M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    This is why I've been "stuck" at 65 lbs in my squat for a week or so now. Trying to get all the parts caught up.

    there's no rush, and taking your time is much better than pushing it just for the sake of a number. but if you're interested, i wonder if a dose of front squats could help it to come together for you? i find they really make me core-conscious, and upper back too.

    idk if mine made me significantly stronger, in objective terms. but they make me much better at feeling and using those muscle groups and i think that pays off in a more comfortable back squat as well.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    @amyinthetardis1231 My friend was watching my squats yesterday and said I don't go up in one full motion.

    sounds like what people also call hips 'shooting up'? where your legs are stronger than your back so the bar gets kind of left behind. then as your back flattens out there's nowhere for the bar to go but forwards, really.

    sometimes what helps me with that is to imagine i'm sitting on teh floor and trying to shove a refrigerator back against a wall.

    This is why I've been "stuck" at 65 lbs in my squat for a week or so now. Trying to get all the parts caught up.

    I kind of wish I had seen this before my workout this morning. I think it would have helped!

    StrongLifts Day

    It was a hectic morning. Felt a bit rushed on time.
    5x5 squats 100lbs. Still working on the form.
    5x5 bench 60lbs. Feeling much better. Worked on form.
    5x5 rows 70lbs. Trying to engage the lats.

    Also ran 2.4mi.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,799 Member
    Stronglifts day yesterday

    Walked 2 miles to gym

    DB bench press 2 x 10 @ 25 lb, 2 x 7 @ 27.5 lb, 1 x 6 @ 27.5 lb
    Squats 1 x 10 @ 55 lb, 4 x 5 @ 65 lb I NEED to get flat shoes. I worry about tipping backwards if I push from my heels, so I've been pushing from midfoot instead and I felt a slight twinge at the base of my back.
    Barbell rows 5 x 5 @ 65 lb. THIS time I felt my back working.
    Goblet squats 4 x 6 @ 47.5 lb

    Walked 5.5 more miles
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 15X 95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-10X 7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Walk every day! Today I am taking a minimum of 2 - 2 1/2 mile walks.
  • Stella014
    Stella014 Posts: 20 Member
    Stronglifts yesterday
    Squats: 1x10 x 20kg / 1x5 x 30kg / 4/4/4/4/5 x 37.5kg – first time at this weight
    Bench: 1x5 x 20kg / 5x5 x 25kg – felt surprisingly ok – happy to be able to move up
    Rows: 5x5 x 30kg – felt heavy but made it!

    Did some extras:
    glute bridges: 3x8 x 22.5kg
    leg press: 5x5 x 137.5kg

    If husband get home at a reasonable time tonight I’ll go for a run.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Tonight's workout after warm up.
    Squats 3x5@118lbs.
    Ohp 5x5@50lbs .these felt really heavy today.
    Deadlift 1x5@150lbs.
    Today was one of those workouts were everything felt heavy and hardwork.its time of the month and I've been up since 430 am for work.theyre my excuses anyway haha.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Bit of a mixed bag in the workout today. I may have messed my back up a little, will have to see how it feels tonight/tomorrow. I did DL with the regular straight bar instead of the hex bar I usually use, and forgot to deload it a little to compensate for the slight differences in stance and setup. Definitely used my lower back more than I should have and failed a DL for the first time. Hopefully the soreness is just soreness and nothing more.

    Squats: 3x5 @ 145
    OHP (standing): 5x5 @ 57. Skinny bar for the win, even standing!
    Deads: 1 @ 165 then failed the next. Deloaded to 155 and managed 1x4 but struggled and used my lower back too much.

    I keep saying this, but I think I'm seriously going to have to consider switching to something like 5/3/1. The volume, even at 3x5 with squats, is just wearing me down lately. I'm sure being in a deficit makes lifting harder, but I think my legs being so fatigued also made it hard to DL properly. I've only been doing SL for 4-5 months but I feel like I've exhausted my noob gainz and am up against the wall on DL (sooooo close to bodyweight, argh!). Thoughts/advice?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Shoulder seems to be doing better. Bench went okay but my right elbow isn't liking close grip bench, especially with pausing. I did one set with pause and one without as I'm not getting the weight and reps needed. I might try pausing on wide grip to see if it's any better as do see the benefit of working in pause for bench. Bonus though, found some 2.5 plates at last. These are hard to find at any of the locations.

    band pull apart - 3x15
    bench - 2x10 @ 45, 1x10 @ 65 and 2x10 @ 80
    close grip bench paused - 1x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and not paused 1x10 @ 65
    incline bench - 2x10 @ 55
    face pull - 3x10 @ 70
    30 minute walk on treadmill at 3 incline and 3.2 speed with 5 minute cool down after lowering incline and speed periodically

    I had to adjust the weights a little because the program calls for ones that I can't do without even smaller micro plates. Technically was supposed to do 79 for bench, 67 for closed grip and 57 for incline. Having to round up or down depending on the lift and how things are feeling since I don't have a way to get the exact odd numbers from the program but should be okay.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,799 Member
    edited March 2017
    there's no rush, and taking your time is much better than pushing it just for the sake of a number. but if you're interested, i wonder if a dose of front squats could help it to come together for you? i find they really make me core-conscious, and upper back too.

    idk if mine made me significantly stronger, in objective terms. but they make me much better at feeling and using those muscle groups and i think that pays off in a more comfortable back squat as well.

    Coincidence that you mention front squats as an aid to back squats: this morning I was watching myself squat at home in the mirror and my back was bending sharply. The only way I could squat while keeping my back straight was to point my knees further forward on the descent instead of upward - and that's what I had found myself doing when attempting front squats. I'm going to have to work this out with no weight, and try a lighter bar. And get used to my ankles bending more - perhaps they're a bit stiff, I will see.

    @Katiebear_81 thanks! I'll get those shoes and carry them with me when I walk to the gym (I can't see walking 2 miles in flat shoes, although people certainly do) and change when I get to the weight room. I'd better get them soon!

    I should see if I can do zercher squats. Does the bar hurt like crazy pressing down on the bends in your arms?
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »

    Coincidence that you mention front squats as an aid to back squats: this morning I was watching myself squat at home in the mirror and my back was bending sharply. The only way I could squat while keeping my back straight was to point my knees further forward on the descent instead of upward - and that's what I had found myself doing when attempting front squats. I'm going to have to work this out with no weight, and try a lighter bar. And get used to my ankles bending more - perhaps they're a bit stiff, I will see.

    @Katiebear_81 thanks! I'll get those shoes and carry them with me when I walk to the gym (I can't see walking 2 miles in flat shoes, although people certainly do) and change when I get to the weight room. I'd better get them soon!

    I should see if I can do zercher squats. Does the bar hurt like crazy pressing down on the bends in your arms?

    I wear converse all the time. :) But I am very comfortable barefoot for extended periods, and in shoes with no support. I seek them out, to be honest.

    Zerchers are a struggle at heavy weights. A good workout, though!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    I should see if I can do zercher squats. Does the bar hurt like crazy pressing down on the bends in your arms?

    idk, i've always been scared of them for that reason. and because my problem is various upper-back/shoulder things, i never trusted myself not to kip them anyway so there didn't seem to be too much point.

    however, there's a difference between using a lift variation as a substitute for the 'real' lift - i.e. trying to go just as heavy with it - and just using the variation as a training tool to get you familiar with some aspect of the main form that you're struggling with. so even if you just stay light, variations can still be helpful sometimes.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-20X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Shopping today! I am going to walk the mall!
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    Still no gym for me but I want to keep posting to make sure I don't just give up lol.

    I've been doing foam rolling and stretching every day for 1 week. 2 weeks since injury. Been doing more resting than anything else because walking is still iffy. Went to the mall yesterday and it wiped me out.

    Today I did some random sit-ups, modified pushups 3x8 and donkey kicks 3x10. I figure since I can't do a regular pushup I should probably fix that. And I also want to strengthen my glutes to help prevent future squat problems.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,799 Member
    edited March 2017
    OHP sets alternating with Arnold presses - 3 x 5 of each with 12.5 lb dumbbells.

    Deadlifts - 2 x 5 @ 70 lb and I already felt sore. I think my legs are tired from too much walking. Walked around for a break and did 1 x 5 @ 90 lb, and my legs were shaking.

    Squats - deloaded to get my form nailed down.
    2 x 10 @ 20 lbs - concentrating to keep my back straight, pressure on heels, knees going forward more than I used to (I wasn't going forward with my knees enough before). Imagining a string attached to the center of each kneecap pulling forward.
    Nailed it so I went up to 30 lb. 3 x 5 @ 30 lb alternating with OHP 3 x 5 with that bar.

    Then saw an Oly bar not being used so I put a couple of 25-lb plates on it. Right height for deadlifts, finally! That first pull off the floor was hard and I did feel my lower back working as well as glutes and hamstrings, but my back didn't hurt. 1 x 5 @ 95 lb.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    StrongLifts day!

    5x5 squats 105 (WU: 2x5 45, 1x5 65, 1x5 85, 1x5 95)
    1x5 DL 145 (WU: 1x5 85, 105, 125)
    4x5 OHP 45, 1x5 OHP 50

    I was feeling good with the 45 lbs so tried 50lbs for the last rep and it was noticeably harder but still manageable. My gym has minimum 2.5 plates. Will perhaps work on OH progression by pressing 50lbs in the last few sets until I can do them all.

    @canadianlbs This time, I thought of pushing back against a fridge for the squats and it definitely helped!! Forgot about the front squats but will definitely try them next time.

    I still need to figure out my squat distance. I feel like my stance is a bit wide which cause my knees to swing slightly outwards when I go down but when my stance is narrower my depth suffers with the heavier lifts.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    @canadianlbs This time, I thought of pushing back against a fridge for the squats and it definitely helped!!

    that is so cool. thanks for letting me know.

    me: meh kind of workout and bleh kind of me, but i'll just oh-well it and keep trucking on. trainer day of 5's week.

    i did the basics required of me: ohp 45/50/60 and deadlifts 115/135/155, and nothing else. well, i did one extra press because at the start of my heavy set i forgot i was using the 35 bar (again) and secretly thought i was going to sneak 70 past mr t for one rep. so i did that one rep, was amazed at how light it was and bragged before i even brought the bar down . . . and got reality-checked. i hate that 35 bar that he has. it looks just like the other bars and i ALWAYS forget that it's not 45 once there's a few plates on it. still, once i'd restarted the set and done my 5 reps, he credited me for that one as well. so eh, i guess.

    just feeling sulky and sad. and making new, greed-based angry-me resolutions to SLEEP. so as to regain the advantage over these bloody numbers.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    db shoulder press - 2x10 @ 20
    front plate raise - 2x10 @ 25
    side lateral raise - 2x10 @ 12.5
    one chinup at assisted shoulder machine as couldn't get the assisted part working then a couple hangs from it
    15 minutes dry sauna

    Now to maybe write or work on videos. Have tomorrow off and might finally get around to taking measurements.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 922 Member
    I'm new here. Today was my 4th workout. I finished my workout 6 hours ago and I'm wide awake still at 1:30am in so much pain. I have never felt this before from any workout. My legs are so achy I can't stand it. I don't know how to describe it, they just ache. And are hot to the touch in the places they hurt. No way I'm going to sleep tonight, not with this pain.

    Have any of you ever experienced anything like this?