Vitamin D UV lamp??



  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2017
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I got my D to double in six months from the 50's to 107. And my doc freaked out about the 107 being too high, so since I'd been using high doses to get it up there, I dialed back some, but I don't think it needs to be much lower...toxicity levels are considering 150 and such...

    It amazes me how the TOO HIGH number has been going up up up for years now.

    I was doing 20K and sometimes 30K units to get mine out of the 20's and into the 90's.

    With Dr. Coimbra giving people up to 150K units to reverse MS helped lessen my fear of D3.

    One doctor speaking at a medical convention stated all of her patients that had to be hospitalized had very low Vitamin D levels except for a shooting and car accident patients.

    The info about low Vitamin D levels prevented medically balancing of other hormones about impossible. I do not understand why the medical profession does not make Vitamin D levels a foundation step in keeping people out of the hospitals?

    @GaleHawkins - After research, I was doing 40,000 IU with 200 mcg K2, M7... Sometimes I did 2 20K doses, sometimes it was all in the AM. After I got level, I dropped down to 20K once a day, the sometimes 10K, but I started feeling crummy and stuff, so I'm between 15000 IU and 20000 IU now....

    21-Jun-11 24 ng/mL
    09-Jul-12 32 ng/mL
    23-Apr-14 46 ng/mL
    30-Oct-14 46 ng/mL (I think this is where I added in K2)
    24-Apr-15 58 ng/mL
    14-Oct-15 38 ng/mL (This was when I switched to a different version that had my doses mixed up)
    15-Apr-16 56.9 ng/ML (started high doses)
    19-Oct-16 107 ng/mL (most recent)

    Oldest record numbers were above. In that same June 2011 set of labs, my TSH was the second highest it's ever been recorded as: 4.421 uIU/ML. If I'm not mistaken, that's when I got on thyroid meds...and initially started losing weight. Trigs were 151, HDL was 29. ALT was elevated... Fasting BG was 83, A1C was 4.9%. Crazy!

    @KnitOrMiss that shows hard it can be to get out Vitamin D level into a very protective zone. Like with me it took awhile but you made it.

    Below is a Vit D link with a ton of articles on Vit D and a short summary to see if one is interested in opening the link that I put up on my FB page relative to ALS that was in the news today.

    Good resource. Thanks.

    Here's a recent linked article on benefits of using the right artificial light source:
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    There is also a link between vit D and testosterone... I was having coma-like low energy issues a year or two ago and my labs showing very low D and testosterone not even on the chart. Even as woman, you need some! I started researching low testosterone in women (doc said they will not supplement that in women) and the first thing I read says "Get your vit D in order!". Good grief, once I did, all went back up to normal. Low test causes all kinds of hormonal changes that compounded with the low energy etc. I seriously thought I was dying :) But all better now!

    I now keep a bottle of vit D, vit B12 and a general chewable multi in my car. I am terrible at remembering to take stuff, so this way I usually remember during my commute. Its not a concerted effort to get it to a certain level, but simply to keep it from tanking to the bottom. If I remember a few days a week, better than nothing. When I get my next labs will decide if I need to go back on the D/K etc regiment again strictly.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    There is also a link between vit D and testosterone... I was having coma-like low energy issues a year or two ago and my labs showing very low D and testosterone not even on the chart. Even as woman, you need some! I started researching low testosterone in women (doc said they will not supplement that in women) and the first thing I read says "Get your vit D in order!". Good grief, once I did, all went back up to normal. Low test causes all kinds of hormonal changes that compounded with the low energy etc. I seriously thought I was dying :) But all better now!

    I now keep a bottle of vit D, vit B12 and a general chewable multi in my car. I am terrible at remembering to take stuff, so this way I usually remember during my commute. Its not a concerted effort to get it to a certain level, but simply to keep it from tanking to the bottom. If I remember a few days a week, better than nothing. When I get my next labs will decide if I need to go back on the D/K etc regiment again strictly.

    How much Vit D did you have to gobble before your energy bounced back?
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    aylajane wrote: »
    There is also a link between vit D and testosterone... I was having coma-like low energy issues a year or two ago and my labs showing very low D and testosterone not even on the chart. Even as woman, you need some! I started researching low testosterone in women (doc said they will not supplement that in women) and the first thing I read says "Get your vit D in order!". Good grief, once I did, all went back up to normal. Low test causes all kinds of hormonal changes that compounded with the low energy etc. I seriously thought I was dying :) But all better now!

    I now keep a bottle of vit D, vit B12 and a general chewable multi in my car. I am terrible at remembering to take stuff, so this way I usually remember during my commute. Its not a concerted effort to get it to a certain level, but simply to keep it from tanking to the bottom. If I remember a few days a week, better than nothing. When I get my next labs will decide if I need to go back on the D/K etc regiment again strictly.

    How much Vit D did you have to gobble before your energy bounced back?

    I started a very nasty regiment :) I used the "instantized" (or ionized?) vitamins/combos in a powdered format so they dissolve and are absorbed faster. I took a multivitamin combination in the morning, then a Vit D/K specialized combo (had other stuff too) at lunch, then a Potassium combo at bedtime (all 3 included some D, some K , some potassium, etc at various levels). It took a few months of that before things got back to normal (energy took awhile, but the key for me to know that testosterone was back was hormone related changes in cycle, etc. - I had developed issues I had never had in my life before, and they went away). I would not say my energy is all the way back to where it was before all that - but my life has changed dramatically since then for completely unrelated reasons and my exercise routine (which was heavy on weightlifting) has been on hold. Weightlifting was another component recommended for testosterone as well, but I had been doing that for 2 years already when all this happened. That was why I really knew something was wrong - my lifting capacity declined rapidly at the same time - alarming my trainer enough to force me to go to the doc.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    BTW, it appears to be UV-B that's the crucial source of Vit D, as explained in this nice overview by Ivor Cummins. (UV-B part starts around 8:00)
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Take some ordinary FRESH chestnut or Shitake mushrooms. Remove the stems, and cut the mushrooms into thick slices.

    Lay them out on a cloth-covered tray.
    Put them in the sunshine, outside, when it's warm and continually sunny for a day.
    Turn once or twice, during the day.

    The mushrooms absorb the sun's rays and MANUFACTURE vitamin D.
    If you dry the mushrooms, you can store them and use them during the winter months.

    I do this, as living in the UK, more North than south, we do get our fair share of lousy winter weather....
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2017
    Take some ordinary FRESH chestnut or Shitake mushrooms. Remove the stems, and cut the mushrooms into thick slices.

    Lay them out on a cloth-covered tray.
    Put them in the sunshine, outside, when it's warm and continually sunny for a day.
    Turn once or twice, during the day.

    Wow! Any idea what happens if you coat them in olive oil ?
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I think it acts as a sun-block! :D:

    Honestly, I'm not sure, but if you're going to dry them, it's best to leave them 'au naturel' I would imagine....
    I preserve mushrooms by doing the above, then lacto-fermenting them....
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Vitamin D is produced from exposure to UVB light - the same light you will find in bulbs designed for reptiles, which sell for around $10...pair it with a cheap chick clamp lamp for another $10 and you can clip it anywhere you want so that it shines on you...if you want to try a lamp for Vit D therapy, why not start with a cheaper option?
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    ....Mushrooms are an even cheaper option.... :p:D
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Vitamin D is produced from exposure to UVB light - the same light you will find in bulbs designed for reptiles, which sell for around $10...pair it with a cheap chick clamp lamp for another $10 and you can clip it anywhere you want so that it shines on you...if you want to try a lamp for Vit D therapy, why not start with a cheaper option?

    Hmm. Cancer, itch, hermaphrodism?

    (Thx for the tip!)
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    In Calgary (Western Canada), they won't even test vitamin D anymore at labs, even when ordered by doctors because EVERYONE is low or low normal. LOL I think even in early July we would have to sunbath a couple of hours (naked) to get enough D.

    We're the sunniest city in Canada. Sunny about 333 days of the year which is even more than Arizona BUT we get about half of the hours of sunlight and what light we get is weaker from the low angle of the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is a given.

    I read that the Natives from around here naturally ate certain animals that were higher in D though.... I wonder if they got enough D from that? And the Inuit too?

    Yes. I was involved in a clinical study looking at Vit D, stress markers, and a couple other things, and EVERYONE was very low. The study coordinator mentioned that this is common at our latitude (this was in Vancouver, BC) and you would have to have arms and legs bare and exposed to the sun for hours per day in the summer to get the recommended amount (this was also before they increased the RDA) and that even in the summer, the vast majority of the population is low on Vit D. This was more than 5 years ago though. Didn't realize they won't test for it now. Maybe I should start up a side business... ;)
  • Riche120
    Riche120 Posts: 154 Member
    When I was having severe energy and pain issues, my doctor suspected fibro and also low Vitamin D. He said that people with fibro or depression almost always test low on D, but said the jury was out on which was the cause and which was the effect. The lab test showed <0.4 (My guess is that's as sensitive as the lab equipment could detect. Probably should have gone in before I felt at death's door.) My doctor immediately started me on prescription D. 50,000 units once a week for a couple of months and to spend as much time as possible outside. Within about a month my energy levels were getting close to normal.

    I'm not sure that a lamp would help much though. I take 5,000 D daily in addition to my lifestyle; I live in San Diego, CA, am outside gardening almost everyday year round and have a very low level of stress, and yet I don't have high levels of D. My last test put me in the lower end of normal range.

    I suspect that there is an underlying reason that some people burn through D that hasn't been addressed or studied. I think there might be some merit in studies that look into the causes of low vitamin D and how to retain it as opposed to what to sell people to increase it.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2017
    I think it acts as a sun-block! :D:

    Honestly, I'm not sure, but if you're going to dry them, it's best to leave them 'au naturel' I would imagine....
    I preserve mushrooms by doing the above, then lacto-fermenting them....

    Lacto-fermenting? :wink: