Week 8 Weigh in! Feb. 27th - March 5th

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
5 weeks left on this challenge. How is it going? Still committed? Riding or driving the struggle bus? If you don't think you will make your goal, look at what you have accomplished? Drinking more water? Walking more? Making healthy food choices? It doesn't have to be just about weight loss to be successful


  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    SW 211.6 GW 191.6
    Wk 1 213
    Wk 2 213
    Wk 3 212
    Wk 4 213
    Wk 5 213.4
    Wk 6 213
    Wk 7 213
    Wk 8 213

    At this point my goal is to at least get back to my starting weight, or under.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    1crvygrl wrote: »
    SW 211.6 GW 191.6
    Wk 1 213
    Wk 2 213
    Wk 3 212
    Wk 4 213
    Wk 5 213.4
    Wk 6 213
    Wk 7 213
    Wk 8 213

    At this point my goal is to at least get back to my starting weight, or under.

    I commend you for sticking with it!! That says a lot and should show you that you can do it.
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    MFP Start: 264.4
    CSW: 240.4
    CGW: 220.4
    UGW: 170

    1/10: 234.4
    1/17: 234.0
    1/24: 234.0
    1/31: 233.8
    2/7: ---
    2/14: 240.4
    2/21: 238.8
    2/28: 238.0

    This week: -.8
    To go: 17.6
    Overall: -2.4

    Small loss, but just not doing well lately. Have a few things going on in life, but I should be used to that by now. I am back to exercising three times a week but I really need to step up my game and stay totally on track. I let myself go on weekends and I need to stop doing that.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    CSW - 176.8
    CGW - 170
    UGW - 165

    Week 1 - weighin 177.4
    Week 2 - 176
    Week 3 - 175.8
    Week 4 - no scale, on vacation.
    Week 5 - no scale, on vacation.
    Week 6 - no scale, on vacation
    Week 7 - home - water weight ugh!!! 3 days of sitting in the car to get home!!
    Week 8 - 179.4

    So I have a little bit of work to do!! I best get at it. I did plenty of walking while on vacation, good thing or I might have ended up gaining more.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    MFP SW: 215
    CSW: 163.4
    CGW: 148
    UGW: 130

    Week 1 weigh in: 161.2
    Week 2 weigh in: 158.4
    Week 3 Weigh in: 156
    Week 4 weigh in: 156
    Week 5 weigh in: 154.8
    Week 6 weigh in: 153
    Week 7 weigh in: 151.8
    Week 8 weigh in: 151
  • kaylangrandorff
    kaylangrandorff Posts: 94 Member
    I have temporarily fallen off the wagon. I am paying for it.
    Current weight 176.2 lbs
    I am back in full force and ready to kick body fats butt.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    edited March 2017
    SW- 211.4 lbs
    Week 1- 208.8 lbs
    Week 2- 214 lbs
    Week 3- 206.8 lbs
    Week 4- 205.6 lbs
    Week 5- 205.6 lbs
    Week 6- 205.8 lbs
    Week 7- 207 lbs
    Week 8- 205 lbs

    Down 6.4 lbs Total, and according to doctor, I'm still good to lose a few more (at least 10lbs, but not actively trying. Just from healthier eating.)

    I think this has been the first challenge in a while that I haven't missed any weeks yet! I'd say I'm doing pretty good! Lol. Everyone in the house was sick on and off all last week, so I'm just starting to get my appetite back and trust my belly.

    AND I've drastically cut down on my caffeine intake since being sick. Which was a huge goal for me! I've been craving coffee, but haven't had any in a week.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    W1: 221
    W2: 220.5
    W3: 219
    W4: 219
    W5: 218.5
    W5: 217
    W6: 217
    W7: 217
    W8: 216.5
  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    SW: 251.2
    CSW: 221.2
    CGW: 201.2 (-20 for challenge, -50 total!) GOAL MET
    UGW: 140
    W1: 219 (-2.2)
    W2: 213.8 (-5.2)
    W3: 211.8 (-2)
    W4: 209.2 (-2.6)
    W5: 204.5 (-4.7)
    W6: 204 (-0.5)
    W7: 202.2 (-1.8)
    W8: 200.4 (-1.8) CHALLENGE GOAL MET ( -20.8)

    Total Challenge Loss: 20.8 lbs
    Total MF loss: 50.8 lbs

    Hit some milestones today! Met the challenge goal, lost 50 lbs total, lost another 10% (20% total) off my initial weight, dropped into the 30s BMI (39.4 - a 10 pt total loss)

    Still have a ways to go, but I'm ecstatic having met my challenge goal with a month to go!

    April marks my 6 months since my last bloodwork (high BP and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism). I can't wait to see the look on my doctor's face when I go in. Hoping to lose at least another 5-8 lbs this month.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    kethra wrote: »
    SW: 251.2
    CSW: 221.2
    CGW: 201.2 (-20 for challenge, -50 total!) GOAL MET
    UGW: 140
    W1: 219 (-2.2)
    W2: 213.8 (-5.2)
    W3: 211.8 (-2)
    W4: 209.2 (-2.6)
    W5: 204.5 (-4.7)
    W6: 204 (-0.5)
    W7: 202.2 (-1.8)
    W8: 200.4 (-1.8) CHALLENGE GOAL MET ( -20.8)

    Total Challenge Loss: 20.8 lbs
    Total MF loss: 50.8 lbs

    Hit some milestones today! Met the challenge goal, lost 50 lbs total, lost another 10% (20% total) off my initial weight, dropped into the 30s BMI (39.4 - a 10 pt total loss)

    Still have a ways to go, but I'm ecstatic having met my challenge goal with a month to go!

    April marks my 6 months since my last bloodwork (high BP and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism). I can't wait to see the look on my doctor's face when I go in. Hoping to lose at least another 5-8 lbs this month.

    tell us what your doing, what plan you follow, give us some tips please
  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    Completely missed this reply, sorry.

    I am on Keto, I guess "lazy Keto." I just count net carbs and stay under 20 a day, though sometimes I "cheat" and have just under 30.

    I've been very bad about my water lately, but I keep losing, though I feel crappier. I also haven't been exercising since the end of January but hoping to start again soon - mostly DDP Yoga workouts and maybe a dash of Leslie Sansone walk videos.