Want active friends! Similar stats/goals

avotarian Posts: 80 Member
Looks like the twin thread here is dead! Would love to connect with some new people who use MFP daily and are interactive with their friends :)

Also would be great to find someone with similar stays and goals!

I'm 27, 5'9, small frame
HW: 158 (few years ago)
LW: 128 (summer 2015)
CW: 148
GW: 133ish

please reach out if you're looking for an interactive friendship. let's support each other!


  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member

    I'm shorter than you, but we have similar goals :-)
    And i'm friendly, active, and a motivator!

    I'm 27 years old. 5'3", Small Frame
    HW: 160lbs (a few years ago)
    LW: 122lbs (Summer 2014)
    CW: 130lbs
    GW: 125lbs
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    Feel free to ad me as well. I'll copy/paste my goals from the September thread:

    August 29: 65kg / 143lb
    September 2: 63.7kg / 140lb (-3lb)
    September 9: 63.7kg / 140lb (-0lb)
    September 16:
    September 23:
    September 30:

    Goal weight (by September 30): 62kg / 136lb
    Height: 5'5''
    UGW: 60kg / 132lb
  • pescetarian_love
    pescetarian_love Posts: 64 Member
    I'm always on here!

    I'm 28- 5'8

    Start weight - 174
    Current weight - 147
    Goal weight - 140

  • thecubanskiier
    thecubanskiier Posts: 9 Member
    Me too, me too!

    I'm trying to maintain an active lifestyle with gym 5-6X/week and daily yoga. I just joined recently and am looking for friends, but I would love to support and help others reach their goal!

    24yo, 5'5.5''
    SW: 160
    CW: 147
    GW: 125
  • AngelineTheBaker
    AngelineTheBaker Posts: 155 Member
    Hello! I could also use more friends!

    I'm a daily runner (3 to 5 miles) but don't really do any workout other than that. I've tried to get into lifting or yoga but it's so BORING

    I'm 5'8, and 34 years old.
    High weight: 160 while pregnant
    Current weight: 133
    Goal weight: 125
    Ultimate goal weight: 118
  • Charm110
    Charm110 Posts: 73 Member
    Would love more friends!

    I'm 32 years old and from the UK.
    Height is 5'7.
    Current weights is 150
    Goal weight is 136
    Ultimate goal weight is 126.

    My exercise is mostly using a rower. Will also be using an aerobics step when it arrives :-)

  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    Always looking for more friends!

    32 y/o 5'9''
    HW (from january of 2014): 199
    CW: 143
    GW: 140
    Previous lowest weight: 137 before I stopped losing to run a bulk and add muscle

    I'm on here pretty much every day. I hit the gym 4-5 days a week. I lift heavy 4 days (I follow a powerlifting program) and do cardio/yoga/mobility work 5 days.
  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 102 Member
    me too!! I'm on everyday and happy to comment and motivate! open diary

    5'6" medium large frame
    HW 172
    CW 162
    GW 150

  • Indy408
    Indy408 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd love friends, especially since I want to keep this off Facebook, so I don't have any right now!

    35, 5'7"
    HW: 165 at the end of July, biggest ever!
    CW: 153
    GW: 135 (hopefully by thanksgiving Mexico trip)

    I've not been too active the past year due to an accident that messed my back up, but at this point it's never gonna fully heal so I've gotta get moving again! Getting back into things again, though don't belong to a gym or anything yet.
  • amesbaugh83
    amesbaugh83 Posts: 12 Member
    Please feel free to add me..we have similar weight goals and I need some accountability. I'm a 33 yr old mother of three...im currently 147 lbs at 5'8" and looking to get down to 130. I trained for my first competition and in the middle got pregnant with my third son. Hoping to get back to that shape with some friendly support. :)
  • mbanks123
    mbanks123 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 23, 5'8, small/medium frame

    HW: 145 (last year)
    LW: 123 (3 years ago)
    CW: 136.5
    GW: 123

    Really looking for some inspiration. Determined to finally hit my goal this year. Fed up of never getting anywhere and always gaining what I've lost back again.
  • ElenSouthgate
    ElenSouthgate Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I've left the group as I believe that I am a little too heavy to be in the not-so-heavy group but on a journey to get to 147lbs, far from my ideal weight (119lbs, this is never going to happen) but closer to what I deem ideal for my bodytype.

    I am 5ft2, 27yo. Looking for friends to keep my motivation for clean eating high. I love training, therefore am quite muscular but this is being covered by far too much fat in my opinion :)

    HW: 170 (2 weeks ago)
    LW: 140 (far too long ago)
    CW: 168
    GW: 147
  • amandatraver3898
    amandatraver3898 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I'm very muscular underneath my "layer" from having my daughter who is now two. I was a competitive figure skater for eight years and never really lost the muscle. My "ideal weight" is around 110, but when I'm that weight I look extremely ill, so I've figured out it probably isn't healthy for me. I've always had issues swinging between eating way too much, then eating next to nothing so I can definitely use all of the support, motivation and help.
    HW: 140
    LW: 98
    CW: 134
    GW: 125
  • jannickelvira
    jannickelvira Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, Im 28 years old from Norway and do yoga, running, cycling and walking, trying to keep active and have already lost 7lb (3kg) ... Please add me! Im also a NLP coach and yoga instructor so could probably motivate you :);) I use MFP every day and would like some friends there!! Height: 5'5 (1.68m) Please add me! :smiley: And lets DO THIS! :smiley:

    HW: 160 (72,5kg) (may 2016)
    LW: 140 (63,5 kg) (2010 far to long ago :smiley::blush: )
    CW: 149 (67,5 kg)
    GW: 125 (58,5 kg) (may 2017) :smile:
  • whiskeykittentoo
    whiskeykittentoo Posts: 43 Member
    I'd love to connect - I'm a lot older than you, but similar goals.
    I use MFP every day (got a 50-something day streak going) and I enjoy the motivation/interaction. I'm not a social person IN person, so online works for me.
    I'm on LCHF (only started recently and already seeing results)
    My stats:
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 41
    HW 151 (but I dropped to 145/146 before I left Germany and came to the US)
    LW 129
    CW 141
    GW 130

  • alieannie21
    alieannie21 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am 5' 9" on a small frame. 37 year old mother of two. I've been having a great month so far-very dedicated to my eating (keto/LCHF) and exercising 5 days a week. I have not been happy with my weight for a long time, and if I don't turn it around now, I fear I never will. I also quit drinking, a major contributor to my weight gain over the past few years. So, lots of lifestyle changes all at once, but I am feeling great. I never want to go back to how I was living before.

    HW: 177.6 (1/1/17)
    LW: many moons ago before kids, 127
    CW: 167.4
    GW: 140

    Anyone is welcome to add me. My plan is 2 parts: First, lose the fat and retain the muscle and get down to 140. Then, assess my body and decide the next course of action. Tone up? Lose more weight? Put on some more muscle? We shall see. I hope to start phase two by May, with warm weather in the air :smiley:

  • rambabean
    rambabean Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 25 from the UK, only 5'2", very new to fitness but starting to love it! Trying to do two early morning gym sessions, one long weekend gym session, two fitness classes and get out with the dog more. Doing a Spartan race in April and very worried I wont be able to handle it!

    CW: 135lbs / 29% bf
    GW: 125lbs but with more muscle
  • jaimemeredith
    jaimemeredith Posts: 30 Member
    Hey - I'm a MFP veteran who used it to lose over 40 pounds nearly two years ago. A bit of the weight has crept back up (5-8 measly pounds, depending on the day) and I'm looking to get back down to 120.

    5'1", 25 years old!
    HW: 158+ (not sure exactly, Feb 2015)
    LW: 118 (just a few months ago)
    GW: 120

    My goal is to work out 4-6 days a week, depending on the week. I plan to do at least one high intensity hip hop dance class, a few gym sessions that mix strength and cardio, and one at-home or in-studio yoga/deep stretching session. Right now I've been consistently working out 4 times a week - I used to do 6!

    Feel free to friend if you can relate.
  • shabbal
    shabbal Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, 5'5ish, 132. Looking to see 126-128 again. Runner, Insanity. Feel free to add me...I am here every day!
  • brittnotshy
    brittnotshy Posts: 43 Member
    I've been off to a fresh start on MFP for about a month and a half now, and I'm here for long haul to finally shed these last 12+ pounds. I'm looking for an interactive community of friends to keep each other going and motivated, too - please add me! :)

    This year, I'm doing a series of 30-day workout challenges back to back, and I walk several miles, do yoga, and/or stair-climb daily on top of that. I'm focusing on overall lifestyle changes and gradual weight loss, but I'm beyond ready to earn those 2017 gains!

    26, 5'6, medium frame
    HW: 155 (last summer, after being practically immobile for months while recovering from a car crash )
    LW: 123 (spring 2014)
    CW: 142
    GW: 130