Introduce Yourself



  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 110 Member
    Name: Meg
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'6
    Current Weight: 147
    Challenge Goal Weight: 143
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 to 145
    Motivation: I had used MFP a few years ago and still had those last few pounds hanging on. My MIL was here for three weeks in late January, and at 65 would not move. She could not pick p anything over three or for ponds and couldn't walk a quarter of a mile. She is normal weight but completely sedentary. I told my husband that was not going to be me. so, goal is to become more active and overall healthier, not so much a weight goal.
    Plan: Log all my food and drinks with an eye on keeping what I enjoy as part of this - it is a lifestyle change not a diet for me. Working out six days a week, with a combo of strength training, stretching and cardio
  • asherella
    asherella Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I am Ash

    Age 44
    Height 5.6
    Currently weighting 164 lbs
    Challenge goal weight 145
    Ultimate goal weight 140 lbs

    Motivation ... good health and wellness. Clean and lean body. I was the 140 lbs mark 16 months ago and kind of looked gaunt as I have a larger frame but wasn't training so maybe this time it might be different. I do take hormone ninja tablets to keep Breast cancer away again so hoping that will not hinder me
    Quiet fit and going from bikes to full body training in the last 2 weeks

    Plan plan is clean.nearly paleo minimal cards and good fats. Trying to stop the odd chocolate turning into a full pig fest and getting summer ready !!
    Good luck all
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    Name: Karen
    Age: 59
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 222
    Challenge Goal:195
    Ultimate Goal: 165
    Motivation: I am a retired grandma wanting to be able to keep up with young grandkids better.
    My Plan: Walking 10,000 steps a day, cutting out the sweets and binge emotional eating.
  • lamamo88
    lamamo88 Posts: 5 Member
    edited March 2017
    Name: Lana
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'6
    Current Weight: 178
    Challenge Goal Weight: 160 there around
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145
    Motivation: I'd like to be fit and healthy for my young family. It would be awesome if I could have my photo taken happily in time for my youngests first birthday (June 1st)
    Plan: calorie counting and exercise videos on the evening.
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Name: Donna or DKAY
    Age: 40's
    Height: 5'4
    Current Weight: 187
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160
    My Motivation: I have lost 37 lbs so far, but have the last 30ish to go. I want to be the best I can and stay on track.
    My Plan: Exercise 5 days a week, log daily and stay on track
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    Name: Jess
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'7
    Current Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal Weight: 160
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150
    My Motivation: I feel good at my current weight, but I think I can do better. Would like to ultimately be able to wear a bikini.
    My Plan: Working in more walks throughout the day, more running, more lifting, less binging on snack foods

    I'm vegetarian (tech. pescatarian) too...thought I'd throw that in.
  • DoriSky
    DoriSky Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Kathleen
    Age: 33 (soon to be 34 in 5 days)
    Height: 5'8"
    Current Weight: 260(start weight for challenge)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 235
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155
    My Motivation: I'm getting older and I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life. A few years ago I was very close to my goal weight (reached 170) but a really bad foot injury which took 2 years to fully recover from set me back big time! I was also eating my stress away (bad job). I'm finally at the point where I am determined to change. I want to get back into running and Muy Thai and I'm done with the weight holding me back. So I've started running (slowly), Pilates and yoga; eating clean and developing a healthy eating routine. Glad I have joined the group, this will really help push me to succeed!
  • hannahhooter
    hannahhooter Posts: 129 Member
    Name: Hannah
    Age: 24 (until March 30th)
    Height: 5'4 ish
    Current Weight: 230
    Challenge Goal Weight: 199
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160
    My Motivation: I'm the most unhealthy I've ever been in my life and am ready to make a drastic lifestyle change! Excited to have other women to track my progress with and to keep me motivated :smile:
    My Plan: Clean-ish eating, Logging EVERYTHING and staying within my calorie goals, hitting the gym 3-4 times minimum per week, and getting at least 10,000 steps every single day!
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    Name: Shelly
    Age: Almosst 50 (Easter)
    Height: 5'3 ish
    Current Weight: 181.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170-165
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150-145
    My Motivation: I don't like myself right now. I gained 10lbs back of 27 that I lost a couple years ago. I got lazy and just stopped paying attention along with a few stressors that sent me to the fridge. I was feeling great and I want to get back to feeling good and liking myself.
    My Plan: Clean-ish eating, logging everything everyday, walking and running 3X a week, and what I call my floor routine it's a version of level one of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred 2X a week and then on the weekends we do a variety of activies.

    I broke my big toe a few weeks ago and it has me fighting to get back to my workouts. I'm hoping by the time the weather breaks, Northern MI, I'll be fully able to get back to running outside. We've signed up for a Dirty Dog Dash in June and a Warrior Dash in July. I don't want to feel like I'm dying when participating in these. LOL
  • Badunkadunk_Buster
    Badunkadunk_Buster Posts: 184 Member
    Name: Stacie
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'2
    Current Weight: 279.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 220
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130
    My Motivation: to feel better about myself and have more energy
    My plan: log everything everyday. Low ish carbs. Work out 5 days a week.
  • sunny_lil_girl
    sunny_lil_girl Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Melissa
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'2
    Current Weight: 120
    Challenge Goal Weight: 110
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 110
    My Motivation: I have a hard time sticking to a workout and nutrition plan, I do great for about two weeks. Hoping to tone up for the summer.
    My Plan: I'm using Lent to kick start my diet my giving up fast food, chocolate and bread. Jogging to running and Barre
  • morecrunch
    morecrunch Posts: 7 Member
    Name: mo
    Age: 40's
    Height: short!
    Current Weight: 156.5
    Challenge Goal Weight: 144.5
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 117
    My Motivation: I've done this before but completely failed at maintenance. Gotta figure it out because the older I get the less my body appreciates the extra weight.
    My Plan: Aiming for 800g veggies and tracking nutrition. Haven't worked out a new workout plan yet but I am trying to locate my fitbit (it's around somewhere) so I can start tracking steps.
  • jenlab
    jenlab Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2017
    Name: Jenny
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'5" (just about)
    Current Weight: 148.5. (In the morning)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 125
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125
    My Motivation: my weight is constantly going up and down but I haven't been at my pre-marraige weight in 8 years
    My Plan: Clean-ish eating, elliptical, free weights, Pilates

    I just switched over from calorie count.about. I'm new, so feel free to add me as a friend. I don't know how to. Lol
  • beckykatewhite
    beckykatewhite Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Becky
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'5
    Current Weight: 160
    Challenge Goal Weight: 145
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 129
    My Motivation: To lose weight I have put on over past year and gain more energy
    My Plan: Eat less. Use MFP for the full 3 months so I can stay accountable.
  • senoritasavage
    senoritasavage Posts: 3 Member
    Name: Melissa
    Age: 52
    Height: 5'8
    Current Weight: 214.9
    Challenge Goal Weight: 190
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160
    My Motivation: Life happens and 5 years ago mine spiraled out of control thanks to some bad choices; that's over now and I am back in control. Now to get rid of the 50 lbs I gained during that time. Looking and feeling good is going to be the last chapter in gaining control back over my life and choices.
    My Plan: Plan ahead, eat clean, log daily. Up my steps and throw in some new routines for physical activity.
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