One month of keto only 5lb weight loss.



  • lostcouch
    lostcouch Posts: 17 Member
    I did not gain or lose weight my first 45 days on Keto.

    When did you start seeing results?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    lostcouch wrote: »
    I did not gain or lose weight my first 45 days on Keto.

    When did you start seeing results?

    Day 46 and afterwards as far as weight loss. I was doing this for pain management initially. In the first 30 days my 40 years of arthritis pain level of 7-8 dropped to 2-3 unless I get into some sugar and or grains of any type. I was going to have to start Enbrel injections had LCHF not managed my pain. One surprise was six month in my 40 years of serious IBS had fully resolved by Mar 2015 and has never recurred in the past couple years.

    While LCHF is not an automatic weight loss plan after a few weeks my carb cravings stopped which lead me to eating less calories because I get full and stop eating now on LCHF.

    Fixing my lab results was another positive side effect. I checked my blood pressure tonight at Krogers on my weekly nut run and it was 122/82 and pulse of 68. Thankfully I am Rx med free at age 66. Another side effect my cataract development stopped or even reversed. The OD told me he expects it is due to my new Way Of Eating that I started over two years ago, My stated goal to live to be 110 walking and talking the entire way is now more realistic eating LCHF.

    Best of success.
  • lostcouch
    lostcouch Posts: 17 Member
    lostcouch wrote: »
    I did not gain or lose weight my first 45 days on Keto.

    When did you start seeing results?

    Day 46 and afterwards as far as weight loss. I was doing this for pain management initially. In the first 30 days my 40 years of arthritis pain level of 7-8 dropped to 2-3 unless I get into some sugar and or grains of any type. I was going to have to start Enbrel injections had LCHF not managed my pain. One surprise was six month in my 40 years of serious IBS had fully resolved by Mar 2015 and has never recurred in the past couple years.

    While LCHF is not an automatic weight loss plan after a few weeks my carb cravings stopped which lead me to eating less calories because I get full and stop eating now on LCHF.

    Fixing my lab results was another positive side effect. I checked my blood pressure tonight at Krogers on my weekly nut run and it was 122/82 and pulse of 68. Thankfully I am Rx med free at age 66. Another side effect my cataract development stopped or even reversed. The OD told me he expects it is due to my new Way Of Eating that I started over two years ago, My stated goal to live to be 110 walking and talking the entire way is now more realistic eating LCHF.

    Best of success.

    Wow. That's all absolutely amazing!!! I can't believe it stopped your cataract. That's crazy!!! Thanks for sharing. ❤
  • wozy46
    wozy46 Posts: 115 Member
    Regarding keto/low carb and cataracts, you may be interested to read this:

    I have cataracts and glaucoma, so pretty excited that I could see a benefit to my eyes of the WOE!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    lostcouch wrote: »

    I'm 37. I really want to get to my goal weight before 40. I hear it just get harder and harder...Especially for women. Ugh.

    That was my goal, too. I started keto at 39, about 6 months before I turned 40. I wasn't at my all-time highest weight; I'd been at my goal weight before and then gained 20 lbs over the course of a year with med changes/stomach problems/increased carbs. I had done low carb/low fat/high protein previously.

    When I switched to keto, I did lose right around 8 lbs the first month, I think 7 the second month, but it slowed WAY down after that. I also wasn't exercising enough so I may have lost some lean body mass as well (and I don't have any to spare!). I think it's great you're doing harder workouts while you lose to help retain muscle mass. I would take that over a quicker loss! And I agree, 5 lbs in a month is a good, sustainable rate. Sounds like you're losing in a very healthy way!
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    lostcouch wrote: »
    lostcouch wrote: »
    I did not gain or lose weight my first 45 days on Keto.

    When did you start seeing results?

    Day 46 and afterwards as far as weight loss. I was doing this for pain management initially. In the first 30 days my 40 years of arthritis pain level of 7-8 dropped to 2-3 unless I get into some sugar and or grains of any type. I was going to have to start Enbrel injections had LCHF not managed my pain. One surprise was six month in my 40 years of serious IBS had fully resolved by Mar 2015 and has never recurred in the past couple years.

    While LCHF is not an automatic weight loss plan after a few weeks my carb cravings stopped which lead me to eating less calories because I get full and stop eating now on LCHF.

    Fixing my lab results was another positive side effect. I checked my blood pressure tonight at Krogers on my weekly nut run and it was 122/82 and pulse of 68. Thankfully I am Rx med free at age 66. Another side effect my cataract development stopped or even reversed. The OD told me he expects it is due to my new Way Of Eating that I started over two years ago, My stated goal to live to be 110 walking and talking the entire way is now more realistic eating LCHF.

    Best of success.

    Wow. That's all absolutely amazing!!! I can't believe it stopped your cataract. That's crazy!!! Thanks for sharing. ❤

    NNNOOOOOOO, SAY IT ISN'T TRUE!!!! I am so looking forward to cataract surgery and getting rid of my glasses, please don't take that away from me!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    wozy46 wrote: »
    Regarding keto/low carb and cataracts, you may be interested to read this:

    I have cataracts and glaucoma, so pretty excited that I could see a benefit to my eyes of the WOE!

    OH wow, this is the first I am hearing about it helping with those. Thanks for the article.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    The link @wozy46 is great and I will dig up some info on how LCHF/IF may help prevent, stabilize or reverse cataract formation. As an OD (SCO Memphis TN 1986) I can tell you we never discussed how to eat to prevent or reverse eye issues.

    Chaperone Mediated Autophagy (CMA) is something that Keto/IF Way Of Eating can trigger and I expect is what is at work to prevent or reverse cataract formation in eyes.

    VVK in this tread does a good job of discussing CMA and how Keto/IF can trigger it. CMA can be positive in many health issues it seems. I have read the first two pages of this thread and am posting this link for those that would like a basic overview of Chaperone Mediated Autophagy (CMA). No I am not talking about Country Music Association. :)

    "In summary, the present data provide evidence for a significant role for autophagy in lens function. Autophagy and mitophagy are likely important for lens cell removal of damaged proteins that could cause cataract upon their accumulation and the degradation of lens organelles during epithelial cell differentiation into fiber cells....."