What sort of treats do you give out for Halloween?



  • TishaGettinFit
    TishaGettinFit Posts: 77 Member
    We don't get kids in my building on Halloween. I do however send little loot bags to school for my daughters class. In each one the kids get 2 peanut free candies, a Halloween themed pencil and eraser and a couple stickers.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Drawoc wrote: »
    This year - pork rinds, bacon, avocados, and a pamphlet about the one true way of life.

    Heck, I'll just do reverse trick or treating and start knocking on people's doors to spread the Halloween joy. I'll call myself a Ketova's Witness.

  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Drawoc wrote: »
    This year - pork rinds, bacon, avocados, and a pamphlet about the one true way of life.

    Heck, I'll just do reverse trick or treating and start knocking on people's doors to spread the Halloween joy. I'll call myself a Ketova's Witness.

    LMAO. This made my day
  • Christinaluvly
    Christinaluvly Posts: 116 Member
    I get small toys in bulk instead of candy. We had a dentist when I was a kid who gave out toothbrushes on Halloween and we avoided that house like the plague. There was also an old lady who gave us pennies... shiny pennies to small children... and they would be thrown in with our candy. :s I try to give things that the kids would actually like to play with and is safe to put in a bag with all there other goodies.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Drawoc wrote: »
    This year - pork rinds, bacon, avocados, and a pamphlet about the one true way of life.

    Heck, I'll just do reverse trick or treating and start knocking on people's doors to spread the Halloween joy. I'll call myself a Ketova's Witness.

    I just spat my drink out all over my phone through laughing out loud!

    I am the saddo hiding at home with the lights off.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Drawoc wrote: »
    This year - pork rinds, bacon, avocados, and a pamphlet about the one true way of life.

    Heck, I'll just do reverse trick or treating and start knocking on people's doors to spread the Halloween joy. I'll call myself a Ketova's Witness.

    ;) There's an 'h' in Ketovah's Witness.
  • scottaking
    scottaking Posts: 22 Member
    bowlerae wrote: »
    Do you all impose your LCHF ways onto unsuspecting kiddies?

    I do my best to not impose any of my ways (including LCHF) onto others. I didn't even request my household to adopt this WOE (don't want to anger those carb-monsters). More than likely, I'll stick with traditional candies for the kiddies. I may be like bunny and be a little more restrictive with how much I hand out to an individual kid.
  • HawkPNP
    HawkPNP Posts: 106 Member
    We love giving out the miniature halloween Play doh -- kids tend to love it as they get plenty of candy trick or treating :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I usually make gift bags with junk (pencils, cute erasers, note pads and a few candies)...however, this year I am out of town most of October so I don't anticipate having time to go shopping at the party store and put those together...not even sure when I'm going to get decorating done...maybe I'll just get full size candy bars from Costco and be THAT house this year...
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    ...maybe I'll just get full size candy bars from Costco and be THAT house this year...

    LOL. That was me a several years ago when we lived in a neighborhood that had many youngsters and we participated in offering goodies. There were 3 children that lived next door and before I would shop for Halloween candy I would ask them what they wanted because all the remainder was given to their Mom to ration as she chose after Halloween. All 3 are tall, thin adults now and 1 is a dentist. :)

  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Habiteer wrote: »
    This year - pork rinds, bacon, avocados, and a pamphlet about the one true way of life.

    Heck, I'll just do reverse trick or treating and start knocking on people's doors to spread the Halloween joy. I'll call myself a Ketova's Witness.

  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    "Ketova's Witness" :D
  • cheleonfire
    cheleonfire Posts: 3,696 Member
    I'll keep in mind the non-candy treats suggested above. If nothing else it will be a good joke to give pencils, erasers and glow bracelets to those trick or treaters who look old enough to have little kids of their own.

    Or you could give them a pen and a job application for the local fast food place. >:)

    If I do candy, it is usually something "Tootsie" because their stuff is peanut, tree nut and gluten free. This year I have a bag of Tootsie pops. I live in a rental house in the "starter home" area of a neighborhood that goes from that up to "is that a house or a hotel" so I don't get many Trick or Treaters. It seems like they bus them in to the higher end sub-subdivisions of the neighborhood. Truthfully, the entry way leading up to my front door is a little spooky -- it scares me sometimes.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    We set a speaker on the porch, streaming Halloween music and sounds, hand out candy to the little ones, and older kids get string cheese. We do this for a couple of hours, til we are bored with it :) Then turn off the music and lights and it is on to the next holiday challenge. If the weather turns cold and snowy, no one is out so it is all off.
  • cheleonfire
    cheleonfire Posts: 3,696 Member
    I like the music idea. My scary entry makes me feel like I should decorate it!
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Nothing. There aren't many kids of trick or treating age left in my neighborhood and the ones that are go elsewhere. I actually used to take my kids to a different section of my neighborhood to the houses of the elderly ladies who attended the same church as us. They didn't get as much candy as in other areas, but what they got was the bigger and better candy. I don't think candy here and there is inherently bad, though. I didn't over-regulate and now my two 16 year olds self-regulate. It all depends on the kid. If I lived in an area populated with little ones, or was participating in a Trunk or Treat this year, I would hand out the Hershey.