Keto Advice Needed

Hi everyone! I'm looking for advice from folks who have successfully lost weight and maintained being Ketogenic. My family and I have been keto for over 30 days and while initially we lost pounds daily, it's become apparent to me that must have been water weight, it's all staled out. Thoughts??


  • crismike68
    crismike68 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing keto since the end of October, I have lost 31 pounds. There have been some times where I have gone off track due to sickness. My really good friend has been doing this since September and has lost 52 pounds. I think the key to this lifestyle change is don't give up! If you fall off the wagon and cheat, don't let it discourage you...just get back on and continue ;) it is worth it!!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    there is lots of really good advice, resources and support over at:

    Water weight is generally the first couple of days. But as in most weight loss, your body has its own timetable. Even in keto 1-2 lbs a week is the usual recommended rate unless you are really big and even then 2-3 a week is normal. And it is not linear. I wouldn't expect to lose lbs daily for ever. If you have stalled for 2-3 weeks, then I would adjust what you are doing but if it has just slowed down to a normal rate, perhaps, you are expecting too much in too little time?

    However, generally if you lower fat levels a little, and adjust protein or complex carbs up a little, your body will adjust some. Also, remember, only eat when you are hungry. is a good resources too.

    Hope that helps.
  • oliviaforthewin
    oliviaforthewin Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I have been in ketosis for 3 weeks now. I lost 10 lbs within the first week and then didn't lose any weight the following week. I purchased some urinary test strips for $10 on amazon to make sure I was still in ketosis. I was, but on the lower end. I switched things up a bit and stopped consuming any sugar alcohols, much like the ones in atkins bars, sugar free syrup, etc., and immediately started losing weight again! I really do feel like they hindered my weight loss. I hope that helps! Good luck on your journey!
  • Ketolover71
    Ketolover71 Posts: 68 Member
    I started a I'm skipping all carbs for 3 days. Except for some physyllum husk fiber. Hopefully this will get things moving again. I lost 5 lbs and then nothing.
  • I lost 49 lbs on keto and hit a long plateau. I tracked my eating more closely and found I was not hitting my macros correctly. In my case, I was overdoing it on the fat. An over abundance of calories from fat stalled my weight loss.

    The other thing I now do is reevaluate my macros with every 10 lbs of weight loss.

    Add intermittent fasting to your routine if you are comfortable with that. I have a 12 hour stretch between dinner and breakfast without food since it is easy. I find myself skipping the noon meal frequently because I am not hungry.


    (Keep Calm and Keto On)
  • janislil
    janislil Posts: 6 Member
    I like that, KCKO! I started at the end of Dec. and lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks, and now down a total of 40lbs. Ditto on cutting more carbs, ( or no carb for a few days ), If you're eating white carbs, cut those as well and reset your micros, and I will add ... stay away from dairy for a few days...btw: eggs are not dairy, (which I did not know). Intermediate fasting helped me as well. As mentioned above, is a great site. Good luck!