days) / 100oz water

    10/1/2016: 5.22/100 : 10,724 steps : 104oz water
    10/2/2016: 5.01/100 : 10,311 steps : 104oz water
  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Got side tracked last month Hoping for a more disciplined Oct. I am going with 100 miles.
    yesterday was 4 miles

  • Buttaphli6
    Buttaphli6 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning everyone, just found out about the group this morning. Better a little late than never. Excited to have a great group of people in my corner striving for the same goal: Get healthier, in shape and lose weight. I love having someone going through the same sweat and tears as I am because you all truly understand the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of this journey. Let me stop rambling on and everyone have a great day.

    My monthly goals are:
    Work out a minimum of 5 days/week
    Walk 3 miles/day for a total of 84 miles for the month (or more)
    Walk 10K steps at minimum 5 days/week = 50K week
    Last but no least and my BIGGEST challenge is to drink 64 oz of water/day....
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    10/1 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk 3 miles total
    10/2 4 Mile Super challenge-- 2 miles
    10/3 Cardio HIIT Low Impact with Jessica Smith. 2 miles
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Buttaphli6 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone, just found out about the group this morning. Better a little late than never. Excited to have a great group of people in my corner striving for the same goal: Get healthier, in shape and lose weight. I love having someone going through the same sweat and tears as I am because you all truly understand the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of this journey. Let me stop rambling on and everyone have a great day.

    My monthly goals are:
    Work out a minimum of 5 days/week
    Walk 3 miles/day for a total of 84 miles for the month (or more)
    Walk 10K steps at minimum 5 days/week = 50K week
    Last but no least and my BIGGEST challenge is to drink 64 oz of water/day....

    Glad you joined us. This is a good group; lot's of encouragement and support.
    Great goals. You can do this!! :)
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    4.23 miles golfing this afternoon.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    October Goal- 3.5 miles/day or 105.5 miles/month

    10/1 -WAH-Walk Slim- 4 Fast Miles= 4 miles total :smile:
    10/1-Vivofit tracked-1.1 miles=5.1 total miles
    10/2-WAH-WAlk Slim-4 Fast Miles=9.1 total miles
    10/2-Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=10.6 total miles
    10/3-Endomondo tracked neighborhood walk 4.3 miles-14.9 total miles

    Walk Strong Everyone :bigsmile: