Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I maintain that this entire health thing is all mental. Once we get the mental handled, the body can't help but get in line, too... That's why it's so damned hard. We keep thinking this will be better WHEN...and fill in the blank. But the truth is, if we don't MAKE them better ourselves, that WHEN will never, ever come...

    Honestly, if you can afford it, I highly suggest some kind of talk therapy. Even just knowing there is an outlet once a week or month is SOOOO helpful. Maybe weight loss groups (bariatric or otherwise) have group sessions. Anything to GET OUT THERE...and talk.

    But yeah, I come from that place of being punished for being myself, too, so this place is such a vent, though it isn't private. If you use google on my username, most of my forum posts will come up - but most folks don't even know that name, so...it's anonymous, mostly.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Elize, I totally concur with Knit on the fact that so much of this is mental.... It's great that you are willing to look deeper at your emotions and feelings. I tend to journal a lot and sometimes I really just let those nasty feelings flow on the paper....and when I feel like I've vented enough, I rip that page out ( bc I don't want to ever re read it ) and burn it..... I also am a huge proponent of talk therapy. You got to find what works best for you

    And Knit, I did not know you could google your user name and conversations would show up....there is really no privacy online what so ever. I was checking out a website for an item I was thinking about purchasing, guess what " sponsored ad" showed up in my Facebook feed.....nothing is sacred.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @pwrfl1 - try it!! I bet you'd be shocked.

    I am a huge fan of loud angry rock music, fast/slow walks, hard workouts - if you can, journals, coloring books, b-witch sessions on the phone/messenger with a friend, crafting in some way, etc.

    Talk therapy helps when those things aren't as possible or easily available, @Elize7...
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    @KnitOrMiss ...just checked. O. M. G!!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    I agree on the dairy free and Leanne...I was thinking that it might benefit me to go dairy free for a month or so to see if I can get some movement on my journey. I just haven't fully committed.! Lol. Did you listen to any of the keto summit....again it was all podcasts, so maybe not. I listened to Masterjohns talk on there and thought it was very good.

    I have been considering dairy-free for a long time myself but I have a hard time committing to no cheese. I finally broke down and bought a fake cheese alternative yesterday that I'm going to try to see if it will help wean me off the real deal...
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I always land on my feet, and if I sound always sad and lonely...I don't mean to. I really am just trying to acknowledge what I'm feeling when I feel it because I came from a place where I learned that was not okay to do, and where what you felt could be used against you...so it was not safe to be honest, not safe to be authentic.
    I have had alot of great advances and happy moments in the past couple years courtesy of keto.
    Keeping it real.

    Coudos to you for "keeping real". I'm slowly getting there myself. I just recently transferred out of a very stressful job and an extremely unhealthy work environment and started a new position on Tuesday. I also just recently purchased an adrenal supplement on the advice of my naturopath and hope that both will be instrumental in helping to get stress under control and get my body balanced so I can start to see more movement on the scale.

    I currently have about 40lbs of "must go" weight and have struggled mentally, physically and emotionally with it for over a year now. It's time to get real and get it together and I hope that a less stressful life will be a good place to start.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello I am fairly new like 1 1/2 weeks doing keto I am doing the ketogenic For cancer. It went well but the protein on it is a lot lower. Hard time hitting that number. But my doctor says don't diet till after surgery
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Hello I am fairly new like 1 1/2 weeks doing keto I am doing the ketogenic For cancer. It went well but the protein on it is a lot lower. Hard time hitting that number. But my doctor says don't diet till after surgery
    Hi Elizabeth, so sorry to hear about your cancer, but fortunately you have discovered Keto. I don't know much about cancer and keto protocols, but I saw a person post on folowing Dr. Seyfried's therapeutic ketosis ratio where he needed his ketones to BGL to be at 1 or below. This involves getting your self a blood glucose/ ketone meter and testing diligently. I'm not sure if I agree with not doing keto till after surgery, but I'm not a doctor so take that for what's it worth. I'm sure you can google Therapeutic Ketosis and find lots of info.

    As far as keeping your protein moderate, I've struggled with that myself. It wasn't until I really worked on upping my good fats and made sure I was getting lots of fats in earlier in my day that I was able to keep my protein fairly moderate, because I simply wasn't as hungry. It's a total mind change to think what can I eat that has lots of fat instead of my usual go to's.....

    I wish you healing and recovery!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Back after 5 days on The Cape with my son. Great visit...forgot all about keto.
    Today was transition back day. Still carby, but cut way back. Tomorrow keto is back on.
    I'm so envious of people who can have foods in the cupboard and not feel compelled to finish them off immediately. Such a nicer, calmer attitude about food. I'm going to have to think about doing something g like that for maintenance...but would have to navigate around triggers.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited October 2016
    Although I go back and forth with wanting to weigh daily for accountability...sometimes I'm just not up to it.
    Have several stressful job interviews coming up, had a great but routine-stalling vacation recently, upcoming dance night which always adds on water weight...So maybe I'll wait til weigh in Wednesday for the weight data. Or not. Don't know yet.
    Really want to find a successful food and activity routine that becomes second nature.
    I'm a very chill person except for food issues...for that, it's all-drama-all-the-time. hate it!!! Lol.
  • djaustin53
    djaustin53 Posts: 33 Member
    Looking for Keto buddies using MFP...Add me please.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Successful keto day for me.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @elize7 - We need that reboot sometimes. And I know what you mean. For me, food = drama. I can't find my path. My Endo chewed my butt about fasting, about using keto steadily rather than in intervals, and I ended up with a referral to a low carb nutritionist on staff. I'll let you know how that goes. I know there is something still missing, and it's making me a bit mental honestly. I'm doing what I can...
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Are there people out there still reading this thread that are committed to keto and it's working for you? If so, what would you say is the biggest key to your success?

    I've been on keto for about 18 weeks and have lost 30 lbs. I did keto about two years ago and had good results, however this time around my results are even better. One of the things that has made a big difference is working out 3 x week (CrossFit). I've also incorporated intermittent fasting (IF) as well as supplementing with BCAAs. What I have noticed this time is that I've lost more inches at 30 lbs of weight loss than last time. I weigh 219 lbs right now, and I am wearing clothes that usually do not fit me till I get down to 210.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    My success on keto today comes from being very sick with a cold and not hungry...sleeping all day.
    I'll take it!
    With any luck I'll lose my tastebuds for a few days!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @lodro - That's a heck of a social experiment, and interesting returns, verifying what we mostly already knew. And kudos for for you helping out as you did! That's an awesome feeling, I'm sure.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    My success on keto today comes from being very sick with a cold and not hungry...sleeping all day.
    I'll take it!
    With any luck I'll lose my tastebuds for a few days!

    @elize7 I hope your'e starting to feel better!
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone, @elize7 - hope you are feeling better!
    @lodro - wow! You did really well and it is interesting to hear about what you were doing on a rescue ship and your observations about the crews energy levels.
    @dcristo213 - good luck on this leg of your keto journey, sounds like you know what you are doing !

    Anyone with an open diary can add me as a friend, although I eat really boring food, but I'm okay with that. I have just got back from a wee holiday with hubby, fell off the keto wagon so I am spending the next three days resetting my eating. Back to normal keto on Monday
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    Well, I'm back. Spent two weeks on an NGO rescue ship off the coast of Libya.

    Kudos to you for doing such important work that comes with a great deal of personal danger and sacrifice!