M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @lkpducky I'm so sorry for you and your families loss. Such a tragedy. (((Hugs)))
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    I hadn't lifted since Monday. Everything has gone upside down. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with liver cancer that had metastasized to the lungs last Friday night - and by Saturday he was gone :'( we are all in shock. He looked gaunt and awful when I saw him at the end of January (mom's birthday) but he kept refusing to go to the doctor.
    The funeral was yesterday. I'm doing whatever I can for my sister and trying to deal with my own thoughts. Half the time it doesn't feel real and other times I just freak out/crash. They moved far away 3 years ago so I rarely see them.

    I did manage to feel well enough to walk to the gym and do lifting today. As I see my relatives aging (mom's generation late 80s early 90s), more and more I see working out as something life-affirming. Take that, death! *shakes fist*
    OHP 6 x 5 @ 30 lb
    Bench press 1 x 10 @ 45 lb, 2 x 5 @ 65 lb That weight was not difficult but I felt wobbly! I had a hard time keeping the bar balanced. Finally said f--- this for a game of soldiers, and did barbell rows instead. 5 x 5 @ 70 lb.
    Squats - down to 45 lb to work on form. Back is straight now, and I'm feeling it much more in the mid quads. 5 sets of 5.
    Deadlift 2 sets of 95 lb.
    The lady next to me was also doing deadlifts. It looked to me like her head was below her butt when she started the pull, and her legs were almost straight. I have no idea how I can pull a weight up if my legs are straight and butt sticking up in the air. I have to bend my legs and have my butt slightly below my head and I don't know if that's right.

    Then tried again with bench press, with db this time. 32.5 lb 1 x 5, 2 x 4, 2 x 5

    So sorry for your loss xx
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Sorry to hear of your loss, @lkpducky
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-32X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    I will get 2 miles in today.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    edited March 2017
    Today's little home workout, still not Stronglifts ready:
    3x14 modified pushups (increasing volume every time to work myself up to real pushups)
    2x10 donkey kicks
    2x10 crunches
    3x5 sumo deadlifts with 40lb kettlebell
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Soooo... still not squatting. I've read that sometimes the volume of SL can be too much for some people. Has anyone done something like a 3x3, every time they increase, working up to the 5x5 before moving up to the next weight?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i just did squats because really it's deadlift or ohp hypertrophy day but i wanted to do squats and i am NOT toting two pairs of shoes. gimme a break.

    so, squats up to 75 pounds. nothing really to say about them, just saying i did them is all.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-13X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Nicer weather today! I am going to take 2-2 mile walk today. Just getting ready to go on the first of my 2 mile walks today.

    Carb re-feed results. Keto stick says I am producing ketones. I only gained 1 pound. I felt wide-awake and energetic this morning. I find I do not love <3 sweets anymore! At least they did not taste as good as I remember!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Soooo... still not squatting. I've read that sometimes the volume of SL can be too much for some people. Has anyone done something like a 3x3, every time they increase, working up to the 5x5 before moving up to the next weight?

    I am currently doing 3x3 up to 3x5 but I'm at something like 88% of my bodyweight for squats now. If you're having significant hip trouble at a low weight, you may be better off seeing a doctor or PT to make sure you're clear to do lifting. I think most beginner programs involve a lot of volume to help you practice form so that you can safely increase your weight over time instead of allowing you to take on way more weight than is good for you too early on. You could consider posting a video to one of the firm threads, there are some pretty sharp eyes to help you correct any form issues that might increase hip pain.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Squats 3x3 @ 155
    OHP 62/67/67/62/62. I may need some microplates, otherwise I'm going to be doing these splits awhile to build up enough strength to move up in weights.
    Deadlifts 142/142/142/157/157/157. Felt pretty good! No one around to video but my back felt fine.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    @lkpducky so sorry for your loss.

    Today is the start of week 6 for me. I find my arms are a little tighter. But otherwise not too many changes since I started.

    Ran half a mile for warmup and cool down. I spent the weekend recovering from a doctors appointment so I felt well rested for this round.

    5x5 squats 120 (WU: 1x5 45, 65, 105)
    55553 OH 50! Almost finished progressing to 50lb OH. So much easier this round.
    1x3 DL 145 (WU 1x5 85, 105, 125). Tried to go back to my original DL PR of 145 and hit a wall after 3 reps. Will try to repeat 145 later this week.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    so here is the reason why i [always mean to] do rows.

    my neck has been bothering me all day long. all. day. long i've been richard the third. and i knew it's because my lev scap and upper trap were fighting my lower trap on that side and they were wining. but i just could not get either of them to chill out and lie down.

    so went to the gym feeling dubious and did rows. all i'm saying is: the rows fixed more of the things that have been wrong with me from the braline on up than anything else that i tried. i got better and better and smoother all throughout my neck and shoulders the entire time. other than that, i rode successfully and i was tired by the time that i got to the gym, so i didn't do the full thing i'd been planning to do.

    rows: 5 sets up to 75, and then 3x5.
    deadlifts: either 30 or 35 or mmmmaaaaybe 40 reps at 105. but probably not. they were heavy [?? wtf?? ], but they felt good. so far i'm sticking to my resolution to become a left-footed [/legged/handed] cyclist until this rotation calms down, and i think it's a good track to be on.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2017
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-26X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    I will get at least two- 2 mile walks in today. Maybe more! Yesterday I got an extra walk in and today is supposed to be just as beautiful out.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    chiro appointment to deal with my neck, after work. while i was in there i had him deal with my hips and s.i. as well so it's all good. guess i have to take it back about the rows fixing my neck but in fairness to rows we worked out that what did it was having one strap on my old backpack give way while i was wearing a gallon of milk and my squat shoes.

    so i'm all fixed apparently. but darned if i'm going lifting today. it must have rained a couple of inches since dawn and i'm going to boil myself and my shiny new spine in a bathtub and get straight into bed.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 15X 95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    Rest Day

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Walk a 2 mile walk this morning then mall walking all afternoon!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Squats 3x5 @ 152
    Bench press 5x5 @ 82
    Wretched rows: 3x5 @ 87
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,935 Member
    Bench press 1 x 10 @ 55, 1 x 10 @ 65, 1 x 5 @ 70 then started to worry about being wobbly. That bench is too high for me. I can put plates under my feet, but adjusting them each time is a pain.
    DB bench press 32.5 lb - 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 3 then gave up and went back to 30 lb; 5 x 5
    Barbell rows 3 x 8 @ 60 lb
    Romanian deadlifts 2 x 5 @ 70 lb my forearms tightened up like crazy so I had trouble hanging onto the bar
    OHP 3 x 4 @ 30 lb my arms and shoulders just didn't feel good
    Then deadlift 1 x 5 @ 95 lb - Oly bar with two 25-lb plates. Was the right height. But boy did my legs shake.
    Close grip lat pulldowns (hands like for chinups) 1 x 8 @ 85, 1 x 5 @ 90, 1 x 5 and 1 x 4 at 95
    Side db lateral raises 3 x 10 @ 7.5
    Goblet squats 1 x 5 @ 45, 3 x 5 @ 47.5

    walked to the gym first, then walked back plus extra. Total walking 6 miles.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    5x5 squats 125
    5x5 BP 65 slightly shaky but made all the reps. Can't believe I have to add 5lbs to this.
    5x5 rows 85. Still working on keeping my legs still. Is it common for rows to be better than bench?

    Have not run since Thursday which has helped my progression up the weights. Have a 3-4mi lined up today (my skipped Tuesday workout), a 6miler tomorrow, and a 11-12miler on the weekend so I will see how I feel about the Friday workout.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Internet is back up so time to update.

    Deadlift - 3/27
    deadlift 1x10 @ 95, 1x10 @ 135 belt 1x8 @ 185 and 1x8 @ 205 (last rep was a challenge)
    sdl on a 35 plate 1x8 @ 145
    yates row on 35 plate 2x10 @ 75 (am getting better at these)
    clean 1x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 1x5 @ 75
    one arm db row 2x12 @ 32.5
    wide grip pause bench 1x10 @ 45 and 2x8 @ 55
    dip machine 2x8 @ 75

    Bench - 3/28
    band pull 3x15 (still on light but might upgrade)
    bench 2x10 @ 45 1x8 @ 75 and 2x8 @ 90
    closed grip bench 1x8 @ 45, 1x7 (failed 8th rep) and 1x8 @ 75
    incline bench 1x10 @ 45, 2x8 @ 65
    hack squat calf raise 2x25 @ 90
    tricep pushdown 3x10 @ 55
    face pull 2x10 @ 70
    overhead tricep extension 2x10 @ 40

    Squat - 3/29
    squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x10 @ 90, 1x8 @ 135, belt 2x5 @ 175 (tough)
    overload 245 hold for 20 count
    single leg curl 2x8 @ 30
    leg extension 2x10 @ 60
    single leg press 3x8 @ 30 (increased and quite a challenge)
    attempted a couple ab machines

    All caught up and tomorrow is rest day. Working afternoon and going to use computer and maybe study beforehand.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout
    I've taken an extra few days off because of neck pain.i get rsi every now and then from work .it causes muscles spasms in my neck and shoulder.
    Squats 1x5@50lbs ,80 then5x5@106lbs.
    decided to deload again,I go away soon so won't be lifting for about 11 days so decided to wait till after my holiday to work on getting past 118lbs.
    Ohp 1x5@18,40 then 5x5@50lbs.
    Deadlift 1x5@100lbs 1x5@150lbs
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-26X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    I will get a 2 mile walk in today.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi all. First time posting. I started stronglifts on Feb 19 and am loving it. I'm super excited about my progress so far! Today I did:
    Squats 5x5 90 lbs
    Overhead press 5x5 50 lbs
    Deadlifts 1x5 120 lbs
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Hi all. First time posting.

    :) hi.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 80

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-16X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Fantastic weather today! I am going to take 2-2 mile walk today. Just getting ready to go on the first of my 2 mile walks today.

    I have lost the 1 lb I gained with the carb re-feed plus another 0.8 lb.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Argh! I fell off track with reporting my workouts. Sorry folks! D: But hey, if you'll let me have it, I have a pun for the April thread, that I can start tomorrow? =D

    Anyways, I accidentaly left my phone at home today, so less distractions xD Also meant I didn't have a timer with me, and my timex watch that I carry around in my gym bag, well... It was also dead :( So re-test day where I was gonna do certain things for time will have to wait (My legs are pretty sore from yesterday's 24 minutes of squat hell fest, arhem)

    So instead I'm moving back to PHUL here. Upper Power for me. Today's rule was: NO GRINDER! I'd rather be conservative, in light of all the painful things my body's been through somewhat recently.

    Barbell Bench Press 45x8, 65x5, 85x3 (warm-up)
    95x5, 95x5, 100x5, 105x4
    - had that last 5th rep in me for sure, but I lost my position on the bench, and that fell into "no grinder" territory for me (maybe I'm just lazy with excuses)

    DB Incline Press 20x10 (easy), 25x10, 30x10, 30x10
    last 2 sets were okay difficulty-wise, but my left shoulder was rather unhappy with my movement patterns, so I might need to stay down and just get the groove proper

    Pendlay Rows 35x8, 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 75x5, 75x5
    Just feelin' it, not forcing it. I was worried about my lower back spasming again It's been a while, and i have been working on it. So I was afraid of losing my progress, or something. But all went well!

    OHP 35x5, 45x5, 55x5, 55x5, 65x5
    I think? It might've been 65x3... Anyways, I was feeling these really well, so no complaints!

    Lat pulldown 55x10, 70x10, 75x10, 75x10

    And no curls or skullcrushers for me, since i had to do 30+ minutes of hip mobility and core work. Yuck. But priorities. I want my back to stay healthy. I can always do curls tomorrow.

    I forgot how long this takes to get through. Like, I went pretty zippy between sets here since I wasn't pushing the weights. So used to those 30ish minute workouts now xD Ah well, I may re-organize some stuff to dial down the required time.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @krokador can't wait to see what your April thread pun is!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    My workout took forever today, which is partly my fault for waiting so long to say anything, and also partly the fault of the two guys monopolizing the squat rack for over 40 minutes. I hung around and stretched for a while, pretty obviously waiting for the rack, then went off to do my OHP, then came back and waited another 20 min until I was really mad and finally went over to ask when they would be done. Apparently they're the two most oblivious guys in the world, bc they had several more sets to go but immediately offered to let me work in. They both seemed pretty new and one was teaching the other to squat....more on that in the "this guy at gym" thread!

    So when I finally got to my sets:

    Squats 5/5/3 @ 155 in my socks (with kittens on them). I like squatting in socks! Much more comfortable than the collection of blisters I've accumulated from my Chucks rubbing my toes.

    OHP (seated): 5x5 @ 62. These are easy enough that I want to move up, but I'd need fractionals.

    Deads: 142 x 2 to warm up, 157 X 5 working set. Had a little chat with a friendly gym regular between warm up and working, which was nice. He's complimented my form before, and his is excellent, so it was nice to feel like he sees me as an equal despite the disparity in how much we each lift.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,935 Member
    @amyinthetardis1231 do you want to do a sock exchange? Your kittens for my duckies.

    @canadianlbs you said something about working on your shinboxes. How do you do that? My upper shins (inner side) get extremely sore when pressed.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    @lkpducky I will need to get some more fun socks if I'm going to be showing them off! I have a set of Star Wars socks in my cart on Amazon and I'm eyeing a pair of Wonder Woman ones with little capes on the calf...
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,935 Member
    @lkpducky I will need to get some more fun socks if I'm going to be showing them off! I have a set of Star Wars socks in my cart on Amazon and I'm eyeing a pair of Wonder Woman ones with little capes on the calf...

This discussion has been closed.