Fearless October 2016: Week 2 (10/8-10/14)



  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 10th:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 60mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 13g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 10 results:
    Water - 128oz (=>120) >:)
    Net Carbs - 28 (< 30) >:)
    Calories - 1533 (< 1700) >:)
    Workouts - 2/5 (5 weekly) >:)
    Weight - 219.5 (sw 223) >:) woosh!! (was 223 yesterday!)

    today - 5/5, 8/10 for the week!
  • weightlossdriven
    weightlossdriven Posts: 4 Member
    Just checking in. Not a good week last week. Had a good friend pass away, which was hard. Didn't stick to my goals very well. Too many calories eaten and not enough exercise. I did stick with logging every day, but no journaling. Oh well, a new week! More new challenges! Back to searching hard and strong for a new job. And I'm studying for my certification exam! Talk about stress!!! :/
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1.It appears that In order to keep myself from trigger foods this week, I'm finding some success by just upping my carb limit about 25g. This means no keto progress but still low carb at less than 50g. Anything to stop the crazy eating. So I'm pretty stablized for the moment, but definately missing the keto benefits.
    2. Feelings check in: kind of so-so. Not really feeling good about things.
    Coping strategies: press on with things I like to do, kind of a "fake it til you make it" mode. Watching out for my critical, judgy self as I really don't need to be my own enemy right now. I need to be my own best friend.
    3. Tomorrow is weigh in. I know there will be a gain...getting ready to deal with it.
    4. Not much moving around.

    over and out.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member

    1.It appears that In order to keep myself from trigger foods this week, I'm finding some success by just upping my carb limit about 25g. This means no keto progress but still low carb at less than 50g. Anything to stop the crazy eating. So I'm pretty stablized for the moment, but definately missing the keto benefits.
    2. Feelings check in: kind of so-so. Not really feeling good about things.
    Coping strategies: press on with things I like to do, kind of a "fake it til you make it" mode. Watching out for my critical, judgy self as I really don't need to be my own enemy right now. I need to be my own best friend.
    3. Tomorrow is weigh in. I know there will be a gain...getting ready to deal with it.
    4. Not much moving around.

    over and out.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member

    1.It appears that In order to keep myself from trigger foods this week, I'm finding some success by just upping my carb limit about 25g. This means no keto progress but still low carb at less than 50g. Anything to stop the crazy eating. So I'm pretty stablized for the moment, but definately missing the keto benefits.
    2. Feelings check in: kind of so-so. Not really feeling good about things.
    Coping strategies: press on with things I like to do, kind of a "fake it til you make it" mode. Watching out for my critical, judgy self as I really don't need to be my own enemy right now. I need to be my own best friend.
    3. Tomorrow is weigh in. I know there will be a gain...getting ready to deal with it.
    4. Not much moving around.

    over and out.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - CHECK
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - CHECK - calling today a win. I came within 14 grams :)
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK - still shoveling it in!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm just leaving this here to go off of tonight! :)

    Day Seven!!
    Didn't weigh again... Trying to break that habit.

    Drank water.... Minimally. Boo.
    Drove for almost four hours. Daily cleaning. So yeah. Boo.
    Carbs I did well, and calories. Yay!!!!!!
    I ate keto foods!!!!!

    I DIDN'T SMOKE!!!!!! Biggest HELL YEAH!!!

    A good day. Great weather. Great family.

    Day Eight!
    OMG What a beautiful, laughing, smiling, bucket list of a day!! I'm tearing up over it! Hiking, flying in a helicopter, laughing with my loved ones, being in a forest, climbing rocks, jumping creeks, hopping, skipping, and running, twirling around with glee....it was a day I'll always keep as a snapshot of happy.

    I did not weigh again, which is a victory in itself lol!
    I drank lots of water!! Yay!
    I got loads of physical activity today! Yay!
    I did great with carbs and calories! Yay!
    Keto foods only! No peanuts!


    Let me tell you....so much joy. :)

    Day Nine!

    Still a non smoker. Very tired and sad the boy is gone.

    No weigh in. Yay!
    Water is a bust...but I did drink a 44oz diet Mountain Dew on the drive home...that does count, so okay then. Yay!
    Activity, nope. Boo.
    Carbs and calories a big Yay!

    Day Ten!

    Let me just say it's a huge bust.
    Over ate. I mean i binged. So today was a huge boo. In all ways.

    No!!! Not all ways. Still a Non smoker!
    Otherwise today was a fail.

    I did log though. Might as well keep the data handy, right?

    I ate keto only. So my carbs are great.
    Water not so hot.

    Okay, I'm just having a rough couple of days.
    I ate on plan today, but I'm still wired badly.

    So to keep it short, I did meh, okay. No binge.

  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    Oct 10
    I did not keep my Carbs and calorie intake within the set limit but I was active

    Oct 11
    1 calories YES
    2. Carbs YES
    3. 30min+ activity YES

    I am happy with today
  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    First time checking in:
    Water -
  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    It didn't post everything I wrote
    Water -
  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, I give up! It keeps cutting off everything I write
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen:
    2. Stick to your Calories :neutral:
    3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen:
    4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60min :mrgreen:
    5. Log honestly :mrgreen:
    6. Sleep 8 hours :mrgreen:
    7. Keep up that salt intake! :neutral:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 11 results:
    Water - 136oz (>= 120) >:)
    Net Carbs - 32 (< 30) :/
    Calories - 1349 (< 1700) >:)
    Workouts - 3/5 (5 weekly) >:)
    Weight - 218 (SW 223) >:)

    Devils - 4/5, 12/15 for the week.
    As a side note - I am now lower on weight than I have been in 6 months!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    October 11th

    1. Log every BLT (Bite, Lick and Taste) each and every day >:)
    2. Keep my total calories under 1,600 :| went over by 52 calories!
    3. Keep my net carbs under 40 grams >:)
    4. Exercise consistently: walking: 10,000 steps per day, yoga: 2 -3 times a week, weights: 2 times a week >:) (did walk 10,000 steps + yoga + PT)
    5. Keep up hydration each and every day. >:)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Ok, I give up! It keeps cutting off everything I write

    Try leaving out any emojis. They hack off the post on some platforms.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1.Carbs/cals were good yesterday..keto range.

    2. Emotions check in: down for the count.
    Coping strategy: made travel plans to see my son, was nice to myself, kept daily expectations a bit lower to allow body to rest. Read a book, used social media distract my mind from negative thinking.

    3. Weigh in: up 3.6 lbs since last weigh in (better than I imagined) and am now 17.8 from final goal.
    For the record I plan to weigh in every day now since I seem to need daily accountability. Hope I don't slack off on this....my history indicates that when I don't weigh and log...I'm up to no good food plan wise!

    4. Activity: Still feeling a need to rest my body. As long as I can stick to my food plan...I am okay with that for the time being. Especially since I have a couple dance nights and travel plans coming up later this week.

    So glad I got on the scale again. It feels like a babystep in the right direction.
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 11th:
    Outside my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 30mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 11g em7od5ymabaq.png

  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    October 12th

    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - FAIL
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - FAIL
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK - Man do I love me some Avacados!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm just leaving this here to go off of tonight! :)

    Day Seven!!
    Didn't weigh again... Trying to break that habit.

    Drank water.... Minimally. Boo.
    Drove for almost four hours. Daily cleaning. So yeah. Boo.
    Carbs I did well, and calories. Yay!!!!!!
    I ate keto foods!!!!!

    I DIDN'T SMOKE!!!!!! Biggest HELL YEAH!!!

    A good day. Great weather. Great family.

    Day Eight!
    OMG What a beautiful, laughing, smiling, bucket list of a day!! I'm tearing up over it! Hiking, flying in a helicopter, laughing with my loved ones, being in a forest, climbing rocks, jumping creeks, hopping, skipping, and running, twirling around with glee....it was a day I'll always keep as a snapshot of happy.

    I did not weigh again, which is a victory in itself lol!
    I drank lots of water!! Yay!
    I got loads of physical activity today! Yay!
    I did great with carbs and calories! Yay!
    Keto foods only! No peanuts!


    Let me tell you....so much joy. :)

    Day Nine!

    Still a non smoker. Very tired and sad the boy is gone.

    No weigh in. Yay!
    Water is a bust...but I did drink a 44oz diet Mountain Dew on the drive home...that does count, so okay then. Yay!
    Activity, nope. Boo.
    Carbs and calories a big Yay!

    Day Ten!

    Let me just say it's a huge bust.
    Over ate. I mean i binged. So today was a huge boo. In all ways.

    No!!! Not all ways. Still a Non smoker!
    Otherwise today was a fail.

    I did log though. Might as well keep the data handy, right?

    I ate keto only. So my carbs are great.
    Water not so hot.

    Okay, I'm just having a rough couple of days.
    I ate on plan today, but I'm still wired badly.

    So to keep it short, I did meh, okay. No binge.

    Okay! Let's try again!!!

    Day Twelve!
    Feeling better today mentally.
    I ate very well today, did some unplanned fasting, and oddly enough helped with hunger.
    I drank a load of fluid today!!
    Carbs are great!!
    Exercise..... Yeah....I really need someone to kick my pants about this one. I'm soooo lazy!!

    I'm still cranky, but I took a nap lol
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Yesterday: rotator cuff exercises.
    Today: Walked 4.1 miles, 70 minutes, 3.54 mph. Stuffed too many groceries in my backpack. Heavy. Carried the bread so it didn't get smashed. :)
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    October 12th:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: >:) Not enough to count much
    Deskcycle: 50mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 26g em7od5ymabaq.png
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 12 results:
    Water -> 112 (>= 120) :/
    Net Carbs -> 13 (< 30) >:)
    Calories -> 1455 (< 1700) >:)
    Workout -> 4/5 (5 weekly) >:)
    Weight -> 217 (sw 223) >:)

    So, 4/5 for the day and 16/20 for the month.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Jumping in late on this (I have to get back in the habit of visiting the group). I eat fully Keto but I want to re-focus on eating to satiety and no further, getting my exercise in, and avoiding excesses of dairy.

    October 12:
    1 serving or less of dairy: em7od5ymabaq.png
    >5000 Steps: (3661)
    < 20 g Carbs: 19g em7od5ymabaq.png
    Eating only when satiated: (didn't really need that dessert, now did I?)
    Exercise: (not really)

  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    October 13th

    1. Log everything accurately - CHECK
    2. Stay Hydrated - FAIL
    3. Reach protein macro (This is really hard for me) - CHECK I did good! Within 13 grams so it's a win for me.
    4. Work on my fear of fat (Appropriate for this time of year) - CHECK - Cheeses and Olive Oil!

    Not important but MAN do I have to watch that broccoli and chia seeds I love so much. Good thing it's net carbs!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm just leaving this here to go off of tonight! :)

    Day Seven!!
    Didn't weigh again... Trying to break that habit.

    Drank water.... Minimally. Boo.
    Drove for almost four hours. Daily cleaning. So yeah. Boo.
    Carbs I did well, and calories. Yay!!!!!!
    I ate keto foods!!!!!

    I DIDN'T SMOKE!!!!!! Biggest HELL YEAH!!!

    A good day. Great weather. Great family.

    Day Eight!
    OMG What a beautiful, laughing, smiling, bucket list of a day!! I'm tearing up over it! Hiking, flying in a helicopter, laughing with my loved ones, being in a forest, climbing rocks, jumping creeks, hopping, skipping, and running, twirling around with glee....it was a day I'll always keep as a snapshot of happy.

    I did not weigh again, which is a victory in itself lol!
    I drank lots of water!! Yay!
    I got loads of physical activity today! Yay!
    I did great with carbs and calories! Yay!
    Keto foods only! No peanuts!


    Let me tell you....so much joy. :)

    Day Nine!

    Still a non smoker. Very tired and sad the boy is gone.

    No weigh in. Yay!
    Water is a bust...but I did drink a 44oz diet Mountain Dew on the drive home...that does count, so okay then. Yay!
    Activity, nope. Boo.
    Carbs and calories a big Yay!

    Day Ten!

    Let me just say it's a huge bust.
    Over ate. I mean i binged. So today was a huge boo. In all ways.

    No!!! Not all ways. Still a Non smoker!
    Otherwise today was a fail.

    I did log though. Might as well keep the data handy, right?

    I ate keto only. So my carbs are great.
    Water not so hot.

    Okay, I'm just having a rough couple of days.
    I ate on plan today, but I'm still wired badly.

    So to keep it short, I did meh, okay. No binge.

    Okay! Let's try again!!!

    Day Twelve!
    Feeling better today mentally.
    I ate very well today, did some unplanned fasting, and oddly enough helped with hunger.
    I drank a load of fluid today!!
    Carbs are great!!
    Exercise..... Yeah....I really need someone to kick my pants about this one. I'm soooo lazy!!

    I'm still cranky, but I took a nap lol

    Day Thirteen!!
    Still have not weighed. That's a great thing, as I won't be seeing the daily ups and downs!

    I ate wonderfully!! Yay!!
    I drank loads of water!! Yay!!
    Carbs, banging! Yay!!
    Exercise still *kitten*. Boo!!

    And I smoked....BOO!

    Process... It's all in the process..

    Still hanging in there.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen:
    2. Stick to your Calories :neutral:
    3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen:
    4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60minmin :mrgreen:
    5. Log honestly :neutral:
    6. Sleep 8 hours :mrgreen:
    7. Keep up that salt intake! :mrgreen:
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Oct 13 results:
    Water - 120oz (>= 120oz) >:)
    Net Carbs - 27 (< 30) >:)
    Calories - 1627 (< 1700) >:)
    Workouts - 5/5 (5 weekly) >:)
    Weight - 117.5 (SW 223) >:)

    Daily results - 5/5 devils, monthly results 21/25
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Oct 13th:
    Out of my pumpkin shell: em7od5ymabaq.png
    Deskcycle: 30mins em7od5ymabaq.png
    Carbs: 29g em7od5ymabaq.png