50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You go BOY!!!!! You are doing awesome. How is the book for fun while riding the bike going??
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So far so good, kind of. It has forced me onto the bike each night since I have said that. Unfortunately I haven't done much reading of my text book yet. I get home from work and unwind for a few minutes and hop right on. Made it another 50 minutes last night and the weight is slowly starting to come off again. Am hoping that by the end of my shift I am down somewhere around the 209.8 mark that I was when I left here last time.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So yesterday I had a great workout. I got home from work and threw on UFC while I rode my bike. It is much easier to push myself for longer when I have something that is taking my attention. Also it helps that watching the fights stopped me from watching the clock the whole time. I ended up stopping after 60 minutes and I held an average heart rate of about 155. According to my Fitbit my resting heart rate is 57.

    My weigh in was this morning and I stepped on the scale at 212.2 pounds. While this is 30 pounds down from what i was in the middle of January it is still a few pounds heavier than I was when I left here last shift. Two pounds in a week where I had my calories set for a 1lb loss is perfect for me! And this got me thinking...

    Here comes my incoherent rant.

    Before I ran last night I was talking to my interpreter in the kitchen, he was making cutlets. While watching him I looked at the meat he was using, he had a mixture of beef, pork, and chicken for a total of around 5lbs of meat. He was frying the meat in a pan with about 1.5 inches of sunflower oil. I made a comment about how good it smelled, because frying meat really does smell fantastic and he told me to have a few. At the time he was frying about 2 pounds worth of meat in the oil and I commented on the fact that the meat in the frying pan was over two days worth of calories for me and he laughed and tried to look at me like "You don't know what you're talking about". I have lived in the same apartment as him for several years now and I know that all of those cutlets will be gone after one dinner and one lunch, and I mean all of them, not just the 7 cutlets in the first pan, all 21 of them. A few minutes later he told me that it doesn't matter what he does, hes always 130kg (286lbs) even though when he weighed in the other day at over 300, and I told him he was full of *kitten*. I said he eats too much and doesn't exercise, which he replied that it doesn't matter what he eats he stays the same weight. He told me that he doesn't lose weight as "easily" as I do. And this is my point.

    Last week I nailed it on the calories averaging 1844 gross, I have no idea how low my net calories would have been because I am not sure of my fitbit yet. I also did well over 5 hours of cardio. It really frustrated me to have him say that I lose weight easily and that he can't. He works for 12 hours a day, then comes home and lays in his bed until he goes to sleep. He's eating many thousand calories a day more than he should and he has the nerve to tell me it's easy for me. I guess in a sense hes right, losing weight is easy because it's clear as to what needs to be done, you need to find out how many calories you burn a day and eat less than that, the amount of effort that needs to be put in is the difficult part. I work for 13 hours a day and then came home and worked my *kitten* off each night for two pounds, 5 hours of hard work, 7 days of eating food that I don't want to eat and it still only gave me two pounds. I would bet my life on the fact that if any person on the face of this planet that is the same weight as me or heavier, ate as clean and restricted as I did this last week and put in 5 hours of heart pounding cardio they would lose weight too.

    I don't understand why this makes me so mad.

    </end rant>

    So this week, same old same. I have dinners made for the next 7 days or so, as long as I can keep sweating it out on the bike I hope to be down another 2lbs by next Monday. As much as I told myself that I wasn't going to set goals, my goal to hit by November 26 is to be at 209.9lbs, the same as I was when I left here last shift. It's doable but will be achievable.

    Weight loss isn't as easy for him as it is for me....give me a break.

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    When someone negates all the effort you put into something, it's natural to get upset about it especially because it isn't easy and it does take work.

    You seem to be making great progress, keep it up!

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I can't stand it when people say that they can't lose weight and make an excuse as to why. The reason people can't lose weight is because they eat too much and sit on their *kitten* doing nothing all of the time. It really struck a nerve, I've been watching the new people come in and quite often they start off with "hi I'm so and so, I can't lose weight because of genetics, or I have a low metabolism, or some other crap" when the truth is they don't truly put in the work. Not one of those people post real exercise nor do they have open accurate journals with weighed proportions because they are lying to themselves and to everyone they talk to.

    The amount of effort I have put in has gotten discounted over and over and over and over this entire year. The most common one is "I wish I could lose weight like you" when they should be saying that they wish they could peel their *kitten* off the couch and stop shoving their mouths with two pounds of pasta for dinner and an entire bag of chips for desert while watching tv.

    Or the classic excuse, I don't have time, or I'm too tired to work out when I get home from work.

    If you can't tell I'm unloading on this page because it's my own page. I've been so close lately to being honest with people who are lying about it.

    Ok I'm done on this rant for the night.

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    the last time someone asked me how I lost weight, I told them eating less and working out more...they literally rolled their eyes and walked away without another word...haven't heard from them since...it's not rocket science...for 80% of the people in the world it's really that simple, eat less, move more...the other 20% may have underlying health issues that have to be addressed (thyroid or hormone problems being the most common) first, but there is no one for whom achieving a healthy weight is impossible...it's not easy, but not much worth having comes easy...

    on the plus side, at least they aren't giving you diet advice...I find that annoys me more than the obvious excuses...overweight people telling me how the latest diet fad is just what I need to be doing...um, no...while I'm a huge fan of everyone doing what works for them, a lot of that diet stuff is crap purely designed to separate you from your money...
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    @tcunbeliever and @WifiresGettingFit I just needed to vent a bit, played nice for 11 months and just needed to get out what I was feeling inside.

    Today's a new day and I can go back to acting how I have for the last year.

    Last night I managed another 49 minutes on the bike, I have found that watching UFC makes the time pass much quicker than it does reading a book. Woke up this morning to a bit more weight loss but I am assuming that it was just a little bit of dehydration from the hard ride last night. I found that I was extremely hungry yesterday and I woke up today hungry as well. It might be my body telling me that I need a bit of a re-feed, going to see how I feel for the rest of the day today and possibly give myself a big intake of fatty delicious pork tomorrow if need be.

    My body feels good right now, my feet and ankles aren't hurting (other than my broken toe), my knees aren't aching (almost feel like I could do some Insanity) and my wrist has stopped aching too. Almost feels like I am healthy for the time being.

    I'm looking forward to this next week. If the scale wasn't lying to me this morning I have an opportunity to get to a new low for my weight before next weigh in. Not holding my breath for it but it is in sight.

    My Assault bike should be showing up at my house tomorrow or the next day, I am excited to try it out and have been coming up with possible exercise routines for it.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    No exercise last night, decided to have some soup and read a book. Ended up being over on calories a bit but not bothered about it. The scale was up 3lbs this morning but I'm sure its a combination of drinking a bunch of water and eating salt.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Last night I got home and hopped straight on the bike again, I rode for 75 minutes which is good and bad. It was good because, well it was 75 minutes of straight cardio, it was bad because I was going to try and go for 2 hours but my butt just got too sore. I picked up another UFC event from my interpreter and watched it. It's crazy how fast it makes the cardio go when you can zone out on something else entirely.

    I was right about that 3 lbs, it was just one of those days where my body decided to weigh more. This morning I was back down at my Monday weigh in weight so I am hoping for a whoosh before my next one. Anything in the 1.5lb range would be good.

    Also I finally learned how to use the Fitbit with MFP.

    I was having a hard time trying to figure out why my MFP calories were all out of whack after I worked out. It seemed like the longer and harder I was able to go with the workout, the less calories it would give me. If anyone reading this never plans on using a fitbit, don't bother reading further, I am just going to explain how it works.

    So, I was recording a workout on my Fitbit and everything works fine. Then I go over to MFP and had a nice little Fitbit calorie adjustment for the day. I wanted to keep track of my exercise minutes on MFP so I would enter my workout in and only put 1 calorie just so it kept the minutes. After doing that it would wipe out the calorie adjustment from Fitbit and use the 1 calorie instead. So going forward I will have to record my calories burned in two places, the first will be on the Fitbit, and the second will be with a chest HRM using PolarBeat. I want to get the rest of the workouts recorded, at least up until January 21st which is my 1 year date. After that I may switch to only using the fitbit.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yesterday was going really well until the end of the day. My calories were near perfect and I hopped on the bike and blasted out a 55 minute ride shortly after I got home from work. Then came my problem. I was suuuuuper hungry after my ride and shower so I had some yogurt... Then I had a couple hard boiled eggs... then I had some sugar covered cookie/bisquit/cake things. Then I stopped after an almost 700 calorie binge and was still hungry.

    It's only one day but as I have said before in this log, one day can easily wipe out one week. Gotta work hard tonight.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I don't know what works for you, but for me when I am having a hungry day like that, I have to amp up the fat in order to satisfy the hunger...an avocado, or an egg swimming in coconut oil, will do more to make me feel full than a whole box of cereal or cookies!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah my choices are limited over here. I try to only buy the food that I NEED to eat so there isn't much in the apartment. The cookie things came from my interpreters stash so thats what I indulged with.

    For the last couple of shifts I have been eating dinner at work and have been trying to not eat at night after I get home, I think I may try and push out dinner right until the last minute and maybe it will help with the hunger at night.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So Friday night I really wasn't feeling like working out. This has been a long shift and as usual I am starting to burn out as it comes into the final week. I did manage to get on the bike and rode for 35 minutes. That was all I could muster and got off for the evening disappointed that I didn't burn off more.

    Last night the same problem was happening. I told myself that I would ride at 9, then 10, then 10:30, then finally at 11:10 I forced myself onto the bike. I put in a solid 60 minutes and had a great burn. It made for a late night to sleep but I felt great after the ride. The weight isn't falling off as I had hoped but tomorrow is weigh in day and I am positive I will show some loss.

    One week left and am hoping to see 208.9 by the end of it, then its back home to see the family. The wife still hasn't set up the Assault bike so that will be a priority as soon as I put my daughter to bed the first night! I'm excited and really hoping that I like it and use it often. Sub 200s before the new year would feel pretty unreal!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So yesterday I went on the airline website to get an upgrade for my flight home, found out I don't leave here until Sunday and the entire trip so far I thought I left Saturday. This sucks but ah well, gives me one more day to shed a fraction of weight.

    This morning was weigh in day and I am happy to report I weighed in at 210.0lbs. That means I am well on track to hit that goal of 208.9. I am very impressed losing 2.2lbs last week while eating more for a 1lb loss.

    I got on the bike and had a much lighter ride than other nights but still got a good sweat on and got my heart rate right up there.

    Looking forward I have one more week to lose another 1.1lbs. I will be going out for beers and dinner with the boys this week so I am going to have to work extra hard to make up for that large surplus. I REALLY want to hit my goal this time!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    No workout last night. I got home from work, laid down on my bed and woke up to my alarm to go back to work. My fitbit says I got 9 hours and 51 minutes of sleep. That sure beats my average of 6 hours and 15 minutes that I have gotten since I got in this trip.

    Tonight will be another night of no exercising because we have chosen to go out for dinner and beers. I guess it's better to do it sooner rather than later because it lets me know how hard I have to work for the rest of the week to get to my 208.9. Hoping to keep my calories to around 4000 for the day but we will have to see how crazy tonight gets.

    On a positive note, the weather broke, it was only -8 last night and is supposed to get up to -1 by tomorrow. Still cold but nowhere near that -36.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I keep contemplating getting a Fitbit just for the sleep tracker it has. I always wonder how many hours and minutes I'm actually getting.

    Glad the weather is breaking! Hope you enjoy your time out!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So yesterday I was feeling pretty bad about going out for beers the night before, I'm sure the hangover coupled with me being ready to go home helped with that. I decided to hit my bike and burn off some of those extra calories. I am showing about a 1.5lb gain since Monday and decided to do some HIIT.

    I have been reading recently into HIIT and worked out my max target heart rate should be 169 and my recovery heart rate should be about 122. During my high intervals I got as high as 172 beats a minute, while I didn't want to get my heart rate this high, it felt ok for the short period so I went with it. Recovering down to 122 was taking too long so I started back up for my high intervals around 130bpm instead. I am sure as I get more fit, my heart rate will start dropping much faster.

    The way I was doing this session was once my bpm were 130 I turned my resistance to max and stood up and went at 100% effort for 1 minute, then I turned resistance down to about 6 and did a real easy active recovery. Sometimes I waited longer than others because I only started going hard at the bottom of a new minute. Meaning if my heart rate dropped to the appropriate rate at 15:12, I waited until 16:00 to start again.

    I have a ton of different HIIT sessions mapped out for when I get home and get to use my Assault Bike. I am really looking forward to it.

    Oh yeah, Tuesdays calories were 3688 :blush: I understand exactly why I am carrying extra weight now haha.

    I don't know if I will physically be able to ride in HIIT tonight but regardless I will ride. That goal of 208.9 by Sunday morning is slipping away but I am going to try and get there.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member

    Settled in tonight for another ride. Wanted to get a huge night of HIIT done but gassed out pretty quick. My legs were shot and I just didn't have the enthusiasm to push hard for any longer. I ended up quitting and riding out for the remainder of the hour with some low intensity steady state cardio.

    I sure am looking forward to getting out of this place but am going to do my best at shedding another pound before I go.

    If I could always remember how good it feels after a hard workout I would never have a problem starting one. I'm spent but my whole body feels great. Now to shower and hit the sheets.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member