NSV's - Share Here!



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Woohoo @SusanMFindlay !!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    tj0861 wrote: »
    NSV... I've been following EM2WL since June, have upped intake from 800 to 2200 cal/day, and recently started strength training. No gain or loss yet, but I'm still recovering from major metabolic damage, so no worries there. Long story short, this weekend for the first time EVER, I was able to practically RUN up steps between a concert venue and the hotel where we were staying. Go quads!!!

    Yes! #quadgoals this is awesome!
    Can I share it with others to encourage them?
    Going from 800 to 2200 calories is absolutely incredible!
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    I am wearing size 8 jeans today! In August/September, I went from maternity shorts to size 14 jeans (same style).
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    edited December 2016
    Got my first 30K steps/day badge on FitBit yesterday.

    Awesome job staying active! I Love how my Fitbit helps me keep my intake up as my metabolism roars!!

  • ashleyal1987
    ashleyal1987 Posts: 5 Member
    Today wa an extremely long day . But, I got so much accomplished I feel the start of a new and exciting future. I moved stuff around the house ,and I cleaned . My baby and I play/bonded today . Today was long but awesome . Very very productive . Feeling good:)
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Yay for feeling good and getting stuff done! That's always a good NSV!

    Team EM2WL member
  • jlk1972
    jlk1972 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to this
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    jlk1972 wrote: »
    Hi everyone I am new to this

    Welcome to the group!
    Team EM2WL
  • jvezzsb01
    jvezzsb01 Posts: 115 Member
    Congrats on the engagement! I can't imagine how heavy that tire is. :#
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    leanne0605 wrote: »
    For Christmas my then boyfriend (he just proposed on Friday) bought me a tractor tire to use for workouts. Yesterday I was able to flip it SIX times!!!

    OMG! You are my hero (shero)!
    Still on my list of equipment I want to get. Six times? Nice!
    Your fiance knows his way to a woman's heart;)
    Team EM2WL
  • leanne0605
    leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
    leanne0605 wrote: »
    For Christmas my then boyfriend (he just proposed on Friday) bought me a tractor tire to use for workouts. Yesterday I was able to flip it SIX times!!!

    OMG! You are my hero (shero)!
    Still on my list of equipment I want to get. Six times? Nice!
    Your fiance knows his way to a woman's heart;)
    Team EM2WL

    I almost cried when I saw the tire. Lol
  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    NSV - I am still amazed at how much food I can eat and not gain weight. I have always made myself feel guilty for the eating the treat foods I love. Now as long as I am getting my protein in, I have treats if I want them. The interesting thing is a I want them a lot less with this way of eating.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    The psychological effect of "this treat isn't naughty" is pretty amazing. When you know you can have chocolate (or whatever) again tomorrow, it's so much easier to just indulge in a small* amount rather than overindulging.

    *How much is "small" is relative, of course.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Naturalnut wrote: »
    NSV - I am still amazed at how much food I can eat and not gain weight. I have always made myself feel guilty for the eating the treat foods I love. Now as long as I am getting my protein in, I have treats if I want them. The interesting thing is a I want them a lot less with this way of eating.
    Yes, totally! Having a little of what you want is a great thing! Restrictions only lead to binges in the long run.
    Plus feeling full and satisfied from all the protein helps too.
    This is a wonderful NSV!
    Can I quote you and share with the rest of the fam?
    Team EM2WL

  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    Can I quote you and share with the rest of the fam?
    Team EM2WL

  • CorinnePina
    CorinnePina Posts: 26 Member
    I just can't eat that much! My TDEE is 2,364 calories and make it to 1,600 at most. I'm not losing weight yet despite that increased from 1,300-1,400. I feel very bloated and rather gained 1 pound. Should I keep going?
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    CorinnePina, YES! Don't give up! I was at 800 or less per day. I dragged myself kicking and screaming and lots and lots of crying up to 2300 and I am not looking back! I lost 25 pounds when I added the initial 400 calories. I admit that I have gained 20 of those pounds back getting up to where I am, but I have so much more energy and I am no longer freezing all the time. I have the energy to do things I want, not just what I "have" to do. You will thank yourself if you keep plugging along. It took me a year to get where I am now. I am loving the energy. And I no longer view food as a bitter enemy that must be conquered. I'm not in love with it yet, but I don't hate it anymore. I don't even call it "an evil necessity of life anymore".
  • CorinnePina
    CorinnePina Posts: 26 Member
    So why did you gain the weight by working up to your TDEE? Isn't the point to lose weight by eating more in our cases?
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    It might be because I am still working on finding my TDEE, but as of right now I find the first step to be the hardest of all. The first step is to see just how much you can eat and not have a steady gain. This how you figure out what your personal TDEE is. The calculators can only give you an estimate. When I first started my journey my only goal was to lose weight, until I found out how it feels to be properly fueled. I am a completely different person now. Most days the scale doesn't control me, I admit there are days when that number (I am still fighting the idea that says that's all it is) fights to define me, but I'm letting it win less often. I am more than just a number on a scale. I keep telling myself that in the hopes that someday I truly believe it.

    Will I lose weight with this idea? I am sure hoping so! Do I feel the best I have felt in my whole life? YES! Is this feeling worth the angst of a few pounds while I teach my body to trust me again? You bet!

    I've learned that when you restrict as severely as I was your body will slow down to meet what you are allowing it have. I had restricted so much for so long that I was able to maintain 305 pounds on 800 calories a day and hiking a mile or more per week. Believe me when I say that hiking was the only exercise I was getting because that exhausted me beyond comprehension.

    If you find my thread "Am I the only one that finds it difficult to eat more?" you will see that I've had my ups and downs on this journey. When I lost those 25 pounds I was eating at 1200 -1500 calories a day. I was content to sit there for as long as I was losing. That lasted around three months. After three months I started gaining again. I wanted to immediately cut back to the 800 I was at before. However, I made the decision at that time that since I had started to gain again anyway, I might just as well have a reason to gain. I started adding 200 calories a day to my diet every couple of weeks. Those 20 pounds are a small price to pay for the abilities that I have gained from eating more. I can now go shopping with my other half and actually go into the stores with him, instead of sitting in the Jeep while he shops. When he goes hiking, I can now go with him as long as the terrain isn't too bad. (I have a connective tissue disorder that makes my joints dislocate for no reason at any time. Even when I'm sleeping) I can play with my great nieces and nephews. I can stand up long enough to cook and wash dishes. When I was eating 800 and even 1200 calories I didn't have the energy to both cook and wash dishes in the same day.

    Only you can decide if it worth it to you to give the program a try, but I am glad I did.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    So why did you gain the weight by working up to your TDEE? Isn't the point to lose weight by eating more in our cases?

    Because the metabolism is damaged from low cal diets. Its starved itself for years and it burns at such a low level now, that when you eat even a slightly higher amount, your body immediately takes that fuel and converts it to stock pile, because it doesnt know when you are going to lower cals again. It takes a lot of time for your body to trust you arent going to pull the rug out, and drop the cals back down low. The weight gain is NOT from increasing cals.. its from the fad diets you just left behind because your body lost things that it shouldn't have... namely muscle and water and only a tiny bit of fat. So your body is trying to replenish those losses first.

    You have to remember, making your way up to TDEE will NOT cause weight loss. It is just getting your body to burn the fuel at the right rate, so the metabolism can heal.. AFTER the healing is done and your metabolism is burning where it should have been and your body trusts you again, THEN fat loss can occur and a small cut can be made.

    I strongly recommend you spend some time reading through our lovely articles posted Here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10430416/welcome-to-em2wl-start-here#latest
    This will help you walk through the beginning steps of your journey and can show you what is to come.

    Team EM2WL
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    @raynn1 so basically you are saying unless I get to TDEE and sit there for awhile we are just going to keep gaining weight until I reach TDEE and it stabilizes?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    FaithSevio wrote: »
    @raynn1 so basically you are saying unless I get to TDEE and sit there for awhile we are just going to keep gaining weight until I reach TDEE and it stabilizes?

    No. Im saying that to eventually move forward in your journey, you need to get to TDEE. People gain and lose weight when they are below their TDEE.. thats the Diet yo-yo. Its what brought you here, the constant gaining and losing of the same whatever pounds. In order to break that cycle, TDEE needs to be reached and maintained for a period of time so the body heals. For a lot of us weight gains did happen as we made our way up to TDEE for a whole myriad or reasons (for myself, it was saying @$%@ it a few times and gorging on junk to fill my cals..along with many other things:)) Some people don't gain much of anything on their way up to TDEE.. thats why a lot of people take the really slow approach of 50-100 cals increase every few weeks.

    I cant guarantee to you that you wont gain weight on the way up to TDEE.. for most of us, we did.. But its not the reset that causes it..
    Its important to know that when you dieted on whatever plan in your past, however many times.. that loss shown on the scale was not all fat. In fact it was probably not much fat at all.. it was muscle and water and tissue. So now by eating more, your body is trying to replace all those missing pieces which in turn shows a "gain" on the scale. This is why we tell members not to use the scale as a means of measurement or success.. The scale doesnt know the difference between fat or muscle..

    Hope this helps
    Team EM2WL
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    Raynn1 wrote: »
    FaithSevio wrote: »
    @raynn1 so basically you are saying unless I get to TDEE and sit there for awhile we are just going to keep gaining weight until I reach TDEE and it stabilizes?

    No. Im saying that to eventually move forward in your journey, you need to get to TDEE. People gain and lose weight when they are below their TDEE.. thats the Diet yo-yo. Its what brought you here, the constant gaining and losing of the same whatever pounds. In order to break that cycle, TDEE needs to be reached and maintained for a period of time so the body heals. For a lot of us weight gains did happen as we made our way up to TDEE for a whole myriad or reasons (for myself, it was saying @$%@ it a few times and gorging on junk to fill my cals..along with many other things:)) Some people don't gain much of anything on their way up to TDEE.. thats why a lot of people take the really slow approach of 50-100 cals increase every few weeks.

    I cant guarantee to you that you wont gain weight on the way up to TDEE.. for most of us, we did.. But its not the reset that causes it..
    Its important to know that when you dieted on whatever plan in your past, however many times.. that loss shown on the scale was not all fat. In fact it was probably not much fat at all.. it was muscle and water and tissue. So now by eating more, your body is trying to replace all those missing pieces which in turn shows a "gain" on the scale. This is why we tell members not to use the scale as a means of measurement or success.. The scale doesnt know the difference between fat or muscle..

    Hope this helps
    Team EM2WL

    Yep! Thank you!!
  • his4princesses
    his4princesses Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm jennifer just wondering how to begin. Never have I done this before. Need all help I can to start
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Hi Jennifer
    Welcome to the group.
    Best place is to start with the stickies at the top of this group.
    Or download our starter kit that has tonnes of info http://eatmore2weighless.com/faqs/
    Any questions, let us know!
    Team EM2WL
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Awesome NSV!
    Same weight and looking smaller and stronger! BOOM! The scale IS a liar!
    May I share this NSV with the rest of the fam?
    Team EM2WL
  • pamatc2
    pamatc2 Posts: 868 Member
    Awesome NSV!
    Same weight and looking smaller and stronger! BOOM! The scale IS a liar!
    May I share this NSV with the rest of the fam?
    Team EM2WL
    Absolutely! And my clothes are getting looser! I dropped maybe 1 pound, but have a ton more energy actually eating!