Active April 2017 Challenge: Week 1 (4/1-4/7)



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @Cadori - I gave you an insightful - LOL. Sometimes that just sums it up perfectly.. Hope your day gets better today. :)

    Today is cloudy & rainy don't think I will get out for my walk. Lots of work in the queue.

    1. Eat between 20–30 g of carbs per day max - no
    2. Up protein - yes
    3. Drink more water per day - yes!
    4. Walk at least 2 miles X5. check!
    5. Start working out arms/weights x3 - no.
    6. Record daily - yes.
    7. Plan meals ahead - no.
    8. Lose 6 pounds - nothing to report.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    @slimzandra - Thank you!! :)

    Honestly, Tues-Thurs will probably be a bust too...for the silliest, vainest reason: I'm getting my hair cut today. I only get it cut a couple times a year and my hairdresser straightens it. It's the only time I have straight hair and I go a few days without wetting it so I can enjoy silky smooth hair. I am not working out and sweating it all up!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    4/3 Helped my son carry the tv hutch up the stairs, that was my strength training for the day LOL. The tv/dvd player is now hooked up in that room so no excuses tonight,

    @Cadori I'm getting my highlights done tomorrow, I feel ya!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I've been so inactive (mostly due to being too darn busy all the time), that my goals are very very modest: I want to get outside for a walk at least once a week. I'm off to a good start--took the kiddos walking around the neighborhood on Sunday (mostly because they were driving me crazy in the house and I wanted to wear them out a bit). So week one: Check!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    4/2- no workout.
    4/3- Chalean Extreme
  • reneemmadden
    reneemmadden Posts: 6 Member
    Started 4/3 on keto/lchf, but was transitioning or building myself up for the past week or so. Time to set goals.
    Under 40 carbs a day.
    Log MFP daily
    Use Misfit Daily (Just got it yesterday.
    Pay attention to my baselines and increase/decrease goals weekly
    Gardening is my exercise for the month. Do something at least a few times a week.
    Good Luck Everyone!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    4/3: nope. Accessing the bank...30 minutes from 90. Just like i said i didnt want to do...but, at least its there instead of borrowing from the future.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    4/3 I got my steps, went for a little walk and did some yoga so YAY!! Did pretty good on nutrition (Cals/Macros).

    4/4 I'm on task with all the goals so double yay. ;) I still haven't heard anything back from my doc in terms of other nutrition stuff but I'm feeling less icky since I've upped my magnesium.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    I am dedicating this month to finishing up C25K. I start week 5 (of eight) tomorrow. I have never been a runner but have always wanted to say I could run at least a mile, and I hope this helps. I'll never do a race (I think it would make me too anxious), but I want to feel like I could. :).

    I am also not a runner per se. I started off an on a few years ago as a middle aged man. I would encourage you to do at least one race. I am highly competitive and was scared to do it because I knew there was no way I was going to win. Afterwards, seeing how probably half of the people were over 30 minutes and there were quite a few over 40 minutes. Unless you are in the handful of people who could actually win, the biggest part of these is just finishing.

    Most 5k races also have a 1 mile "fun run" so you could always do that first. That will let you see what I am talking about in terms of the number of people who do the 5k just to finish and not to win. Trust me, if you do it, you will be happy you did.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    1 mile lunch-walk in.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    I've got the odd goal of trying to get more rest. I tend to not stop moving all day despite having a desk job. That said, I am trying to limit steps to between 10-15k per day (normally average 19-20k) and have at least one day a week where I actually rest. My elevated BG seems to be caused by primarily by cortisol which my doc thinks is likely do to over doing it physically and not allowing myself to heal.

    I have gradually increased my sleep from just over 5 hrs a night to about 6 1/2 already, so I think I am good there.

    Also, trying to keep the weight training at the gym at a level reasonable for a guy my age and stop pretending I'm still in my 20's.

    So far, so good. I went over 15k steps Saturday because of mowing the lawn, but got my day of rest in on Sunday.

    Big challenge will be to reduce food intake to match reduced burn. I really like eating.

    Progress report from Fitbit showing just the first couple of days of April with the last 5 days of March:

  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    @cstehansen all my adult life uve gotten 5-6 hours a night. How are you increasing? What's,working for you?
  • jayerde
    jayerde Posts: 35 Member

    Fitness goals:
    - 2 exercise sessions per week
    Did Zumba Monday so 1 down, 1 to go.

    - Commute to or from work on my kick scooter at least 3 times per week.
    Scooted home yesterday evening and a pin popped out making the scooter collapse. I didn't fall off and managed to pop the pin back in but now too nervous to ride. Planning to return it due to it busting on my second ride.

    - Get my steps up to 10000 daily.
    2 out of 5 ain't bad... Tempted to hop on the treadmill now to get tonight's count up.

    - Put my body and joints above all other fitness goals and accept that it's okay to have a sofa day :)
    Haven't needed a sofa day yet so doing well :)

  • lilbodes
    lilbodes Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a late starter.. just back on MFP. And serious LCHF. My aim is simple to start carbs under 20g. 10k steps 5/7 days.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Day 4
    Exercise- 1hr walk about my hilly yard. Beautiful day.

    Active April 4/4
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Well I did walk around Aldi for at least 30 minutes on my way home yesterday and then carried everything into the house by myself.... and I did not get off my feet until about 9pm (cooking, tending to the kids, standing in the hallway outside their room to "remind" them to get their butts back in bed, etc.). That's as good as it got for exercise yesterday.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Week 5 Day 2 C25K in the bag! I could be doing better on eating, but am sticking to my fitness program, so there's that.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    You guys are seriously rocking it! :D Thank you for the inspiration!!

    So the bloodwork came back and my blood sugars (morning non fasting) are down to 86. I'm so happy!!! She told me just to stick with the women's multi for now since my potassium and B12 were good. I'm keeping the MagCit around for if I feel that drop again since that stuff was scary.

    In the mean time,
    4/4 - Got my step goal and did about 40 minutes on the treadmill. No yoga but I did get more meal prep done. Carb were nice and low and from the better choices. :D
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