how much weight have you gained



  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    With my first one I gained 28kg. I already was overweight.
    My son is 22 months now and I 've lost 22 kg since his birth.
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 27 weeks (I think) and I am up about 16 lbs. My doctor advised to 15-25 would be healthy weight gain given my weight going in.

    It was sort of funny how they did it, gave me like a handout with the numbers on it while not looking me in the eye -- I know weight is sensitive to some but it is expected to come up when you're expecting
  • heffsloop
    heffsloop Posts: 4 Member
    I'm at 36 weeks and I gained 20 pounds so far.
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    heffsloop wrote: »
    I'm at 36 weeks and I gained 20 pounds so far.

    That sounds great. You'll lose them all in the following weeks.
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 37
    4th pregnancy, hopefully 3rd baby
    Goal to Gain: 15-20 lbs.
    All weight gain is cumulative.
    Really hoping to keep weight in check this time. Gained 42.5 with my last baby, 15 lbs in first trimester alone! (eek!)

    Starting Weight: 10/14 (conception): 154

    Week 7: 11/23: 151.6 (-2.4)
    Week 8: 11/30: 153.2 (-0.8)
    Week 9: 12/7: 151.8 (-2.2)
    Week 10: 12/15: 153.0 (-1.0)
    Week 11: 12/22: 153.4 (-0.6)
    Week 12: 12/28: 155 (+1.0)
    Week 13: 1/5: 156 (+2.0)
    Week 14: 1/12: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 15: 1/20: 158 (+4.0)

    Weight has fluctuated a lot this week! Anywhere from 156.6 to 159. I'm 16 weeks tomorrow.
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
    I have gained a lot of weight on my previous pregnancies but I am hoping not to do that on this one.
    Wt goal: gain 15-25lbs
    My pre-conception wt 155
    Week 4: 12/10 152
    Week 5: 12/17 156.6 new scale
    Week 6: 12/26 157.8
    Week 7: 12/31 158.8
    Week 8: 1/7 160.4
    Week 9: 1/14 161
    Week 10: 1/21 161.6
    Total gain so far: +6.6 lbs
    Finally off bedrest
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi ladies, I'm newish/oldish here. was part of this form when the group first started in 2012 when I was pregnant with my 4 year old, also came back when I was pregnant with my 2 year old. Lo and behold- pregnant with my 4th kid and probably last Haha. Due date is 9-18 so just 6wks along but found out about my pregnancy at 3.wks so this feels like the longest 6weeks ever LOL. I eat fairly healthy. Paleo/whole30 foods. Fell off the wagon during September-December and restarted January 2nd (New Years resolutions ) during the fall out period I had gained 8lbs. I found out about my pregnancy like a week after cleaning up my diet and been steadily losing the extra bloat. I know it will stall once the water weight goes down and then will start gaining again. I'm hoping to keep 20-25lb gain but usually always gain close to 40 so here's to wishful thinking. Enough jabbering I suppose. Hoping to remember to update here weekly like I used to do before with my other 2 kiddos.

    Starting Weight Jan.2nd - 132.5
    6wks-will update tomorrow morning, weigh ins are mondays for me :)

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @normalicia11 Congrats on being off bedrest! That's great news :)
  • raingirl21
    raingirl21 Posts: 167 Member
    So i'm now 27w3d and have gained 19 pounds. I feel big and I'm not even in my third tri yet. I'm still gaining like a pound a week and don't want to feel like a whale when I'm due. I'm eating about 1800 calories, I'm 5'5" and now 160 pounds. Am I eating too much? I have a doc appt on Friday and know my weight is going to be brought up again.
  • takingsmallsteps
    takingsmallsteps Posts: 2 Member
    38 weeks and up 35lbs

    0 weeks: 135lb
    38 weeks: 170lb

    Height 5'7"

    Gained more than I wanted. Carbs weren't my friend but they tasted nice. The depressing fact is that my bump is pretty small and I can see the bulk of the extra weight is all in my thighs and bum. Oh well. Not much I can do about it at this late stage!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2017
    @raingirl21 The second trimester, I've read, is where your "fastest" gains will happen since you still have room inside you for food haha. So weight gain can slow down in the third trimester.

    Does 1800 calories feel like enough to you and are you still gaining on that amount? You do want to still gain. I wouldn't say you're eating too much. You might be bordering on not enough - depending on your logging habits and activity. Are you tracking carefully or loosely? You can try 1800 and see how it goes though. If in a week or two you've lost weight, then it's not enough.

    You were in a normal BMI when you started (160-19=141 lb which means a BMI of 23.5 which IS in the normal range), even if you still gain a pound a week from now on, you're set to gain a total of approx 31 lb which is perfectly within the recommended amount! 25-35 lbs is the range for a woman who begins her pregnancy at a normal BMI. So maybe your doctor isn't well informed if they're making you feel bad for gaining the recommended amount!! Not gaining enough is risky for the baby too!

    I'm 5' 6" and eating about 2200 a day @ ~20 weeks, sometimes more sometimes less, but I'm tracking kind of loosely so I doubt my "intake" is exactly that (I suspect I'm eating closer to 2300-2400 a day). Just mostly going by how it feels. Some days I'm really hungry and others I'm not. I also have not made myself exercise any more than once a week for 35 mins and I have a desk job. I'm pretty darn lazy haha. I'm not sure if our ages are similar. I'm 28. I'm also gaining approx 1 lb a week now.

    If your doctor brings it up again you can try to put the pressure on them to suggest a calorie amount that you should be eating! Or get a referral to a dietitian maybe? If they're going to bring it up and be negative about it, I really don't think it's much to ask that they actually help you!

    For the record, my 5' 0" sister gained 35 lbs with all three pregnancies and all babies were healthy and she remained healthy too. No problems with the weight going back down naturally afterward.

    @takingsmallsteps You're so close to the end! Wow. I read in a random book recently that if the extra weight goes to the caboose you're having a girl lol. Not sure I believe any of those wive's tales, but do you know what you're having? We should do a test hehe.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Starting Weight Jan.2nd - 132.5

    Well my aversions are starting to hit. Today was my first day feeling ill towards veggies so I'm curious what will happen here on out.
  • raingirl21
    raingirl21 Posts: 167 Member
    @VeryKatie Thank you so much for the insight! This is my first pregnancy and I don't know what's too much to gain. I was fit before my pregnancy, went to the gym all the time but that disappeared when I got pregnant and got sick and tired. My doc doesn't tell me anything expect that I'm gaining too much, which stresses me out. I am tracking with MFP but I'm not weighing anything so it is a loose measurement. I just feel that this last month I've really popped and I feel big and know I'm just going to keep growing and am afraid I'm going to gain 50 pounds and have a difficult birth. I'm 36 and not a young chicken. :)
  • takingsmallsteps
    takingsmallsteps Posts: 2 Member
    @VeryKatie, it is a girl! I blame her entirely for making my bum fat! Well... I may also be partly responsible haha
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2017

    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb

    Starting weight: 139.6 lb
    Week 9: 11/09: 139.2 (-0.2, -0.4)
    Week 10: 11/16: 140.2 (+1.0, +0.6)
    Week 11: 11/23: 139.0 (-1.2, -0.6)
    Week 12: 11/30: 141.2 (+2.2, +1.6)
    Week 13: 12/07: 139.8 (-1.4, +0.2)
    Week 14: 12/14: 139.2 (-0.6, -0.4)
    Week 15: 12/21: 141.0 (+1.8, +1.4)
    Week 16: 12/28: ? - On a trip
    Week 17: 01/04: ? - On a trip
    Week 18: 01/11: 140.8 (-0.2, +1.2)
    Week 19: 01/18: 143.2 (+2.4, +3.6)
    Week 20: 01/25: 145.2 (+2.0, +5.6) - The weird spreadsheet I keep that tells me how much I should weight right now says I should be at 145.4 so I have caught up to it now!

    On another note, it looks like I might be gaining more like 2 lb per week lately hahah. So maybe 2400 cals a day (? maybe it's more... oops... I think I should try to track every second day) is too much for me... We shall see! Though on average over 6 weeks it's 1 lb... but I'm definitely more hungry than I was 5 weeks ago.

    @raingirl21 If you'd like, you could bring some resources to you next appointment and ask your doctor point blank if he thinks the typical guidelines are applicable to you, and if not, then why. You could ask him how gaining a total of 31 lbs (what you're on track for) is too much. Stump him/her hahah. It's unfortunate that your doctor isn't being aware of how much it bothers you. And I do really wonder where the "too much" comes from.

    Here is a US OB/GYN site that states the recommended gain ranges during pregnancy depending on your starting BMI - just so you know I wasn't pulling it out of the air!

    @takingsmallsteps Hum! So maybe that wives tale is true. I don't know what I'm having but I'm also not quite sure where I'm gaining yet. A little bit in the legs but a bunch in the belly so far. But it might be too early for me to tell.
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 37
    4th pregnancy, hopefully 3rd baby
    Goal to Gain: 15-20 lbs.
    All weight gain is cumulative.
    Really hoping to keep weight in check this time. Gained 42.5 with my last baby, 15 lbs in first trimester alone! (eek!)

    Starting Weight: 10/14 (conception): 154

    Week 7: 11/23: 151.6 (-2.4)
    Week 8: 11/30: 153.2 (-0.8)
    Week 9: 12/7: 151.8 (-2.2)
    Week 10: 12/15: 153.0 (-1.0)
    Week 11: 12/22: 153.4 (-0.6)
    Week 12: 12/28: 155 (+1.0)
    Week 13: 1/5: 156 (+2.0)
    Week 14: 1/12: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 15: 1/20: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 16: 1/24: 158.8 (+4.8)

    (Trying to get weigh-in day more aligned with the beginning of the week instead of the end. Also I weighed in earlier bc I had my 16 week appointment.)

    Started back kettlebell training after a 2 month hiatus. Legs are SO sore today from the squats!!!
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
    I have gained a lot of weight on my previous pregnancies but I am hoping not to do that on this one.
    Wt goal: gain 15-25lbs
    My pre-conception wt 155
    Week 4: 12/10 152
    Week 5: 12/17 156.6 new scale
    Week 6: 12/26 157.8
    Week 7: 12/31 158.8
    Week 8: 1/7 160.4
    Week 9: 1/14 161
    Week 10: 1/21 161.6
    Week 11: 161.8
    Total gain so far: +6.8 lbs
    Finally slowed down on the gain weight....

  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 37
    4th pregnancy, hopefully 3rd baby
    Goal to Gain: 15-20 lbs.
    All weight gain is cumulative.
    Really hoping to keep weight in check this time. Gained 42.5 with my last baby, 15 lbs in first trimester alone! (eek!)

    Starting Weight: 10/14 (conception): 154

    Week 7: 11/23: 151.6 (-2.4)
    Week 8: 11/30: 153.2 (-0.8)
    Week 9: 12/7: 151.8 (-2.2)
    Week 10: 12/15: 153.0 (-1.0)
    Week 11: 12/22: 153.4 (-0.6)
    Week 12: 12/28: 155 (+1.0)
    Week 13: 1/5: 156 (+2.0)
    Week 14: 1/12: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 15: 1/20: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 16: 1/23: 158.8 (+4.8)
    Week 17: 1/29: 160.4 (+6.4)

    Hoping to keep total gain to under 10 at 20 weeks. Looks like it's pretty doable. Weight seems to fluctuate a LOT day to day though.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Starting Weight Jan.2nd - 132.5


    Okay soooo I've been eating a butt load of carbs cause I have bad nausea and it's the only thing that makes me feel better. Went shopping last night and bought healthier options so hopefully that number goes down a little bit, 3lbs in 3 days is pretty ridiculous
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Format: (Weight gain this week, cumulative weight gain)
    Height: 5' 6"
    Age: 28
    Goal to Gain: 25-35 lb

    Starting weight: 139.6 lb
    Week 9: 11/09: 139.2 (-0.2, -0.4)
    Week 10: 11/16: 140.2 (+1.0, +0.6)
    Week 11: 11/23: 139.0 (-1.2, -0.6)
    Week 12: 11/30: 141.2 (+2.2, +1.6)
    Week 13: 12/07: 139.8 (-1.4, +0.2)
    Week 14: 12/14: 139.2 (-0.6, -0.4)
    Week 15: 12/21: 141.0 (+1.8, +1.4)
    Week 16: 12/28: ? - On a trip
    Week 17: 01/04: ? - On a trip
    Week 18: 01/11: 140.8 (-0.2, +1.2)
    Week 19: 01/18: 143.2 (+2.4, +3.6)
    Week 20: 01/25: 145.2 (+2.0, +5.6)
    Week 21: 02/01: 145.6 (+0.4, +6.0) - My weight was as high as 146.4 this week so not worried again. Also sounds like my weeks are 2 days off based on my ultrasound so I shouldn't really be "weeking up" until Friday lol. But I like Wednesdays better for weigh ins.