Rock Your Resolution: January 2017 Challenge, Week 3 (1/15-1/21)

baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
Obligatory repeat of challenge blurb :wink: :
baconslave wrote: »
Here we are. Another year gone. But a new one will be starting, and in keeping with the tradition of a New Year Resolution, we have a challenge for you aiming at helping you KEEP those resolutions this year.

Let us know your resolutions, or even just a way you'd like to challenge yourself this month.
You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

Each week there will be a thread to collect your progress that week and to interact with other challengers.
A post up in the stickies will contain links to the weekly threads should this one get buried. 2 clicks will get you back to this one without having to search.

Before you start, think about your goals. For measurable resolutions, we recommend getting a baseline.

Here are some ideas (abridged from @FIT_Goat in this post For Those with New Year Resolutions):
[*] Get an average of your most recent weigh-ins for a good idea of your starting weight.
[*] Record your food, even if you're estimating. Sure, it will be a little higher in calories/junk due to the holiday season but it will still be better than having nothing.
[*] Take body measurements and pictures. To make sure they are accurate, take several sets of measurements and average them. Or watch this video on how to measure yourself so that you are actually measuring the same spots every time. You never need to show/share these with anyone, but you might be surprised how willing you will be to share them when you have success.
[*] Make an exercise log and try for your current personal bests (even if they're nothing to be proud of). Again, a starting number is better than nothing. It will show you how much you have achieved.
[*]If you're also doing something else (like quitting smoking), the same idea applies. Take a starting measurement, like how many cigs or packs per day. You'll often be shocked at how much growth you make.

Remember changes are often slow and hard to see in the mirror. The scale is lazy and doesn't always readily reflect genuine progress. Measurements and pics will help you really see what's going on behind the scenes. And speaking of invisible progress, how you feel (improved health and/or energy) are great markers that your change is working.

Sooooo...go ahead and introduce yourself and/or post your goals when you are ready. Challenge starts on the 1st

This is a fresh new year.
Own it.

We'll be here to cheer you on.

Happy New Year and make that resolution stick.



  • ked24_7
    ked24_7 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2017
    Loss of 1 lb last week.. but doing very well with eating and appetite control. So this weeks focus is going to be on exercise!
    Goal is to exercise 3x and continue on track with eating within my calorie goal of 1000-1350. Also going to monitor my water intake more carefully to make sure I'm drinking at least 1 gallon per day.
    Also I realized that I did not binged at all last week! Not even once!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I haven't had coffee in over two weeks! That's amazing for me.

    Aside from that, things have been good.

    Holy Hamburger! How do you even do that? :lol: I can't function without a cup or 2.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    ked24_7 wrote: »
    Loss of 1 lb last week.. but doing very well with eating and appetite control. So this weeks focus is going to be on exercise!
    Goal is to exercise 3x and continue on track with eating within my calorie goal of 1000-1350. Also going to monitor my water intake more carefully to make sure I'm drinking at least 1 gallon per day.
    Also I realized that I did not binged at all last week! Not even once!!

    That is so great!
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Woke up to a little weight loss since December 23rd. 194.2 Small yay! Not as much as I've expected. First day of cycle so that's what it is. I hope for more of a flush in the next few days. Was 194.6 on Dec 23rd, went up to as high as 204 over the next ten days when I went off and been trying to get back for the past ten days or so.
    Don't know what to expect in the next few days still holding on to the goal of 179.9 on Feb 1st. This is unlikely if I don't go through a post cycle etc whoosh in the next few days.
    17 days to goal. SW: 194.2
    GW: 179.9
    That's 14.3 pounds in 17 days. Very unlikely if I don't go through some significant water loss.
    According to my scale I never experienced serious water weight loss yet, I don't know if this is so, though it seems to be super consistent and concise. I have this one:
    Very happy with it other than my doubts about water loss. I researched a lot and it seemed to be the best, and cheap too!

    Goal weight is 179.9 but I'll be happy with 184.9, though this was my Jan 1 goal weight once upon a time. Gotta keep looking forward!

    I will try to eat less and eating earlier and sleep earlier this week. And will get back on the bike again. It's just so easy to lose some extra pounds while watching, reading, writing with my study bike. Just need to go back in the rhythm.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Actually weighed myself more properly and now it's 193.4. Now I can say a bit of progress.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    And actually this is the scale, I wonder if anyone else has it. I can't be sure if it just guesses the fat amount or is really accurate. Maybe I'll ask in another thread.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    1/15: Carbs in check. Weight in range. Strength training done. Collagen taken. Hopefully the weather allows for an outdoor jog or two this week!
  • gracestevens1994
    gracestevens1994 Posts: 15 Member
    Weighed this morning, 7.8lbs lost in two weeks and my circuit training class done :) planning on doing sprints tomorrow!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @FIT_Goat - Good for you with your plan for removing coffee! My BF stopped, went through 2 days of headaches and now swears he feels so much better. I don't see it in my future, tho.
    It's the one thing that keeps me going until noon. :(

    No booze over the weekend, but still too many carbs in the mix.
    Still bouncing those same 3 pounds... ++ side today. ARG!

  • Mesemoore
    Mesemoore Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone. I have started my low carb eating Sunday January 15, 2017. I have tried to stay under 60 net carb for the last year and wasn't successful. This time I am committed to change. I also added exercise 3 times a week for 60 minutes. I have been reading a lot in this form and leared a lot fron everyone post. Thank you everyone for putting this much information. I belive I have leared enough to help me stike to my goal this round. I am here for the support and need accountability so I dicided to post every week my progress.
    Starting waight 146. Goal waight 130 then maintain and keep my thyroid in check by the help of lowe carb diet.

  • AngiesCookie
    AngiesCookie Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the ad!
    I’m starting back with this Way of eating. A little about me: I had yoyo dieted a long time ago for about 6 years, with only the old Atkins actually having results.. However I didn’t stay with it, and I had RNY 8 years ago. I lost 130 lbs, bringing me down to 170. _ I know that seems heavy still, but with a RNY, and the extra skin, getting down to the 140lbs is terrifying, and my Dr said 170/160 is a healthy weight for me.

    Since then (2 babies later) I have put back on about 30 lbs, all in my mid-section & back (love handles and these things I refer to as Back-boobs). I was doing what the keto people refer to as "Lazy Keto" (low carb, but staying in ketosis- under 20g/day) last spring for a few months and lost 25 lbs.. and then fell off the wagon on vacation and then life happened and I stopped paying attention.. then Christmas candies happened and I all but gave up.

    So here I am, back with my 30+ lbs weight gain, wearing nothing but leggings to work cuz all my dress pants give me major muffin top. This time around I am still going to stay in ketosis if I can, but I am adding exercise to my routine, going to try and cut my Diet Coke drinking in at LEAST half, and add in more water. Then continue with low carb lifestyle instead of binge eating pretzel sticks. Damn you Rold Gold!

    Glad to join a forum like this, always looking for recipes and encouragement. ;)

    current weight 207 (leggings. LOL- sz 14/16)
    Goal weight- 175(ish) (sz 10/12 pants)
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    Started last week (Jan 9 2017) and in week 1 I am down 8lbs (from 220 to 214).
    Goals to get all my water in (100 - 120oz)
    get active 3x this week for 30 min each (up from, well nothing lol)
    Keep my macros in check (averaging about 8 carbs, 75 protein and 130 fat)
  • eduff3
    eduff3 Posts: 15 Member
    Question: How many net carbs per day should you keep to in order to lose pounds ?
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    eduff3 wrote: »
    Question: How many net carbs per day should you keep to in order to lose pounds ?

    If following keto, net carbs should be less than 20g per day. I try to keep them around 10.
  • Miss_TeganMarie
    Miss_TeganMarie Posts: 11 Member
    I started Keto at the beginning of the year, and I almost instantly got out of my 3-month plateau. Needless to say, I'm definitely sticking with it lol

    The only issue I'm currently having is weekday lunches at work. Anybody have any favorite go-to meals?
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I started Keto at the beginning of the year, and I almost instantly got out of my 3-month plateau. Needless to say, I'm definitely sticking with it lol

    The only issue I'm currently having is weekday lunches at work. Anybody have any favorite go-to meals?

    Salami and cheese (calories add up quick though!)
    Leftovers from my keto dinner
    Egg salad and celery
    Hamburger patty + avocado
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Weight up a pound today putting me back to exactly pre-Christmas weight. What's up with that! Pretty annoying when such things hinder motivation, I wish I could not look at the scale except once a week but the hope of seeing some movement on that scale literally gets me out of bed every morning. Will make an effort to start counting calories and having more control over this again.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My weight is up 5 lbs from pre-Christmas weight, but this morning I noticed my upper ab skin is all wrinkly so clearly there is less fluff under that even compared to pre-Christmas...the scale is not everything, I need to do some measurements and maybe photos!!!