Keto Confessions



  • hmikkola92
    hmikkola92 Posts: 169 Member
    I totally taste a tiny bit more than I should of my sons fruity rice cereal when I temperature check it. It's f-ing delicious.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I don't like cauliflower. Not a tiny bit. I'll probably keep trying eventually...but they're never going to be potatoes. Never. :(
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    they're never going to be potatoes. Never. :(
    So true. Substitutions don't work for me. Makes me angry its not the real thing! I like roasted cauliflower its amazing!
  • whatalazyidiot
    whatalazyidiot Posts: 343 Member
    Lol I hate bacon too! I swear I thought I was the only one. Everyone seems to LOVE bacon, keto or not. I also take off the chicken skin :) And a lot of people in another keto group on FB love using pork rinds to coat everything, but no thank you.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I don't enjoy 85%+ chocolate and savor every piece as if it were delicious,
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,603 Member
    I don't like cauliflower. Not a tiny bit. I'll probably keep trying eventually...but they're never going to be potatoes. Never. :(

    My wife likes to steam it when grated up. I like to panfry and slightly brown it before it gets the xanthan gum gravy. I think it is better fried and browned. It adds a little more fat that way too. Steamed, it is just a carrier for gravy. Not that a carrier for gravy is a bad thing...
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I don't enjoy 85%+ chocolate and savor every piece as if it were delicious,

    Me either tastes like chalk to me lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    suzqtme wrote: »
    I edited: My current favorite is to make an Alfredo sauce and put it on almost anything (but haven't tried it on spaghetti squash yet).

    Suzqtme, what are you waiting for?????

    Alfredo on squash is terrific. I prefer using the mandoline and zuchinni to make fake Alfredo, but it is great with spaghetti squash as well. I like the thicker ribbons zuchinni gives so more like linguine.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I have a few :) I will stay on this way of eating ONLY if i am eating food that is appealing. I might try a few new things, but if something is disgusting i wont eat it even if others rave about it.. Here are the common low carb foods i refuse to eat - pork rinds, fried radishes, loading butter/oil/grease on food just to add fat because my stomach feels gross after; bulletproof coffee (blech!); apple cider vinegar that you gulp down like a shot of booze; fake dressings. OK i also do not yet feel the need to get sugar free candy or diet shakes; I also tried to get some natural peanut butter and the consistency is disgusting - its oily, slides off the spoon and has a mealy texture; any kind of fake sweetener gives me that awful medicine aftertaste, and food that i just dont like but which is good for me - avacados and mushrooms! if i have to eat that, i wont continue with this diet! haha but i am enjoying so many other foods, good thing there are many many choices. I am doing fine with eating the same thing every day but finding new ways to make those items where they feel like different meals.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    i have to kind of chuckle when i see people post their recipes and the sight of some of them make me gag. like i saw a hamburger on a plate and it had a piece of butter on it. That looked awful! also someone made a hamburger casserole and it looked sorta good, it had a pic of melted cheese on it, but they said they added cream cheese to the hamburger mixture and when i thought of all the cream cheese and melted cheese, it made me gag. so i cannot deal with some pics of recipes of people who love it..
  • jayerde
    jayerde Posts: 35 Member
    I can only use olive oil to cook things not as salad dressing. Ick!

    I also consistently put reasonable time and effort into making keto desserts which I only manage to take a few bites of before losing interest... The most recent being a sugarfree peanut butter and chocolate smoothie which I managed about 3 mouthfuls of.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    edited April 2017
    I think gelatin must be different in the USA than in the UK. A recipe in the BPC range instructed the use of 5tbsps gelatin powder. sceptically, I added that amount of UK gelatin powder and the mousse set like a rock. I only made a pint, but it's proving handy as a hard-candy substitute.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    My morning keto confession: I'm out of HWC and 1/2 and 1/2 so have found the benefit of having shelf stable coconut oil around for a cup of coffee. I'm not a BPC fan but it is AOK in a pinch.
  • NoortjeGrolsch
    NoortjeGrolsch Posts: 16 Member
    My confession is: I find it hard to read these posts with all the abbreviations (BPC, BG, HWC, etc.), :smiley:

    My real confession is that I feel everybody in this group is in this forever, and as much as I would like to become like you all, I can't wait to reintroduce carbs in my life :(

    I find eating like this is easy when I'm at home, my country has a wide variety of cheeses and it's easy to go out and eat steak or burger with bacon and no bread, but I travel often for work and pleasure and, it can be extremely difficult to find suitable foods. Sometimes even rude to people who offer you a homemade meal, so in those cases I pretend I'm sick and I skip a meal altogether, which is harder.

  • trish55011
    trish55011 Posts: 139 Member
    Coconut oil. Ugh.... Can't use it. When I heard of BPC I thought "OH MY GOSH" there is no way I am putting anything in my coffee other than cream. Well, I tried it. I didn't have any coconut oil so, I melted a tablespoon of butter and poured it in. I figured if I hated it, I would go right back to adding cream. I loved it. Yummy creamy salted butter AND heavy cream in my coffee.... ohhhh my tummy is gurgling with contentment. Then I thought okay now time to try adding both. I melted the coconut oil and butter together, poured it in.... um no-way, no-how. couldn't drink it.... made me gag. Not one to give up, I tried cooking with it.... um, nope. Now the almost full jar of organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is sitting abandoned in the back of my baking cabinet gathering dust and cobwebs. Not sure why I wont throw it out... Maybe it will get better with age???
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    trish55011 wrote: »
    Coconut oil. Ugh.... Can't use it. When I heard of BPC I thought "OH MY GOSH" there is no way I am putting anything in my coffee other than cream. Well, I tried it. I didn't have any coconut oil so, I melted a tablespoon of butter and poured it in. I figured if I hated it, I would go right back to adding cream. I loved it. Yummy creamy salted butter AND heavy cream in my coffee.... ohhhh my tummy is gurgling with contentment. Then I thought okay now time to try adding both. I melted the coconut oil and butter together, poured it in.... um no-way, no-how. couldn't drink it.... made me gag. Not one to give up, I tried cooking with it.... um, nope. Now the almost full jar of organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is sitting abandoned in the back of my baking cabinet gathering dust and cobwebs. Not sure why I wont throw it out... Maybe it will get better with age???

    Me too! I'm not a fan of coconut oil, only time I use i use it is when I need a little "help" in the bathroom. And I bought a HUGE jar from Costco :(
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    My real confession is that I feel everybody in this group is in this forever, and as much as I would like to become like you all, I can't wait to reintroduce carbs in my life :(

    I'll say I'm sort of straddling the fence on this. I will be 'low carb' forever. But I might not be keto every day of that forever. I do have every intention of having "carb days", maybe once a month. Maybe less if I react badly to them.

    It might not be for 2 or 3 years, but there will be a day in my future where I have my favorite Vietnamese fried rice dish again, with all the sriracha and sugary hoisin sauce I used to love. And a day (not the same day!) when I have a plate of fries. Or a sandwich on a ciabatta bun.

    Overall though, I know that if I were to go back to my old way of eating, I would also go back to my former weight. So the startches, sugars, carbs in general, will always be a rare treat for me, rather than a daily staple.
  • NoortjeGrolsch
    NoortjeGrolsch Posts: 16 Member
    Steph_Maks wrote: »
    Overall though, I know that if I were to go back to my old way of eating, I would also go back to my former weight. So the startches, sugars, carbs in general, will always be a rare treat for me, rather than a daily staple.

    That's true. For example, I won't eat muesli for breakfast anymore, and definitely cut down on sugars and starches on my daily life, but I had to pass on a trip to Asia because of this diet, because I won't be able to eat keto.

    I can do it once because I'm all in until I reach my goal, but that's not the way I am willing to live for the rest of my life.
    When I go next time, I'll enjoy their local delicacies (oh, the mangoes and dragonfruits just don't taste the same here), eat fried rice where and satay where the locals eat and when I come back home, I'll go back to keto to lose all the extra weight.

    I guess my point is, I'm OK with committing to LCHF as long as I'm not missing out on life
  • Jdkbs
    Jdkbs Posts: 98 Member
    I can't digest advocados. I am finicky with eggs and meat. I grew up with amost vegitarian indian diet. So I do find the diet hard to sustain...dabbling in vegitarian and eco atkins.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    My confession is: I find it hard to read these posts with all the abbreviations (BPC, BG, HWC, etc.), :smiley:

    My real confession is that I feel everybody in this group is in this forever, and as much as I would like to become like you all, I can't wait to reintroduce carbs in my life :(

    As someone who is not Keto but LCHF I already feel like an outsider in this group sometimes. :tongue: For me, the notion of Slow Carb as a long term weight management solution is useful. I've been really successful over the years maintaining my weight with no processed "white" carbohydrates and currently, I'm not really consuming beans, legumes, or things like sweet potatoes, I would like to re-introduce them for maintenance.