Wanting to Lose 10 - Are you like me? Add me!



  • michellenc27540
    michellenc27540 Posts: 20 Member
    Please add me! Holiday weight 132, pre-holiday 123-127 range want to be 120-125. My biggest temptation is alcohol on weekends. Working on cutting that out. Ugh!
  • AngieG2519
    AngieG2519 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 37, 5'4". Last year I lost 58 pounds (193 to 135) but then the holidays happened and I went from 135 to now 142 :(
    I want to get back to 135, maybe even 130. I feel so disappointed in myself - I actually went clothes shopping for the first time last month and bought a bunch of new clothes that are now feeling pretty snug on me (I went from size jeans 34 to 27, and size 1X to size small) i'm worried they might not fit soon.
    I have absolutely 0 support from friends and family - they have told me even as far back to when I was 193, that I didn't need to lose weight even though clearly - I did. It's like they want me to fail, it's so frustrating. The last 10 pounds were the hardest to lose :(
    I have a fitbit charge HR to try to keep motivated to keep moving. I'm going to start the free fitstar online personal training sessions again and I even signed up for a fitness meetup group that is meeting for the first time this afternoon at a Tim Hortons (equivalent to dunkin' donuts if you are in the US), which i find is kind of strange seeing as it's supposed to be a fitness group...since it's the 1st meeting, i'm assuming they just want to do a 'get to know you better' kind of meeting first before getting into the fitness stuff, but they could have chose a better meeting spot, in my opinion. There are 12 people signed up for it so far so hoping to get support from that group too.
  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 131 Member
    edited January 2017
    feel free to add me too, i have 10-15 more lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 140 lbs. my diary is open and set to 1250 cal, but i don't weigh every single thing so probably eat a bit higher. having it set low helps me keep everything in check tho.
  • trabenchick
    trabenchick Posts: 1 Member
    Super grateful to find all of you - same boat! I'm at 137 right now - from a high of 147 last year. Did an Arbonne diet, clean eating and calorie counting and dropped to 134, but the holidays - wow they tasted good! My goal weight is 130. I'm in a band and perform, and it's painful to see pictures in the world that aren't flattering when I know I could do better...not to mention this is for my health and happiness! Here's to all of us helping each other - we can do it! Please feel free to add me.
  • suriyoru
    suriyoru Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all! Feel free to add me :) My diary is open and set to 1200cal. I'll be working on some low calorie desserts too soon ;P
  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Yes, those 10 lbs are sooooo difficult! Most people don't understand. So happy to read everyone's story. I am very interested in joining this group as I have been fighting those 10 lbs for ~ 8 years. Prior to that I was able to maintain my normal weight. I am now over 50 and closing in on 60. Never thought this age thing would be a problem. My activity is not as high as it use to be - so am working on that. Calories are key and my goal is 1500 per day but could probably be successful with 1600 kcals if I exercise 5 days per week. Please add me to this support!!!!
  • OverseasMom
    OverseasMom Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, too! Middle age hit a few years back and I slowly creeped up (exacerbated by a foot injury and two international moves). When I started registering weights I hadn't seen since having my babies (four, who are now 14-23) I realized I either had to reconcile myself to this new version of me or fight it. I chose to fight it. :smile: I'm almost 47, 5'9" and about 141. Hoping to get back down to about 135 and gain muscle. Set my calories at 1400, diary is open. Looking at this as a lifestyle, not so much a diet at this point. So, no crazy restrictions, no foods off limits, just trying to be healthy and happy.
  • EmilyCowlard2016
    EmilyCowlard2016 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 39 years old and currently 143 with a goal weight of 135 or possibly 130 and my heaviest was 170. I lost 16 pounds from September to December and I'm finding January to be a tough month for weight loss. I'm not sure if I should just maintain for now and then try to loose the weight in the spring? I feel like I'm loosing motivation and need some more support. I go to the gym 5 times a week and do one dance class per week. I was thinking of adding some more cardio on the weekends and possible more yoga. I want to loose the weight, so please add me!
  • Melsfitbit
    Melsfitbit Posts: 5 Member
    Me too - finding it quite hard to drop these 4kg (around 10lb). Not feeling in great shape atm.
  • narmin92
    narmin92 Posts: 32 Member
    Add me too please! 15 lbs to lose, currently 155. Height 5ft10. Want to get leaner and fitter, and to the weight I used to feel much more comfortable!
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    I am exact same! Last week I was up to 144, heaviest I have EVER been
  • Southfield3
    Southfield3 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5ft 10 and 160lbs. I am trying to lose 7lbs but always feel starving on less than 1800 cals.
  • narmin92
    narmin92 Posts: 32 Member
    @Southfield3 You should make sure you are eating enough protein, fiber and good carbs in order to keep you satisfied throughout the day. Also, maybe if you cut your calories gradually over time it may help. In the meantime you can exercise so that you burn off more calories to aid your weight loss.
  • echo331
    echo331 Posts: 17 Member
    I've lost about 12 pounds in the last few months. I'm hoping to lose another 8-10. Feel free to add me!
  • My goal is 10lb too! I was completely sedentary after a knee injury last summer and it drove me absolutely CRAZY. And I gained 13lb or so. Now that I'm active again, only 10 more to lose. B) Add me if you'd like!
  • spat0708
    spat0708 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    I'm 48, 5'7" and about 165lbs. Last year I was doing a ton of cardio and some weights. I was losing weight (about 20 lb), but I was still loose and jiggly everywhere. I went through an emotional break up (he cheated) and lost the motivation to work out. I only gained about five pounds, but I can tell that my body has changed. I'm carrying more belly fat and I'm not as toned in general. I want to get back into working out and taking care of myself. My goals are different this time. Instead of endurance training I want to add muscle and lose fat.

    This site is really helping learn a lot about where my calories and nutrition are coming from. I'm working in healthcare 50+ hours a week and finding it difficult to get myself to the gym.
  • uglygirl50
    uglygirl50 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me
  • Caitlin100194
    Caitlin100194 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    Add me too guys! I'm 5ft 5", currently weigh 136lbs and 23 years old. Looking to lose 10 lbs roughly to get down to 9 stone and become fit again! At my heaviest (2011-2012) I was over 12 stone, I never realised I couldn't eat a swimmers diet after giving up competitive swimming.. haha! Fluctuated since then (mainly due to a bad relationship and university stresses) but looking to lose and maintain the weight this time!
  • brittnotshy
    brittnotshy Posts: 43 Member
    Ditto!! I added you. :) I'm around 142 and just don't quite feel myself at this weight. I'm aiming to lose another 10-15 pounds gradually (I've already lost roughly 10 pounds over the past few months through small, consistent lifestyle changes).
  • graciiekim
    graciiekim Posts: 72 Member
    5'2" 121, trying to lose 12-15 lbs by summer, add me if you'd like!