What did you eat today?

ChiChiCavrone Posts: 4 Member
So far today I've had a cheese omelet with Tapatio, an Atkins protein shake, and a salad with ranch dressing, sunflower seeds, and shredded cheese. I still have not decided on dinner.

What kind of veggie keto food did you put in your stomach today?


  • Jen_o
    Jen_o Posts: 13 Member
    I had bulletproof coffee, some macadamia nuts, two hardboiled eggs with chipotle mayo, and some avocado chocolate pudding.
  • Dangerrosive
    Dangerrosive Posts: 17 Member
    Usually I have a quest bar and almond milk for breakfast, a low carb wrap with cheese and light life veggie hot dog for lunch and possibly even for dinner.
  • jmateer
    jmateer Posts: 9 Member
    I do eggs but no cheese :)
    So hard boiled egg in the AM
    Vega Sport protein shake for lunch
    Tofu/Tempe/Seitan for dinner

    My veggies have largely included asparagus lately!