How many times do you work out?



  • qrevolte4
    qrevolte4 Posts: 4 Member
    I workout 5 times a week, I have a busy schedule with school so mostly in the mornings, is when I work out..
    ⊙Run non-stop for 15 minutes
    ⊙Then 15 minutes doing circuits of either jumping jacks, burpees, etc for a minute each.
  • frankie671
    frankie671 Posts: 51 Member
    I do weights 4 times a week and an hour of cardio on top of that (bokwa, which I love and just do for fun really, not the fitness benefits, although it burns a hell of a lot of calories!) I also walk at least 10k-12k steps per day
  • coffeethencardio
    coffeethencardio Posts: 27 Member
    I have found in order to stay on track I have to go to the gym and do cardio every single day. I add in weights 4 days a week but I always cardio, lift, and finish with more cardio on those days. I figure I've spent enough of my life sitting around so now its time to spend some good, quality time in the gym every day so I don't get lazy again.
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    I am trying to do Couch to 5K at least 4 days a week. I repeat a lot of exercises depending on the day. As long as I get to the gym, it is a good day. ;)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I work out 4x per week. Squat 3x, Bench 3x, Deadlift 2x, Hip thrust 2x, and hit some upper accessories on Friday. Training for power/strength mostly.
  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    I used to go for runs 3 times a week, but I hated it, it was so monotonous. I changed it up and I workout 5x a week during 30-70min, I do Fitnessblender Videos, Cardio Kickboxing, Jump Rope, Yoga and Pilates.
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    My belief is that everyone is different, obviously. You just have to listen to your own body and what it's telling you. So many people have so many different ways of working out. You should always keep in mind not to overdo it, give yourself a recovery day, and have fun doing your workout. It's when it's no longer enjoyable when your plan will fail. Have fun!
  • keanndreg
    keanndreg Posts: 5 Member
    Good day! I just started back working out after an annual intermittent pause break lol. But since 9/21 I have been running 1.87 miles in 15 minutes at 5am. On top of that i do strength training about 3-4x's per wk front and side leg lifts 20 reps...front side and reverse lunges 20 reps....crunches btween about 150...40 deep squats......bicep/triceps with 3lb weights 2-3x's per wk reps of 12 3 sets.....chest press low weights about 6lbs also 3 sets of 12. Not major but it's what I can do for now with 2 kids full time work, church, and soccer practice...on top of trampoline park with kids 1x per week. This week I added sprints to my daily runs so I don't hit a plateau. I eat my calories back but still lose about 2lbs per week.
  • mkozmik
    mkozmik Posts: 79 Member
    Cardiovascular nearly every day and heavy lifting twice a week. I vary my workout based on what I did the day before. I try to work in resistance training whenever I can.

    For example, 78 mile bike ride on Sunday, recovery day with a brisk dog walk on Monday, Spin Class this morning, heavy lift with Precor AMT or Treadmill tomorrow.
  • Zee_0100
    Zee_0100 Posts: 397 Member
    flrancho wrote: »
    Three days of weightlifting a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. No max time.

    I do cardio relatively minimally, and can range anywhere from not doing any at all for weeks on end to daily on days that I don't weight train. I generally use cardio as a means to control calories - if I eat too many I do cardio. If I don't, I don't do cardio.

    I should note that I am not trying to loose weight. I'm in maintenance now and just trying to burn fat and build muscle.

    Any suggestion for weight gain?
  • Zee_0100
    Zee_0100 Posts: 397 Member
    Sandera2 wrote: »
    I do heavy lifting, compound exercises, 1 hour, 2 days a week. I'm in my 50's so it takes me longer to recover. I'd love to do 3 days, but then wouldn't be able to do anything else :# Then I do two nights of Argentine Tango (90-120 minutes), and once a week cross country hiking (90 minutes) with my dog, and then shorter daily dog walks.

    And how old are you?
  • bec9955
    bec9955 Posts: 4 Member
    I do a Jillian Michaels HIIT video for 20 mins every week day plus a 5-6 k bike ride with the dog. Weekends are long distance hikes plus 3k dog walks twice a day. Aim for 10,000 steps min every day
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I do weight training 3 days a week and 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the in between days with one rest day. I used to do aerial silks and I was thinking it would be too much to add that on top of the weights. My muscles would not have enough recovery time. I am thinking about taking it up again, but I think I will substitute one of my upper body days since it is such a major upper body workout. I would think pole dancing would be the same.

    I do silks, trapeze, lyra, and inconsistently, pole, on top of weight lifting. I'm 40, and don't find it too much, but I have to listen to my body. My elbows are the best indicators of whether I need to rest.

    I also focus on lower body for weights, but when I'm good with my routine, I add a small upper body/abs weight workout a couple times a week - focusing on the muscles missed by most aerial work, i.e. the pushing ones.

    As far as the original question, I work out daily, and sometimes twice a day. But the sessions tend to be short (30 min or less), and I really mix it up. Right now, the only cardio I'm doing is casual biking (mountain or getting from point A to B), but I do sometimes add running in. Again, they are short workouts.
  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    In the gym 5 to 6 days a week: 30 to 40 minutes of cardio on the elliptical trainer, alternating with 30 to 40 minutes of weight training. Also, I aim for 10,000 steps per day. I just feel better when I'm active.
  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    Oops, referring back to the OP's question: I think it depends upon your goals. I've over 50...and for me the big motivators are being able to be strong enough to lead an active enough and to have enough cardiovascular endurance that I can travel.
  • Grathiael
    Grathiael Posts: 86 Member
    4-5x a week.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    For the past 12 years, I've been in the gym 6 days a week.

    Right now my schedule is to spin three times a week and do weights the other 3.