Fearless October 2016: Week 1 (10/1-10/7)



  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    For October 3:
    1. 100 oz of water per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2. <100g gross carbs per day em7od5ymabaq.png
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts. em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Kettlebell at least twice a week.
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Earned 4 pumpkins, out of a possible 5.

    Weekly Total: 12 of 13 thus far...
  • StrongGirlFitGirl
    StrongGirlFitGirl Posts: 183 Member
    edited October 2016
    baconslave wrote: »
    doggerland wrote: »

    I want bats!!!

    Yeah! I'm going to earn bats! @baconslave, how to I add bat emojis?
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member

    1. Keep cals under 1400 (plus exercise calories) :)
    2. Keep carbs under 25 net :)
    3. Exercise 4-5 days (strength 2x and walk 2x, 1 wildcard) STRENGTH TODAY :)
    4. Log at least 5 days :)
    5. No wine til the weekend :'(:)
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Check in for the 2nd...
    SW: 213
    CW: 212.8

    1: record food daily! >:)
    2: Journal Daily! >:)
    3: Steps weekdays 10k >:)
    4: No cheats! >:)
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day! >:)
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. (Trying to keep myself happy and positive with this one!) >:)

    Weekend Bonus!
    6: Measurements! >:)
    7: Extra movement! (I'd call it exercise, but anything extra out of my norm I'm going to count!) >:)

    That's a full sweep!

    Check in for the 3rd.....
    SW: 213
    CW: 214.2 :o

    1: record food daily! >:)
    2: Journal Daily! >:)
    3: Steps weekdays 10k >:)
    4: No cheats! >:)
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day! >:)
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. >:)


  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    edited October 2016
    Oct 3rd

    1. Stay within calorie limit YES
    2. Stay within carb limit YES
    3. Physical activity 30min YES

    3/3 pumpkins
    I had the intention to slowly reduce carb but I did so well I had a 30g total.
    Keep it up everyone
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1. complete all workouts
    2. carbs within goal
    4. no alcohol

    Total: 8
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    edited October 2016
    results for 10/3:

    Water - 128 oz (goal 120)
    Net Carbs - 18 (goal < 30)
    Calories - 1490 (goal < 1700)
    Workout - Cardio (bursts/thresholds), biceps, abs (2 out of 5 for the week)
    Weight - 225lbs

    4/5 -> changed my workout so I'm retaining water... bummer
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    For Oct. 3:

    1. Practice mindfulness around food and eat slowly. Not so much..:)
    2. Journal nightly to the questions: "Did I eat and move in a way that supported my health?" "What could I do better tomorrow?" YES
    3. Keep carbs <50 gm. by logging. YES
    4. Move 30 min. daily, minimum. YES
    5. Stay off the scale. YES
    6. Check in with this thread daily! YES
    7. Drink tea first before deciding to eat after 8pm. YES

  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 3:
    Out of my pumpkin shell >:)
    Deskcycle: 40min em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 33g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    edited October 2016
    doggerland wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    doggerland wrote: »

    I want bats!!!

    Yeah! I'm going to earn bats! @baconslave, how to I add bat emojis?

    Are you using phone or web?
    With web, right-click on the pic, and Copy Link Address (or similar-the wording varies based on the browser. Click the little page in the tool bar above where we tip this in and paste the link in the text box at the bottom. It should input it in the text.

    For phone:
    I'm not sure. Let me go find my phone and try it out and I'll BRB.
    ETA: So it's a PITA. Quote a post that has it in there, c&p the line including the "img" brackets (make sure copy the whole thing including the img tags on either side.) Then you can paste it wherever you want. I wish there were an easier way...

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    October 3rd:

    1. Log every BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) each and every day >:)
    2. Keep my total calories under 1,600 :s Failed calorie-wise today.
    3. Keep my net carbs under 40 grams >:)
    4. Exercise consistently: walking: 10,000 steps per day, yoga: 2 -3 times a week, weights: 2 times a week >:) (walking, yoga and some lifting)
    5. Keep up hydration each and every day. >:)

    (love the little devil...he is cute for October) :)
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I am jumping onto this challenge - need some structure again.

    1. Log food everyday
    2. Keep under 50g total carbs
    3. Drink at least 2 litres of water every day
    4. Walk at least 15 mins everyday
    5. Come onto this group everyday for support

    Monthly goal

    1. To lose 1st (14lbs)
    2. To build up to walking at least 30 mins a day
    3. Start meeting new people in my new area and find an exercise group I can join


    1st October - weight 18st 10.5lbs (262.5lbs)
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    10/3 check in
    Daily Goals
    1. Complete planned workout - fail - sat down and visited with my husband instead of working out when I got home from work
    2. Carbs within goal - fail
    3. Drink 100 oz water - fail
    4. Log all food - check - even my post dinner sunflower seed craze. Bad day all around.

    Monthly Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. No Alcohol
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen:
    2. Stick to your Calories :mrgreen:
    3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen:
    4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min :mrgreen:
    5. Log honestly :neutral:
    6. Sleep 8 hours :mrgreen:
    7. Keep up that salt intake! :mrgreen:
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen:
    2. Stick to your Calories :mrgreen:
    3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen:
    4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min :mrgreen:
    5. Log honestly :neutral:
    6. Sleep 8 hours :mrgreen:
    7. Keep up that salt intake! :mrgreen:
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Quiet here today - again. Searching web for fun vacations in Feb. I want warm! & cheap! doesn't seem to go together.

    Carbs/Proteins/Fats - OK
    Alcohol- None!
    Water - Good
    Cals too much

    I experimented making LCHF pumpkin treats last night. I called it crustless, sugarless, pumpkin muffin tin pies. - Rating: Epic Fail. I like playing in the kitchen.. Sometimes it works, sometimes NO.. Even my BF who eats EVERYTHING in sight, did not go back for any seconds. HAHA.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1. Food plan was on target

    Emotional check in: yes
    Coping strategies: painting, cleaning, errands outside, social media connecting,
    Boob tube .

    3. Weigh In is tomorrow

    4. Mostly couch potato.
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    Oct 4

    1. Stay within calorie limit. NOPE
    2. Stay within carb limit. NOPE
    3. Physically active +30min. YES

    Today was messed up. Emotional eating. I lost control when Dr kept my hubby for emergency surgery for appendeicitis...got too stressed

    So 4/6 pumpkins to date
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - YES YES!! W/O Protein drink even!
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - Dinner was a chicken breast stuffed with cream cheese, spinach and bacon. I cooked the bacon first then fried the chicken breast IN the bacon fat with egg and crushed pork rinds as a breading. SO CHECK IT!!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy October!!!! :)
    SW: 196.6

    Drink 2 quarts of water daily
    Once more: start an exercise regime, seriously though!
    Keep carbs to 20 total
    Stay away from peanuts and winter squash!!!!

    I'm kicking *kitten* this month, I'm going to make it count.

    SW: 196.6
    CW: 197
    The scale is a lying B.

    I drank the water!! Woo hoo!
    I exercised yesterday!!!
    My carbs were less than 20!!
    I stayed away from peanuts and squash.

    I posted some before and current pics.... The change is pretty drastic.
    I've lost a bunch of inches, and I'm feeling fairly victorious.

    Okay!!! Day Three!
    SW: 196.6
    CW: 194.2

    Got that whoosh on!!
    I drank my water!
    I exercised!
    My carbs were on point.
    And I didn't eat anything that might cause a catastrophe!!

    It was a good day, and the house is clean. I've lost inches, and I'm down a couple pounds. What a wonderful world.

    Woo hoo! Day Four!!!!
    SW: 196.6
    CW: 195

    I definitely drank tons of water!
    I exercised, there's no entry for push mowing the side of a hill. Sad.
    My carbs are bad *kitten*!
    Only keto foods in the face!!

    Another great day!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Sorry I've been sucking at checking in! Crazy week.

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 133.4
    GW range: 130-133

    Daily goals:
    1. Keep cals under 1350 (plus exercise calories). :)
    2. Keep carbs in the 20-35 net range. :)
    3. Exercise and/or hit step goal. (Strength 2-3x/wk and run/swim 2-3x/wk.) :) Did strength plus hit step goal!
    4. Log at least 5 days/week. :)
    5. Go to bed at least 8 hrs before I need to get up the next morning! :)
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Check in for the 4th....
    SW: 213
    CW: 213

    1: record food daily! em7od5ymabaq.png
    2: Journal Daily! em7od5ymabaq.png
    3: Steps weekdays 10k em7od5ymabaq.png
    4: No cheats! em7od5ymabaq.png
    5: Drink water! Or Ketoaide! During the day! em7od5ymabaq.png
    6: Smile maker! Do something for myself every darned day. (Trying to keep myself happy and positive with this one!) em7od5ymabaq.png

    Hopefully my pumpkins worked! Cause that's 6 for yesterday!!!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    edited October 2016
    Results for Oct. 4:
    1. Water -> 114oz (>120oz) - :/
    2. Net carbs -> 10 (<30) - >:)
    3. Calories -> 1250 (<1700) - >:) (forced myself to eat last night, just not hungry)
    4. Workout -> 3/5 (weights/lunges) - >:)
    5. Weight -> 221.5 (sw 223) - >:)

    4/5 for yesterday, 8/10 so far.

    Wanted to add that I am definitely back in keto after Sunday's carb binge (>100g)... bent over at the gym this morning and got a whiff of myself - OMG! :o
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    October 4th:

    1. Log every BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) each and every day >:)
    2. Keep my total calories under 1,600 >:)
    3. Keep my net carbs under 40 grams >:)
    4. Exercise consistently: walking: 10,000 steps per day, yoga: 2 -3 times a week, weights: 2 times a week >:) (walking)
    5. Keep up hydration each and every day. >:)

    Yesterday was a great day!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 4:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 60min em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 34g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    For October 4:
    1. 100 oz of water per day
    2. <100g gross carbs per day
    3. Walk >5 minutes per day. Elliptical counts. em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Kettlebell at least twice a week.
    5. NO ^%#^$#%#@ $@#!$^#$^ Dr. Pepper. em7od5ymabaq.png

    Earned 2 pumpkins, out of a possible 5.

    Weekly Total: 14 of 17 thus far...

  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    edited October 2016
    10/4 check in
    Daily Goals
    1. Complete planned workout - fail - went to bed early
    2. Carbs within goal - no - net 30. I'm having a really hard time hitting net 20 with the amount of dairy and vegetables I eat. They're my only real carb source, so maybe I need to either up my goal or cut dairy. :/ OK, looking at my diary I'm lying...I've been using SF international coffee mix to flavor my coffee and it's adding 8 carbs/day. Without that, I'm much closer to net 20. I will finish what I have, but not repurchase.
    3. Drink 100 oz water - check
    4. Log all food - check

    Monthly Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. No Alcohol

    7 out of 16 points for the month
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    October 4th:

    1. Practice mindfulness around food and eat slowly. o:)
    2. Journal nightly to the questions: "Did I eat and move in a way that supported my health?" "What could I do better tomorrow?" o:)
    3. Keep carbs <50 gm. by logging. o:)
    4. 4. Move 30 min. daily, minimum. o:)
    5. Stay off the scale. NO
    6. Check in with this thread daily! o:)
    7. Drink tea first before deciding to eat after 8pm. o:)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1. complete all workouts - no
    2. carbs within goal - YES
    3. no chocolate - YES
    4. no alcohol - YES
    5. sleep 8 hours - no

    Total: 11 pumpkins
  • rhonda6375
    rhonda6375 Posts: 32 Member
    10/3 No pumpkins except for logging food. Very stressful day and did emotional eating as well as not exercising.

    10/4 Much better day

    1. Complete workout em7od5ymabaq.png
    2. Log all food em7od5ymabaq.png
    3. Stay within carb goal 46/50 em7od5ymabaq.png
    4. Stay within calorie goal 1202/1430 em7od5ymabaq.png
    5. Only 1 Diet Coke per day - 4/1 not met AGAIN! - I am taking this goal off for the future until I make up my mind to REALLY cut down.
    6. Stay hydrated - 80/64 em7od5ymabaq.png
    7. Meal prep on weekends - Not applicable