Big Pharma just will not give up...



  • Rainqueen77
    Rainqueen77 Posts: 116 Member
    The brainwashing is real. A 30 something year old nurse told me she was on it because she didn't want to have a heart attack. How many 30 year olds need to be worried about having a heart attack? Blows my mind.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    The brainwashing is real. A 30 something year old nurse told me she was on it because she didn't want to have a heart attack. How many 30 year olds need to be worried about having a heart attack? Blows my mind.

    Ask John Ritter and Billy Mays. ;)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Statins... As far as I can tell they are only useful for some middleaged men who have already had a heart attack. No one else.

    My mother's doctor put her on a statin without explaining what it was beyond "this will lower your risk of hear attack because you are overweight." I remember questioning her about it. "Is it a statin?" No, no, the doctor didn't say that....It caused her muscle problems and pain and cognitive issues to the point that she was starting to worry about dementia. I went through her prescriptions with her, gave her information and she dropped it and slowly recovered.

    Grr. She is overweight with very slightly high BP. Perfect BG. Not even apple shaped. Made me soooo mad that they did that to her.
  • Rainqueen77
    Rainqueen77 Posts: 116 Member
    The brainwashing is real. A 30 something year old nurse told me she was on it because she didn't want to have a heart attack. How many 30 year olds need to be worried about having a heart attack? Blows my mind.

    Ask John Ritter and Billy Mays. ;)

    They were both 50 something?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    The brainwashing is real. A 30 something year old nurse told me she was on it because she didn't want to have a heart attack. How many 30 year olds need to be worried about having a heart attack? Blows my mind.

    Ask John Ritter and Billy Mays. ;)

    They were both 50 something?

    When killed yes, but if I am recalling correctly, they both had longstanding issues with it, stretching back decades. Either that or I am recalling someone else. I CBF to keep accurate track of celebrity lives.
  • Rainqueen77
    Rainqueen77 Posts: 116 Member
    Just fyi cause I'm bored at work - Billy Mays used cocaine and Ritter's heart issue was unrecognized and undetected - at least according to CNN and Google.

    I'm sure statins might/could help some people, but everyone? Doubt it.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Oh, don't get it twisted, I was more joking than anything, regardless of age. Even if I were correct, the number is so ridiculously small, that recommendations for any sizeable chunk of the population to be on them is patently ridiculous.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Oh, don't get it twisted, I was more joking than anything, regardless of age. Even if I were correct, the number is so ridiculously small, that recommendations for any sizeable chunk of the population to be on them is patently ridiculous.

    yes it is, but statins are a billion dollar industry for pharma, and then there's all the extra meds that people take to handle the side effects and future effects of taking them and so on...
  • BT_rescuemom
    BT_rescuemom Posts: 284 Member
    The brainwashing is real. A 30 something year old nurse told me she was on it because she didn't want to have a heart attack. How many 30 year olds need to be worried about having a heart attack? Blows my mind.

    Ask John Ritter and Billy Mays. ;)

    John Ritter had a Type A aortic dissection. Not a heart attack. Literally the aorta splits apart and the heart gets surrounded with blood until it cannot pump any more. Not related to coronary disease.
  • BT_rescuemom
    BT_rescuemom Posts: 284 Member
    That being said, people in their 30 should be worrying about their hearts! But taking statins isn't really the first thing to be doing in order to help your heart.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    U.S. Preventive Services Task Force folks issued the guidelines.

    Why they're recommending statins to prevent pregnancies in older breeders is beyond me. Maybe you're supposed to hold them between your knees....
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    a 10% increase in risk = take these if my base risk is 1% and now a dr decides my risk is 1.1%, it's time for a daily prescription for the rest of my life

    I'm so happy to have an herbalist 2 miles away
  • idocdlw
    idocdlw Posts: 208 Member
    This thread looks (sounds) like every conversation at holiday get-togethers. I am pro-diet control of disease when possible. One of my four sisters is high level pharm doc at Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK). Two other sisters are a radiologist, the other an ER doc/toxicologist/sports med doc/bodybuilder. One is traditional med...the other thinks much more along my beliefs.

    Listen, read, research and do what is right for you.

    It's amazing that 5 women all get along but this post from one (just after the election) reminds me why we love each other so much.

    "5 sisters from a farm in North Dakota. Three career veterans and 2 extremely successful professionals. We could not be more diverse in our opinions, political beliefs, and fashion sense. But somehow we grew up and learned to get along despite thinking each other is a raving lunatic at times. Maybe America needs some time on the farm.

    Added Mom and Dad. My mom sky diving on her 60th birthday and my dad who really walked up hill, in the snow, against the wind, both ways (13 miles) to get an education. Please don't judge any American based on their political affiliation. The right to embrace our diversity is precious."
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Wow. So, I'm 40, never been over or under weight, moderately active, BP of 105/65, last cholesterol test was 132 total (forgot rest of numbers, tris were less than 50, IIRC). A1c under 5 with fasted BG of 80, PP BG just under 100.

    I can think of no good thing that would come from prescribing statins to a patient with these numbers. If this comes to be SOP, I'm going to run far, far away from any Dr. that would suggest me a statin Rx with a straight face. Terrifying.
  • tyggerdev
    tyggerdev Posts: 26 Member
    People are taking way too many medications these days. I'm the only one in my household who doesn't take medication everyday for "something". It's just astonishing that people accept these treatments so readily to fix whatever issues pop up in their labs instead of perhaps making some lifestyle changes to eliminate the cause of abnormal results.

    During my last appointment everyone I saw kept asking me "what pharmacy do you use?". I said "I don't!". Is that a normal thing these days? To "have" a pharmacy? Ask anybody, "what pharmacy do you use?" Most will actually give you one. It's sad really.

    My last A1C was 5.5 and my doctor suggested metformin. I said "nope", it's time for a diet reform, see you in six months. I think at that point he knew better than to suggest lipitor or zocor for my cholesterol.

    I wish I could find a good homeo doc in my area, unfortunately I'm stuck with the ones that think a script is the answer to every complaint.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    The 'Big Pharma' industry exists on the same principle as any other business - supply and demand. If so many people weren't so prepared to take mediation instead of control of their lives then there wouldn't be the abundance of cholesterol/glucose lowering medications.

    Besides, if the problem is with 'Big Pharma' why are we all discussing a recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force ?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited November 2016
    The 'Big Pharma' industry exists on the same principle as any other business - supply and demand. If so many people weren't so prepared to take mediation instead of control of their lives then there wouldn't be the abundance of cholesterol/glucose lowering medications.

    Besides, if the problem is with 'Big Pharma' why are we all discussing a recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force ?

    There is a lot of validity here. We can blame Pharma companies and regulatory agencies all we want. At the end of the day, I'll bet each one of you can count on one hand, with fingers to spare, the number of people you know in person who would rather unfuck their bodies through work than pills.

    ETA: I know one: me.