90 day challenge: Let's GO!

jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups
Alright guys! Its near the end of the year and this challenge is for all of you who have been slacking and "FALL"ing off track (I know that was a hilarious pun LEAF me alone! haha bad I know) It is exactly 89 days until December 31st and 90 days to January 1st 2017! The infamous day of hopeful dreams of a bright new year! Lets look back at what we pledged ourselves at the beginning of the year to do:

1) lose that last 10lbs
2) go to the gym 3× a week
3) have family dinners at the dining room table with no electronics
4) fill in the blank

Whatever your goal, remind yourself of it now and let's stay accountable to each other!

My goals I fell off track after a death in the family and am ready to go back swinging they are as follows:

1) go to the gym every other day no excuses.
2) STAY keto under 50 carbs period (not NET)
3) Volunteer once every 2 weeks at an animal shelter

So my friends what are yours?


  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Ok, well I did not look there are already a lot of posts about things like this (that people have posted so everyone continue using those! :) ) and do not know how to delete this post. I will use it for myself as a marker so I can keep myself going feel free to stalk my diary and what have toy! :) (only from Oct 3rd though! Just a warning my diary from Oct 2nd and the days leading up to it will give you nightmares!)
  • moonlights
    moonlights Posts: 141 Member
    I think it's a good idea, don't delete! My goal is to stay 100 percent on plan (Keto under 30g) until December 15th when I have my office Xmas lunch and my grandmas memorial on the same day. I want to stay moderate carb over Xmas too if possible but may plan a little time off plan.
    Im also going to experiment with cutting back on / cutting out dairy.
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Hi midnight I'm Jessica, its nice to meet you! I honestly don't think I could cut out dairy period I love cheese and butter and cheese! My twin is lactose intolerant so she wants to go keto but she keeps putting it off and she wants to do everything similar to me. I do not know how to cut out dairy period so you'll have to tell me what you do to hit your fat macros!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Hi Jessica, I'm Jessica :)

    I'll join as many challenge and accountability threads as I can. I am working on staying on plan (my goal is 20 carbs net, but dairy is kicking me out consistently, so I need to work on it) and working out. In 90 days I hope to be down 1-2 sizes.
  • KetoLady86
    KetoLady86 Posts: 337 Member
    Helloo ladies! Can I join?? Im Brittany!! My goal is to follow IF on Monday-Friday while following keto. I want to just feel good. I need to try and cut out so much HWC, to be honest...I have so many goals, but dont want to overwhelm myself.
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Of course Brittany! Here's my update for Day 1:
    I had an overload of carbs due to lack of planning trying to hit my fat macros (I need to go shopping I figured that was more important though the carbs mainly came from 2 bags of those steamable broccoli florets so its not soo bad and I stayed away from anything sugary, so its a win. I did not eat anything I would be ashamed about. Gym tomorrow morning! :)
  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    My goals are to add strength training on top of my dance workouts
    Stay Keto throughout the holidays and find recipes that are Keto that feel like I'm indulging
    Lose some more weigh, 15-20 lbs
    Get a physical in December that I've been putting off
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    I would love to join! I have been floundering since I groped my daughter off at Uni *sob, sniff*. I have all this extra time, might as well put it to good use! My goals: lose 15 pounds, keep up with my logging and get off my rear end. I eat moderate carb with no sugar/grains.
  • wisebabe
    wisebabe Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2016
    This is great. I want to continue on my LCHF and have food down and do two carb meals per week to keep falling off completely. I would love to check in each day and get the support.
    My goal is to continue eating LCHF and add workouts to the mix. My goal is 2 WATP (walk away the pounds, 2 miles) and 2, 20-min pilates workout each week.
    SW: 08/11/2016-215
    CW: 10/01/2016-199
    On January 1st, I don't want to set a New Year resolution that has anything to do with losing weight!!!!
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    I am in! I want to stay as clean as possible until my check up in December. Biggest obstacle is no alcohol, so far, so good.
    CW 182.9
    GW 150
    Good luck to everyone! Julie
  • DDfitfinally
    DDfitfinally Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2016
    I need to get better with tracking macros. I have added strength training 3 days a week since February and haven't missed a week except for one week for vacation so I need to work on consistency either macros. Weight loss is so much slower and I know I am building muscle, losing fat but scale is slow going (moving in the right direction though!). Behavior change takes time, right!

    SW 265 2/2/16
    CW 252 10/2/16
    GW 165
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Day 2! And 88 to go:

    Well I fasted for 24 hours and broke my fast last night and used the vitamix -think cauliflower rice size- and made something with random stuff I had at the house. Sounds super gross but in reality not bad! I give you:

    Tuna Salsa

    1 head cauliflower
    1 head broccoli
    4 whole green onions
    120 pepperoni slices
    5 4oz cans of tuna
    1 29oz can of tomato sauce
    1 8oz can mild salsa like stewed tomatoes (forgot the brand lol)

    It tastes like salsa even though with those ingredients I didn't think it would (I ate it cold and raw) this would be really good with sausage and cabbage!
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Hey everyone! I am doing quite well on my cutting out dairy, this is the fourth day (about week 6 of keto) and finally my ketostix have gone from medium pink to dark pink!! Yay! It must be the absence of dairy... The only thing is I need to figure out how to take a little takeaway container of coconut oil with me when I am out to add fat to meals on the go. @FIT_Goat how are you going on dairy free?
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    carom wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I am doing quite well on my cutting out dairy, this is the fourth day (about week 6 of keto) and finally my ketostix have gone from medium pink to dark pink!! Yay! It must be the absence of dairy... The only thing is I need to figure out how to take a little takeaway container of coconut oil with me when I am out to add fat to meals on the go. @FIT_Goat how are you going on dairy free?

    I'd buy and clean out a jar of baby food. Good size, easy to carry and I prefer glass. :)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I am doing well without dairy. Although, I have come down with a case of shingles (most likely due to stress and not from giving up dairy). Also, I am prepping for a hurricane, which makes it easier because dairy doesn't keep well.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    @Cadori - great idea thanks, I will try it out :)
    @FIT_Goat - oh no, shingles is terrible! and the hurricane doesn't sound like much fun either :)
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    New to LCHF lifestyle. Started in July but I always go back to eating high carbs and junks. I'm holding myself accountable to stay in this lifestyle till December. I started again on Monday. So this is day 3 for me. Thanks for this platform.
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    @nicee247 Welcome! Your journey mirrors my own! I restarted Keto in July and stopped after a death in the family and after many false restarts I'm sticking to it today until the 1st of January. The hardest part for me is getting past week 1. On day 7 I usually stop and don't get back on the horse.
    @carom Good job! I have no idea how you cut out dairy, truly I live off of cheese and Greek yogurt everyday, like its in every meal! I'm about to stalk your diary to see how you do it because my Twin is lactose intolerant and she wants to do keto, I'm just not too sure how to adjust things to have no dairy!

    The baby jar idea for coconut oil is a great idea!
    I made my first ever fat bomb
    1.5 cups coconut oil.
    .25 cup unsweetened dark chocolate
    .75 cup peanut butter
    1 tbsp liquid Stevie

    It tastes different than I thought it would. I definitely am having issues with eating it just like that I'm thinking about putting it in almond milk and making "hot chocolate" well see how it takes.

    Keep at it people!
  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to LCHF woe and am hoping this might just be the ticket for me! I also need a good decent length challenge.

    Stats: 50 years old, 5'4"
    SW: 10/04/2016-199
    CW: 10/06/2016-198

    I've tried everything including low fat, low carb/low fat, vegan, pegan, etc. in an effort to lose weight. I've gained 60 pounds since 2010 after being diagnosed with celiac. The only thing that has worked in the past to lose weight has been Atkins when I lost all the baby weight following the birth of my (now 18 year old) daughter.

    On pinterest, so many gluten free recipes cross over to paleo and/or keto and I became aware of LCHF and started researching this woe. I started on Tuesday and am desperately hoping that this will work for me. My doctor is also starting to talk statins and I am borderline pre-diabetic.

    My husband is along for the ride (he is super active, yet 40 pounds overweight) and is freaking out a bit about about all the high fat foods in our house since I made over our pantry/fridge.

    My biggest challenge is alcohol (wine makes everything fine) and social situations with my family. We're hosting Thanksgiving, so I can plan better, but Christmas will be at my in-laws home.

    PS - @Ringbearer2 - we just dropped off my daughter this August at college and I've been moping a bit more that I thought I would.
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    @jlynnschroyer true. I've never gone past a week. Thanks for the encouragement.
    This is day 4 without cheating.
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Day 4 and 86 to go!

    Well I put the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs in a blender bottle with black tea and it was delicious!! Definitely would do it again!
    I've been doing good on the diet and life is going better for me, There is something about taking control of what you put into your mouth that gives you a little extra boost to take control out in the world. Wish me luck on my job hunting! Currently work 2 minimum wage jobs and am looking for a 15$ ish hour fulltime job.

    Hi @coloradoartstudio ! keep us updated on your results! There have been a lot of studies on this way of eating that leads to a positive outlook on how diet can "starve" cancer cells of their needed energy source of glucose; in regards to Alzheimer's and helping with diabetes and epilepsy.

    @nicee247 keep it up!
  • wisebabe
    wisebabe Posts: 6 Member
    Hello group. So this week I added some workout and guess what? After 8 weeks of losing consistently, I haven't lost this week and I feel like I want to eat the world. I haven't done any major workout just 2 miles of WATP (twice this week) and one session of pilates (20 min). Has anyone else experienced this and will this pass?
  • weightlossdriven
    weightlossdriven Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to this challenge thing but I'm willing to try anything at this point. I started out good when I first started logging. Now I feel like I've hit a wall. I'm looking for a job and it is so frustrating because they want you to have experience. So how do you get experience if no one will hire you? I'm an emotional eater so these times are really kicking my butt. My goal is to lose at least 10 lbs by the end of the year. Maybe this challenge will kickstart my motivation again.
  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement @jlynnschroyer From what I've been reading, there are so many health bennies associated with this woe including for autoimmune diseases that plague me. :smiley:

    I joined a 30 day at home workout challenge via "Betty Rocker" to jump start strength training. 15 minutes a day is something I think I can manage.

    I also bought some ketostix that just arrived today.

    I hear you @weightlossdriven - good luck with your job search!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    A little late here, but would love to join your group. I've been doing lchf since June, and Keto since August. I've lost 18 pounds, averaging about a pound a week. I had several stalls for more than a month each time, and by learning to be very patient and consistent, the weight is coming off. I'm also working on lowering my blood glucose numbers - actually has become my main objective.

    My goal through the end of the year is to keep on keeping on and enjoy the journey to better health. This woe has become my way of life and I'm very thankful that I found it.

    Good luck to all,
  • judith562003
    judith562003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Christel and I want to join. I lost so far since May 2016 a bit more then 32 pounds. But now I am stucked and do not lose. I tried fat fast since last week and with my calorie calculator I should eat only 903 cal per day to lose 2 pounds per week. I have hip surgery in December and I shall lose 50 pounds. So still 18 pounds to go. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    Signing up; day 6 on LCHF. Hoping this weekend will be a good one.